

Magic Eight Ball
Hello everyone. I am Gaitsu Lore. My friend, CJWrites invited me to join here, as I lack the skill to make my own forum without it looking like crap. I have loved RP ever since I was introduced to it in 2005.

Some RP sites I've been a part of

Dark Dusk: An RP site LOOSELY based on Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series

Neko Paradise: An RP about Cat Anthros. Nuff Said

Tea Time: An RP based on Alice in Wonderland, after the events of Alice leaving.

Death's Curse: An RP set after the Apocalypse, where Angels and Demons were trying to reclaim Earth.

FTRP: A personal RP site for my friends (Which looks horrible.)

Among others. These RP sites are all dead now, as the Admin for them, who I followed to a lot of these, has stopped RPing.

I can RP as anything from a child to an elder, Male or Female, and even an assortment of animals (I still have issues depicting flight for birds without getting bored)
Welcome to Rpn! I'm sorry to hear that all those sites have shut down but I promise you that Rpn will not go down for years! Recently we've even undergone an update because our previous software company was slowly declining so to ensure the survival of this site we had to change software! 

I hope you enjoy it here as many others do since there's a variety of genres out there!
Welcome to the Nation! *throws confetti at you* Luckily, RpN is very active, and there's something for just about everyone.

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