Greetings From a New Role-player

Amber Flames

Magic Eight Ball
Hello ladies, gentlemen, and those in neither category- talking to you, viruses- I am Amber Flames, role-playing extraordinaire! Well, at least I think so. Hmm? What's that? Oh, you want me to prove it? Well, here's something, to satisfy your curiosity.

"Luna?" A young girl called, as she ran through the dark forest. "Luna, where are you?" Panic seeped into her voice as she got deeper, and deeper into the forest.

"I'm he-e-ere." A familiar voice sang out. The young girl sighed with relief, and turned towards the voice. However, what she saw horrified her.

I think I'll let you figure out the rest. Just cause.

Anyways, I'm glad to be here, and look forward to role-playing with you!
Nice intro! Welcome! *throws confetti around* I'm sure you'll fit in here, but if you need help, feel free to ask me.
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