Greek Pantheon.


One Thousand Club
Closed rp for me and Maxine.

Name: Florence (No second name)

Alias: Flow

Age: Looks about 18, is around 23.

Gender: Female

Species: Naiads; A Greek type of water spirit that lives in small lakes, etc. Whilst in water they are completly soluble and can reshape themselves, add water to their mass, etc, but outside of water they appear human but with a waterfall of hair. Generally live in peace without bothering other species, but occasionaly one decides to leave. Outside of water they can turn into a puddle to avoid harm, but if any water is lost when they reform they will have much less mass unless they return to their source water to reabsorb. They can temporarily absorb other sources of water to throw around, temporarily change shape etc, but the only water they can permenantly keep is their source water. They are also poisioned by salt water, and are vunerable to extremes of temprature. In cold they can freeze up, and in heat they can evaporate and have trouble keeping shape.

Appearance: Wears simple clothes, has a faint blue tinge to skin and has flowing water for hair which matches the colour of their source water (In this case; the sort of colour a fresh water fountain is.)


Looks like this while solid, but the hair is constantly flowing.

Personality: Generally happy and cheerful, but has very little exposure to the world beyond the small fountain she grew up in, so is easily delighted, shocked or saddened by the outside world, her limited experience with people outside of her lake makes her unusally trusting of strangers, even though she knows bad people etc exist, she hasn't really experienced them first hand, so always expects people to be good until they prove otherwise.

Naiads are nymphs who preside over fountains, wells, springs, streams, and brooks.

In Florences case, a spring.

The woods have a series of magical barriers that keep dangerous monsters out, as well as stopping mechanical weaponary from working. Each tribe of free folk maintains one of the magical source points in the centre of the woods that maintains the barrier, and Florence lives in a great fountain that rests over the water spirit seal.

The Naiad species as a whole gets on very well with other free folk, as they are happy to channel water to other species who need it, and have no border disputes etc as they have no need of dry land.

They get on well with other water creatures such as mermaids and Undine, as since they don't need a physical space whilst in water they can co enhabit the same places.

They have the best relationships with Dryads and other plant related spirits, as the Naiads keep there trees well watered in return for the Dryads filtering out impurities from their water to keep it clean.

They are closely related to other water creatures such as mermaids, and to faeries.
Name: Pheobe Jackson

Alias: N/A

Age: 13

Look's: Black long and wavy hair. Green Eye's, Freckled covered nose and cheeks. 5'7 in size. Well built, Bright smile, Slim and slendor. Apple Doll Nose.

Species: DemiGod, Child of the Big Three. Although still unknown she believs she is a daughter of Posideon, From her connection to the sea

*Just a Brief Description
Okay, cool.

So, do you want to do something fairly serious, or just lighthearted?

The general plot could be that youve come to the fountain Flow lives in looking for links to poisiden, as the springs built to guard on object you can use to eventually open portals to olympus, and she meets flow there, flow decides to come with her etc.
Yeah cool, sounds good! Also theres a group thread i've started that you'd be welcome to join.

(Oh, also are we having this set in modern day, or is she ancient greek?)

It was a warm, dusty night, thousands of stars shining in the sky like beacons.

Under the moonlight a fountain was shining with a pale glow.

The fountain contained a great treasure, which could be used for good, or evil.

Under the dusk, two people were racing to the fountain, both wanting it's treasure for very differnt reasons.

One was Pheobe Jackon, the other...something less pleasant.


Phepbe Jumped over A Branch. She Needed to Reach the Fountain. Behind Her Branches and Tree's Collapsed, She Dove Sideway's to Avoid Impact Many Times. Her Black Hair Flapped in the Wind as She Sped Along. Someone, or Something was Chasing Her. Probolly Another Monster of Some Sort. She gripped her Sword in Her Palm. Racing Forward.

She Glanced Forward. An Clearing, Opened Ahead. She Dashed Forward. Bursting into the Opening. A Bright Smile, Fluttered Across Her Face. There to Her Left was The Fountain's Barrier. There it was, If She Could Cross it, She Would Be Safe Right. CRACK!!! A Branch Overhead Plummeted down. Before She Could Throw herself Sideway's, The Branch Landed on top of Her Waist. Her Sword Skittled Several Feet out of Her Way. She Stiffled a Scream, As She Tried to Push The Branch off Of Her.

She Faced Three Terrifying Realizations. 1. She Was Trapped. 2. Her Sword was Gone. 3. The Creature was Close. She needed Help and Fast.
Inside the fountain, the shimmering shape of a girl laid on the edge of the fountain, happily singing to birds.

She was in the shae of a human, but her entire body was clear and full of small bubbles, like an intractly shaped bottle of water.

There was a crack ahead of her, and her birds scattered in the air, sensing danger.

The girl had never met anyone outside of her family and the occasional deity who stopped by, so she had little concept of physical danger or of evil.

She'd read about it, but never expirienced it first hand, so it was just an abstract concept.

She flowed the the edge of the barrier, and saw a girl laid awkwardly under a branch.

Excitement at another creature flowed through her, but she'd been told she wasn't supposed to pass through the barrier without supervision, so she called to the girl where she was.

"Hello there! Are you tired or something? I don't think a branch is a very good blanket, you know. You'd be much better off coming in here."
Pheobe laid There, Struggling with the Branch, When a Voice sounded Behind her. She Glanced Heavily Backwards. " I-I'm Not Tired, I'm Trapped. Someone's Coming. Please, Please Help Me!" She Cried, Looking Fearfully back to The Forest. Where an Evil, Thick Laughter boomed, Not Twenty Seconds After. "Hurry!" She Screamed, Pleadingly. Branches snapped Closer and Closer each Second.

Pheobe Reached for Her Sword, Even Though se Knew very Well. She could not Reach it. Once more sh looked to The Girl, With Begging Green Eye's and Said One Word. " Hide."
Floerence looked at at the girl, blinking, before realising what was happening.

Her compassion burned far greater than any self preservation, and she dashed out of the barrier, grabbing Pheobe, turning solid as she did so, and then ran towards the barrier with her on her shoulders, diving through the forcefield
Pheobe was Flung to The Ground. She Rolled Twice Before Coming to a Stop on Her Back. She Laid Flat, Sucking in Air. She was Stunned. A Complete Stranger had saved her. She Slowly sat Up, Turning her Attention to the Forest. All She Could see Were Two Glowing Red Eye's and....Her Sword! It was Still Outside The Barrier, But Close enough for her to Get It. She Stood to Her Feet, Watching as a Dark Figure loomed with The Red Eye's. Just Waiting for Her To Step out. " Thank you, But I Have to Go Back Out." She looked at The Girl, Sorrily. " I'm Pheobe, By The way." She stopped and Took a Step To The Barrier.
"Stop!" FLorence said.

"What is it you want? The pokey thing?"

As she spoke a damp patch trailed from the water and puddled around the sword, pulling it into the ground.

A few seconds later, it poked up just inside the barrier.
Pheobe Smiled, Quickly Reshaping the Sword Back Into A Pen. "Thank's." She Held her Hand out, offerin a Shake. " Name's Pheobe Jackson. You Are?" She Asked Sweetly, Watching The Eye's Fade Slowly, From the Corner of Hee Eye's.
Florence beamed at her and shook her hand.

"My names Florence. You have two names? How does that work exactly?"
Pheobe Giggled to Herself. " I Have One First Name and One Last Name. Havent you Ever Been Outside The Barrier?" She asked Sweetly, Wtching Florence. Pheobe Wasn't Sure if She Could Trust Florence. She Could Be Some Girl, But she Could be Just as Easily a Monster tha Guards The Treasure. Pheobe Yawned slightly, Looking To The Full Moon, to Florence once again.
"'s not because your two people at once, then?" Naw, I was born in the fountain, raised in it, lived in it. I don't spend a great deal of time outside of it. One of the dietys put my family in charge of keeping something important safe from bad peoples. I think his name was...umm." she blushed rosily.

"It had a Z in it?"

She looked at Pheobe as she yawned.

"Oh, do you want to sleep? I dont think you'll do very well inside my fountain, but theres a little room made up for more solid people."
Pheobe giggled slightly, then looked at her with concern. " Oh you Mean Zeus. Umm..... Sure. That would be nice. But I Prefer to meet your family. If They are Here." She offered a friendly smile, as her eye's swept through the Courtyard Area. " Lead the Way." She placed her hand into her pocket, wrapping her finger's around the pen/sword. In case There was Danger. " By The way, You said you were born in the Fountain.... Does that mean you are a...uh..." She paused, trying to remeber her greek.
"Yeh, he doesn't come by to visit so much anymore though."

She looked at the girl happily.

"Im a Naiad. Well, technically im a crinaeae since I live in the fountain, but Naiad is the general term for all of us in rivers, springs, lakes, anywhere other than ocean."

She made her whole skin transparant to demonstrate.

"Okay! It's quite a big family though; I have 45 sisters and a Mother."
She smiled. " Whoa! I haven't seen A Naiad since Camp. Three year's ago." She replied, placing her hand on a Rope Necklace, with Two Bead's on it. She smiled at the Transparent girl. " That is quite Beautiful Skin. Soooo.... Lead the Way." She replied, motioning for her to walk on.
"Oh, you've met some of my relatives? That's cool!" she said, smiling at the girl.

"Aww, thanks! I like you're necklace thingy."

The girl hadnt seen humans since togas had still been in fashion, she she let out a tide of questions as they walked over to the central fountain.

"Do you live in a 'city?' Is your elemental power making a car? Can you make a sandwich? Can you make me a sandwich?"
She Thought for A Second. " Um... I Don't live anywhere. I Live on the Run. No I Don't Know how to Build a Car. I Really Haven't Made a Sandwich before." She replied, following to the main Fountain.
"Oh...I thought like, humans elemental power was making cars?"

As they got to the fountain, a tall, graceful looking Naiad rised from the water.

There was the slightest trace of age in the creases under her eyes, but otherwise on the surface she only really seemed to be a few years older than Florence.

She held herself with a grace and delicacy that spokes volumes more about her age than her looks did, and she ooked warmly at the two of them.

"Hello dear." she said in a rich, kind voice.

"WHat would your name be, child? My names Water-Lilly."

Florence whispered to Pheobe.

"She's also the Queen of the water spirits. And my Mom."
She looked to Water-Lilly kindly. "I'm Pheobe. Pheobe Jackson." She smiled, Her hand in her pocket. "Very nice to meet you." She bowed, feeling that she must to show respect.
"Hello Pheobe dearest. While im delighted by your company, I must say, im rather shocked you could even see this place, most humans turn round when they get nearby without even realising theyve changed direction. Florence hasn't given you any trouble, has she? Shes still a rather young girl, why it was only a few years ago she stopped drying the bed at night." she said wistfully.

Florence flushed furiously and stomped her foot.

"Mom! Just because you're the QUeen of the water, doesn't mean you get to say stuff like that!"
She smiled in Florence's direction. " Parent's, you Gotta Love them." She giggled, then replied to Water-Lilly. " I'm Half Human. Able to See Through Mist."
Florence smiles at her.

"Yeh, you gotta."

Lilly smiled at the girl.

"Ah. That would explain it, I suppose. What exactly are you half of, dear child?"

She wrinkled her nose up.

"You're not some type of ghastly ice wraith are you? My family have...a rather bad history with those."

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