Greetings :)


A.K.A Nero
Hello everyone. The Alias i associate myself with is Abalasster. However, I also go by Nero. I have slight preference on Nero, plus it's easier to type so there ya go. I am 17 years old and I was born in Hamburg, Germany. Now, facts about myself (Fun!). I'm a Pisces, I really enjoy the Dark souls franchise and i'm obsessed with Liam Neeson and the taken movies. This isn't my first rp'ing site however the last one grew stale for me. I really hope to rp with you guys and have a grand ol' time (That sounded so cringe!!!) Anyways, hope to see ya all out there!
You've got a good taste in RP judging by your posts in the ICs. 

Anyways, welcome, cool aliases. My only handle is Teal. 
Welcome to RPNation, Nero! Okashi Yuki is the alias I've affixed to myself, but you may call me Yuki, Okashi, or Oka if you feel particularly lazy. Hope you enjoy your stay
Welcome to RpN. 

It is great to have another role player join our ranks. The folks on this site are very friendly, please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you out on the role play threads. 
So you're from Germany eh? Be my friend. I'm trying to make a collection of friends that are from different countries.

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