This is the thread for the Grand Battle Army of Humanity United. Here we train. Here we plan. Our enemies will fall in detail, for how does one defeat that which is ascendancy manifested? From the fragments of enemies rises one army, greater than any sum of the parts composed.



@HK Fifty



You were chosen as the 4 greatest warriors of the war. This army shall be the most elite, if not the largest. Our ranks will swell with time, among them the highest echelons of battle prowess.
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About that method I was referring to, it's know as the Pitch rotating method, after me(I did not choose the name). It's main focus is grinding out a large amount of posts quickly while evading the spam warnings and bulldozing enemy resistance with little effort. It'll take a while to explain, but the main point is cyclism.

Who's making my statue? 

Working on that.
Ugh, my girlfriend is at it again. Can't belive she wants me to speak to her two entire times in a day. She's so damn needy. Give me a sec.
image.jpegTHE JEDI HISTORIAN (in training) HAS ARRIVED!

and will probably need to sleep soon. Archiving manuscripts takes a lot out of even me , who happens to be trained specifically for that. 

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