Greetings from Iceland

logan kasper

New Member

I'd like to introduce a man with a lot of charm, talent, and wit. Unfortunately, he couldn't be here tonight, so instead . . .

You folks are stuck with me.

Quite tragically, I had written an incredibly thoughtful, interesting introduction that was lost when my computer crashed on me. Now the muse is gone and I'm still stuck writing an introduction. I've given up on trying and have come to terms with the fact this particular bit of writing is going to completely suck.

As a few of the more perceptive of you readers may have figured out, I am indeed from Iceland. More specifically, I live in Reykjavik with my father. Together we run a small book store, and thanks to this connection to literacy, I am proud to say writing and reading is my greatest passion. My dream is to one day become a best selling author; however until that unlikely scenario unfolds, I am content to post short stories online and to RP on awesome sites such as this one.

I look forward to interacting and hopefully forming friendships with the lot of you great individuals. Have a good day,

-Logan Kasper

Oh! A reply! And so soon! Oh this is all happening so fast!

Generally speaking, I'll be game for pretty much anything. I prefer literate or semi-literate RPs, and I tend to avoid things like the 'animals' or the 'slice of life' category. If the other posters are good writers I'm more engaged as well, but here's to hoping that won't be a problem in the slightest here.

I see from your number of posts you've been around this site a while, what kind of RPs would you recommend?
Hello and Welcome to RPNation.

Feel free to stop by our shoutbox where everyone haves fun... you can find this by clicking on the button called FORUM or by clicking the RPN Logo. Any questions feel free to ask any of the Mods or Admin.

Also feel free to stop by and check out werewolf, the Sign-up is up right now and is located here... Any questions about it, feel free to send me a Forum PM and i'll make sure i answer them for you :)

Have a great day,


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