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Fandom RWBY: Adventures in Vale


U-Incorporated 2nd Class Type Unit






Human or Faunus:

Type of animal*: (Faunus Only)










Reason for Enrolling*:


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Name: Melania Rosenberg (Melania means Black or Dark)

Nickname: Mel

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Jotunham- A Mallet that can act as a lightning rod and can turn into a harpoon gun once the head for the hammer flips down... Can only fire when Mel utters the words "From Hell's Heart I Smite thee!"

Semblance: Smokescreen (Can produce a black smokescreen for easy eascapes though it only triggers when her aura is critically low)



Personality: Melania is a very Driven person, She known for pushing herself and her team beyond their own limits. She tends to come across as a very strict and somewhat condescending person, but that does not shy away from her true intentions. She doesn't socialize often and that leads to many viewing her as a very cold person. Although when she does try to socialize, she comes across as either a creep or a prick

She likes to spends her time helping out Faunus who are dealing with bullying issues and reading a Comedy crime drama novel series called "Chevrolet Holmes".

Likes: Faunus, Crime Dramas

Dislikes: Bullies, Extremists, Misjudgment, Her height.

Skills: Skilled Weapons engineer

Weaknesses: Hubris, She tends to take others for granted and often like to smack-talk her opponents giving them an opening to strike or time to recover.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ey4GSsT.jpg.d1a4c016a3887618d292613d16f80621.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78433" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/ey4GSsT.jpg.d1a4c016a3887618d292613d16f80621.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Hansi Kharaba

Nickname: "See" "Dancer"

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Nila and Baingani- 2 pendulum blades, attached by ribbons, used like throwing knives. She can also use the blades to grapple, given the right momentum (she cannot defy the laws of pyschics) In melee situations, she uses the knives like Karambits

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f251629_NilaandBaingani.jpg.b0a5265636b2b0c1e58c9c94ceece922.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f251629_NilaandBaingani.jpg.b0a5265636b2b0c1e58c9c94ceece922.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Semblance: Force Pull- She can affect the tension of strings and ropes, and increase the power of her jumps, kicks, throws, etc. etc. This power is limited to herself and objects touching her. She cannot make her blades strike more heavily once thrown, but she can increase the power of her initial throw, and affect the movement of her blades by manipulating the tension of her ribbons.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ea7a4d7_HansiSymbol.png.27b6fb145a9dbfb4e6e7a9f27383a3da.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78464" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ea7a4d7_HansiSymbol.png.27b6fb145a9dbfb4e6e7a9f27383a3da.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: A rather quirky girl, Hansi can best be described as a Valley Girl Stereotype smashed with a huge nerd. She has a very fast, hyper way of speaking, and often seems less (or sometimes more) serious than she is. It's hard to have mixed feelins about Hansi. Either you like her blunt attitude, or you think she's pretentious.

Likes: Dancing, Reading, Cute Boys, Practicing her fighting.

Dislikes: People who take her too serious, people who don't take her seriously enough, Singing, being criticized, orders

Skills: Dancing, Acrobatics/Gymnastics, Speed Reading, Choreographing Skills.

Weaknesses: New Social situations, being thrust into the spotlight without preparation, Holds Grudes, is terrified of snakes.

History: Hansi is a student from Mantle, and is a professional dancer in her hometown, but at the age of 11, Hansi picked up a set of knives to go with her dancing ribbons when her younger brother was killed by an King Taijitu. Since then, she's become rather good at her job of killing monsters, even if she might prefer to be back on stage with no blood on her hands. She fights like she dances, an unpredictable mix of styles that cannot be traced or defined, only feared or enjoyed.

Reason for enrolling: Her skills and renown as both an brilliant dancer and a unique fighter have offered her various opportunists to travel and expand her skill set, but the Beacon Academy and the Vale School of Dance are the only two that have coincided enough to convince her to leave her hometown. Schooling works a little differently in Hansi's home country, so while she is a bit too young to be a first year student, it really is the only grade that fits her level of formal education.


Lazuli (Chhote Don)- Hansi might be slightly scared of Lazuli, but a part of her is determined to find something she has in common with the girl, no matter how different they may seem on the surface. She respects her quick wit, and genuinely wonders why she's the leader of Team HAWT when Lazuli is so much more... bright? She has no idea how to handle the girl, and her attempts to form a friendship with her seems to be dead in the water before they begin.

Herb ("Pretty Boy")- She has a sort of playful flirting relationship with Herb. While he did steal her first kiss, and the two harbor great affection for each other, she doesn't really see him as the great romance she wants. She prefers to see him as her "Banter Buddy" and sharpen her wit against his. His stubborn and reckless nature can get on her nerves at times, but it's a nice balance to her own sense of self-preservation.

Tealiose (Data)- The boy is an complete enigma to her, and she really wants to figure him out, but she's sure his stoic attitude is part of some silly bad boy act, so she'll mostly leave him to it. She values his intellect and his strategic skill highly, and counts herself very lucky they ended up teamed. She finds it kind of fun to flirt with him, given his lack of overt emotion, but she know deep inside there's a part of him that likes having her around, if only for her pretty smile.

Beo- She and Beo aren't exactly friends, but Hansi has a grudging respect for the faunus. She sees a lot of her own traits in the girl, from her fierce loyalty to her friends to her smiling attitude. She just wishes that her loyalties weren't to Mel. She wouldn't mind being friend with the girl, but it might not be that easy.

Lilith- Hansi lent her ribbon to her as a sling at one point, and Lilith was quick to return it. She seems like a nice enough person to Hansi, but she's withholding real judgement for now.


Mel ("Bacca")- These two really got off on the wrong foot, and Hansi's tendency to hold grudges did neither of them any favors. She isn't fond of Mel's seemingly split personality, and finds her love of faunus borders on obsessive (she thinks Mel seems them as cute pets/toys rather than people). While she's sometimes sympathetic toward the girl, overall she'd rather to two be far from friends. She prides herself on keeping their rivalry "strictly personal" and tries not to dislike anyone simply because they are connected to Mel.

Saffron (Prince Charming)- Hansi does not have a crush on the tall charismatic blonde. Not at all. Not even in the slightest. She is completely unaffected by his flirtations and attentions to her. But in all honesty, she's trying to keep her guard up. He might seem sweet, but she's not sure what he might be doing with any other pretty girl he spots.

Sova (The Archivist)- She really has no idea what to think of the guy. His observant nature prompts her annoying curious side, but he doesn't seem to mind, which frustrates her even more. Her nickname for him is sort of a mouthful, but she had a theme going, and she had to stick with it.

Miguel (Jester)- She hasn't seen much of the guy, but he seems rather broody, and it amuses her. His cute way of being totally oblivious kind of relaxes her, and it's nice how simple things are with him.

Argen (Shining Armor)- They ran into each other during the placement exam, and Hansi is really puzzled about him. Her sense of curiosity keeps bringing her back to him, trying to "crack his armor." She does consider him a friend, and is very happy that he's become less formal with her, thought she's afraid pointing it our will cause him to revert to his more formal nature.



Aqua- Hansi hates her. There is not way around this. She's impulsive, doesn't consider her actions, and really annoys the dancer, which is to be expected since they were introduced when Aqua assaulted her teammate. Maybe they're a little alike in terms of personality, but Hansi cannot stand the girl all the same.


Ivory (Mouse)- Ivory seems like a decent person, and Hansi kind of pities her, being stuck with the almost crazy members of team HANI.

Hansi is dark skinned, and best described as "wispy." Incredible skinny, really tall for her age, and incredibly flexible. Her dark hair is streaked with bolts of her namesake Blue, and she favors clothing in that color scheme as well, often venturing into the purple color with the same name.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ea6d505_Hansi-RWBYVersion.jpg.74a8bd364c1f1adcc35a6ba81c6cffcb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78461" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ea6d505_Hansi-RWBYVersion.jpg.74a8bd364c1f1adcc35a6ba81c6cffcb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((Feel free to critique anything, anybody! I'm pretty confident on her character, but I might need so tweaking her her technical aspects))

((Update: I changed my mind, if you have anything bad to say about Hansi I will fite you))



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Name: Warscewiczii Canna

Nickname: WarZii "The Protector"


Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human (Mostly)

Weapon: Charge Blade "Storm Charger"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/charge_blade__by_mk_dark_s.png.5d5adaf8d45868ac859ed9f27269cd83.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78436" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/charge_blade__by_mk_dark_s.png.5d5adaf8d45868ac859ed9f27269cd83.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Semblance: Gravity (Untapped)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e9d237c_TeqMade.png.f25a7a12ac1f2144781a80f4209fd19e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e9d237c_TeqMade.png.f25a7a12ac1f2144781a80f4209fd19e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: WarZii has a strong since of justice even though he doesn't follow the rules himself and sometimes comes off as a hypocrite. In most situations he's casual and goes with the flow of things.

Likes: Trapping/Taming Grimm, Handheld Games, Dishing out "Tough" Love, Field Missions, Camping/hiking.

Dislikes: Homework, Paperwork, Being disciplined

Skills: Sewing, tracking and extensive survival knowledge.

Weaknesses: He tends to charge into a fight before thinking and targets the biggest baddest opponent first he's also too trustworthy.


In his previous years in school WarZii has been kicked out of every discipline committee he has been apart of because he as a hard time following the rules. Needless to say that has never stopped him from being an enforcer in school. His time at Signal Academy has earned him the moniker "The Protector" by his fellow students. Even though he sent several students, and a teacher, to the infirmary WarZii swears he did it with a loving fist.

Reason for Enrolling: It was the obvious choice for a future Huntsman.


Looks:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/for_xkoday_by_neeroctibris-d7kzq9w.jpg.bbc1bfa0ab2cb8641ea770ed0581f952.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78463" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/for_xkoday_by_neeroctibris-d7kzq9w.jpg.bbc1bfa0ab2cb8641ea770ed0581f952.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Oracle Range (Orange)

Nickname: Oracle

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Halberd that has the ability to become a crossbow / harpoon gun.



(On the spiked tip at the top lies the harpoon/crossbow part) +


Density manipulation ~ Able to change the density/weight of herself and those around her. She is unable to change the density of anything inorganic, however. This can be used to help her allies or herself get out of sticky situations by altering their weight. She can create combos afterwords, making them light so they can jump extremely high, then slam them back down by increasing their weight for maximum damage. She can apply this to herself as well. These actions are, however, quite draining, and can't be maintained for long periods of time.



Personality: One might say she's wild and passionate, another might say she's caring and quiet. Her personality can meld with situations, making her come off as almost multiple people. But, she just wishes everyone find her presence enjoyable. She can be very insecure about other people's opinions, so she tries to meld herself to that situation to try and please those around her.

Likes: Being in control of her fluent ways, things going smoothly, working alongside others, and donuts... Mmm...

Dislikes: Onions, curse words, losing herself in her adaptivity, plan and simple jerks who hold nothing back.

Skills*: Making herself as light as a feather, increasing her jumping and speed. She can switch just as easily, however, to five times the weight of an elephant. She is very good at being fluent and understanding of situations, adapting quickly.

Weaknesses: She loses track of herself sometimes, accidentally going too far in her escapades to change and meld with situations.

History*: Nothing of interest... (/Maybe later)

Reason for Enrolling*: Wanted to challenge herself to FIND herself, then use that knowledge to impact the world.

Relationships*: PM/None yet



Her outfit is more like this, however:

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Name: Sapphire Stone

Nickname: N/A

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal*: Grey Wolf

Weapon: Hyacintho Lamina <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4eb5ae21_BreakBlade.png.5c265ef66a2e8daf5bda365346e9ff3b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4eb5ae21_BreakBlade.png.5c265ef66a2e8daf5bda365346e9ff3b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Semblance: Hidden Beast- For 5 minutes at a time, Sapphire can manipulate shadows to cover her entirely, allowing her to move and then attack her enemy out of seemingly no where. Once the 5 minutes are up, she will reappear, unable to use her semblance for another hour. If she uses her semblance too much, it will physically weaken her body and abilities, making her move less quickly and fight more sloppily. Her semblance does not work if enemy has the capability to see thermal images and if any form of light is in her way. (Meaning if there's a patch of shadows at point A and a patch at point B, but a field of light is in her way, she can't move from A to B without being seen).

Emblem: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ec02d68_wolfsymbol.jpg.19cdd8745d5487f5739cd6f9fb887584.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78512" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ec02d68_wolfsymbol.jpg.19cdd8745d5487f5739cd6f9fb887584.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (except it's a blue symbol)

Personality: Sapphire is usually shy when it comes to meeting people, and has a terrible temper. She doesn't talk much, but when she does it's usually in a completely sarcastic way. That's mainly how she acts around people that she's not fond of. When she opens up to people (or sees a guy that she fancies), Sapphire will become sweet and caring, always listening and helping out others the best she can.

Likes: Meat of any kind (preferably super rare), music, fighting (as it helps her cool down)

Dislikes: Jerks, High pitched noises, small spaces, people being loud

Skills*: Writing, hunting, tracking, sleeping (yeah, it's a skill).

Weaknesses: Fire- She becomes incredibly weak by it, and ends up whimpering on the floor. High pitched noises- they practically kill her ears.

History*: Sapphire's parents were killed during a fight between humans and Faunus. It wasn't as big as the great Faunus wars, but several lives were lost in the fight. At the time, Sapphire was only 6, and had to move into an adoptive human family. She was treated poorly, seen as just a house pet. The parents of the family made her fend for herself, scavenging in the nearby forest for food. During these times, she would run into another Faunus around her age, the two of them became good friends. If it weren't for the news about how Signal that her adoptive family received, she would have stayed a savage Faunus beast her entire life. Yet when her and her 'family' moved to Vale so she (and the children of the household) could attend Signal, Sapphire lost touch with her mysterious Faunus friend. Going through Signal was tough indeed, she was often called the 'wolf eared freak' or even a 'furbag.'

Reason for Enrolling*: She enrolled due to her desire to prove to the human race that Faunus weren't just a pack of stupid mutts, and prove to them that Faunus were good people.

Relationships*: Sisterly friendship with Jade Spade


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Name: Oak Okura (brown)

Nickname: Oak


Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal*:Wolf

Weapon: sword/cannon

Semblance: Jumping-can jump to great heights very easily.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.png.57cadbdbda16cfc5ec7818d12b6e1a9e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78493" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.png.57cadbdbda16cfc5ec7818d12b6e1a9e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: She is very quirky and excitable, but random. She is very unpredictable

Likes: anything really, mostly dragons

Dislikes: Jerks, cold, rain

Skills*: she designed her sword to be so heavy only she can weild it. she is also very acrobatic and can do crazy acrobatic feats.

Weaknesses: her randomness makes her unpredictable, therefore making it hard to collaborate. She can also get carried away with trying to protect her friends.

History*: she had lived alone in the forest for most of her life until she found one of the schools. They took her in and trained her, she eventually graduated top of her class.

Reason for Enrolling*: to protect those who cannot protect themselves

Relationships*: N/A (for now)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.309f2fe883c14941f3dad6ce0d88b483.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78510" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpeg.309f2fe883c14941f3dad6ce0d88b483.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_loro73a9M41qgj2rto1_400.jpg.a755597e63ea271dfda6f3c9a2cee0bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/tumblr_loro73a9M41qgj2rto1_400.jpg.a755597e63ea271dfda6f3c9a2cee0bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"People call me Deadshot...weird...because I don't use guns..."






Presumed to be human


Whistle in the wind- This is quite the hard weapon to explain. There are two to be exact that he carries. These are thin yet long boomerangs that when thrown have a metal ball shot out of both ends revealing a thin wire layered with a dust of his choosing. These boomerangs can only be heard by a light whistle and when heading at the enemy. These weapons when thrown cause a spinning dust circle that can slice through a grimm with ease. And he has around his arms metal contraptions that when he flicks his hand or hands backwards the boomerangs come back however not as they used to be. Once he calls them back they quickly change dusts and fling back in the direction he is in at quick speeds letting him throw them and call them back very quickly. These can also be used as melee weapons but he rarely ever gets into fights. He also has many gadgets but they are not very important.

(( Seeing how mine refused to work here is the link
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/173/5/a/5a86b7791b947e4cf778aa54dcff7d43-d3jo700.png ))

And what shoots out from the sides looks like this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Mace.jpg.5a925aa4e27ee726229a3544796eed7d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Mace.jpg.5a925aa4e27ee726229a3544796eed7d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

((He also carries around various gadgets that he keeps on him in the various pockets, each only there to help him get away because he is pretty much the sniper of the team. ))


Ricochet-Tealiose has amazing accuracy and almost never misses. His semblance actually pertains to this trait. Teal is able to send his boomerangs in any direction and they will bounce and hit the target. His precision and accuracy is almost inhuman. Because his aura causes him to have like an eagle vision per say. He can see the enemy, there weak points and where to throw to do the most damage and the multiple areas he can throw for it to hit the target. However getting anything in his eyes or hitting his goggles off screws everything up. He also has trouble figuring out who is allies and who is the enemy, because if the enemy is other people, humans He has issues. His semblance does not mark friends or foes meaning if they are human it is almost impossible to tell who to throw the weapon at.. And because he will most likely be far away so he will have no idea. So it takes a while for his semblance to dictate who is ally and who is enemy.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/sabre.jpg.82043db609efa160838c7ad5869b3eac.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78587" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/sabre.jpg.82043db609efa160838c7ad5869b3eac.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/dbdd47dbd597511c11142c6ae076d4ef.jpg.32d38f2b8215190cc40b2e0cc9729dc1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/dbdd47dbd597511c11142c6ae076d4ef.jpg.32d38f2b8215190cc40b2e0cc9729dc1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Teal can be described as an introvert. Someone who sticks to the sidelines and likes to keep to himself. It is questionable what made him choose the path of Hunter his family being crooks and killers. Yet his background seems untouched by their plague. Or was it changed... Teal is very sarcastic and tends to not be in a very good mood most of the day and night. He is extremely secretive about everything and mystery seems to be his best friend. He rarely ever shows his face, his past. And never even hints much about himself. He seems to care about others before himself and he would take a bullet for someone. Questionable why given his mean personality. But this shows there is more to him then he puts forth.

He acts mean and pushes people away, but it seems to be the way he protects them. Teal is actually very nice and funny even with his huge amount of sarcasm and sass but he rarely ever shows that side. Unless he knows someone very well.




Tinkering with weaponry

Small groups

Being bundled up

Hugs (( He never will admit ))

Learning about others weapons.

Being a good guy.

Actually pretty good at breakdancing



Large crowds

People who pester him

His past

When people know too much

Self harm

People who are overly happy


He can hide in a matter of seconds and keep hidden due to his ricochet semblance making it hard to pinpoint his location.

Fighting at far ranges.

Fighting in the dark.

Setting up elaborate traps with his massive array of weapons he made.

Tinkering with dust. (( Hint Hint ))


Cant fight up close that well

Sucks at being social, kind of awkward.

Fighting on teams. (( Why you here then ))

Takes him a while to put his trust in others, takes him a while to trust others orders.

Not very good with any kind of blunt weapon, needs something that can hit precious points.




"I want to fix the past, I want to be a better person..."



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BlackJack said:

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"People call me Deadshot...weird...because I don't use guns..."






Presumed to be human


Whistle in the wind- This is quite the hard weapon to explain. There are two to be exact that he carries. These are thin yet long boomerangs that when thrown have a metal ball shot out of both ends revealing a thin wire layered with a dust of his choosing. These boomerangs can only be heard by a light whistle and when heading at the enemy. These weapons when thrown cause a spinning dust circle that can slice through a grimm with ease. And he has around his arms metal contraptions that when he flicks his hand or hands backwards the boomerangs come back however not as they used to be. Once he calls them back they quickly change dusts and fling back in the direction he is in at quick speeds letting him throw them and call them back very quickly. These can also be used as melee weapons but he rarely ever gets into fights. He also has many gadgets but they are not very important.

(( Seeing how mine refused to work here is the link
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/173/5/a/5a86b7791b947e4cf778aa54dcff7d43-d3jo700.png ))

And what shoots out from the sides looks like this.

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Ricochet-Tealiose has amazing accuracy and almost never misses. His semblance actually pertains to this trait. Teal is able to send his boomerangs in any direction and they will bounce and hit the target. His precision and accuracy is almost inhuman. Because his aura causes him to have like an eagle vision per say. He can see the enemy, there weak points and where to throw to do the most damage and the multiple areas he can throw for it to hit the target. However getting anything in his eyes or hitting his goggles off screws everything up. He also has trouble figuring out who is allies and who is the enemy, because if the enemy is other people, humans He has issues. His semblance does not mark friends or foes meaning if they are human it is almost impossible to tell who to throw the weapon at.. And because he will most likely be far away so he will have no idea. So it takes a while for his semblance to dictate who is ally and who is enemy.


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Teal can be described as an introvert. Someone who sticks to the sidelines and likes to keep to himself. It is questionable what made him choose the path of Hunter his family being crooks and killers. Yet his background seems untouched by their plague. Or was it changed... Teal is very sarcastic and tends to not be in a very good mood most of the day and night. He is extremely secretive about everything and mystery seems to be his best friend. He rarely ever shows his face, his past. And never even hints much about himself. He seems to care about others before himself and he would take a bullet for someone. Questionable why given his mean personality. But this shows there is more to him then he puts forth.

He acts mean and pushes people away, but it seems to be the way he protects them. Teal is actually very nice and funny even with his huge amount of sarcasm and sass but he rarely ever shows that side. Unless he knows someone very well.

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Reason for Enrolling*:


If I team with you and @RedLikeRoses we might be Team MIST or Team MYST

we just need a guy to be the I or Y
Name: Lazuli Ashtrum

Nickname: n/a

Age: 17

Gender: female

Human or Faunus: human


  • Apostle Sin - Lazuli's main weapon is a set of Multi-Action Dust Bracers, large metal bracers with a revolving dust chamber equipped with various types of dust. With them, she can use dust to augment her attacks, cast dust attacks and form Longinus, her secondary weapon.
  • Longinus - Her secondary weapon, Longinus is a dust-based bident, made predominantly of stone dust. The lance is meant to extend the reach of her melee attacks and assist in countering other weapons.The large top prongs are capable of separating from the shaft while connected of a chain.


  • Cherubim - Lazuli has the ability to manifest her aura into winged, spirit-like, albeit fishy looking "cherubs" which she can send out and control at will within a 25 foot radius of herself. By themselves, they produce a catalyzing effect, able to jumpstart or quicken natural processes such as healing and growth. However, they are capable of producing various effects when combined with dust, certain formations and other cherubs.

Emblem:(In picture below, but I need to draw it in its own thing, then please let me know.)


Lazuli is generally what you'd call a "little Devil". At first glance, she's the type of person to do what she wants when she wants to, which many assume is due to her "blessed" childhood. She's incredibly hardworking and strong-willed, not easily persuaded to not do something once she's set her mind on it. And though she's always smiling, there are times where she seems hard to understand. Having an odd almost dark sense of humor and a hunger for conflict, to the point where she's fine with creating it herself, she's often seen doing things like making fun of others and even making footprints in fresh snow. She also enjoys watching people, especially those who make fools of themselves, but also some of the most mundane scenes though she doesn't say why.

She shows a different face when around her family though. When around them, Lazuli becomes quiet and passive, almost meek. She rarely smiles and when she does, it seems forced. Always agreeing with her family members, especially her mother, she seems like a different person. This side does seem to strain her though, as she'll often dig her nails into her hands or arms, as if trying to hold something back. If you ask her anything about it, she will hit you, often with dust as well.


  • Music
  • Singing
  • Playing violin
  • Ballroom Dancing
  • Breaking things


  • Being white knighted, underestimated or talked down to
  • Being ordered by those she doesn't deem worthy
  • Talking about her family (little shallow things are fine but anything in depth is off limits)
  • Social events
  • Clowns


  • An expert in close quarter combat, Lazuli excels in delivering quick and powerful strikes
  • Highly skilled in dust usage
  • Redirection and counter attacks (however, this is more prevalent against human and faunus opponents rather than grimm)
  • Singing and Violin
  • Ballroom Dancing (Both Standard and Latin Variations though she's only ever danced with her brother)


  • Very limited range in attacks
  • Poor teamwork skills with those she doesn't feel comfortable with or doesn't like
  • Very lightweight and easy to knock around, especially in the air
  • Poor stealth skills (as she likes to destroy things in a very flashy manner)


Hailing from Atlas, Lazuli comes from a famous and wealthy militia family, Ashtrum, who, though produced excellent soldiers, hadn't had a hunter or huntress in generations. Well, sort of. Lazuli was the product of a brief affair between the head of the Ashtrum family, Nicolas, and a cabernet singer, Eos. Nicolas' wife had already died at the time of the affair but a child made by the two of them would still create a scandal the Ashtrum family did not want to accept. So Nicolas and Eos were married a few years after Lazuli was born.

From the perspective of outsiders, Eos' story was considered a modern day fairy tale, but within the walls of the Astrum family home, things were a bit different. Lapis and her mother were treated as outsiders. They were offered the bare minimum of courtesy and respect. Many family members called them dirty and laughed at them. Even the staff talked about them behind their backs. Unable to talk their looks of contempt, Eos took her frustrations out on her daughter.

"I used to be a star. All the men loved me. All the women were envious. I had it all. But then I had you. A stupid, ugly little brat. I thought marrying the head of the Astrum household would be a dream. Instead, I'm stuck in a nightmare. It's all your fault. If I had known this was what my life would become, I never would've had you."

This went on until one day, Mikhail, Lazuli's half-brother older by 1 year, challenged her to a spar to test out some of the new things he had learned in training. With Lazuli never having been trained in combat, everyone had expected the boy to beat her down. However, Lazuli had managed to win against the heir to the Ashtrum family. Thinking this was a fluke, the duel was repeated again and again, with Lazuli emerging victorious each time. It was at this point that it became apparent that it was Lazuli who inherited the skills of a huntress.

Things had changed after that. Lazuli and her mother were accepted as Ashtrum. The insults, gossip and pranks stopped. And Her mother loved it.

"Lazuli, you love Mommy, right? You don't want Mommy to be laughed at again, right? You'll become a huntress, right? That's a good girl. My little huntress. Mommy loves you, you know. Mommy has sacrificed a lot for you. So don't make Mommy sad, okay?"

Lazuli was then pushed to become a huntress, put through rigorous training and enrolled at Beacon Academy. It's not like she didn't want to become a huntress, but she never got the chance to decide for herself, wanting her mother to be happy so much. Perhaps, if she were allowed to decide, she'd become one anyway. But now, the only thing that had motivated her to excel at her prep school and make it into Beacon was the fear of being thrown away.


She is only 5'2" but is always wearing heels to make her seem 5'6".

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ee3b187_LapisConcept.png.540eb37c8a7011995fef00baa43fedd7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78604" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ee3b187_LapisConcept.png.540eb37c8a7011995fef00baa43fedd7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Only the last one.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ee90dd6_SABLUniforms.png.b9be7b680b8bf71159a530889f1b2e62.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78606" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4ee90dd6_SABLUniforms.png.b9be7b680b8bf71159a530889f1b2e62.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Hansi: +9 (Acquaintance)

  • "You're better than some of the others at least."
  • Though Lazuli enjoys watching Hansi run her mouth and get herself into trouble, she doesn't approve of how the team's leader allowed herself to run rampant with her emotions in a situation where that could've gotten them killed. She is starting to accept Hansi as a leader though, mainly because of how she disapproves of Saffron even more. She doesn't like the height difference between Hansi and her but at least has pride that she has a larger bust than the tall girl.

Herb: +2

  • "Don't get your stink on my stuff."
  • Lazuli questions Herb's motives immensely. He tends to talk big and mostly about sex which leads her to see him as unreliable. This is emphasized more by how he didn't show concern for Hansi when at the rave. She enjoys watching him get angry though and wonders if her constant bullying with help him get his act together. Currently, he's on a "no healing" status.

Teal: +5

  • "Don't be such a nerd."
  • Lazuli has designated Teal as one of her targets. His calm demeanor compels her to do anything in her power to break him in an attempt to get any emotional response out of him. It also makes it hard for her to trust him though she does acknowledge his skills as a tactician and the quality of his various "toys". He reminds her of many of her family members back home, in a rather bad way. She's currently leaving him alone since he's angry at her and doesn't feel like she can ever rely on him now after he declared that she is no longer his teammate.


Beo: 0

  • N/A

Lilith: 0

  • N/A

Warzii: 0

  • N/A

Mel: +1

  • "Finally! Someone smaller than me!"
  • Lazuli hasn't seen much of Mel and so doesn't have much of an opinion on her. But the fact that she's shorter than Lazuli is a plus, even if a small one.


Saffron: -10

  • "Just a cat in heat."
  • Lazuli doesn't like Saffron. She disapproves of his tactics and doesn't see him as a leader or even a skilled fighter at this point. Due to him dismissing some of her ideas at the rave, she believes he looks down on her and thinks even less than him now.

Sova: 0

  • N/A

Migz: 0

  • N/A

Argens: -1

  • "Eh."
  • Lazuli doesn't have too much of an opinion on Argen but she thinks he's s bit touchy and believes his apology was shallow, though this is completely of her own opinion. The fact that he's rather tall also makes her a bit more discriminatory toward him.


Hazel: -28

  • "Blind bitch."
  • Lazuli doesn't know Hazel that very well but hates how Hazel keeps mistaking her for Aqua's cousin. It's been years. Unless the girl is completely blind, there is no reason for such stupidity. She thinks Hazel is two-faced and a liar.

Aqua-Marie: -30

  • "Stupid blind giant bitch."
  • Like Hazel, Lazuli doesn't like how this stupid bitch keeps mistaking her for her cousin. To think this "Einstein" doesn't even recognize her own family. And her height doesn't help Lazuli's opinion either.

Nyx: 0

  • N/A

Ivory: 0

  • N/A


Citrine: 0

  • N/A


  • N/A

Russett: 0

  • N/A

Maroon: +1

  • "Mr. Oreo."
  • Maroon may be tall but Lazuli enjoys seeing him angry. At the very least she finds him interesting ever since she saw him crash through the table back at Beacon.



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Lilith Falciani (Lilith meaning "of the night")





Faunus Type:


(Note: is only half Faunus)


Huntress in Training


Lilith primarily duel-wields a dagger called Fang and a hand cannon called Talon. However she is known to use granades, C4,other guns, etc.




Lilith's semblance allows her to teleport short distance in an instance (short being relative). The longest distance that she can travel with a single "jump" is about 100 ft. With the assistance of a special Dust crystal however, she change that from "feet" to "miles", although there are some restrictions to this. One; she can only teleport to locations she has already visited. And two; the Dust crystal is exhausted after a single jump.

Her Blink also works with any item that has her emblem on it, meaning that she doesn't even have to touch Talon to reload it.




Cold, secretive, and quiet, Lilith is a bit of a lone wolf. (I'm sorry, did I say "a bit"?) She doesn't talk much it's rare to get more than a few words out of her. She prefers to keep to herself and it's really hard to gain her trust, but once you have it you'll never lose it. She has a tendency to quite literally disappear at night.


- Peace

- Quiet

- Ice Cream


- Talkative people


- Lilith barely makes any noise when she walks. She doesn't mean to be sneaky, it's just a habit of hers. Now imagine how quiet she is when she's actually trying...

- She is very agile and very hard to hit, even without her Blink

- Night vision and small claws

- Has a strong healing Aura


- Has difficulty being open with her team

- Has virtually no defensive Aura


To be revealed in story


- Roger Falciani- 9th Gen Human Huntsmen - Father- Went missing on a camping trip at age 30

- Valeria Falciani- 1st Gen Faunus Huntress - Mother- Killed by human extremist at age 26

- Lilian "Peggy" Margret Falciani - Half Breed - Sister - Age 11



Lilian "Peggy" Margret Falciani


11 (looks 7)



Faunus Type:


(Note: is only half Faunus)






(To be revealed)


- Extremely powerful Aura and Semblance


- Deathly ill

- Using her Semblance could kill her

Kumiho Nogitsune - 1st Gen Faunus Huntsmen - Legal Gaurdian - Age 39



Kumiho Nogitsune





Faunus Type:



Megumareta Nori



False Reality

(powerful illusions)




Arms Dealer


(To be revealed)


- Smooth talker


- Semblance takes a lot of focus and can be canceled out if he does much more than walking


-Registered Huntsmen

-A member of the White Fang

-Owns a Dust shop called Prometheus' Kiln

-Is a recognized Dust Crafter (this includes, but is not

limited to, Dust weaving, making Dust bullets, and synthesizing Dust crystals, etc.)

-Is the only person who knows how to contact the assassin Cheshire
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Citrine and Amber

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4eb6eded_communityoc.png.6a6c86cbd7c3a2170e85f0ca650e89b8.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4eb6eded_communityoc.png.6a6c86cbd7c3a2170e85f0ca650e89b8.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Citrine de Graine

Nickname: DeGrain

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Golden Hour - A lever Action rifle that can switch to a shotgun and sword. It has a scope on it that is detachable.


Semblance: Flash Mob- Citrine is able to produce floating orbs of light. In battle she can turn these orbs into a cloud of blinding, flashing lights in a radius around herself that are meant to distract targets and disorientate them. Keep in mind that eyewear will be able to protect against harmful effects this semblance may have on eyes, and that they will effect a target less and less the more they are exposed to them.


Personality: She seems a bit eccentric to most, treating photographs as if they were treasures and taking risks for pictures. She's kind enough in conversation, but may often break into brute honesty for no reason. She acts highly civilized and pretty much always strikes poses constantly as if she herself were having a photo op. She treats herself as an image, and acts accordingly. She always tries to look pleasant, always pities those who don't though many wouldn't notice from her actions, and never turns down an opportunity to give tips on how to live a more visually pleasing lifestyle.

Likes: Photography, Fine Art, Calligraphy,

Dislikes: Things ruining her pictures, Insults to her Pictures, most negative things said about photography in general

Skills*: She moves with finesse, and twirls around Golden Hour with no problem, and is able to form combo attacks seamlessly with her movements. Weapons expert.

Weaknesses: She's not the most durable person on her team,

History*: Quite simple, Citrine's mother was part of the fashion industry, and Citrine was interested in it from a very young age. At first she had been planning to follow in her mother's footsteps, she was obsessed with taking pictures ever since her fourth birthday when her mother got her a little pink camera to play with. She'd joined many clubs and the like focused on photography since the call of the camera always seemed to reach her. However, fate would show alternate paths for her instead. Her father was a Huntsman, and had wanted Citrine to follow in his footsteps and defend the land against the forces of peril. Initially against this, Citrine's father bought her out by offering her expensive camera equipment for every training session she took from him. It got to the point where he was able to send her to Signal with a hardly a complaint as long as he kept funding her photography. At that point, not even Citrine herself had cared much for how much she'd improved in terms of weapon use seeing as her focus was still on photography. Despite this, many of her fellow classmates took notice of this immediately. Many sought her help with the handling of weaponry and, despite her reluctance to take time away from her favorite hobby, she began offering lessons on the side.

Eventually the time came when she was to graduate and finally leave her training behind to become a world renown photographer, but obviously that isn't what happened. Her father pulled out his trump card, a Hyperion Industries class 3X Ultra Snapper Camera. The thing was literally indestructible and was able to photograph the falling feather of a bird in perfect detail form approximately a mile a way. Those kinds of Cameras only came around once in a lifetime, there was absolutely no way to get one without risking life and limb. He told her that it could be hers if she became a Huntress, and you best believe she was heading towards Beacon almost instantaneously.

Reason for Enrolling*: Bribed by her father

Relationships*: Amber is her pupil in all things photography.

Name: Amber Khorne

Nickname: Amby

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Vector Blades- Its pretty well explained in the video provided,


Semblance: She uses glyphs.


Personality: Amber is generally not a people person, being awkward in all forms of the meaning. She generally doesn't enjoy the company of others much, but is able to tolerate the presence of crowds at the very least. She doesn't like speaking much, often talking in quick small replies when she can. Besides this there's not much to say besides the fact that she doesn't understand social etiquette like most people would.

Likes: Peace, quiet, solitude, Citrine, Photography

Dislikes: Loud Noises, Big Crowds, Ignorance, Being jostled

Skills*: Amber definitely beats out the rest of her team in the dexterity department, able to bend her body in unnatural ways. This is what gives her weapons such amazing capabilities on the battlefield.

Weaknesses: Her dexterity does take a toll on her stability though, its fairly easy for Amber to lose her footing and even though she often recovers quickly these lapses in movement are often enough to offer openings for her opponents if used correctly. Anti social behavior severely limits what she's able to do in terms of cooperation.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5sdcia.png.73bd49e8499aae1f73e80874749e8f19.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78535" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anime_girl_render_by_feary_bad_day-d5sdcia.png.73bd49e8499aae1f73e80874749e8f19.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
History*: Amber's father had gone missing not too long after she'd been born, and her mother would've gone into severe monetary issues if it wasn't for the generosity of her mother-in-law. The old woman had never really enjoyed the company of her son's wife, but couldn't bring herself to abandon her or the result of their affection. With her help, Amber was able to begin a semi normal life. Despite this near crisis being averted, Amber was always a little off. She was never able to communicate with others well, and often tried to stay away from crowds. Not out of shyness, but out of concern that she'd have to put up with them for longer than she wished. her antisocial behavior concerned her caretakers, but her grandmother was not one to give up simply due to anti-social behavior. Amber was placed in a plethora of activities to find something she enjoyed, and though she was decent at many things there was nothing she really excelled at. Until one day as she was practicing choreographed dance, her grandmother discovered just how flexible Amber was.

After that, she began lessons in things like gymnastics and the likes, but despite being good at those as well it wasn't until she met Citrine that she discovered what seemed she'd want to do with herself. The events leading up to the meeting were actually quite casual, Amber's grandmother had held a meal and Citrine's father was invited. The old dog had apparently aided her in the past, and the two seemed to be good acquaintances. When Amber met Citrine, she was introduced to the wonderful world of photography. And, whether she knows it or not, Citrine's passion seemed to rub off on Amber. The problem? Unlike Citrine Amber never seemed to be able to get ahold of photography. No matter how hard she tried, she could never reproduce the art that Citrine was able to make with a camera.

Amber began following Citrine around, getting as many lessons from the taller girl whenever she could. When Citrine had said which school she was going to, Amber had immediately sough to go as well. The two went to combat school together, and while the other students fawned over Citrine's combat abilities, Amber fawned over her gift in photography. Maybe that's why Citrine chose to take her under her wing instead of all the others. Amber's flexibility and dexterity made her more than capable of wielding small weapons, and combat school only seemed to refine her techniques into something truly useable.

And so the two friends would continue to work together on until Beacon.

Reason for Enrolling*: Citrine was going there, and she was quite handy with weapons herself.

Relationships*: Studies photography under Citrine's tutelage

Maroon and Russette

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Mamoru_truth.jpg.035272789888af636216d1184ce445c1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Mamoru_truth.jpg.035272789888af636216d1184ce445c1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Maroon Bsitre

Nickname: Maro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: A dust Tri-volver he assembled out of other weapons, forms into a mace


Semblance: Maroon is able to create copies of himself, though they can't harm opponents they're very good at distractions. He gets weaker with every clone he creates, and often only uses one at a time to balance it out.


Personality: Maroon makes no attempts to hide his general distaste for others, instead opting to make it clear to literally everyone and anyone he meets. He's often acting superior towards others, mainly due to his intelligence, and often refers to others as lesser. Unlike people who consider Faunus lessers, Maroon interprets this strange type of equivalent inferiority. Everyone who isn't as smart as him is simply inferior, plain and simple. Though he's often been told otherwise, Maroon just chalks the neigh saying up as 'lesser speech' and often ignores such comments as they are meaningless to him.

Likes: Being right, Being amazing, being intelligent, being the Best, being a model of superiority, being regarded as a superior.

Dislikes: Being mocked by a lesser, having to converse with lessers, having to put up with stupidity, being ignored.

Skills: Maroon is a highly intelligent individual who is able to memorize plenty, he's very dexterous and often does his planning mid battle. He uses more than his weapons for battle, often using as much of his surroundings to gain an edge as possible.

Weaknesses: A superiority complex-Maroon can easily underestimate certain opponents depending on what he knows about them. He tends to dislike people and will often argue with those he deems inferior. he's terrible at cooperation and often times gets himself into terrible positions.

History*: Maroon and his sister lived in Vacuo originally, he was an intelligent loner and she was an airheaded train wreck. His sister was adopted into his family when he was young but it was obvious the two would have trouble with each other. Their parents worked hard in factories most of the time, leaving the two to their own devices in their youth. From an early age, Maroon knew that he was smarter than his dipsy older sister, his intelligence helping him keep her alive after her sheer stupidity kept getting her into trouble. Honestly, it almost seems like she never notices the tiny dangers of the world. One time she almost got in the back of a stranger's car just because he said she forgot something back there. Even though she'd never seen the guy before, she was already halfway inside the car before Maroon yanked her away and began yelling and throwing stuff at the guy's window. School was a nightmare, his sister would always scare people off with her idiocy and inhuman strength. She couldn't keep a conversation straight to save her life, and accidently crushing the handle of her locker in front of everybody never actually helped.

Being a Faunus, she was destined to become a target for the local bullies, much to Maroon's distaste. He hated her gullible idiocy as much as the next guy, but only he should be allowed to point it out. Either way, while she went on to be labeled as a freak more for her ability to snap a bench in half than the Faunus traits, Maroon went on to try using his adequate intelligence to make some connections. Of course with his temper he made a lot of enemies, mainly by bullying other kids into submission and starting fights with those who dared question his superiority. He never claimed to be a good team player, but at least he wasn't the slab of strength and stupidity that made up his sister.

As the years went on, Maroon's family moved to Vale after the company that his parents worked at shifted locations and they needed to be relocated. Once in Vale, he and his sister went on to combat school, where his enemies in Vacuo would be conveniently unable to reach him. Settling into a new routine, Maroon opted to try out something new and stay on the down low in their new school while his sister wasted no time in getting herself ostracized once more.

Eventually the pair moved on to Beacon in order to become Hunters.

Reason for Enrolling*: To hunt Grimm

Relationships*: Russette is his adopted older sister

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anubis_by_gold_d_ace-d5gxvao.png.d869599e76536868e49298cf1f3ae4f9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78572" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/anubis_by_gold_d_ace-d5gxvao.png.d869599e76536868e49298cf1f3ae4f9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Russette Bistre

Nickname: Russ

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal*: Husky Mix

Weapon: Golem's Play Kit(G.P.K)- Basically a shield and Dust pack powered Glave combination. The pack feeds multiple forms of dust into the Glave, while also acting as its carrying satchel. The shield itself has both a shotgun and bayonet built into it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/qqqqqwzaaaa.png.b6e0a15829f2caa090dc008b4d66c282.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/qqqqqwzaaaa.png.b6e0a15829f2caa090dc008b4d66c282.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Semblance: Cannonball- Russ is able to charge up her Aura, then unleash it in a blast that propels her forwards like a Faunas-sized cannon ball. This does massive damage, but is almost useless for anything other than travel at long distances seeing as she can't change directions once she starts. This could also throw her into even more danger depending on where she's going. And this severely drains aura so don't expect her to be using it constantly in battle.


Russette always tries to keep herself hyped, whether by giving herself encouragements or even just blatantly spewing optimism. She's thickheaded to a fault, sometimes having horrible time focusing on stuff that bores her. She means well, but often doesn't have the intelligence to complete things normally, this often leads to her accidently breaking things due to her own strength. She hardly has time to pout as she's always trying to do the right thing, even if she's severely underprepared for it.

Likes: Eating, breaking stuff, Partying, Punching Stuff,

Dislikes: Negativity, Constant Insults, Rules, Bullies

Skills*: Strength, just ridiculous amounts of physical strength. Endurance- she's been able to take heavy hits since childhood and only got more resilient as she grew.

Weaknesses: She is not smart, not smart whatsoever, in fact calling her average would be kind of sugarcoating it her entire combat strategy relies on sheer brute force and endurance. She trusts her brother way too much for her own good.

History*: Russette and her brother lived in Vacuo originally, she was a devoted brawler and he was a little schemer. She had been adopted by her brother's parents at young age, but it was obvious from the get go the two would have trouble. Their parents worked hard in factories most of the time, leaving the two to their own devices in their youth. From an early age it was apparent that Russette was able to take more punishment than her brother, as his constant schemes put both of them through physical stress that she could walk off while he would just cry about it. Schooling wasn't much better, Russette had trouble making friends since her strength often caused others to shy away from her. Her brother barely helped, he was always off hanging with the local bullies trying to get a foothold in what he called the 'social network', which left her to fend for herself in school. Of course, since she was a Faunus she had to defend herself often from discrimination, but had always managed to tough it out.

As the years went on, Russette's family moved to Vale after the company that her parents worked at shifted locations and they needed to be relocated. Once in Vale, she and her brother went on to combat school, where her luck began improving. Her strength made her even more noteworthy and her endurance was unmatched, but her circle of friends was always low. Her brother didn't have many friends either, but that was mainly because of his bad moods and constant negativity.

Eventually the pair moved on to Beacon in order to become Hunters.

Reason for Enrolling*: Wishes to beat evil into submission and protect others!

Relationships*: Her stick in the mud weasel of a brother.



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Name: Beo Lugantis violetova

Nickname: Beo is her nick name.

Age: 17

Gender: female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal*: Fox

Weapon: Blue moon & Blood moon, twin axes with lines attached used for throwing and tying


Semblance: Semblance: The wild hunt: Beo can create elemental animals out of her aura, which attack her enemies rabidly. Her "Totems" As she calls them can't stay in existence for very long (She's held them in existence for a minute at most) and are usually used for a quick attack on an unbalanced enemy. To create them she has to drain her aura, leaving her with less defense, but when the animal is dismissed she gets her aura back. They also are destroyed if they take a single hit and Beo only gets half her aura back in such a situation. The totems are semi autonomous and share a telepathic link to Beo.



Personality: Beo revolves between the extremes of intensity and relaxation. When she's in her environment, hunting, climbing, fighting, she is intense and excitable, she has absolute focus on her objective and can get obsessive and dogged in pursuit of her goals. It's not that she forgets those around her though. Beo is a great tactition and makes full use of those around her, when focused she's innovative and quick thinking. But there's a switch, when not pursuing something, beo is lavy and uncaring, willing to work but never really trying to effect anything she just goes with the flow and tries to enjoy herself.

Likes: Meat fruit, veggies, weapon maintenance, climbing and running, novels

Dislikes: Busybodies enclosed spaces, processed food.

Skills*: Hunting, tracking, rock climbing. stealth


History*:Beo lived her early life with her family, an isolated litle tribe of wolf faunas, way out in the wilds. It was a hard but they were isolated from much of the hate associated with her kind. That's not to say her life was easy though. Life in the wilds outside the city was dangerous at best and deadly at worst. In response, she was forced to adapt. She learned to fight, hide, hunt and track and her already sharp faunas senses were honed to somewhat ridiculous point. She lived her life hunting and fighting until finally, her family strayed across some Grimms that were just slightly to powerful. And lost their lives because of it. Without her family, Beo was forced to run from her old life to the walls of Vale, where she enrolled for the sake of getting a job where she could utilize her skill set.

Relationships*: N/A yet


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Name: Herb Orion Wilkshire3

Nickname: Arsehole, Wanker or Greenbag

Age: 17

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f156adc_SomeWankernamedBritannia.jpg.d8959190e71f64a4b4b4202acea7df35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4f156adc_SomeWankernamedBritannia.jpg.d8959190e71f64a4b4b4202acea7df35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Envy is a Wilkshire heirloom, and is named for its green glow. The weapon itself is a large broardsword measuring roughly 150 cm's, and carries with it a powerful swing. When taking out longer ranged enemies, he will defer to the secondary usage of the weapon,a large rifle which carries eight shots per magazine. However Herb prefers the broadsword mode since it suits his bombastic and melee oriented fighting style.

Herb's sembelence is the ability to conjure green beams of high powered energy in his hand and concentrate it onto an enemy. Either that or charging up Envy with the energy, and increasing its damage output three fold. The energy itself, when shot out of his hand has three usual effects, either shocking the enemy, knocking the enemy down, or very rarely rendering them entirely unconscious. He has limited control over it, and is still learning how to channel it effectively.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Sniper_rifle.png.55ab1b36654a4447f160a658dc582150.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Sniper_rifle.png.55ab1b36654a4447f160a658dc582150.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Personality: Herb is a narcissist, and genuinely believes he is gods gift to women. He also often overestimates the abilities of others to take his shit, and has been on occasion known to have had the living shit beaten out of him for having called Faunas "furbags". Herb also carries and applies derisive humor wherever he goes, often insulting, teasing and putting down others in his violent fits of rage. Despite this, he is a team player and when on the field of battle will defer to those he deems better equipped to deal with combat than he is.

Likes: Ballroom Dance, Women, Swearing and adventure.

Dislikes: Grimm, his family, rejection and failure

Skills*: Slicing and dicing things, swearing, ballroom dancing.

Weaknesses: His temper, and taking out enemies at long range.

Herb, originally born Herbert, hails from the Wilkshire clan, Vale's fifth richest family. The Wilkshires, other than owning several estates, have their hands full in nearly every major corporation and business that operates out of Vale, and have contacts within the council itself.

Herb was born the son of Cole and Azure, a successful lawyer and a lobbyist to the council on matters with faunas respectively. Herb early life was marred with indoctrination on how to behave when among poor people, faunas and other groups his parents deemed inferior. The plan for Herb was to eventually have him become heir to the Wilkshire fortune, and hopefully expand the families grip. Herbert adopted these attitudes without question, and didn't once challenge them until he was eight.

When Herb turned eight, his uncle Verde was forcibly retired from the Hunters due to horrific, crippling injuries sustained during battle. Verde was a family black sheep. He had rejected the Wilkshires ideals of wealth and power, instead wishing to pursue a life of adventure and camaraderie. Despite this, the Wilkshires accepted him onec again, seeing this as a way to come off as charitable.

At first, Herb was apprehensive of his uncles stories and the messages he spoke of. He was unsure of how they could be reconciled with the way he was raised, and often argues with Verde over them. However, bit by bit, Herbert accepted them, and began to rebel against his parents.

At first it was small things like refusing ettiqutte courses, but as time and years wore on, it became more and more radical. After one evening when Herb was 12, and had left to party in Vale, his parents had enough and grounded him. Herbert for the next year and a half was restricted to the palatial grounds of his parents mansion, much to his disdain. He was also barred to see his uncle, and was disappointed about that.

The next eighteen months were long and hard for Herb, and he almost gave in to conforming to his parents will. That was until one night, when Verde was allowed to see him. Verde, before leaving left Herb his sword, "Envy", armor and some money with him, as well as a note advising Herb to escape.

He did, running away, and hoping to join the Hunters, hoping to enjoy life to its fullest. He fled his old life, and ran to one of the colleges that was open to students wishing to train for Beacon academy. Herb at first was floored by his opponents, and found his mouth got him into more trouble than its worth around faunas students. He was despondent, and found himself initially useless with a weapon. But this was yet to change.

Cole and Azure wrote to Herb, once they had tracked him down. The letter was an ultimatum, which dictated that Herb, should he return would be accepted with open arms. The message was delivered in a patronizing tone, and Herb resolved from that point forward to never give into his parents will.

This new found willpower accelerated him from the bottem of his cohort to the higher echelons. When the time for graduation came, Herb had gone from the very bottom, 134th place, to 17th.

Reason for Enrolling*: Herb wishes to bring honor and glory to his family name, as well as finally exterminating Grimm.


Verde Wilkshire- His uncle and mentor, someone who challenged Herb to be a better person and stop being an arrogant cock.

Armor:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/US_Army_combat_armor.png.fab992f3985ef14bbeb4bfac5eee799f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/US_Army_combat_armor.png.fab992f3985ef14bbeb4bfac5eee799f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Irving Cynbel (Both names are of Celtic origin. Irving means white, which is a color of protection, like his shields. Cynbel is a name meaning war, referencing his Semblance.)

Nickname: None

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Dual Klar shields w/built-in auto pistols. He often fights using a style similar to boxing. They fold up into bracers when he's not using them.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/klar.jpg.f242c0d75a5a0811449eabb9f6103357.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/klar.jpg.f242c0d75a5a0811449eabb9f6103357.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Like this but made entirely of metal.

Semblance: When Irving is injured and his aura is low, he can enter a state called Berserkergang. In this state, his aura kicks into overdrive, increasing his strength tremendously, healing his wounds rapidly, and rendering him immune to pain. The trade off of this is while he is Berserkergang, he abandons his usually defensive fighting style for a more aggressive style wherein he attacks enemies blindly. His personality also undergoes a change, instead of his normally quiet personality he will begin stomping around demanding that his enemies fight him whilst screaming for their blood. The longer he fights in this state, the faster he heals, but it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish friend from foe. If he is Berserkergang for too long, he risks burning himself out. If that happens, his aura completely shuts down for up to 24 hours. Irving is aware of this power, but he always forgets what he does beyond general concepts (For example, he'll remember killing a wolf Grimm, but he won't remember any details about the fight).

Emblem: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/shield.jpg.0491388cd952e21a11d0ed4fd9378b9e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/shield.jpg.0491388cd952e21a11d0ed4fd9378b9e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Irving is usually a quiet person. He enjoys reading and is well spoken, but he isn't exactly at thinker. He doesn't feel comfortable being praised, and will often disagree with people who do. He enjoys fighting competitively, but outside of organized fights he usually avoids conflict. Irving also tends to be a bit clumsy when not fighting, accidently bumping into things and occasionally knocking things over. He is loyal, fiercely protective of his friends, and if they are in trouble he won't hesitate to defend them. Irving does have a temper though. It's slow to build, but once it reaches a certain point Irving can become quite nasty towards whoever sets him off. But he usually calms back down within a day or two, and will often forget about being angry the day before. Literally.

Likes: Books. Talking with his friends. Fighting competitively.

Dislikes: Verbal conflict. Getting angry. His friends being threatened.

Skills*: Extreme strength. Boxing. Reading.

Weaknesses: Despite his love of books, Irving can be a bit slow on the draw. He also tends to get severely injured during fights.

History*: (To be decided.)

Reason for Enrolling*: (Depends on his history.)


Looks: Irving stands about 6' 2". He is fairly muscular, less like a bodybuilder, more like a professional fighter. He typically wears white clothes, often made of linen or other light and comfortable fabrics, and athletic shoes. He has brown hair and green eyes. He usually carries a backpack with several books in it. He almost always wears his bracers, which fold out into his shields. His aura is typically white, but it becomes dark red when he goes Berserkergang.



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Name: Argen Mesa

Nickname: Silver

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Weapon: A large claymore made up of extremely resilient alloys that made it nigh unbreakable. Due to the density of the sword it cannot transform but Argen does carry two Fire infused pistols on his lower back for mid-ranged combat. Argen does not have long range capabilities and doesn't want any.



Semblance: Argen can focus his aura into the molecules of his body and create a skin thin barrier around Argen's body. This barrier is made up of his aura which has been condensed several times over making it about as hard as his Claymore is. With the semblance active, Argen becomes nigh impregnable but it quickly takes a toll on him. To counteract that, Argen uses it for seconds at a time to absorb a blow his armor would not be able to take normally.


Hunter/Huntress/Foreigner/Villain: Hunter

Personality: Argen has is a quiet individual that tends not to speak much. He has always been the type to follow the orders given to him and nothing more. He didnt ask questions and he didnt talk about the details. He was quiet,straight forward, and did not fool around. Of course, when he was with the rare people that Argen truly trusted he was a much brighter person. He would like to make jokes with them, talk often, play games, and be a generally happy person. Only around the people he trusts entirely.

Likes: Victory, Battle, loyalty, Lasagna, dogs

Dislikes: Failure, betrayal, garlic, nosy people

Skills*: Argen is incredibly fast and strong for someone who wears armor and wields such a dense sword

He can wield the sword expertly without much effort on his part due to years of training.

Argen can continue fighting in a battle even after receiving wounds or fatigued during prolonged battle due to being involved in combat from a very early age.

Argen is also an expert in stealth and the art of not being seen. Killing something before It knows what hit it.

Weaknesses: Argen does not have any form of long ranged capabilities

Due to his sword and armor, despite being incredibly fast and strong, he is still slow compared to other hunters who wear less weighted gear.

If Argen trusts somebody he trusts them completely and without fail. He wouldnt even consider betrayal and that sets him up for a big backstab.

History*: Argen was born of a strange pair. A father who was a well renown assassin and a mother who was a hardened veteran of war. Needless to say, Argen was taught the arts of combat as soon as he was able to start walking. His mother drilled sword techniques, physical conditioning, battle formations, and war tactics into his mind and body. She demanded that he become a warrior that no one was able to defeat and a leader that could lead an army of thousands into battle without hesitation. When he fell, he was kicked and yelled at brutally until he stood back up on his feet and kept on going. His father, on the other hand, taught him how to use darkness and espionage. He was taught the art of stealth, sabotage, and assassination during the time he was "resting" from his mother's training regiment. He was taught how to hide his presence and kill a mark without being seen and without leaving a trace. For every trace of his presence that Argen left, his father would cut a deep wound into Argen's body as a reminder of his failure. If any trace was left it meant a chance he could be hunted down and killed. A scar for every death. A scar for every failure. While Argen became a force to be feared, he also became alienated and silent. He knew not the warmth of a mother or the assurance of a father's arm. When his parents were assassinated by a vengeful client Argen did not shed a tear. It was weakness and that was equivalent to failure. Another scar. Another beating. He found himself chuckling when it never came.

Relationships*: None.


~There can be no light without the dark. One can not exist without the other. For the brighter the flame, the deeper the shadow.~
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Name: Jade Spade

Nickname: Jai

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of Animal: Red Wolf

Weapon: Set of Fans, made of cards, when shuffled becomes pistols.

Semblance: offensive Umbrakinesis, cannto use in direct sunlight, cannot teleport using shadows, can freeze people for 30 seconds w/ shadows if she coats her hands with ice dust. She can currently do it three times max without passing out.

Emblem: will be uploaded later

Personality: Very sarcastic, lone wolf, shy, tends to love puns.

Likes: bacon, steak, meat in general, rasberries, strawberries, card games, and puns

Dislikes: racists, open spaces, water, high noises, and smelly people.

Skills: agile, fast, strong, martial artist, almost any small weapon.

Weakness: water, open spaces, water, sunlight, water, chainsaws... Did I mention water?

History: Shady background. KICKED OUT OF WHITE FANG.

Reason for enrolling: protection, and building strength.

Relationships: Sisterly/Friend w/ Sapphire Stone. Hero Worship with Neo( DO NOT PERSONALLY KNOW)

Looks:Dress with leggings, spade pattern, steel toed boots, and fan holste.
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Name: Jack Cobalt

Nickname: Jack

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Knildred

TL;DR: Basically a big sword with a few modes to adjust to the situation and a few features to help assist with combat.

Knildred is a hefty large great sword designed from the grip up by Jack, over the span of many years. Designed originally as a compact great sword he added further additions such as the very noticeable dust cannon that lines the center of the inner frame. With careful design and many trials he's gotten it to go into four stages that can swap between the corresponding next or previous stage. Retracted for portability, Sword for the ability for slices, cuts, and cleaves, Hammer which is created from a rotation of the guard and the inner frame retracting compacting the weight of the weapon into a condensed frame. Cannon for a increased firepower of the swords Dust cannon making use of a larger chamber which is normally constrained by the other forms.

A few notes about the sword regarding the handling and use of it, it is a very weighty weapon, Jack generally winds up using the weight of it in his fighting style in fact, with momentum and adjustments he fights using a style that he personally likes to call, dancing with his blade, which is very easy to notice between his transition and motions between strikes and avoidance to move quickly and keep a momentum up to get around and do strikes.

The grip and the cannon in the inner frame do have a swivel aim, to change angles in flight and in combat in general, making some avoidance in the air, or to line up a swipe rapidly, all the more helpful to use this particular weighty weapon.

Specifications on the cannon are as follows, In sword it is capable of generating a beam for a sustained period of time which make it useful for normal usage, Hammer can only do small bursts of the firing, due to the lack of space within the guard it only has enough to rev up small blasts at a time, making it a better launching with a sudden and impact force. Cannon completely free's up the components that make up the inner frame from the inner larger chamber which begins to spin up afterwards in conjunction with the smaller normal chamber. The effects is a heavily increased beam.

A note about the beam in particular, it has force to it, it tends to push things that it hits, and by effect also pushes the person firing it, it can be used to help launch things or to keep things back for a short period of time, or in the way that Jack uses it, to fly and dodge.

Inside the inner frame, there is actually a separate chamber housing a couple different dusts, mounted on the side and are injected into the mix, mostly used in supportive cases or to use to activate Assembly Line Glyphs.


Semblance: Assembly Line

TL;DR: Glyphs that form that move rotate, or push people depending on which dust is used on it.

The Assembly Line is a Semblance Jack uses which he can create glyph that with certain dust used on it, take the form of conveyors, Rotors, or Pistons which can accelerate people at a high speed, Rotate them to face sudden attacks and be quickly prepared for it if the scenario requires it, or be launched in a direction, helpful to help get air if the Dust Cannon in Knildred cannot be used in the exact situation.

Jack activates the specific glyphs with Knildred, via injecting the main chamber with various types of dust depending on the glyph needed and whichever desired effect is wanted.



(may change due to the issue that two other characters have cogs as their emblems.


A very positive guy who attempts to see the good in life, wanting to press forward into whatever challenges are ahead and attempt to continue to press forward towards whatever challenges may lie in front of him. Being a bit eccentric at times with his own hobbies, and interests, and sometimes just a overall goof when in conversation. He's still a good boy in his heart, and does mean for the best, even if the situation doesn't result in it.




Conception of gadgets and machines

Fiddling around with gadgets and machines

Gadgets and Machines


Interesting and varied people

Helping people when needed


Whiners who get nothing done

Overly 'edgy' or depressed people with a overall negative viewpoint of the world

People who have issues standing on their own constantly

Harm done to people, for whatever reason


A fighting style involving the flow of his movements and the weight of his blade to swing and pull, push and overall 'dance' with his blade.

Especially proficient when in regards to machinery of various sorts, when it comes to creating them with as little material as possible, to just simply repairing something.



He's not the fastest person on the field, usually needing to rely on his semblance to get him up to speed or to avoid potentially harmful blows.


A mild bit eccentric.

Issues with kleptomania for the idea that he that he could use it in a machine eventually.


TL;DR: Some kid who got influenced by old stories about hunters and huntresses and went up to try to become one himself.

(this is where I get embarrassed the most, if its serviceable or not.)

Jack Cobalt, a 6'4 some odd sixteen year old which came from a small little countryside town in Atlas named Isner, a fairly small population, very peaceful town it is, everyone knowing each other and not much really disturbing the way of life, not much to note about this small village. Jack growing up came to hear many stories from his father about stories huntsman and huntresses, fantasized versions of tales told, with joy and sadness, victory and defeat, these were amazing people that live or lived to protect those who couldn't.

Of course Jack being the boy he is, he grew up thinking the Hunters and huntresses were amazing heroes, so over time he just slowly began to grow the mindset of wanting to become a hero, someone who is praised for the enjoyment and feeling of just protecting and defeating monsters. So rather than the route that most people do, Jack went on his own route. Forging the first iteration of Knildred, a large hunk of metal he used to swing around, and just practiced and trained, mocked by some, laughed at by others, he progressed along shoving the feelings off, and went with what he wanted to do.

While not the most conventional fighter with the ridiculously sized sword with a cannon strapped onto it, Jack did show quite a big dedication for this all, just wanting to help people, just so he can do something in this world to make it a little bit better, One step at a time, refining, learning, and improving, he'd make his way in there and pursue what he wants.

Give or take a few more years later, the boy who just is coming out here and putting all this effort with no real reason behind it, just the dream to just become a hero, accomplished the barriers in the way, and was well on his way to be a student of Beacon.

Reason for Enrolling*:

Simply, the reason is just mainly to go out and create some happyness in peoples lives, to make them feel more content and for the sheer passion to want to fight monsters, and be recognized as someone who wants to be a hero. Not out of greed or spite, being forced to or not, just for the simple enjoyment to be one.


Nothing of major note, just general residents of the town Isner.


6 foot 3 Inches in his height, generally carrying around those goggles of his and that jacket very often for whatever reason.

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FINALLY posting here.


Nyx Cadet







Human or Faunus:



(Two of those)


Nyx has two daggers that she uses to fight. They look very average just by looking at them, but when they land a hit, they sap some aura from the opponent and heal Nyx. This helps her deal with her sheer frailty. This only works on humans with unlocked auras and Grimm by sapping some of their dark energy, although they can't take as much from Grimm. Thanatos is more powerful, but Moros saps more damage.



Nyx has the ability to turn into a shadow. She can move freely in this form, as long as the ground she travels on is light. She cannot manipulate anything in the third dimension as a shadow. If she remains a shadow for too long, she will be locked in and will be unable to return to three dimensions for anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days.




Nyx is usually a calm and collected Deadpan Snarker. She’ll be on the side, kind of lurking in the conversation, and occasionally make sarcastic comments that are either hilarious or completely obnoxious. However, she is fiercely protective of her friends, going as far as physically injuring people who may be threats to them.


Nyx loves everything ancient. When it came down to it, her decision was between being a Huntress and an Archaeologist.

Nyx loves dark things. Dark colors, clothing, themes, humor, really she'll like it if it has to do with darkness in any sense of the word.

Despite her tendency to like to stay on the sidelines for important or unimportant conversations, Nyx loves the spotlight in battle.


When people are disrespectful to her or her friends, Nyx rampages.

When people make fun of her height, Nyx rampages.

When people do stupid shit, Nyx rampages.


Nyx is an excellent thief, able to pickpocket almost anything from almost anyone. This is due to her history, which is TBA.


Nyx is tiny. Like, 4'10" tiny. She's also pretty thin, weighing in at about 95 pounds. Surprisingly, this is a perfectly healthy weight for a person of her height. Basically, if she gets hit, she's going down.




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Name: Lupus Dunwick

Nickname: Fountain

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal*: Sheep

Weapon: None

Semblance: Modification - Lupus can alter any organic material within 5 feet of him. This includes healing, distorting, and even destroying.



Personality: A staunch pacifist, one might find his choice of profession odd. He is rather shy and socially awkward, prone to stuttering and not often found talking. However, he is loyal and forgiving, willing to take far more than one for the team.

Likes: Peace, diplomacy, life, advancement.

Dislikes: Those who prey upon the weak, violence, blood.

Skills*: Medical and scientific prodigy. Skilled in craftsmanship. His aura is unnaturally efficient and potent, and he can use it almost indefinitely... but it is hard to control, and using it in conjunction with weapons is impossible, as the weapons rapidly break down due to the strain.

Weaknesses: Unable to use weapons in combat. Has to maintain a tight control over his aura. Socially inept and shy. Submissive. Pacifist.

History*: Unknown, but it is the reason he joined the academy.

Reason for Enrolling*: To control his Semblance after certain events/

Relationships*: N/A

Name: Gareth Jace

Nickname: Gareth

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Type of animal*: (Faunus Only)

Weapon: Collapsible Buster Blade a large powerful blade that I carry. The blade can fold an collapse itself all the way into a small handle.

Semblance:Manipulates Lightning and electricity. As well as generates it.


Personality: Warm Friendly and Humorous

Likes: Food, Exercise, Teamwork, Training, Girls.

Dislikes: Authority, Bullying, Unkindness,

Skills*: Martial Arts, Sword Play, and due to his electrical manipulation he can use a form of hypnosis.

Weaknesses: Is sometimes brash and jumps before he looks, Can be effected by what people say to him, And does not want to let anyone down.


Reason for Enrolling*:

Relationships*: Single Straight

Looks: Looks like me in my profile picture. But wearing a light blue v neck cut armor. With a single leather strap going across my chest diagonally which has a single metal shoulder protector on one side. I also wear black leather armor pants and boots, as well as leather gauntlets with black gloves.
Name:Miguel Dunkelheit(dunkelheit means darkness and or the color black)




Human or Faunus:Human

Type Of animal:(For Faunus only)

Weapon: "Easy but bloody Death"

A special shotgun combined with a double edged scythe that has a high recoil so the blade of the scythe can go up and slice its opponents in two.


Semblance: Darken Rage is a rage induced Miguel when his aura gets to a critical level it enhances his strength and speed and also his pain tolerance and tenacity for the duration of 8 minutes.Miguel will get exhausted after 8 minutes

Personality:patient and a loner

Likes: sandwhiches,a good book,Girls that uses a sniper rifle and good music old or new

Dislikes:Loud noises,groups of enemies and a high concentration of light

Skills:Can use any weapon that was made has military training and cooperative to the team

Weaknesses:A bit slow because of the weight of the weapon and the darken rage's blind rage can try fight others

History:Miguel Dunkelhiet came from a military like family that trained him like hell. Miguel endured this but made his mental state became a bit unstable and that's the creation of Darken rage, Miguel had so little friends until she came and made him enroll to be hunter just for her

Reason for enrolling: To be a hunter with a the girl

Relationship: Complicated

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Name: Sova Krov

(Name is comprised of the words Owl, and Blood translated into Russian.)

Nickname: N/A

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Indrik

Indrik is a collapsible rifle, meant for the purpose for long to medium ranged engagements, with a Bayonet attachment that can be taken out if there is ever a situation for close combat engagements.

It comprises of two major stages, a rifle stage with a full length barrel that fires out dust rounds at a high velocity with very efficient accuracy with as little deviation as possible with the round. Coming with the typical things you'd expect from a rifle, a high powered scope, a clip and bolt loading chamber loading system to load the large rounds into.

The Automatic Rifle stage is a condensed version of the gun, with the barrel collapsing down upon itself and the covering around shrinking into the main body alongside it, Stock moving down and moved slightly around to adjust for the difference in rounds being shelled out, creating a compact design that is better to maneuver around with when stuck in closer ranged engagements. The chamber loading switching to a more, rapid fire automatic type meant for more smaller rounds designed for this purpose.

Both types of designs has its own ammunition type, but the chamber is able to accommodate both, just requires a change in rounds to swap in between.

The design has a fairly simple knife attached to the end of both variations, which can be removed from the frame, a basic, and simple hunting knife for emergency situations, or if in close engagements and if knife work is needed.


Semblance: Eagle Eyes

Eagle Eyes is a visionary enhancement that improves the eyes of the user.

Increasing the ability to focus down on distant targets, and increasing the ability to notice small or subtle movements.

Prolonged usage of this ability can cause fatigue or hallucinations. It also makes the eyes more susceptible to visual harm while in use.

The ability is also visually noticeable, Sova's eyes will have a shade of a golden yellow replacing the color of his irises while In use.




A boy with a huge amount of sheer determination to face huge insurmountable challenges of any sort and work them out, break them down, one by one using whatever assets or tools available be it in a nice way or not. Getting the job that's needed done with whatever methods he deems worthy.

He also simply enjoys to watch people squirm and writhe in various forms of suffering, using whatever information that they bring up, be it for his ears or not to twist and sway the direction of a conversation to go into his favor, and having a overall intimidating aura of determination and a imposing feeling like he is simply seeing people as prey that he is just glancing through, trying to figure out who the victim is going to be within a field of people to forward his personal enjoyment, or what further plans he is working to accomplish.


Birds, mostly birds of prey.




The cold.


Respectable marksmanship from fellow ranged allies or combatants.

The thrill of the hunt.

Giving the orders, in a position of power or manipulation of someone in power.

Seeing a plan fall together.


Overly bright multicolored designs, outfits, or lights.

Annoyances along the way, working towards a goal.

Plans falling due to incompetence.



Very well trained marksmanship.

Some experience with knife work.

Lip reading.

High situational awareness.

Patience for goals.



His specialty is ranged combat, close combat reduces the overall effectiveness of his abilities.


He appears to have a condescending view of himself over others.

He tends to try to manipulate others for his own gain.


5 Foot 8 Inches in height.

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Saffron Munashe





Human or Faunus:

Lion Faunus


A pair of wist mounted machine guns called Mhalifu Ngome.


Presence of the King

When Saffron's activates his Semblance, him and a handful of allies (max of three currently) gain what would best be described as an Aura buff. Strength, defense, speed, recovery, and even the Semblance of the effected people triple in power. The more people being effected, the faster it drains him.




A muscle bound narcissist who's pastimes included showing off his guns (not the ballistic kind) and chasing skirt, Saffron is the kind of guy that would hit on a chick in front of her boyfriend/ girlfriend, and when said lover tries to intervene, would turn around and start hitting on them. Despite how he acts though, Saffron has a deep respect for all people and will always stand up for others. He has a laid back view of life and never says no to a challenge.


- Girls

- Girls

- Girls

- Girls

- Boys


- Bullies

- Bigots


- Large claws

- Strong

- Athletic

- Strong sense of smell


- Long range combat

- A pretty face

Reason for Enrolling:

To learn the skills of a Huntsmen and teach them to his own people.


Father - Zuberi Afolayan - King of the P?t?l? Eniyan nomadic tribe - Age 57

Mother - Unknown

Siblings - Too many to list
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Name: Hazel Hearst Helmsley (Hazel: a reddish-brown or greenish-brown color, especially of someone's eyes.)

Nickname: N/A

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Terra Ryzing a War Hammer that can transform into a hunting rifle, the handle of the Hammer also acts as a short range stabbing weapon

Semblance: Greener Pasture = Hazel's Semblance allows her to regain her aura when the Sun Makes contact with her skin))


Personality: Cocky and Stuck-up Aristocrat persona that hides a rather more fun-loving persona.

Likes: Fine Dining, Winning, Hunting Grimm for sport, Watching Mel squirm, Stealing your man... and your woman.

Dislikes: Underachievers, commoners, Losing, People flirting with her ("I wanted to be the one on top...")

Skills: A Grimm Hunting Prodigy

Weaknesses: She tends to under estimate her opponents simply form their upbringing

Relationships: Melania = Considers her a "Friend". Mel doesn't like her at all though. Their relationship can be considered... Complicated

Her Father, Hunter Hearst Helmsley = She is considered as her father's pride and joy her relationship with her father is at least better than Weiss' I can tell you that much

Her Team, HART= Her closest and dearest friends back in Atlas. Some would call their relationship as Too Sweet...

Sienna Hemel = Her Girlfriend, Sienna is also an adventurer. She's also a Faunus.

Name: Aqua-Marie Hicklebottom

Nickname: The Showstopper, The Headliner, Little Miss Main Event

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human

Weapon: Heart-beaker

Boots that send an electrical charge once Aqua-Marie activates it by clicking her heels... She uses them normally to kick you in the face.

Semblance: When Aqua is in contact with and liquid she can use said liquid either defensively or offensively... Aqua-Marie truly lives up to her name when using her semblance (Does not affect the water inside of living bodies)


View attachment 179642

Personality: Aqua-Marie is considered to many as a very flamboyant Girl and a showman, Aqua-Marie is not ashamed of going out with your boyfriend and your girlfriend. When you get on her bad side expect for her to give you the worst thing ever, nothing. In her mind a fight with her makes you on par with her and if you cross her then you're not getting the Main Event, the Headliner or the Showstopper... You get nothing...

Likes: Flirting, Boys, Girls, The spotlight, A Cheering Audience, Showmanship

Dislikes: Not being under the spotlight, People who think they're better than her

Skills: Amazing Gymist, Capoeira and Amature Wrestler

Weaknesses: Over reliance of melee combat, known for performing very risky maneuvers


Hazel Hearst Helmsley = Her closest and dearest Friend, Hazel was the one who discovered Aqua-Marie during a circus performance and brought her in to be a huntress.


but replace the dark blue with Reddish Brown color with some green highlights Her emblem is on her hat
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