Greetings and Salutations


New Member
So, hey, introductions and such!

I'm bakemono and I've been RP'ing for about a decade. I frequently lurked the old patternspider site, finding it a handy exalted resource. I've GM/ST'ed and played all sorts of systems and settings including Exalted, ADnD, DnD3.5/Pathfinder, Hero, GURPS, new WoD, Fate system via Dresden Files, and at least three different Star Wars systems. I'm lucky enough to have a couple active role-playing groups so I'm not immediately looking for a role-play on this site, just using it as a resource.

That being said, I tend to be easily persuaded into joining groups as I take far too much fun in building characters and settings.
Welcome to the site. Or welcome back, rather. Or out of the shadows.

Nice to have you here, is what I'm getting at. I hope to have many diverting or useful conversations with you about pretendy fun-time games in future.

And maybe tempt you toward one of mine.

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