Gray Mansion (Teen/Romance RP)


New Member
Table of Contents

  • TOC
  • Introduction
  • Storyline/Plot
  • Rules
  • Sign-Up
  • My Characters


Hello! I'm new, I'm Dani. I've roleplayed for around six years now. This is a cliché idea, and I by no means claim it as fully mine. I figured cliché is cliché for a reason, and since it's my first role play (on here), I want people to join it (of course). Anyways, please read every section, and please join! c:


NOTE: You may or may not be familiar with this concept.

It's summertime. No school--hooray! However, you have been selected for a mansion designed for teens. This mansion, Gray Mansion (the word Gray was taken from the Irish word grá, for love), was created by an Irish social psychologist almost twenty years ago. The point of it is to see how teenagers would react living with strangers for 2-4 months, what bonds they would form, and also to help the mentally distraught. It runs four times a year, each season varying. The mansion brings together people all over the world from the ages of 15-18. It is an invite-only place, and can host anywhere from two to two hundred people. You have been selected for the two-month summer season. It will include activities, housing, and above all human interaction. Will you make friends, lovers, enemies? That's up to you.


Oh, how I hate these. Bear with me.

  1. Don't god model. Everyone has their flaws.
  2. Don't power-play. Role play your own character, and only your own.
  3. Even genders please. If you have an issue with this, please let me know and maybe we can work something out.
  4. Ages 15-18. (The characters, not you.)
  5. I would prefer either descriptions or real-life photos, but I guess anime might be acceptable, if you really can't do a real-life photo or description (to be honest I prefer real photos).
  6. Don't date/crush on your own characters. Where's the fun in that?
  7. Include everyone. No one wants to be left out.
  8. Don't forget your characters. Only create what you can handle--remember, you can always make more, never less.
  9. Don't join and never come back. It's a waste of your time and mine.
  10. Above all, have fun!

Sign-Up Here/My Characters

Well, that's all! I hope you'll join and enjoy yourself!

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