

New Member
Pleasure to be here. I don't quite do this kind of thing often, and I don't want to bore any of you with a generic autobiography, so I'll keep things simple.

For starters, as my profile image may give away, I am a fan of the Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z anime series. I enjoy many things, most notably things like role-playing (of course), writing, and building stories/storylines.

I'm typically a very open person, but I can be stubborn in debates, what with people clinging to their own views and what-not.

I'm also very philosophical, and I enjoy helping people. I find that I have a decent sense of humor- oookay this is sounding like a cheesy EHarmony profile biography.

I would love to get to know you all and roleplay with your characters. Honestly I'm new to forum-based role-playing, but it has the same aspects of live chat role-playing I suppose.

And, if you need any tips, I've got a few up my sleeve that I can give. One that I'll give to all of you? Read out your dialogue before you finalize it. Now, you may ask;

"Why is that? Why would I? Isn't it tedious to do that?"
Yes, it is. But it's worth it! Let me explain. Now, role-playing (to me), is about making things realistic and enjoyable. When you write dialogue for your character, wouldn't it be a great thing to do? Making it realistic, that is. Reading your dialogue aloud can really help, because if it doesn't sound right coming out of your mouth, it probably won't sound right coming out of your character's.

I'll be setting up a roleplay soon after I create my character, well, first one. Feel free to message me.

All the best to all of you,

Hello and welcome, Zach. I'm glad you found us and hope you'll make yourself at home.

If you have any questions as you're getting oriented to the site, just reach out. You may also want to pop by the shout box (available from the FORUMS view of the site) for real-time chat with members. We're all friendly. :)

Welcome again to RpN!

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