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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken CS



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken Character Sheet


Full Name:
Age: 18 to 22 years.
Sexual Orientation:
Country of Origin:
Reincarnation Of:
Face-Claim: (mention somewhere in CS)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Distinguishing Features: What makes them recognizable?


Strengths/Virtues: Three minimum
Weaknesses/Vices: Three minimum
Likes: Five minimum
Dislikes: Five minimum
Fear: Optional
Desire: Optional
Secret: Optional


Theme Song: Optional

Note: History can be as long or short as you want. You can add how your character met another one, if you so desire. Relationships between characters can be worked out separately.


Powers: Max of 2 powers that have something to do with the character's myth/background
Drawbacks: Weaknesses to their powers/limitations

Skill: What are they good at? Max of 3. NO SUPERMANS.
Weapons: If forced to carry a weapon, what would they use? (Unless they already carry one...)

Coded by revalia revalia

Possible Characters List
Note: Separated by type of Greek figure. If there are any not on this list that you would like to pursue, ask me about it. I might say no only because of how much is known about them.

Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)~ revalia revalia
Apollo (God of Music, Prophecy, Sun, Medicine, and Others)~ r e i r e i
Ares (God of War)~ apolla apolla
Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt and Moon)~ revalia revalia
Athena (Goddess of Wisdom and War)~ r e i r e i
Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture and Grains)~ revalia revalia
Dionysus (God of Wine and Revelry)~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Hades (God of the Underworld)~ Nico Nico
Hephaestus (God of Blacksmiths and Fire)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hera (Queen of the Gods and Goddess of Marriage and Birth)~ lavendre lavendre
Hermes (Messenger of the Gods, God of Travelers and Thieves)~ AI10100 AI10100
Poseidon (God of the Sea and Earthquakes)~ mxlly mxlly
Zeus (King of the Gods, God of the Sky and Lightning)~ diwa diwa

Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry)
Clio (Muse of History)~ PixieDust PixieDust
Euterpe (Muse of Music, Song, and Lyric Poetry)
Erato (Muse of Love Poetry)~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy)~ r e i r e i
Polyhymnia (Muse of Hymns)
Terpischore (Muse of Dance)~ revalia revalia
Thalia (Muse of Comedy)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Urania (Muse of Astronomy)~ revalia revalia

Atlas (Titan of Endurance Who Held Up the Heavens)
Coeus (Titan of Intelligence and Pillar of the North)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Crius (Pillar of the South)
Epimetheus (Titan of Hindsight and Creator of Mankind)
Hyperion (Titan of Heavenly Light and Pillar of the West)
Iapetus (Titan of Mortality and Pillar of the East)
Kronos (Titan of Harvest)~ Shnuydude Shnuydude
Mnemosyne (Titan of Memory)
Oceanus (Titan Lord of the Seas)
Prometheus (Titan of Forethought and Creator of Mankind)
Phoebe (Titan of the Moon and the Oracle of Delphi)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Rhea (Titan of Motherhood and Mother of the Gods)~ PixieDust PixieDust
Themis (Titan of Divine Law and Order)~ JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

Aeolus (God of All Winds)~ AI10100 AI10100
Amphitrite~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Antheia (Goddess of Flowers)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Arke (Messenger of the Titans)
Asclepius (God of Medicine)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Boreas (God of the North Wind)
Deimos (God of Terror)~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Eris (Goddess of Chaos, Discord, and Strife)~ Shame Shame
Eros (God of Love)~ amva amva
Euros (God of the East Wind)
Gaia (Goddess of the Earth)
Ganymede (God of Homosexual Love)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Harmonia (Goddess of Harmony)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Hecate (Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth and Home)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hypnos (God of Sleep)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Iris (Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger of the Gods)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Khione (Goddess of Ice and Snow)~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Lethe (Goddess of Forgetfulness)~ revalia revalia
(You're lucky, Becca, because I originally crossed her off the list.)
Macaria (Goddess of Blessed Death)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Melinoe (Goddess of Ghosts)~ Shame Shame
Morpheus (God of Dreams)~ diwa diwa
Nemesis (Goddess of Divine Retribution and Revenge)
Nike (Goddess of Victory)~ diwa diwa
Notos (God of the South Wind)
Nyx (Goddess of Night)~ Misuteeku Misuteeku
Ouranos (God of the Sky)~ lavendre lavendre
Pan (God of the Wild and Nature)~ r e i r e i
Persephone (Goddess of Springtime)~ apolla apolla
Phobos (God of Fear)~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Thanatos (God of Death)~ apolla apolla
Tyche (Goddess of Luck and Fortune)~ revalia revalia
Zephyrus (God of the West Wind)

Atalanta~ Shego Shego
Hercules/Heracles~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Odysseus~ Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Perseus~ Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr

Arachne~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Ariadne~ diwa diwa
Circe~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Daedalus~ Misuteeku Misuteeku
Echo~ Shame Shame
Eurydice~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Helen of Troy~ mxlly mxlly
Midas~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Medusa~ revalia revalia
Narcissus~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Pandora~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Pegasus~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Penelope~ Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Psyche~ lavendre lavendre
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  • Skylie Dyer
    (Avril Lavigne)

    Basic Info

    Full Name: Skylie Aveline Dyer

    Nickname: Sky, Skittles, Rainbow, Rapunzel (by her father)

    Age: 19

    Birthday: November 15

    Sign: Scorpio

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Religion: Methodist/United Methodist

    Country of Origin: Canada

    Reincarnation Of: Iris


    Hair Color: Dirty Blond

    Eye Color: Dark Blue

    Height: 5'1"

    Weight: 110 lbs

    Tattoos/Markings: N/A

    Distinguishing Features: Her Signature Scowl, Her Eyeliner


    Sass her, she'll sass you right back. Skylie is a live wire with a vendetta against the world. She's pessimistic, cynical, and makes sarcastic comments whenever she can. Her dry wit is often unmatched, and she's honest to a fault, as well as blunt. There is a permanent bored look on her face, a product of a boring life filled with boring people. Along with this honesty sits a deep-seated need to find real friendship, not some phony relationship like all the other teenagers in the world. If you encounter her when she's vulnerable, she'll lash out, unless you give her a reason to trust you.

    Skylie's favorite type of music is rock, and due to this, she often sits in a corner, listening to Fall Out Boy or We the Kings. She's shut herself off from the rest of the world, opening up to pretty much no one. In spite of this, she's perfectly adept at surviving situations, and if give a good enough reason, she's capable of handing out logical advice given from an objective point of view. When alone, she paints. Unlike her wardrobe, these paintings are colorful, as if reflecting something deep inside her that she doesn't want anyone else to see. Only her art teachers have ever seen them; not even her family knows.

    Love is very precious to her, as she hasn't had enough of it in her life. Unfortunately, this means she won't know it if she ever encounters it, and won't know how to handle it.

    ■ Being honest
    ■ Knowing the difference between clearly right and obviously wrong
    ■ Painting

    ■ Doesn't have honesty filter
    ■ Her bluntness often seems harsh
    ■ Very sensitive to what people say to her

    ■ Will stand in the middle of a rain shower, face tilted toward the sky
    ■ Carries around Eiffel tower keychain
    ■ Will tell you what she's thinking, if you ask

    ■ Painting
    ■ Rock Music
    ■ Staying Up Late
    ■ Rainbows

    ■ Sports
    ■ Hip-Hop
    ■ Waking Up Early
    ■ Hurricanes/Tornadoes

    Skylie is deathly afraid of being alone for the rest of her life. The thought scares her so much that she will wake up in a cold sweat.

    Her most secret desire? Easy. Skylie someday hopes to see what's at the end of the rainbow. Okay, okay, she actually wants to find someone that will see her for who she is, and cherish her forever. (Yeah, it's cheesy. But can you blame her?)

    Skylie's boyfriend was very abusive. She never told anyone about how he'd beat her, and though they ended it, thanks to him losing interest, she still hasn't told anyone about it. She would rather not tell anyone, especially about the day he raped her when she tried to fight back.


    Unicorns and rainbows. From the day she was born, Skylie was expected to fit into a stereotypical girl archetype: in love with the color pink, obsessed with princesses, and a big fan of unicorns and rainbows. But that just wasn't her style. She liked wolves and foxes, as well as black. She scoffed at all things girly and refused to wear dresses and skirts no matter how much her parents begged. Her crown was a fedora given to her by her uncle, her kingdom the forest in her backyard.

    Skylie's mother resented the fact that her daughter had no sense of fashion or even cared what she looked like. Her father, comparatively, always said, "I'm proud of you," and would ruffle her hair, causing her to give him a gap-toothed grin. She clearly favored her father, and so, her parents often fought about it. Dad would always say Mom was putting too much pressure on Skylie, while Mom would accuse Dad of brainwashing her into thinking that acting this way and never really making friends was acceptable.

    When she was seven years old, her parents divorced, with her father taking custody of her. With the absence of his wife, everything fell into disarray, until he became prone to sitting in front of the TV with a beer in hand, mumbling at the TV as if it was the cause of all his problems. Skylie saw this, and realized her father didn't care about her anymore. With Mom not around, he had no reason to defend her. Saddened by this thought, she packed up her things and walked out the door at age nine, sick and tired of being ignored.

    She lived on the streets for about four years, toughening herself on the outside while she built impenetrable walls around her heart. Instead of being simply a tomboy, she was a tomboy street urchin, willing to do anything to survive. Finally, at age thirteen, someone found her and told her that her father had died of alcohol poisoning, right on the couch where she'd left him. Of course, she'd seen this coming. It was only a matter of time. But now that she'd been found, she'd have to go with her mom.

    Life there wasn't much better. Her mother ignored her, often pretending she didn't exist unless it was absolutely necessary. Skylie lived this way for three years, until the day she turned sixteen. It was around that time she got a boyfriend named Zared (stupid name). They went out for months until he broke it off suddenly, and she retreated into herself and began painting. Shutting herself off led her to become even more of an outcast than she already, and she's lost faith that she'll ever find anyone who will actually understand her.

    Theme Song: "Because Of You" by Kelly Clarkson and "Rock Bottom" by Hailee Steinfeld ft. DNCE

    Powers and Abilities

    In especially humid weather, Skylie can make the water in the air form a rainbow, which, depending on what she asks them to, can be tangible or not. The tangible rainbows can be made into objects, but these only last a few hours at the most, or for a lot less time if they're out in the sun. Sometimes she can ask them to deliver messages for her.
    Skylie can tell how a person's feeling by the colorful aura surrounding them. Certain colors correspond to certain emotions, but combinations are still a bit tricky for her. She chooses not to read too much into these auras that she sees, as she doesn't want to get too mixed up with people in general.

    ■ A lack of water source/water that is frozen cannot be formed into a rainbow.
    ■ If a lot of people occupy a room, their combined auras can give Skylie a bad migraine.

    Alto Saxophone
    Skylie plays a mean alto saxophone, though she's never really sure what this ever has to do with anything.
    Street Smarts
    Living on the streets wasn't a complete waste. Skylie knows things about people and how to survive that normal ninteen-year-olds wouldn't know.
    Her time on the streets also gave Skylie uncanny skill in anything gymnastic or speed-related. Even she's amazed when she does a backflip and sticks the landing.

    Her rainbows, her fists, and her trusty daggers

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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  • tumblr_osz6o1iyY81w6q8foo4_250.jpg
    A R A C H N Exxx
    elliot has a school boy crush on amber and it's obvious to everyone, except him. the male often gets lost in her chocolate brown eyes and his heart flutters every time she smiles, yet elliot has never crushed so hard so he's extremely confused on how to go about it.

    elliot sees eva as a mother in a weird way. she helps elliot stay grounded on earth and elliot enjoys having in dept discussions with her about his favourite superhero comics. elliot often seeks advice, especially when dealing with school boy crushes, and just advice in general.

    NAME || elliot adam march.
    NICKNAME || eli.
    AGE || eighteen.
    GENDER || cisgender male.
    ORIENTATION || heterosexual.
    NATIONALITY || kingston, uk.
    INCARNATION OF || arachne.

    FACE CLAIM || tom holland.
    VOICE CLAIM || tom holland.
    HEIGHT || five foot, ten inches.
    WEIGHT || 143lbs.
    HAIR || chestnut brown.
    EYES || dark brown.
    DIST. FEATURES || his babyface.

    BIOGRAPHY || elliot was born as the only child of elizabeth and james march; english high school sweethearts who were living as a primary school teacher and a journalist. elizabeth and james were kind people, both working hard to achieve their dreams and give their one a happy childhood. although as elliot grew older, james' pride grew with him. elliot spent his nights listening to his parents argue about james shifting in personality. from being a charming primary school teacher to a cocky man with his pride and ego blurring his vision. james became a functioning alcoholic by the time elliot reached fourth grade, james constantly lied and bragged about his possessions which only made his coworkers roll their eyes at him and his wife fear for his sanity. when elliot was ten, the march family spent two weeks in queens, new york with elizabeth's sister and her husband. after arguing, james and elizabeth decided to go out for dinner to try sort their issues out, leaving their son behind. as he was busy colouring in his book, elliot's aunt received a call saying her sister and brother-in-law passed away in a drunk driving accident caused by james. through sobs, elliot's aunt told the child about the death of his parents. elliot always says he was to remember his parents and was unaffected by their death as he continues to study in high school with his favourite subject being science, although that's a complete lie.


    PERSONALITY || elliot is a sweet kid. inheriting his mother's personality, elliot is loyal and free spirited. he cares deeply about his friends and family, always making sure they're hydrated and always offering to help with their homework. he also has an inferiority complex of sorts, elliot doubts himself and has a lack of self esteem. elliot is also accident prone, being quite clumsy and easily trips over things or knocks objects off. once you get closer to elliot, you'll notice he has a sense of humour and a kind heart. elliot often switches between his english accent with a queens accent during mid-conversation to see if people notice or react at the change or often makes retro and obscure references in conversations.
    VIRTUES || loyal, caring, sweet.
    VICES || inferiority complex, reckless, accident-prone.
    QUIRKS || fiddles with the hem of his shirts, makes obscure references.
    LIKES || old movies, science, sandwiches, oreos, studying.
    DISLIKES || horoscopes, talking about his parents, carrots, rap music, awkward conversations.
    FEARS || small talk, death.
    DESIRES || to work in the forensic field.
    SECRET || elliot suffers from insomnia because of the constant nightmares he has.


    POWERS ||
    arachnid physiology user with this ability either is or can mimic arachnid traits which includes:
    xxxwall crawling the user can climb walls and stay unto ceilings. the user does not deny gravity, but has the ability to adhere to surfaces unaided.
    xxxsilk generation the user can generate silk from their body, usually associated with arachnid physiology. elliot can create spider like silk from his wrists.

    special diet elliot cannot have simple drinks such as coffee as they have a strong effect on him and causes him to be hyperactive.
    limited silk elliot can only produce a limited amount of silk before he has to make more.

    SKILLS ||
    highly intelligent elliot has a high iq and intelligence, especially in science.
    obscure references because of his mother's love for movies and old stories, elliot knows a lot about old stuff.

    WEAPONS ||
    arachnid ability elliot uses his spider like powers to help him fight, he's quite flexible due to his powers plus the few gymnastic classes his mother made him attend.

    xxxwonderwall oasis.
    xxxcan't help falling in love elvis presley.
    xxxtear in my heart twenty one pilots.
    xxxlove lana del rey.

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  • ---> ARIADNE


    Full Name: Ariadne Angelis
    Nickname: Ari
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Sexual Orientation: Demisexual (but a romantic)
    Country of Origin: Greece
    Reincarnation Of: Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth, Architecture, and the Home
    Face-Claim: Antonia Thomas
    Hair Color: Brown with blond highlights
    Eye Color: Hazel
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 115 lbs
    Tattoos/Markings: Eight birthmarks bunched together in a circle on the back of the right side of her waist, a minimalist tattoo of the Central Library in the Netherlands
    Distinguishing Features: Four piercings in each ear, mostly studs.

    Strengths/Virtues: Calm, "pure", loyal, acts like the good older sibling you always wanted, emotionally and mentally strong
    Weaknesses/Vices: Too calm for her own good, sometimes too passive, doesn't like to make the first move
    Quirks: Very neat; likes to plan things. Barely gets angry.
    Likes: Cooking, baking, sketching, painting, keeping things tidy, listening to people's problems, going outside to study the world
    Dislikes: Mess, disaster, unnecessary tension, aggressiveness, loud noises
    Fear: To fail.
    Desire: To become a fantastic architect and build a library and a museum.
    Secret: She loves Hello Kitty and cuddling. And wine.
    It is very obvious Ariadne was born in Greece; she has a great big heart and she speaks the truth freely. Although Ariadne is very empathetic, she has a logic-driven mind. Planning things out keeps her from forgetting and keeps her on schedule. Structure is very important to her. She'll either show you she loves you by helping you with your work or by making you a meal. Ariadne is an excellent listener, loving to either assist with finding a solution or just letting the person vent. Since she has three older brothers, Ariadne has had to act like their older sister to make sure they get their chores done; if necessary, she can take charge, as she's done all her life. Ariadne doesn't partake in gossiping, but she will listen. She loves learning about new things. Ariadne is very patient, so if you've said something to her before and are about to repeat it, she'll let you. Her passiveness can come in handy when it comes to her fighting brothers, but Ari has realized slowly but surely that she can't be passive about everything.

    Theme Song: "Little House" by Amanda Seyfried () / "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder ()
    Ariadne has always loved learning about the way things were built. Her father, Marco Angelis, was a moderately famous architect. He loved mazes, naming his first child with her mother Eva after Ariadne, the goddess of mazes, hoping the child would take after him and become a great architect. However, tragedy struck and the first child was lost to a disease. Eva didn't want to have children with Marco for a year or so afterwards, then they had three boys, two twins two years after the first had passed and another two years afterward. Marco was crestfallen that he'd managed to have so many boys; he loved his sons, yes, but why couldn't he have a baby girl? He thought it was his fault, distancing himself from his family, but Eva and the children convinced him to come back. A few months later, Eva was once again pregnant.
    Marco was so relieved to see the ultrasound and hear from the nurse that it was a girl.
    Eva was the one who suggested they try the name Ariadne again. This time, she was in excellent health. Marco and Eva doted on her, making sure she knew how strong she was and making sure she knew how much they loved her. Just as Marco dreamed, her eyes immediately were drawn to the picture books on architecture and her first sentence was "who made this?". Marco took her and her older brothers along with him to work around the world when they all got a bit older, Ariadne getting to go earlier than her brothers because of how much Marco wanted her to follow in his footsteps. At home, Eva made sure all of her children knew how to cook, clean, and prepare anything they needed to at home. She never wanted them to be without a way to provide for themselves, so she made sure Marco also taught them how to take care of their finances and business.
    Now, Ariadne has been working in her father's shadow, interning at different museums of design and architecture throughout the years to work up her resume before she goes off to college. She convinced her parents to try fostering, and they’ve always had children in the house since. She is thankful her father encouraged her love of architecture instead of forcing it upon her, which makes her love feel genuine. Ariadne would love to be an even better architect than her father, sketching in her journal every day and incorporating the new ideas she learned at her internship into her concept work. She can only go up from here.
    Powers: Architecture Manipulation, Order Manipulation
    Drawbacks: Ariadne uses her Architecture Manipulation power to see the schematics of the area around her; when she is angry or unstable, the area around her can start to shake or even crumble. She can create and move pieces of architecture with her mind if she is focused enough. She can't currently create huge pieces of work. When it comes to Order Manipulation, Ariadne can literally induce order into whoever's near her; if there is a riot, she can either quell the aggressive behavior or control its outcome. She can never turn it into a disaster. If someone tries to threaten her, her power comes into play, instilling a sense of order into the person while she speaks to them.

    Centered Mind - Ariadne can handle multiple things at once, without getting stressed.
    Great Cook - Ariadne can make an edible meal out of anything.
    Leader Behavior - Ariadne is quick to take the lead when it is necessary, able to remember everyone's strengths and faults for future use.
    Weapons: A taser.

    coded by: witchery

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Name: Eva DioGuardi/Malone

Nickname(s): None for now

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Reincarnation Of: Rhea, Titan of the Moon

Country of Origin: Los Angeles, California, USA




• Hair Color: Dark Brown

• Eye Color: Light Green

• Height: 5’7

• Weight:

• Markings: A crescent moon that now mimics the phases of the moon on her left hip bone.

Appearance: Eva is a typical Hollywood beauty with model like looks that seem completely unapproachable and a figure that could easily get her a job as a Victoria's Secret Angel. She loves to dress in monochrome with accents of colour and outfits that leave just enough to the imagination to be a tease. In the comfort of her own home however, one can find her lounging around in sweatpants and baggy t-shirts with her hair in a messy top knot. Glamour is reserved for the public.




•Passionate- Eva is a very passionate woman. She may not want to connect completely with people at first in an emotional sense but she is incredibly passionate about people and the things she loves. She oozes passion and physical presence.

•Honest- Eva has been lied to and used so much in her life that she will not deceive others if she can avoid it. She wants to hit it and quit it? She'll let you know. Whatever she thinks she says. Sometimes for the worst.

•Fun-loving- Fun of any kind is a distraction from her problems so naturally it is like a fuel to her.


• Hedonistic- Eva parties to excess, drinks to excess you name it. Sex, drugs and rock and roll is really not just for the musicians of the world. Eva does this to forget and for the most part it works. Until the next day...

[SIZE= 14pt]Addictive tendencies[/SIZE]- Eva is an addictive personality. She can get addicted to a variety of things though not many of them good.

[SIZE= 14pt]Emotionally Spent[/SIZE]- Eva craves emotional intimacy and yet has never experienced it with anyone but the man who betrayed her. She can seem very shallow because of past hurts and the barriers she puts up. To most she is that good time girl who goes through lovers like water. She wishes deep down that she wasn't.


[SIZE= 14pt]Friendly[/SIZE]

•[FONT= 'Times New Roman'] [/FONT]Great at networking

•[FONT= 'Times New Roman'] [/FONT]Excellent kisser


[SIZE= 14pt]Always wears cherry flavoured lipgloss[/SIZE]

•[FONT= 'Times New Roman'] [/FONT]Is obsessed with Catwoman

[SIZE= 14pt]Floosy[/SIZE]



Eva Malone is a name you've more than likely heard of, though Eva is more commonly known by her stage name Eva DioGuardi. Born to a casting agent and a cinematographer in the swankiest part of Hollywood, all Eva has known from the moment she was born is show business. Eva's parents auditioned their good-looking baby girl for commercials from the age of two months old, training her for her predestined career as an actress.

By the time she was twelve she had been cast in three major feature films and landed a role as the youngest daughter Casey on a children's sitcom about an outer-space search and rescue team called The Super Troopers on the Disney Channel. Young Eva became a staple of the network essentially growing up on it. However her life was far from sunshine and roses. Though her parents pushed her into the world of show business and glamour, she had never enjoyed it. The acting itself was exhilirating, being able to become someone else for a short while, but behind the scenes she knew the world of Hollywood was a nefarious and insidious place.

At the tender age of sixteen whilst working on her first leading role in a suspense movie called 'Run', Eva met the love of her life, Director Greg Gardot, a man twenty years her senior. He was charming and sweet, respected her enough to see her as an 'actor's actor' even given her Disney background, and treated her more like a person than anyone in her line of work ever had, even more so than her parents. The young and vulnerable girl was head over heels, and would do anything he asked of her. Theirs was of course a secret romance in which he plied her with lavish gifts and all the attention and love she craved. Essentially he was grooming her and did this for three years simply so he could get her to comply to starring in more controversial adult entertainment roles once she was of age.

Upon finding this out, the young starlet was completely and utterly devastated. She had been used a lot in the industry as many were, but never to such a devious level. Feeling desolate, Eva spiralled into depression and hedonism, her career quickly following the downward spiral. At this time was when her powers began to emerge and she learned of who she really is. She is only going to Parthena Olympia to discover what she was meant for and get away from the hell that is the City of Angels.




Full Moon Lust- Like it says, Eva has the ability to control the emotions of lust on a full moon. She has no idea why or the extent of this, but she assumes that it only works on people within her vicinity. She cannot make people lust after her, just others.

Soothing Moonbeams- Eva can emit soothing moonbeams from her hands that can calm an atmosphere. She tends to use this a lot for personal gain when life is too chaotic. The beauty of the moonbeams can be hypnotising when looked at too long.

Nocturnal vision- Eva has excellent night vision and can also communicate with nocturnal animals such as bats and owls. She cannot hear their thoughts, but she can feel their basic emotions.


Acting- It is her career after all.

Networking- Networking is something she learned from her show business life. She can make fast social connections in a heartbeat.

Judo- She had to learn Judo to a professional standard when working on the film 'Run'.


None (yet)



Making out

Alanis Morissette songs

A great party

Occasional calm


Boredom and restlessness

Being lied to or taken advantage of

Bad sexual partners



Being used again


To discover who she really is.







Name: Francesca Olivia Simmons

Nickname(s): Some friends call her Fran. Her parents occasionally call her Frankie

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual, bi-curious

Reincarnation Of: Clio, Muse of History

Country of Origin: England, United Kingdom




• Hair Color: Dirty Blonde

• Eye Color: Light Brown

• Height: 5’6

• Weight:

• Markings: A scroll on her left wrist which she truly adores.

Appearance: Francesca is a pretty girl with an alluringly feminine way about her that is innocent and precocious at the same time. Her hair is rather long and tends to flick upwards at the ends and she has a very preppy and rather unadventurous fashion sense. Lots of beiges and other neutral colours and a fresh-faced no makeup look. She is average height with a slim build and small brown freckles on her cheeks. A boy at school called her 'cute' once meaning it only as a compliment, but she promptly took it the wrong way, perceiving him to be 'upholding the patriarchy by reducing her to an attractiveness rating.' All this at the tender age of thirteen!




•Inquisitive- Francesca sees the world as a place to learn from. She is a veracious learner and strives to better herself through knowledge and knowledge alone. She is quite the model student and would probably rather die than lose the right to education.

•Steadfast- Though close friends are few for this awkward young woman, you can be sure that she is a loyal friend with a kind nature even if she does struggle to understand non-theoretical beings like humans at times.

•Determined- Whatever it is Fran sets her heart on, you can be sure that she will achieve it to the very best of her ability, no questions asked.


• Innocent- While not in itself a weakness, the fact that it is paired with a naivety such as hers can be potentially dangerous. When people begin to appeal to her emotions rather than hard logic, she is susceptible to gullibility and wearing her heart on her sleeve. She is not good at combining logic with emotions and to her they are two separate yet necessary entities.

•Unadventurous- Francesca loves tried and true methods which makes her a bit stubborn and set in her ways. However her inherent curiosity usually overrides this tendency if the new method logically works better.

•Poorly Adjusted- Fran is very poorly adjusted due to her unusual life circumstances and abilities. She has always been isolated or openly disliked by her peers and has really only been around adults most of her life. Learning to deal with people her own age will be a challenge.



• Sweet and good natured

• Hard working


•Very talkative when history is involved

• Loves to rant about the patriarchy

•Frumpy fashion sense



Francesca was born into a family of renowned scholars in the village of Chipping Norton near Oxfordshire. Her father Arthur a philosopher and her mother Caroline an historian. They were both ambitious and rather type A personalities and as soon as she was born, they were teaching her. The first bedtime story Francesca ever heard was War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy and that was at the tender age of two weeks old. Even then her brain was working overtime to process the information and her parents were alarmed when she recalled the entire plot complete with it's intricacies at the age of nine after not having read the story herself.

It was clear by the time she was three that she was a certified genius. She could play Mozart, paint impressionist art and recall all the numbers of pi to the twentieth decimal. She was also an expert in the history of the Russian Romanov dynasty. Her parents pushed her down the route of learning and barely thought of her social needs as a child. By the time she was thirteen she had already begun studies at Oxford University, skipping the high school years entirely, and by sixteen she was a graduate of Medieval History. Naturally friends her own age are few and far between and now that he has been invited to Parthena Olympia she is apprehensive and excited to meet real peers and learn even more things.




Eidetic Memory- The ability to learn anything from looking at it once and recall facts and figures perfectly. For example, she learned to play the piano just by watching a video of pianist Lang Lang. She also learned French just by seeing one word in her French lessons at school.

A touch of history- The ability to learn the history of any inanimate object upon touch. For instance if she touched the Bayeux Tapestry, the entire history depicted in the tapestry would become clear to her, or if she touched a photo of a 1920s couple, she would learn the entire historical context surrounding their lives. However she cannot learn the emotional and internal history of people themselves as she is not good at understanding humans at that level. She is strictly factual. 'Just the facts m'am!' is her motto.


Multilingual- Francesca taught herself Russian, Swahili and French by the age of nine. She can learn more at any time.

Researcher- Since all she has to do is skim text to learn from it, she makes for a quick and efficient researcher

Verbose- Fran is essentially a human dictionary with a profound adoration of words. She likes to speak in long and complicated sentences and will not explain unless one asks. You have been warned.






Any type of book


Witty people


Crowded spaces

Looking foolish

Being flustered



Losing the ability to learn and process new things.


To win a Nobel Prize


Fran was once propositioned by her Humanities lecturer at Oxford who she did secretly find attractive but instantly turned down.





Name: Jesse MacDowell

Nickname(s): None

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Reincarnation Of: Atlas, Titan of Strength

Country of Origin: Scotland, United Kingdom




Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6'4


Markings: The mark of an ever turning Earth orbiting the sun. It mirrors the exact axis of the real Earth and takes 365 days to complete an axis.

Appearance: Jesse is ruggedly good-looking and has always looked older than his age. Most mistake him for twenty-five at the least. He likes to sport neat stubble and has a prominent dimple in his chin that some find endearing. His nose is crooked from the multiple punches it has taken impact from and his dark hair falls into his eyes most of the time. He is a sturdily built man, robustly proportioned from his regular workout routine and above average height for a man.



• Resilient- Jesse is the type of man who will never give up when knocked back. He is a prideful man and would not be able to bear the thought of backing down from any person or challenge. His reputation as a masculine force would be at stake.

• Dutiful- As long as his pride is not being belittled or he is not being emasculated in any way, Jesse is happy to take orders from authority that he respects. He has a strong need to carry out his duties and see them to their end.

• Chivalrous- Jesse can be very chivalrous and gentleman-like towards the woman...well, women he has his heart set on. He loves to make them feel like queens for the short time he is interested in them.


• Arrogant- Jesse's ego nearly always gets in the way and causes him to take dangerous risks or start unnecessary fights and confrontations. He has a very high opinion of himself because of all the things he has gone through in life, rightly or wrongly.

• Chauvinist- Though Jesse is chivalrous, he still has a tendency to see women as attractive appendages, partly due to his upbringing. He is starting to treat them as such less these days, but he would still rather leave things as strictly physical than actually having a real conversation with them.

• Impulsive- Do first, think later is his motto. Need I say more?


• Dauntless

• Can be self-sacrificial

• Fun-loving


• Broad Glasgow Accent

• Great at geography

• Iron Brew fiend



Jesse MacDowell was born in Glasgow, Scotland to Gregory and Vera MacDowell. The pair had him late in life and were a fairly old fashioned and dysfunctional couple. Gregory was the firmly established patriarch of the family, teaching his son to be stoic, fight for what he wanted and never give up. Though his teaching was admirable, he was not without his flaws. He treated his wife like a servant and was regularly unfaithful to her. She believed it was her duty to stick by him and she did so, never explaining to Jesse that what his father was doing was wrong because she loved her husband so very much. Jesse of course, followed in his father's footsteps.

Gregory died of liver cancer and excessive alcohol consumption when Jesse was fifteen, leaving him as the man of the house. Shortly after his death, Vera (who was now getting on in years) began to develop Alzheimer's disease, needing more care than Jesse could handle. Handle it he did, however. It was hard on the fifteen year old and he dropped out of school and got a job as a carpenter apprentice simply to be there for his mum. The stress of the job often took its toll though, and he would never admit this to people. At times things were so frustrating that he would become irresponsible, going out drinking and such resulting in many a drunken fight, but overall he did the best he could with a dire situation.

As his mother's condition slowly worsened, Jesse knew it was time he let her go into the care of the professionals and with much sadness he booked her into a care home. He only accepted the invitation to this university in order to make her proud, knowing that she just like his father would pass very soon. However, she would not even remember who he was.




Superhuman Strength- This mostly equates to physical strength but he also has a stronger mental capacity to handle traumatic experiences and increased stamina and endurance.


Carpentry- Jesse trained as a carpenter from a young age and still retains those skills.

Street-fighting- Jesse is very good at street fighting both when sober and not.

Cartography- Strangely enough, Jesse is quite skilled at drawing maps and is very knowledgable on geography.


None (yet)



Beautiful women

Beer and stout


Straight talkers



Being wrong




His fear is his secret


To uphold his honour and make his mother proud


He's scared of his mother's inevitable death and not having anyone to get him through the grief.

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  • [class=container1]height: 450px; width: 600px; background: #dedfe3; padding: 5px; margin: auto; cursor: auto [/class] [class=bigname1]height: 60px; width: 380px; padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px; font-size: 70px; color: #c5c6ca; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: left; letter-spacing: 1px; transform: rotate(-90deg); position: absolute; margin-top: 175px; margin-left: -255px [/class] [class=1imageone]height: 100%; width: 240px; background-image: url(http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0t8HBfJyxoY/UHqAI--vJDI/AAAAAAAAQB4/YcUTqcPA0fw/s1600/01+frida+gustavsson+hm+fall+winter+2012.jpg); background-size: 200%; background-position: 50% 5%; float: left; position: relative; [/class] [class=1imagetwo]height: 150px; width: 355px; background-image: url(https://i.mdel.net/i/db/2012/10/121955/121955-800w.jpg); background-size: 150%; background-position: 30% 0%; position: relative; float: right [/class] [class=lyrics1]height: 70px; width: 150px; padding: 10px 0px 10px 10px; border: 1px solid #c5c6ca; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #fff; position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 95px; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; transition: 0.8s [/class] [class=visi]opacity: 1; transition: all ease 1s [/class] [script class=1imagetwo on=mouseenter] addClass visi lyrics1 [/script] [script class=1imagetwo on=mouseleave] removeClass visi lyrics1 [/script] [class=tabsoutside]height: 25px; width: 353px; position: absolute; color: transparent; top: 150px; left: 120px [/class] [class=tabs1]display: inline-block; cursor: pointer; position: relative; margin: auto; [/class] [script class=first on=click] hide tab2 hide tab3 hide tab4 fadeIn 800 tab1 [/script] [script class=second on=click] hide tab1 hide tab3 hide tab4 fadeIn 800 tab2 [/script] [script class=third on=click] hide tab1 hide tab2 hide tab4 fadeIn 800 tab3 [/script] [script class=fourth on=click] hide tab1 hide tab2 hide tab3 fadeIn 800 tab4 [/script] [class=outer]height: 282px; width: 355px; position: relative; top: 18px; left: -5px; float: right; [/class] [class=div]height: 280px; width: 355px; padding: 5px; position: absolute [/class] [class=introword1]height: 35px; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid #fff; font-size: 30px; font-weight: 100; color: #fff; font-family:'Raleway', sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase [/class] [class=text1]height: 235px; width: 355px; padding: 5px 0px 5px 0px; font-size: 11px; color: #0c0c0c; font-family:'Montserrat', sans-serif; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden [/class] [class=overflow]height: 100%; width: 105%; overflow-y: auto; padding-right: 40px [/class] [class=word1]height: 15px; display: inline-block; padding: 1px 4px 2px 4px; background: #c5c6ca; color: #fff; font-weight: 700; letter-spacing: 0.2px; position: relative [/class] [div class=container1] [div class=bigname1]isidora[/div] [div class=1imageone][/div] [div class=1imagetwo] [div class=lyrics1][div class=overflow]copycat trying to cop my manner, watch your back when you can't watch mine, copycat trying to cop my glamour, why so sad bunny, can't have mine?[/div][/div] [div class=tabsoutside][div class="tabs1 first" style="height: 7px;width: 7px;background: white;border-radius: 50%"][/div]....... [div class="tabs1 second" style="height: 7px;width: 7px;background: white;border-radius: 50%"][/div]....... [div class="tabs1 third" style="height: 7px;width: 7px;background: white;border-radius: 50%"][/div]....... [div class="tabs1 fourth" style="height: 7px;width: 7px;background: white;border-radius: 50%"][/div][/div] [/div] [div class=outer] [div class=div] [div class=content][div class="tab1"] [div class=introword1]requisite[/div] [div class=text1][div class=overflow] [div class=word1]full name[/div] Isidora Jelena Brankovich

    [div class=word1]nickname[/div] Jelena (only by her family)

    [div class=word1]age[/div] Nineteen

    [div class=word1]gender[/div] Cis Female

    [div class=word1]sexuality[/div] Heterosexual

    [div class=word1]country of origin[/div] Subotica, Serbia

    [div class=word1]re-incarnation of[/div] Hera, Queen of the Gods and Goddess of marriage and fertility

    [div class=word1]face-claim[/div] Frida Gustavsson

    [div class=word1]hair color[/div] Light Brown

    [div class=word1]eye color[/div] Blue

    [div class=word1]height[/div] 6'1

    [div class=word1]weight[/div] 135 pounds

    [div class=word1]tattoos/markings[/div] None

    [div class=word1]distinguishing features[/div] Her height, her strong features (sharp cheekbones and strong jawline mainly)
    [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tab2" style="display:none"] [div class=introword1]persona[/div] [div class=text1][div class=overflow] [div class=word1]personality[/div] Isidora seems like a nice girl and rarely makes a bad first impression. She will always smile softly when first meeting someone and even if she doesn't like them, she will usually treat them politely. However, she always seems to have a bit of a condescending look in her eyes. No matter who you are, she will most likely think of herself as better than you and worthy of your attention over everything else. Even if you look away from her for a moment when speaking to her, she will become annoyed.

    On the contrary, she can be helpful and truly kind when she wants to be. At times, Isidora truly enjoys blessing people's relationships and she is compassionate towards children and mothers. She's very intelligent, which makes her quite cunning as well, and she can be quite commanding. She is always organized, with slightly perfectionistic tendencies that will never let a single thing be out of place.

    Despite her positive qualities, she's a master at manipulation. She knows how to fake her emotions to make others feel sorry for her or to make them do her bidding. She thoroughly enjoys being treated as a princess and if she is "betrayed", you should watch out. Her wrath is extremely fierce and her temper is very short. She does not hesitate to curse others; however, because of the drawbacks, she can be very impulsive with this.

    [div class=word1]strengths / virtues[/div] Intelligent, compassionate, authoritative, organized, helpful

    [div class=word1]weaknesses / vices[/div] Jealous, wrathful, manipulative, egotistical, impulsive

    [div class=word1]quirks[/div] Never smiles too widely, purses her lips when she's annoyed, raises both eyebrows when she's interested in something

    [div class=word1]likes[/div] Gold jewelry, mansions, Zeus, high heels, being respected, love, gossip about others, children

    [div class=word1]dislikes[/div] Dogs, being insulted, liars, getting dirty, jeans, snarky people, gossip about her, infidelity

    [div class=word1]fears[/div] Being a failure, being cheated on

    [div class=word1]desire[/div] To become a successful businesswoman
    [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tab3" style="display:none"] [div class=introword1]biography[/div] [div class=text1][div class=overflow] [div class=word1]history[/div] Isidora was born in Subotica, Serbia to a businessman father and a homemaker mother. They were extremely rich, which was how her mother was able to leave being a teacher to do what she wanted - to have and raise children and give them her full attention and care, having grown up with parents who were almost nonexistent. She only had one child, Isidora, as she was in her mid 40's and it was unlikely that she could even have more children.

    Isidora has many great memories with her mother, whom she loved very much. She remembers things like her first day of elementary school, her first school play, piano recital, going on vacation to France to see relatives, and a fallout with a friend. Her mother was there to rejoice and comfort her only daughter through all of it. She was caring and kind, with a beautiful laugh that she can still remember. So when she got very sick with cancer when her daughter was just 10 years old, it was no wonder Isidora became sad, and when she passed, it was even sadder.

    Her father had to stay at home and cancel business trips to look after his daughter. The two immigrated to the States a year later to start a new life. Her father was overcome with grief and she became so bitter and angry. She hated how the sickness took her mother away, how it made them leave behind everything to start again. As a result of this anger, Isidora became a form of herself no one knew about. She went from being in the background to the star of the show, in her school and elsewhere. She boldly began to hang out with the popular girls, with their designer purses and expensive dresses. She was a force to be reckoned with.

    When she was 15, she found that her best friend was dating a certain boy that she liked as well. So what did Isidora do? She sent gossip around the school about her friend, pretending to be her boyfriend, and they had a very messy breakup. Then, she happily got together with him and they dated for a year before she decided that she didn't like him anymore, as he was too clingy and awkward.

    Now Isidor is in college, majoring in finance, with the responsibility of being the heiress of her father's technology company. She will drop out if she must or if her father can no longer manage the company.

    [div class=word1]theme song[/div] COPYCAT - Billie Eilish
    [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=content][div class="tab4" style="display:none"] [div class=introword1]abilities[/div] [div class=text1][div class=overflow] [div class=word1]powers[/div] Blessing Inducement: The user has the ability to bless or bestow good luck upon other people. Isidora can bless relationships specifically and when she blesses a relationship, those in the relationship will be happy together as long as they are still in the relationship.

    Curse Inducement: The user has the ability to curse or bestow bad luck upon others. Isidora has the ability to cause others to have bad luck for a period of time. The severity of the curses usually extends to unnatural clumsiness and strange things happening around them, which may or may not hurt the target depending on how severe she desires the curse to be.

    [div class=word1]drawbacks[/div] The blessings only apply to relationships. Isidora cannot bless her own relationships in any way. The blessings don't ensure that the partners will be together forever, will never have any arguments or disagreements, etc, as the partners still have free will to choose whether to break up or not. She also cannot make two people fall in love without them both developing an official relationship.

    As for the curses, she can only curse others when she is in extreme danger or those whom she hates with a passion. The curses are not permanent and the amount of time they take to wear off varies (but it will be no more than 3 days). She can only curse up to 5 people per 2 weeks. If she tries to curse more than 5, it simply will not work.

    [div class=word1]skills[/div] Manipulation - It's quite easy for Isidora to manipulate others, either to tell them what they want to hear so they become weak or her or tapping into their soft spots to make them pity and help her. She can lie very convincingly and does it unapologetically.

    Baking - Isidora doesn't really admit it, but she enjoys baking and she's quite good at it. She enjoys using recipes, usually ones that her mother passed to her from her French roots, and follows them to a tea. She prefers to keep it simple, but she can bake something more out-of-the-box with a clear recipe.

    [div class=word1]weapons[/div] A small dagger
    [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div]
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Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Country of Origin: US
Reincarnation of: Phobos

Hair: Jet black, long and mane-like.
Eye Color: Very light brown, even orange in full light.
Height: 6'3
Weight: 220-ish.
Tattoos/Markings: Arms, face, and torso somewhat scarred from street fights.
Distinguishing Features: Face always twisted into a sneering grimace, and has perfectly white teeth. Intimidating demeanor.

Strengths/Virtues: Honor, Diligence, Courage.
Weaknesses/Vices: Wrathful, Belligerent, Proud.
Quirks: Has a definite nervous tick, most probably has ADHD.
Likes: Fighting, as well as anything you can get hurt or hurt people in, big cats (will always answer "because they can tear you to shreds," but really he just finds them cute), weaponry of any kind, and driving fast.
Dislikes: Insects, silence, small spaces, deep water, and meek people.

Panic: Can, with a single glance, cause someone to feel fear unimaginable.
Fighting: Good at throwing people, as well as punching people, and knows a bit of Judo.

Powers based on willpower. People with strong enough willpower can overpower his panic.
Will, if he hasn't fought in a while, pick a fight with anyone he sees, even if he cannot in any way beat them.
Nickname: N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Country of Origin: US
Reincarnation of: Deimos
Hair: Jet black, shorn to about an inch in length.
Eye Color: Brown, almost blood red in full light.
Height: 6'1
Weight: 190-ish.
Tattoos/Markings: Scarred as well, but not as badly as Michael.
Distinguishing Features: Stoic. Something about him just seems... wrong.

Strengths/Virtues: Intelligence, Patience, Adaptability.
Weaknesses/Vices: Deceitful, Hateful, Antisocial.
Quirks: Consistently finds and then does things that make others uncomfortable.
Likes: Planning things out, with Plans B, C, and D as well, Italian food, walking, playing strategy games, both physical and virtual, and reading.
Dislikes: People who question his reasoning, busy streets, orange juice, gambling (you only engage when you know you can win), and mornings.

Dread Aura: Exactly what it seems. Gives everybody nearby a massive dose of sinking stomach.
Shadow: Can practically melt back into the shadows. Whether or not this is magical, who knows?
Sneaking: Perhaps connected to the last note, Alex is very good at not being seen.
Fighting: Strong, nimble, and experienced in fights. Knows a good amount of taekwondo, as well as a number of other martial arts.

Powers based on willpower. People with strong enough willpower can overpower his dread.
Low social aptitude.
Nickname: N/A
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Self (if he could get over himself, bisexual)
Country of Origin: Greece
Reincarnation of: Narcissus

Hair: Shoulder length, dark, and rather curly.
Eye Color: Watery blue, and very reflective.
Height: 5'9
Weight: 150
Tattoos/Markings: N/A
Distinguishing Features: Anyone who's seem him only can say one thing about him: he is the most beautiful man they have ever seen.

Strengths/Virtues: Honest (though not particularly nice), Charitable, Creative.
Weaknesses/Vices: Narcissistic (obviously), Condescending, Oblivious to everyone else.
Quirks: often watches himself in mirrors for far too long.
Likes: Himself, shiny things, dogs (because they love him as much as he loves himself), photo shoots, lakes.
Dislikes: certain flowers (they give him weird feelings of foreboding), history (it bores him), birds (a seagull pecked his scalp as a child), cars (carsickness) and the dark.

Attraction: Everyone who gazes upon him loves him, although only to the point of a standard crush, unless other factors intervene.
Mirror Jumping: He has gazed so long at himself in the mirror that he can become the him in the mirror. He is allowed to move about without the worry of other people. Downsides: the farther he travels from his entry mirror on the other side, the more... distorted reality gets. Sometimes it stretches, sometimes bends, go far enough and it begins looking like an Escher painting. But, strangely, when you go out that far, it feels like... something... is watching you.
First, a bit about the gods who they are based off of. Phobos is the God of Fear, or more accurately Panic, and one of the sons of Ares and Aphrodite. He is seen as either a lion-headed man, or lion-like in some way. He is the more in-your-face of the two, and the one more prayed to. Deimos, however, seems to be more a concept than a god, being the God of Terror, or, again, more accurately in this rendition, the God of Dread. He is a creeping feeling, but just as deadly as his brothers, and so I made him more of the "strategist" of the group, but his fighting skills are on par with Phobos, perhaps not on the level of physical strength, but in fighting prowess.

Anyway, back to Michael and Alex. They grew up poor, orphaned, and homeless in one of the larger cities in the US, but have in recent years gotten out of that life due to being adopted off of the street by a wealthy old businessman who never had got the family he wanted. The two had had to fight for most of their lives, mainly drunks and people who got angry at them, which was just about everyone. They kept fighting after their adoption, mainly learning and then practicing martial arts, Michael learning Judo, and Alex having a soft spot for Taekwondo. The businessman died a year ago, and left the twins everything he had. At some point afterward was the call to Olympus felt. The two set off after settling any affairs left standing, and got on a plane to Thessaloniki, where they are now.

(I have an image of their faces in my mind, but not much about who might fit the bill. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to suggest. Also, I will probably edit bits of this otherwise.)
Andreas was born into a wealthy family that lived near Thessaloniki, in Greece. He was from a young age recognized as a beautiful person, and when he entered his teens, became a model for an influential magazine. He has, for all of his life, been privileged, and knows nothing else. When he got the urge to climb Mount Olympus, it baffled him, for he'd never had any inclination for hiking or mountain climbing. He supposed he may as well, though. He went into the city to stop and buy some more rugged clothing (still in fashion, of course) and that is where he is now.
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    name: care ally carter

    nickname: car, and care bear (call her that and die)

    gender: cis-female

    age: eighteen

    sexuality: pansexual

    reincarnation of: athena

    country of origin: united states


    height: five feet and seven inches

    weight: one hundred and twenty-eight pounds

    eyes: light blue

    hair: light brown with light highlights

    face claim: claire estabrook

    distinguishing features: a scar on her right shoulder from a monster attack, and a charm bracelet she never takes off.

    body mods: n/a


    personality: care is one of those type of people who can be invisible, who probably shouldn't, but is. she is very observant and knows when to shut up, and when to speak up. she is shy, to the point, she has a hard time even talking to people. partly to the way, she was raised, being an orphan kinda made her world small as it is. then she didn't get along with kids her age, so it just ended up with her being by herself most times. only one person made her speak, and smile who was hermione. other than, care wasn't speaking. she is very protective of the people she cares about and is crazy loyal. every with her has to be perfect and is frustrated when it's not.

    virtue(s): caring, sweet, kind, loving, protective, observant, adaptable, and strategist

    vice(s): shy, vulnerable, distrustful of adults, blunt, sensitive, and perfectionist

    like(s): hermione, reading, school, learning, skittles, and her bow

    dislike(s): bullies, her dad, orphanage, being away from hermione, and chocolate

    desire: to find a place where she and hermione could live in peace and be happy and together

    fears: to lose the one person she cares about the most, to not being able to protect the people she cares about most.

    quirks: she paces around when she's thinking


    backstory: care grew up in an orphanage. her parents left her there when she was just a baby. left her right on the steps, not even caring to cover her up. she was a smart child right off the bat, having by the age of four, being able to do most things herself. she kept to herself and barely bothered anyone. she was a loner, other orphans didn't want to play with the cause her mind, and weird stuff happened around her. the one day, she found a friend named hermione. a girl who was special to her. the first one to care about her and not see her as an orphan but as a person. they played nearly every day, with hermione writing or care reading to the both of them. soon they were 12, and hermione was a very popular child actor, the cause of this she had to leave, they promised to write and hermione gave her a charm bracelet of which she never takes off. they write nearly every single week to each other. they may be apart, but they are still best and close friends. care now is eighteen and is taking college courses at the local college. she has two jobs and her own apartment which is very crappy but is home.

    skills: smart as hell, can speak two languages - Greek and Spanish, and very skilled in bow and arrow due to training at the high school.

    powers:^strategist: she can make plans in an instant, no matter what she can come up with a good plan but sometimes, it comes with prices.

    ^^intuitive aptitude: she can instantly learn and understand the complexity and exactness of organisms, objects, etc. without the need of long-term or special education

    weaknesses:^ she can only think of the right plan to execute. She cannot make a bad plan. No matter what, her plans always have a price.

    ^^ she understands and can use them but only if she has a prior need to it. Like she needs to understand it, not if she wants to understand it. There has to be a need for her to learn it.

    preferred weapon: a bow and arrow. accompanied by daggers or a short sword.


    coded by korol | note: hidden scroll
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Full Name: Elijah James Emerson
Nickname: Eli
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Country of Origin: Los Angeles, California, USA
Reincarnation Of: Hades, God of the Underworld, Wealth and the Dead


Face-Claim: Manu Rios Fernandez
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 160lbs
Tattoos/Markings: N/A
Distinguishing Features: He has swirls of golden color in his eyes, freckles scattered around his body. A lumpy star-like birthmark on his left wrist.

Powers and Weapons

Necromancy- The mental or physical ability to control the bodies and spirits of the dead. He has minor control over this, everything is still new.
Shadow Control- The ability to mentally generate and manipulate darkness, deactivated photons mostly in the absence of light.

Drawbacks: Eli's powers over the dead is limited to only three skeletons at a time, if he uses too much of the shadows he starts to become one. Fading a little, he has to immediately stop or else he will become a shadow himself. Over time he'll learn how to use these better, but as he is just coming into these abilities he's still weak at them.
Guitar- Elijah is quite adept with the guitar, he's been playing it since he was 10.
Computer Coding- His major in college is computer programming, so naturally he's adept with computers and the coding involved.
Artist- He's been drawing since he was a child, only getting better as he aged. He draws in both western and eastern animation styles.
Weapons: A large black sword, 5 feet in length, golden metal on the hilt.

Personality and History

Elijah is socially awkward boy, he doesn't really socialize all that well. He tends to stick with people he's familiar with and hope they bring out his more social side. He's finds it hard to interact with others due to being isolated due to sickness most his life. So it takes a bit for him to come out of his shell. He's calm and often speaks like he's lived for more years then he has. He's a sweet and kind person who doesn't seem to have a mean bone in his body. He gets that from his mother. He seems to have a way with words which he uses to talk down heated arguments or conflicts, helping find a reasonable solution for the problem.

Eljiah is capable of getting really angry, though this is very rare and it takes a lot to piss him off. He's probably the most level headed person you could meet. When he does get angry he goes into a rage, god forbid someone is around when that happens. He wont think twice before taking it out on them. Afterwards he would horribly regret it. He feels guilt in the fact that when he lets it out that he could hurt someone. He doesn't want to hurt anyone. Elijah is a really huge nerd, he loves video games, anime/manga, comics and the internet. He doesn't completely neglect everything he needs to do and do nothing but this stuff. He's responsible and makes sure he has everything important done first before he uses his free time. He actually gets along quite well with the debate club at his school and is known to have intellectual debates with them.

He is reliable and loyal, if you befriend him you have a friend for life. However, if you are his enemy, or if he just dislikes you expect a cold shoulder. Stupid people and irritating people seem to irk him the most. He doesn't tolerate people who don't use their brains that they were given. He'll call you out on your shit and be cold and harsh doing it.
Strengths/Virtues: Intelligent, Level-headed, Diplomatic, Creative
Weaknesses/Vices: Elitist, Socially Awkward, Sickly, Calculating
-Anxiously darts his eyes around the room at times
-Always has to tap his fingers on something.

Eli was born an only child, his parents never really wanted more than just him. His mom was a stay at home mother and his father a cushy CEO job. So they never had worries about money. A little crack in their perfect life style was Elijah's sickness. He had been born with a weak immune system, he was always in and out of hospitals. It became his second home. His parents deemed it too much of a risk for him to go to public school and they hired a tutor for him to be home schooled. He excelled in his school work and was a well behaved child. He tended to spend a lot of time in his room on the computer. Most of his classes were on the computer but he found himself in chat rooms most of the time. His parents were too afraid for him to be around other kids. So he got his social interaction through the computer. He drew and practiced his guitar when he wasn't on the computer.

Eljiah as he grew older and kept on treatments, his immune system grew stronger. He could attend middle and high school, he only had a few friends and had trouble communicating. He was mostly made fun of due to his speech, but he never really took it to heart or gave into their attempts to get a reaction out of him. His favorite class in high school had to be the computer classes. That's where he found his passion for programming. It was then he decided that's what he wanted to do. His teacher was a sweet woman who helped him look into colleges with the profession he desired. He soon graduated and enrolled into the University of California. The drawl of everyday college life was the norm for Elijah, he didn't really go to parties, he tended to hang out with the debate club and joined a friends band as the guitarist. Things were great until he started feeling like there was something inside him. He was sure going to get to the bottom of it.

~ Rock Music
~ Anime/Manga
~ Drawing
~ Dark Spaces
~ 80s Music and Retro Things
~ Superheroes
~ Comfortable Clothes
~ Video Games
~ Sleeping
~ Clear Nights
~ The Internet

- Stupid Questions
- Summer Days
- The Sky
- Annoying People
- Mornings
- Swimming
- Seeing his friends upset
- Thunder and Lightening

~ Astraphobia - Fear of thunderstorms
~ Altophobia- Fear of heights

-While Eli is one of the vessels of the Gods, he has his physical weaknesses, he can't use his powers prolonged. He grows tired quite quickly after using so much of it. He's not a God so he can't just use his powers as much as he wants.
-Eli is prone to sunburns, his skin isn't exactly use to the sun after being sheltered by his parents most of his life.
-Eli speaks with a slight stutter.

-He sleeps with a teddy bear, it's an old thing given to him by his grandma before she passed away. His name is Tiddles.




-Black Guitar (For Band)
-Drawing Pad
-Gaming Devices
-Drawing Tablet

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  • Gio Andrews
    “They say all marriages are made in heaven, but so are thunder and lightning.”

    Full Name: Betelgeuse Rigel Andrews
    Nickname: Gio
    Age: 19
    Birthday: February 9
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
    Country of Origin: USA
    Reincarnation Of: Zeus, Greek god of the Sky and Ruler of the Olympians
    Face-Claim: Avan Jogia
    ☁️ ⚡ ☁️ ⚡ ☁️ ⚡ ☁️ ⚡
    Hair Color: Black
    Eye Color: Dark Brown
    Height: 5 ft 11
    Weight: 157 lbs
    Tattoos/Markings: -
    Distinguishing Features: His wild and sexy hair


    Virtues: Gio was raised to be a kind and helpful kid. In time, he grew up to be a generous, brilliant and capable young lad who is very curious and will not stop just to get the answer he is looking for. Suffice to say he is persistent young man. Despite of him being aloof most of the times, he can be compassionate, empathetic and sensitive to others though he’s having a little trouble showing it. He will not hesitate to step in and take a fall for a friend. A natural leader and has more than enough drive and will to do what is right even though he will get in trouble.

    Vices: Obstinacy is his main issue; that and him being a little sarcastic. Not to mention that he is extremely unlucky. Step on a puddle during a sunny day, alarm clock didn’t ring on time, accidentally caught in the riptide in the beach, bird pooping on his sleeves. Name it and probably he’s probably been through it. Because of that he became aloof and cynical. He always expects the worst in everything thus he is having a hard time connecting with people. He can also be quirky and weird. Knowing that a bad luck will always ensue, he can also be a little careless, restless and impulsive thinking that he needs to get the best out of it fast before his luck runs out.

    Quirks: He musses his hair whenever he is thinking or stressed out.

    Likes: Gio likes coffee. No, he loves coffee that he can drink at least 10 cups a day. Not exactly healthy but the guy really loves his java. He’s also fond of staring at the night sky especially if the vast expanse is cloudless and clear using the telescope that was given to him by his parents. He can easily spot shooting stars or meteor showers. His misfortunes stop whenever the guy is out with his telescope and just wanted to relax in the roof. Aside from the stars, Gio is fond of watching the sky during a storm while, of course, drinking his coffee.

    Dislikes: Gio is not really a morning person. He hates it more than his luck.

    Fear: He is claustrophobic. The god of the sky needs his open space or he'll go cranky.

    Desire: Optional
    Secret: Optional



    Theme Song: Optional



    • Atmokinesis - Gio has a capability of controlling the weather.
    • Electrokinesis - He can generate huge bolts and arcs of static electricity and at the same time he is immune to it.

    Drawbacks: He can only control the weather for a short period of time such as a couple of minutes to maximum of an hour. Every time he uses his power it takes a toll on his health. It weakens him, and could possible kill him if he exhausts his energy. As for the lightning, every time he cast a bolt no matter if it’s big or small, a Lichtenberg figure appears on his back but it fades in time. Though it fades, the process is painful and it will feel like he’s being burned and branded by a hot iron.

    Skill: Gio is a great artist. He's really good at drawing. Not to mention he is good predicting the weather and at the same time, astronomy.

    Weapons: A sword. Imperial Gold if given a chance. Golds are good conductor of electricity.
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    Full Name: Harvey Grant

    Nickname: Harv, Troublemaker

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic Asexual

    Country of Origin: Wales

    Reincarnation Of: Hermes

    Face-Claim: Andrew Garfield


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    Full Name: Matthew Fendrick

    Nickname: Matt

    Age: 22

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Heterodemisexual

    Country of Origin: Canada

    Reincarnation Of: Aeolus

    Face-Claim: Josh Bowman
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Full Name: Oliver Harrison
Nickname: "The Fox"
Gender: Male (Cis)
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Country of Origin: USA
Reincarnation Of: Odysseus, Fox of Greece and King of Ithaca

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Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 5'7 (Oddyseus was said to be very short, after all)
Weight: 160 lbs.
Tattoos/Markings: None
Distinguishing Features: His height, along with a small scar on his foot from when he was attacked by a wild boar while hunting while hunting

Personality: Oliver is first and foremost a genius. Like, he is scarily smart. And he knows this. He's snarky, sarcastic, and an overall smartass. But his heart's in the right place. He genuinely cares about people, especially his family and his girlfriend, but he can be a real asshole at times. He can also be a bit manipultive, once pitting over a dozen bullies against each other for insulting him. Let's just say most of them drank through a straw for a while.

Intelligent: As stated before, he is scarily intelligent, able to come up with genius plans in just minutes, and he will sometimes create complicated syllogisms in his head just so he can solve them.

Confident: These plans wouldn't be anything if he couldn't carry them out well, and his natural bravado helps him with this. He treats every plan he makes as one that will work, and this usually helps him out. Usually.

Charismatic: Aiding his somewhat sociopathic tendencies is his high amount of charisma. He oozes personality, even if he comes off as a bit pretentious and full of himself.
Prideful: Oliver is pretty full of himself. He knows he's the smartest guy in the room, and he makes sure everyone knows this. This has gotten him into trouble many, many times over the years.

Petty: Oliver can be very, very petty. Any slight against him is one that will be punished. He never forgives, and he never forgets, except if it's from someone he cares for. He will go to great lengths to get back at someone, even at the cost of himself.

Easily Distracted: If given the chance to better himself or his family, he will drop everything and go pursue it. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it gets him something.
Quirks: He is terrified of boars, and has a love for olives and olive trees.
Likes: Olives, foxes, archery, family, his girlfriend
Dislikes: Boars, people who think they're better than everyone else (yes, he knows he's a hypocrite,) the ocean, being stuck on one place for long periods of time
Fear: He fears failure and being inadequate above all else.
Desire: To provide for himself and his family.
Secret: He recently found out that his girlfriend was pregnant with his child, and is getting ready to reveal it at the right time.

High Intellect: As stated many times, he's super duper smart. Like, seriously.

Archery: He's really good with a bow, and has won several awards for his marksmanship. He sometimes takes the sights off of his how just to show how good he is with it.
Drawbacks: His pride can lead to him overestimating his plans, his marksmanship, and himself. He has to actually plan ahead of time before he executes a plan, and he needs to see his Target to actually hit it.
Social Manipulation
Problem Solving and Planning
Weapons: Bow

History: Born to Farmers in the Midwest United States, Oliver grew up a pretty normal life. Sure, he was a smart kid, but nothing too serious. Yet. When he hit puberty, his intelligence soared. He was the smartest person in his town, and his innate ego emerged as a result. He was also an excellent marksman, and loved to hunt with his father. On a faithful day when he was fifteen, Oliver was attacked by a wild boar while hunting with his father, causing him to gain a massive scar on his foot. While in the hospital, he met a girl named Piper. The two soon became close, and started dating when they were seventeen. Oliver graduated as valedictorian of his class, going to college to get a master's in agricultural business, while Piper went to get a degree in law. He graduated, being on the Dean's List and being in the top 5% of his class. He moved to where Piper was going to school, living in an apartment with her as he made a living helping his father's farm. And this is where his story begins...
Theme Song:

Note: History can be as long or short as you want. You can add how your character met another one, if you so desire. Relationships between characters can be worked out separately.
[class=sheet] margin: auto; width: 67%; height: 100%; font-size: 12px; [/class] [class=image] float: left; height: 450px; width: 300px; background-size: cover; [/class] [class=image_top] height: 150px; width: 150px; background-size: cover; display: inline-block; [/class] [class=content] overflow: hidden; float: right; height: 450px; width: 465px; [/class] [class=scroll] overflow: auto; width: calc(100% + 15px); height: 450px; [/class] [class=gif] background-size: cover; display: inline-block; width: 124.4px; height: 70px; display: inline-block; [/class] still a massive wip, but you know there are some things (definitely hmu if you have ideas for relationships tho)
  • [div class="sheet"] [div class="image" style="background-image: url('https://az617363.vo.msecnd.net/imgmodels/models/MD10003167/tom_webb_jigsaw_4f825eb4c8be81b6cee1f756dc2935ec9_thumb.jpg');"][/div] [div class=content][div class=scroll] [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/5fba2d85a62636ed5391b8b338a9e2a0/tumblr_oox9f0vJJN1u5vo8no1_250.png');"][/div] [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/388c3a76cdbfc37a774b4f3308e042c7/tumblr_oox9f0vJJN1u5vo8no8_250.png');"][/div] [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/6fdc155cbfdd584b277453101f654f40/tumblr_p6bcn8PWmt1tt4ixno5_250.png');"][/div]
    [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/3d331cc748a05b67e91f775bbb719803/tumblr_oox9f0vJJN1u5vo8no4_250.png');"][/div] [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/3a80d57fa65fec9fb9c276c5e4f0bc3d/tumblr_oox9f0vJJN1u5vo8no5_250.png');"][/div] [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/a7e6c779a4c654ddbe1e22ec567b2a2c/tumblr_oox9f0vJJN1u5vo8no9_250.png');"][/div]
    NAME ⦙ Milo Joseph Thames
    AGE ⦙ 20
    GENDER ⦙ Male
    ORIENTATION ⦙ Heteroseuxal
    REINCARNATION OF ⦙ Midas, the king who wished for a touch of gold.
    FACE CLAIM ⦙ Tom Webb
    VOICE CLAIM ⦙ ...
    HAIR ⦙ Dark blonde, a stylized mess
    EYES ⦙ Blue
    HEIGHT ⦙ 5'9"
    WEIGHT ⦙ 125 lbs
    [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/aa1db4f2b97e541318181ea4c623897a/tumblr_inline_obuwkhASRN1tae3h3_250.gif');"][/div]
    [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/29d81bd59c17c90547ab29f5d0100ff8/tumblr_ovny5ohGn41r5joqio6_400.jpg'); width: 70px; height: 70px;"]
    [/div] [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/6b2fb263304e46e9c1d66a605932af24/tumblr_inline_obuw2txaZY1tae3h3_250.gif');"][/div]
    VIRTUES ⦙ Compassionate, decisive, loyal
    VICES ⦙ Selfish, greedy,
    QUIRKS ⦙ ...
    LIKES ⦙Five minimum
    DISLIKES ⦙Five minimum
    FEARS ⦙ Optional
    DESIRE ⦙ Optional
    SECRET ⦙ Optional
    [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/f7ff033cfa98b8e52ffa3065577580aa/tumblr_oajogfRX8W1rdkvxmo1_500.gif');"][/div]
    [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/076947409efdff1b3fec836d3d257768/tumblr_ovny5ohGn41r5joqio9_400.jpg'); width: 70px; height: 70px;"]
    [/div] [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/3bd55326291991328048e457b5ec3269/tumblr_oajogfRX8W1rdkvxmo2_500.gif');"][/div]
    HISTORY ⦙ ...
    THEME SONG ⦙ ...
    [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/246995e6eda03f29b57c46e4c175cb8f/tumblr_inline_obuwk9k4z91tae3h3_250.gif');"][/div]
    [div class=image_top style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/80fe95521c203b2f356867f7345b323c/tumblr_ovny5ohGn41r5joqio2_400.jpg'); width: 70px; height: 70px;"]
    [/div] [div class=gif style="background-image: url('https://78.media.tumblr.com/2faae8a7539ed0d468a3f181ff3574be/tumblr_inline_obuwmy0OR11tae3h3_250.gif');"][/div]
    POWERS ⦙
    ? Golden Touch/Sense - he can, with a mere touch, can transform anything into gold. and, he can sense the presence of precious metals in the earth, or around him, such as in the form a ring.
    ? Gemstone/Metal Manipulation - the user can manipulate valuable minerals, such as gemstones and metals. His control over gold is inherently stronger than other precious resources.
    ? He can only transform objects into gold temporarily, and no more than 20lbs of gold at once
    SKILLS ⦙
    WEAPONS ⦙If forced to carry a weapon, what would they use? (Unless they already carry one...)
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Full Name: Lucas Fontaine
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Country of Origin: United States of America
Reincarnation Of: Poseidon

Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Vibrant Sea-Green
Height: 5'11
Weight: 172 lbs
Tattoos/Markings: A tribal styled sleeve on his right arm also covering the upper right of his torso; A small trident tattoo on the back of his shoulder
Distinguishing Features:
The Beard, tattoos and the sea-green eyes

Personality: Lucas isn't exactly the nicest guy, but most of the time he figures out how to control himself. He tries to be the nice guy, but otherwise he is very moody. His anger is usually accompanied by violence, but as said above, he tries his best to hold it back. It will take a lot to completely break him from his good habits. Otherwise, Lucas is a fun guy to hang with. He isn't exactly boastful (Unless there's a female involved) and he knows how to speak to people without them feeling like he's belittling them. What a great trait to have.

Strengths/Virtues: Self control; Humble (most of the time);
Weaknesses/Vices: Petty; Revengeful/Spiteful; Anger Issues
Quirks: This man is a very competitive man. Like, seriously. He also talks with his hands a lot.
Likes: Horses, Birds that aren't owls, Ocean life and the beach, Own Masculinity
Dislikes: Olives, Owls, Snakes, Foxes, Anything Athena likes tbh

Powers: Storms; When beyond angry, storms will form in the immediate area
Drawbacks: His own self control; It doesn't happen right away (not exactly 'unlocked')
Skill: Swimming, Navigation, Horseback
Weapons: Something long enough to guard behind him and in front of, like a staff or long pole.

History: WIP
Theme Song: Optional
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  • Keir Mannan - Reincarnation of Melinoe


    Nickname: None

    Age: Twenty-one

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual haha get it?

    Country of Origin: The United States of America

    Reincarnation Of: Melinoe

    Face-Claim: Lauren Elyse

    Hair Color: Varies, but is naturally black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Height: 5’7”

    Weight: 180 lbs

    Tattoos/Markings: Keir has her septum pierced, two piercings in each ear, and a dermal piercing on her chest. She has some small tattoos on her fingers, like a crescent moon, a star, her zodiac sign, and a cat. On her right forearm, she has a tattoo of a cat’s face and she also has the words “It’s called Vilitigo” on her left forearm.

    Distinguishing Features: Her vitiligo is the first thing people notice about her. Then, it is the nose ring, and most importantly (to her anyway), her perfect hair and makeup.

  • Jaren Kol - Reincarnation of Echo


    Full Name: Jaren Kol

    Nickname: Ren

    Age: Twenty-two

    Gender: Female

    Orientation: Pansexual

    Country of Origin: Israel

    Reincarnation Of: Echo

    Face-Claim: Segovia Amil

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Height: 5’11”

    Weight: 145 lbs

    Tattoos/Markings: On the center of her chest, she has a tattoo of birds in flight. She has the tattoo of a raven over her left shoulder blade, and the words, “Amor animi arbitrio sumitur, non ponitur” (We choose to love, we do not choose to cease loving) running down her ribs on the right side.
    Distinguishing Features: Her dagger-like cheekbones, her height, and her multitude of freckles

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    Charles Fox Jr. - Reincarnation of Eris

    Nickname: Fox, Charlie Foxtrot, Charlie, Foxtrot

    Age: Twenty-two

    Gender: Male

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Country of Origin: United States of America

    Reincarnation Of: Eris

    Face-Claim: Stephen James

    Hair Color: Brown

    Eye Color: Green

    Height: 6’1”

    Weight: 193 lbs

    Tattoos/Markings: A lot
    Distinguishing Features: His multitude of tattoos

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Full Name: Piper Lopez
Nickname: None (yet)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Country of Origin: United States
Reincarnation Of: Penlope, wife of Odysseus and Queen of Ithaca
Hair Color: Brown/Black
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Weight: 130lbs. (She's starting to put on baby weight)
Tattoos/Markings: None
Distinguishing Features: Her piercing gaze
Personality: Piper is a stubborn, stubborn woman. If she says she's going to do something, she will do it, or die trying. She said she would date her boyfriend, Oliver against her father's wishes, and she did. She said she would carry his child and would not get an abortion, and none one has convinced her otherwise. She is very caring and kind, though, when she's not being as stubborn as a mule, of course.
Iron Willed
Quirks: She has a tendency to rub her stomach, even though she has yet to get her baby bump.
Spending time with her family
Being alone
Cramped places
Fear: She fears that maybe, just maybe, when Oliver goes out on one of his business trips, he might not come home.
Desire: She wants to live a happy life with her husband and unborn baby.
Secret: She is currently a month pregnant, and wants to keep it a secret from her parents.
Sealing the Deal:
When Piper makes a deal of any kind, both her and the other person must follow through with their part of the deal. No matter how ridiculous, both parties much uphold their end of it. If she says that if she wins a game of poker everyone else has to run around the street wearing only slices of ham, they will be unable to resist doing it if they lose. But this also applies to her, so she has to carefully word her deals.

Unwavering Patience:
Penolpe can never, ever become agitated from being impatient, or even beomce impatient at all. Even if she has absolutely nothing to do, she never, ever becomes impatient over anything.
This applies to ALL deals she makes. She has no real control over it other than carefully wording deals to work in her favor. Her patience is often very stubborn, and she refuses to just give up on something she's expecting.
Persuasion: Due to how her power works, she has to carefully word and convince people to accept her deals. Therefore, she is very good at doing just that. She often helps her boyfriend make business deals, and he often looks to her for advice and support.

Sewing: She loves to sew, more as a hobby than anything else. Oliver doesn't really expect her to do it, and he often helps her the best he can, despite being absolutely horrid at it. Like, he is seriously bad at it.
Weapons: A knife, or some other weapon that can be used very easily with no training.

History: Piper's parents came from Mexico and the Middle East, her father being a doctor from Israel and her mother a physician from Mexico City. They met each other while at a medical conference in Montana, and they soon fell in love and married. From their marriage came Piper, a tiny, stubborn little girl who had very little friends on account of how uncompromising she was. She did very well in school, and never really cared about having friends or being popular. That all changed when she met Oliver. She was at the hospital her father worked at when a boy the same age as he was rushed in for a boar attack while hunting. They talked for a bit, and eventually became quite close. They started dating when they turned seventeen, and had a happy, healthy relationship. Her parents never approved of Oliver, but she didn't care. He was her love, and she couldn't let him go. And the same went for him. One night, after he came home after a little g trip, they spent a night of passion together, and she got pregnant as a result of it. Now the two plan on going to Greece for a vacation, specifically to Mount Olympus. For some reason...
Theme Song:
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[div class=fyuri04wrapper][div class=fyuri04mid][div class=fyuri04parent][div class=fyurir04imagebox]
Full Name: Percival McKenzie
Nickname: Percy
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Country of Origin: London
Reincarnation Of: Perseus, slayer of Medusa
Face-Claim: Brenton Thwaites

Hair Color: Sandy brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 1.87m
Weight: 80kg
Tattoos/Markings: None
Distinguishing Features: Messy hair and the inability to ever get it looking neat. Beach hair, you would call it.

[div class=fyuri04headerleft]Personality[/div]
[div class=fyuri04boxleft]
Personality: Percy loves his freedom over anything else. He is used to having enough freedom over his life to do as he pleases as long as he can handle the consequences. As a result however, he sometimes overestimates himself and gets into trouble. Not that he's had much issue getting out of it with a few thrown punches. He's wild and hates to be tied down by anything except his own illusions of eventual grandeur. He wants to be rich, have lots of friends, and eventually maybe come to own a very large, very nice house.
Strengths/Virtues: Determined, optimistic, usually has a plan for anything that can go wrong.
Weaknesses/Vices: Uncontrollable, stubborn, and his plans usually involve punching someone. Punching may or may not result in a fight starting.
Quirks: Plays with his own hair, but absolutely despises other people doing it.
Likes: Animals of most sorts, sun, fossils, centaurs, crystals and gemstones.
Dislikes: Slimy and sticky things, strange noises, idling, being in the wrong
Fear: People abandoning him, dark and quiet forests
Desire: To have a lot of friends, and be very rich.

[div class=fyuri04headerright]History[/div]
[div class=fyuri04boxright]
History: Percival was born in London to two parents in the military. As a young child he had quite a few friends, but they seemed to disappear after middle school. Frustrated at his loneliness, he made it his personal duty to become as popular as possible in high school. And it worked, for he had quite a good number of friends by the time high school was over. As he became only more and more popular, people became jealous and one in particular challenged him to a bit of a dare to kill a snake. A bit too proud, Percival agreed to do it though he failed to kill it and was bitten. Much to his luck the snake was non-venomous, but it only fuelled his anger towards snakes and would later come to hate them wholly and truly, and those who loved them would be greeted with a wary scowl from Percival.
Theme Song: Optional
Drawbacks: He can only go in and out of invisibility when no one is around to be able to see it happen. When people are around and capable of seeing him, he cannot go invisible. As such, his invisibility is useless in the middle of a fight and he has to hide first before being able to go invisible.
Skill: Swordsmanship and high agility.
Weapons: Definitely a sword would be his choice of weapon, or any large knife or dagger if a sword can't be used.
[/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuri04credit]code/design by Fable Fable [/div]

Full Name: Skyler McCoy
Nickname: Skye
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Country of Origin: United States of America
Reincarnation Of: Icarus


Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'8
Weight: 142 lbs
Burns on his back near shoulder blades
Distinguishing Features:
Messy Hair

Personality: Skye is a very

Strengths/Virtues: Pacifist;
Weaknesses/Vices: ADD; Ambition;
Quirks: He, himself is a quirk. He twirls his hair, his fingers hit his palm in a specific order when idle/bored, he has a small stutter, he smiles as he speaks,


History: WIP
Theme Song: Optional


Full Name: Ethelinda Louise Randenal
Nickname: Briar (a nickname she gave herself)
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian
Country of Origin: United States
Reincarnation Of: Themis
Face-Claim: Beatriz Mariano
Hair Color: Naturally dark brown/black roots, Silver - Purple ends
Eye Color: Naturally brown, wears silver contacts often
Height: 5'5
Weight: 145
Tattoos/Markings: She has her industrial piercing, and has had her ears shaped to be points (as seen in the pictures) Also these tattoos:
This one is on her thigh:
Distinguishing Features: Purple hair, Tattoos, Pointed Ears, Fake Contacts. Pretty much everything
- Ability to foresee time - the past and future.
- Power of Justice: can manipulate justice among living and non-living beings in different ways. (If you do wrong, she can use fates and knowledge of the future to punish equally for the injustice done)
She cannot interfere with peoples free will/force them to do anything, more affect the area around them/things that come upon them outwardly. She can only give justice that is equal to the wrongdoing, and she cannot use this power unless something has been done.
Can nearly always tell when someone is lying
Good Judgement of character
Not really a weapons person, but would carry a knife for self-defense.

History: Briar was born into an extremely wealthy family, one of the one percent. She is known as the black sheep of the bunch, never wanting to conform to the lifestyle that her parents had created for their family. She was always a rebel, even as a child, and looks out for herself. She doesn't have many friends, and she doesn't mind it that way. She is fine with being a loner and most of the time would rather not be bothered anyways.
Theme Song: N/A
Personality: Briar is a tough cookie. She doesn't like authority and she refuses to conform to anything seen as "normal". She is true to herself one hundred percent of the time, and while she might not always make the best decisions, she doesn't do anything she doesn't believe in - ever. She does have a sense of right and wrong (which will come out even more later), but she doesn't always pick "right", if what is wrong sounds more fun. This will all change soon enough, even though she doesn't realize it yet.

Trustworthy (to friends)

Disrespectful (at times)

Quirks: Picks at her nails when nervous

Taxidermy (not doing it, but the idea of it and the artistic value of it)
Murder documentaries

Stereotypes (despite being one, a little bit)
"Rich people" parties (she likes regular parties)
Overly colorful decor
Hot Pink
Snakes (They're scaly! - no)
Entitled people (especially men)

Fear: Snakes (minor)
Heights (major)​
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Fitz Erge
(Ahn Jae-hyun)

  • Full Name: Fitz Erge
    Nickname: Cizi
    Age: 21 years old
    Gender: Male
    Sexual Orientation: Asexual
    Country of Origin: China
    Reincarnation Of: Daedalus
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maryse van willigan

name: maryse elisabeth van willigan
nickname | s: mars, marzie
age: twenty
place of origin: amsterdam, netherlands
reincarnation: helen of troy
sexual orientation: bisexual
maryse is the eldest daughter of simon and linda van willigan. the van willigans live in rotterdam and are very prominent and respected amongst their community. as his eldest child, simon expected that one day maryse would follow in his footsteps and become a part of his corporate world. he was a rich tycoon after all. he taught her how to be a 'proper' business woman from day one. she learned how to be business savvy and use an unmatched shrewdness to manipulate and encourage any prospective investor, even as a young child. it helped that everyone seemingly fell for her unrivalled charm - overwhelmingly adorable as a girl and impeccably beautiful as a woman. however, as time passed, the game of 'how many fools can you exploit' became rather boring and monotonous. sure, maryse had begun to earn enough money to keep her comfortable for three generations - but everyday was bland. grey. and succeeding at the cost of exploiting other's trust was rotten. parting from her family, she moved to amsterdam alone. she donated half of what she had already earned and kept the other half in her savings, not to be touched. in amsterdam she involved herself in a more creative pathway. she got a job as an assistant at an art school and focused her attention in finding the beauty in the seemingly ordinary - immortalising what she found beautiful through sculpture and painting. but although she has adapted to seek the positivity in life, maryse cannot help but remain skeptical of most things. once one knows how the manipulation game is played, you can never be too careful.
theme song: my sharona - the knack
vices: guarded, pessimistic (a 'realist' in her opinion), stubborn, skeptical
virtues: empathetic, civil, vibrant, attentive, intelligent
likes: popcorn, 70s and 80s music, arcade games, polaroids, drawing, sculpting, reading, adventure, honesty
dislikes: insincerity, being manipulated
quirks: always spoils the end of whatever book she's reading, doesn't believe in 'happily ever after', likes to sketch people she sees when out
powers and abilities:


filip iliescu

'quote here’
name: filip iliescu

nickname | s: n | a

age: twenty one

place of origin: constanta, romania

reincarnation: poseidon

sexual orientation: heterosexual



theme song: t b a


vices: jealous, impulsive, confrontational, bitter

virtues: protective, encouraging, organised, kind

likes: salted caramel, reading, the beach, sailing, dogs, hiking

dislikes: tea, the smell of gasoline, wasteful plastic

quirks: has a warm heart but is not afraid to deck you, dad friend,

powers and abilities:





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Scarlet Remington

  • Full Name: Scarlet Remington

    Nickname: N/A

    Age: 21

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

    Country of Origin: Greece

    Reincarnation Of: Nemesis

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Victoria "Tori" Alimov [WIP]
(Elizabeth Gillies)

"All ladders lead you to Hell, if you drop your heart and mind to make the climb."​


Basic Info

Full Name: Victoria Lila Alimov

Nickname: Tori, Vicky, Little Bear

Age: 22

Birthday: September 19

Sign: Virgo

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: Nondenominational Christian

Country of Origin: Ukraine

Reincarnation Of: Atalanta


Hair Color: Dark Brown

Eye Color: Light Gray

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135 lbs.

Tattoos/Markings: Tattoo of a Gothic Christian cross, draped in the Ukrainian flag, on her upper back, tattoo of a medieval archer on her right bicep, and four tattoos of Grizzly Bear palm prints adorned along her left rib cage

Distinguishing Features: Resting bitch face, nonchalant manner of carrying herself, and notably low-pitched tone of voice for a woman





Powers and Abilities


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NAME || Juliette Orenda
AGE || Eighteen
GENDER || Female
ORIENTATION || heterosexual
NATIONALITY || Milan, Italy


FACE CLAIM || Ariana Grande
VOICE CLAIM || Ariana Grande.
HEIGHT || 5’0”
WEIGHT || 47kg
HAIR || Brown
EYES || Dark brown
DIST. FEATURES || An ocean wave shaped scar on her shoulder


BIOGRAPHY || Juliette had been born to kind family: her mother, father and sister. She had a happy childhood until she had turned 12. Her mother and father had gotten divorced and he had moved with her past the Canadian Border into U.S.A. where they had left her sister and mother. They moved to Los Angeles, California where her father would often bring women home. He soon became a drug addict which led him to murder a man across the street from their home when she had been close to turning 17. She was then sent off to her distant aunt whom took her in and since then, she had been able to once more relive her happy life. She had become afraid of fish once she had moved in with her distant aunt. There, she would often see her neighbor eat fish at his front lawn and leave the bones a top a tree trunk.

PERSONALITY || Juliette often aids others by finding loop holes or ways through obstacles using her wit. She is carefree and enjoys to try new things and see what the world has to offer. When she receives compliments she has a hard time taking it due to the fact that she is very insecure. Though, she is very humble and does not boast about what she has. When she has a relationship with somebody she has a hard time letting that go.
VIRTUES || Humble, Adventurous, Foodie, Witful
VICES || Ambivert, Being somewhat Clingy, Insecure
QUIRKS || Bites her lip when nervous
LIKES || Traditional Arts, Performing Arts, Visual Art, Reading, Music
DISLIKES || Ignorance, Arrogance, Insects and Bugs, Loud & Crowded Areas, Mondays and Wednesdays
FEARS || Fish, Being Alone
DESIRES || To find euphoric love.
SECRET || She has a phobia of fish: Ichthyophobia.


Unique Abilities and Skills

Water manipulation: Juliette can control water.

All seeing: Juliette has the ability to see through the eyes and read mind of the Gods. She has received this ability from her father Atlas, considering that he held the heavens.

Sight: Juliette may only hear 20 seconds of a discussion and 10 second episodes of what they can see currently. Though it may only be reached once she is with great determination and focus, whilst most of the times she may only see static like a non functional television or the sound of static.

Water Manipulation: Whenever she attempts to use it at her whim, the water may only rise up as a spike and will disperse into mist in a matter of seconds. Though, at unnecessary occasions, her ability is then functional and has a mind of its own.
SKILLS || Crafting, Singing
WEAPONS || A dagger


Ariana Grande




Code by apolla apolla

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