Story Green Sky Chronicle


Lunar Kittybean
A thread for a little weekly comic I'm going to be doing. Comic should usually be posted Saturday evenings!


Mirit: Hey, Kazuma. Got a minute or you killin shit?

Kazuma: Nah, Not busy especially

Mirit: I’m going on a trip, and I don’t know if I’ll have internet access. Not sure how long I’ll be gone, either. Came up sort of last minute.

Kazuma: … Did you get into shit with the yakuza

Kazuma: I told you those idiots were bad news

Mirit: NO Kazuma I did not get into shit with the yakuza.

Mirit: I’ve just gotta go home for a while, and I have no idea if they’ve modernized yet or what.

Mirit: Bye.

— Mirit has logged off —

Kazuma: And you’re offline already. Crap.

Day 1, Page 1
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Don't forget to save!

Day 1, Page 2

[since it's confused a few people, you could see part of the statue at the end of page one.]
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This dude smells funky.

Also that outfit should be illegal.
Holy shit.

Two months of weekly updates! Woo. Will probably continue posting through the end of day one and then either move back to tumblr or set up a site. Haven't decided yet, but later chapters will not be posted to RPdom, other than possible update notifications if requested.

Day 1, Page 8

The bishonen levels are off the charts.

"Color" will be done after I wake up. Monocolor done!

Day 1, Page 9.
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The hell is that look supposed to be?!

Two more pages before this chapter is complete! Yaaay! [Yes, he took the ring.]

Day 1, Page 10
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Or did he mean the other kind of Artifact...?

Penultimate page!

Day 1, Page 11
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You guys should send questions, because at the end of the chapter, Mirit and Shen will each answer two questions. :>

A Mysterious Douchebag may also answer.
Hey Shen, are those horns real?

Mirit, what would you have done if you saw a white rabbit on the other side of that vortex?

“So… Th’fuck should I call you, and are those horns the real deal or what?” Mirit dangled her feet in the water. It felt nice on her bare toes, almost as nice as the lack of a shirt did.

Shen pinched the bridge of his nose for a second, then was back to his usual, cheery self. “Shen, and yes. I’d actually rather you didn’t touch them to find out more.”

That earned the dragon a raised eyebrow. “Oh... kay then.”

“I trust you transitioned here well enough,” he asked, stepping behind a rock to prepare to bathe in the waters.

“If you mean expected it to not be the street outside my house, yeah. Seriously, swirly, glowing purple fog in the doorway? The only way to possibly be more obvious would be a fuckin’ white rabbit on the other side.” For the moment, Mirit didn’t catch onto what he was doing.

“There was a nice white last week with a piebald, but I suspect that’s not quite what you meant.”

“Yeah, no.” She tilted her head in his general direction. “So... Zirnitra and Zahhak aren’t the two ladies in that cave over there, right?”

“I’d hope not, they gave their names as Rhoq and Calia.” he blinked from his own position. “Which you’d know if you spoke the language, which you don’t. Right, we have a first project, then.”

Mirit finally cottoned onto what Shen was doing, and quickly looked away. “... Right.”

He slipped into the water, stretching for a moment. “I take it there’s no rush to learn who the Forge and Fire are?”

“Well, unless I miss my mark they’re the dragon gods, and from the sound of it I’m right. Which makes sense, given you are one.”

“Of a sort. The dragons that are native probably worship a different set of dragon gods, though I couldn’t tell you exactly who they were.”

“Huh.” Mirit continued to make a point of not looking at him, face a rather pretty pink. “Yeah that makes sense. Things had to get changed to make a good story and game, after all.”


“Yeah. This place, and the inhabitants I’ve met so far, match the setting of a game I play...ed with my friends, back home.” She shrugged. “Can’t count on it all being the same, but it’s still sort of familiar.”

“Indeed, anyone relying on any one fiction in this place is in for a rude awakening.” He smiled and beckoned her with a hand, while the other held his hair. “Would you like to come in?”

“I- I- uh-” Her face grew steadily redder.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’. I will expect you to have a bath, however. Regularly. Like, every day. Seriously.”

“Thank you, captain obvious.” The tiny young woman rolled her eyes.

“Huh? No, you’d be surprised how many people think that not bathing helps prevent disease. It’s annoying to deal with.”

“In the part of my world I’m from, that’s not been an issue for a couple hundred years now. The only time I didn’t bathe regularly is when we didn’t have power and it was too damn cold to do it without getting sick from the cold.”

“Fair enough. I’ll be done shortly.” He pauses. “No public facilities? Even if you don’t enjoy socializing...”

“No, no public bath houses. And the one place that had facilities for rent was private bathrooms. It’s. Um. Males and females being nude around each other is a taboo I grew up with.”

“Easy to circumvent if you’re interested in public health more than controlling your population, but I’m not here to give invective discourse.” He’s almost done washing. “Did you bring soap? A towel?”

“I... don’t think so but maybe...” She digs around in that bag. He can feel something going on, when she comes out with a bar of soap and a rather luxurious towel. “... I don’t remember packing these.”

“... Yes. Artifice. Sooner rather than later.”

Day 1, Bonus 2 unlocked!

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