Greeting and Salutations.


New Member
Suppose I'll get the introduction out of the way good and proper, yes?

Good evening to all, ladies, gentlemen, strangers, whatever you wish to be called. You can call me CJ, as per the username. If I get to know you better, you may get different names, but for now, we'll stick with CJ. Or Brackenwall. Or Commander, if you really, really want to. Bit about myself... I live in Canada (And would not trade a Canadian Winter for a tropical summer any day of my life). I've owned several pets, currently owning two cats who I've acquired through rather odd circumstances. I've been roleplaying off and on for a few years now, in many different mediums, be they tabletop Dungeons and Dragons sessions, MMORPG Rps, or good old Gaia Online. I've done everything from elves, to dwarves (...quite a lot of dwarves...), space troopers, wizards, orcs, etc. Hell, once I RPed a Tyranitar. Long story. Anyways. I'll admit, this all might sound very rigid and formal, but I do assure you I've got a softer, more comedic side. I'll just have to ease my way into it, as it were. I look forward to my time here, as I've seen/heard some good things. Brackenwall out.

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