Greatest salutations, dear friends! (Is this how you introduce yourself?)


An unpopular opinion.

Neat of you to stop by.

Who am I you wonder? Read on and you'll find out!

I am
Razzberry, hailing from the rainy forests of Sweden.

My friends have described me with such words as quirky, enjoyable and merciful. And I suppose they are right. I do have those tendencies.

I thought I'd leave the rest of me to imagination though, else you can just ask!


I have been roleplaying on and off since around 2006 when I started pooping out one-liners in my boyhood room. I do enjoy it, most of the time. It comes and goes in periods.

I mostly just do 1-on-1. It'd have to be something really good for me to pull me out of my comfort zone. My characters does in no way represent myself, and so I feel comfortable in playing both male and female characters. Everything in between would probably work aswell.

As far as scenarios go I am interested in most things that aren't cliché. I am sick of Shy Girls / Bad Boys.
Barf! Truth be told I think any type of X/Y pairing is an odd way to go about it.

I do sexual stuff (Outside RpNation!!) if there's a valid reason for it. I don't mind killing my darling characters if it is justified either.

I have the attention span of a gnat, and I must really enjoy something to keep doing it else I get bored and just stop.

In technical terms I usually write between 200-300 characters per input. Some days it's less, some days it's more. But that's where I'm currently at before I start losing control, spewing words that doesn't enhance the content.

If I missed something, or there's anything you'd like to know.. Please don't hesistate to ask! I am fine with just people saying hello aswell!

Best regards,

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Razzberry said:
I do sexual stuff
Welcome to the site :) !

I just want to send you a friendly reminder that erotic content is not allowed on RpNation as expressed in our rules located here:

[QUOTE="The Staff]
2. No Erotic Content - RpNation is not an Erotic Roleplay Site. What this means is that users are not allowed to post any explicit erotic content on this site. This includes but is not limited to both written word and images.
No Sexual Roleplaying - Users of the site are not allowed to participate in sexual roleplaying of any kind. Users may not roleplay out sexual acts in any roleplay even if they provide prior warnings of mature content. Roleplays that post explicitly erotic or sexual content may face closure and its members may receive warnings.

Encouraging Erotic Content - Users are not allowed to encourage the creation of erotic content on RpNation. Users should refrain from allowing such content within their roleplays. User should also avoid instructing others to sexual roleplay off-site or in their private messages/conversations.

The Dark Wizard]Welcome to the site :) ! I just want to send you a friendly reminder that erotic content is not allowed on RpNation as expressed in our rules located [URL=" said:
Ayy, didn't say I did it in public! I'll change that though, thanks.
Razzberry said:
Ayy, didn't say I did it in public! I'll change that though, thanks.
The No Erotic Content rule also includes the site's Private Messaging system.

Captain Hesperus
Welcome to RPN. Sweden is dope! :P

[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]The No Erotic Content rule also includes the site's Private Messaging system.
Captain Hesperus

Huh, I learned something today. I've seen quite a few RPs since I signed up that had something like "No sexual stuff. Fade to black or take it to PM". In fact, I've actually seen it so much that I thought this was the rule, basically, on how to do stuff here. Good to know that's wrong.
Sunbather said:
Welcome to RPN. Sweden is dope! :P
Huh, I learned something today. I've seen quite a few RPs since I signed up that had something like "No sexual stuff. Fade to black or take it to PM". In fact, I've actually seen it so much that I thought this was the rule, basically, on how to do stuff here. Good to know that's wrong.
Yeah, because we have users on the site who are minors, we have to comply with the COPPA regulations in regards sexual or erotic content. We have had previous incidents where minors have been solicited into erotic RPs via PM and we have had no qualms in permanently and irrevocably banning the user initiating the RP.

Captain Hesperus
dread said:
Welcome to the nation!
Hope you have a good time while you are with us
I will do my best!


[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]The No Erotic Content rule also includes the site's Private Messaging system.
Captain Hesperus

Hang on. The private messages are monitored? So they're not actually private then? Just curious.
Razzberry said:
Hang on. The private messages are monitored? So they're not actually private then? Just curious.
If a user makes a report about a private message, it can be viewed. There is no routine monitoring of Private Messaging.

Captain Hesperus
[QUOTE="Captain Hesperus]If a user makes a report about a private message, it can be viewed. There is no routine monitoring of Private Messaging.
Captain Hesperus

Well, that makes sense.

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