
Verber of Nouns
A pleasure to meet you all! My name's Servitor (Server for short) and I've been roleplaying, whether I knew it at the time or not, for about ten years now. I absolutely adore high-fantasy or high-scifi settings. Anything imaginative is directly up my alley! My preference is generally to play someone adept at technology, whether it's a hacker, roboticist, forgemaster or alchemist. I'm not a big fan of realism (since, to me, roleplaying is all about getting far away from the everyday!) so I'll be very inclined to inject whimsy into something that isn't already out of the ordinary.

If you talk to me out of character, I use literally impossible amounts of hyperbole, a fair crop of emotes, and get very excited about everything. I try to be friendly to everyone, tell bad jokes a lot, and just generally have a good time with anyone who will listen. I hope we can be friends!! C:
Hello Server and welcome to RPNation. c:

It's nice to meet another decade plus roleplayer, but there are many of them floating around, myself included. Anyways, it seems like you have things pretty well figured out 'round these parts, but you should definitely drop by the shoutbox and say hello.
A lot of my roleplaying likes actually come from real life experience. I didn't realize it at the time but I was roleplaying and I enjoyed it a lot! Sure, people make fun of me for it but what do I care! I'm having a blast and meeting new people all the time. Enjoy your stay!

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