Greetings and Salutations


A Wallflower
My name is Rose, I go by Rosie & R. I'm on the third book of the Harry Potter collection, so please don't spoil anything. I know I shouldn't ramble but when I'm nervous I type random things about myself. . .

I'm pescetarian (meaning vegetarian, except I allow myself fish), I love animals (and want to become a zoologist or marine biologist), and my favorite color is black. I'm usually sad, and I have various disorders - physical and mental.

I don't enjoy sports, I'd much rather read or write in my spare time. I'm a self-taught artist, which is kind of weird. You'll find I like to be independant, and like almost everyone I enjoy solitude more than anything. Um, I trust animals more than people. . . I love chai tea with honey, and I'm obsessed with music. That's all, I suppose.

I'm super lonely right now, but that's okay! Oh, and I get off every weekday at 9:00 PM Central Time.

Au Revoir.
Allow me to be the first to welcome you to RPN! I'm Kestrel, but you can call me Kes. I agree, animals are much better than people. I plan on becoming a veterinarian, and my boyfriend wants to be a marine biologist. What kind of music do you like? If, you're ever lonely, I'd be more than happy to talk to you. I can also answer questions about the site.
Galaxtica said:
My name is Rose, I go by Rosie & R. I'm on the third book of the Harry Potter collection, so please don't spoil anything. I know I shouldn't ramble but when I'm nervous I type random things about myself. . .
I'm pescetarian (meaning vegetarian, except I allow myself fish), I love animals (and want to become a zoologist or marine biologist), and my favorite color is black. I'm usually sad, and I have various disorders - physical and mental.

I don't enjoy sports, I'd much rather read or write in my spare time. I'm a self-taught artist, which is kind of weird. You'll find I like to be independant, and like almost everyone I enjoy solitude more than anything. Um, I trust animals more than people. . . I love chai tea with honey, and I'm obsessed with music. That's all, I suppose.

I'm super lonely right now, but that's okay! Oh, and I get off every weekday at 9:00 PM Central Time.

Au Revoir.
Hi and welcome to RPN Rosie! So you're a fellow Harry Potter fan? I am one too, even though I read them well over six years ago. If you can, check out the Harry Potter World in Orlando, as a Harry Potter fan, I'm sure you'll adore it just like I did. I'm also a pescetarian at the moment as well, eating animals just seems weird to me. I love animals as well andhave hopes to either become a marine biologist or do something in the film industry. Personally, my favorite colors are pink and blue, but black is pretty rad too. I really love ballet (thus the name Ballerina), but writing and drawing are also a huge passion of mine. Art has always been a fun thing for me to do, however I do have mentors for that kind of stuff. It's perfectly fine that your independent, as most people on this site are (including me). I trust my dog with all my secrets, animals are more trustworthy than people sometimes since they can't talk. Just don't shut out any humans in your life. My favorite tea would have to be green or mint tea, but I love chai tea lattes too. I know how it feels to be super lonely two, I was in the same place as you about two years ago, it get's better as you get older. If you need someone to talk to or help navigating the site, I'm your girl!

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