
Mademoiselle submitted a new role play. @Mademoiselle, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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There are 7-4 girls to boys ratio right now. Male characters would be awesome too...


1. ~Taken~ Princess Marville Darkshade

2. ~Taken~ Prince Stephen Julius Ryke

3. ~Taken~ Vargas Larmixus

4. ~Open~


1. ~Taken~ Ariana

2. ~Taken~ Miranda Darkshade

3. ~Taken~ Eloise Martins

4. ~Taken~ Talan Ravenfire

5. ~Taken~ Keani

6. ~Taken~ Maximilian

7. ~Open~


1. ~Taken~ Lucius Steyde

2. ~Taken~ Mercedes Dovell

3. ~Taken~ Ronan

4. ~open~

5. ~open~



1. Mercedes Dovell

2. Open


1. Keani

2. Open


1. Eloise Martin

2. Open


1. Talan Ravenfire

2. Ronan

3. Maximilian


1. Ariana

2. Prince Stephen Julius Ryke

3. Vargas Larmixus


1. Lucius Steyde

2. Open


1. Princess Marville Darkshade

2. Miranda Darkshade

Graces taken/reserved:

1. Killing

2. Fighting

3. Violin

4. Healing

5. Hearing

6. Strategy/Tactics

Don't forget to read the rules!

Here's the CS you need to fill out to join!

Appearance:(Real pictures and/or realistic anime pictures allowed. Include eye colors if graceling and hair color if monster.)






Race: (Human/Graceling/Monster)

Class: (Only can be royal/noble if human. Monsters are foreigners.)



My Character:


"Dare to play with me?"


Additional Photos

? | ? | ? | ?

Height: 5'3" (1.60m)

Weight: 112 (51kg)

Hair: Honey brown.

Eyes: left ; right.

Body: Fit and curvy.




Ari(only few, very close friends)

'Reaper' (mostly all the seven kingdoms)












Born near the bordering mountains of the Dells and another kingdom known as Monsea, Ariana was used to seeing foreigners. Her family owned an inn and she had helped since she was seven. The men who stayed were usually nice and were full of stories of other lands and oceans. Though when she was ten, her town was raided by men from Monsea and Estill. Survivors were separated into groups for Monsea and Estill to be slaves. Only Nolu, Ariana's brother, survived the raiding from all her family members. They were both put in the Estillian group.

The journey from her town to Estill was harsh, the roads were discordant and they weren't given much to eat. Estillians wanted a bigger army, so boys and men were sent to the military, girls and women to the brothel to make more boys for the army. The barracks of the soldiers and the brothel were relatively close, which made Nolu visit Ariana much easier. The woman in charge said that they would wait two years until she would... join the other women. Nolu promised to find a way to help her for that time, and that he did. He got the weapon master to agree to train her as well as him for some hours after everyone else left.

Ariana sneaked out of the brothel everyday for one and a half year until the accident happened. The weapon master had brought another soldier for them to train with. One moment she was just fighting with him, the next he was dead. Blood spluttering out of his mouth. Her brother and their trainer wore shocked looks on their faces. A few days later, Ariana woke up and found one of her blue eyes had gone grey. When she told the weapon master he told her what she was. Graceling. At first she couldn't believe it, she wasn't even from the seven kingdoms, how could it be? And then he told her he had to take her to the king, bad consequences would happen if he did not report her. When they went to the king, they said they hinted about her grace, but didn't know for sure. The king ordered them to find out specifically what her grace was. And when they put her to fight another man, a good soldier, they found what her grace was. Her grace was killing.

When the king found out, he ordered her to be moved to the castle and trained. She barely saw her brother anymore. Her schedule was practically eat, sleep, and practice, with space for almost nothing else. At 13, the king started to use her to help him when people got out of line. She was the kings personal pet and she could not leave since she was technically a slave. The only person she had left was her brother, and two years later she lost him. He had been sent to fight with Nander against Wester, but he never returned. After that she became ruthless and receiving the name 'Reaper' by the people of the seven kingdoms.


Aqua is simply marvelous.

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Eye: dark blue; changed eye: dark green


Eloise Martin


Elle, Ellie, Louise, Lou










Lower class: entertainer for the noble family she works for


Eloise was born into a middle class home as an only child to two working parents. Her dad knew how to play the violin and taught her how to play at a young age. She took lessons on and off due to financial issues. At the age of nine, her right eye began to change color, slowly evolving into a dark emerald. Her parents were flabbergasted so to speak. They were in a financial rut once again and sold her to a rich, noble family. She played the violin whenever the family wanted, and in turn got to live a life closer to the nobles than the servants. She was provided with nutritious food, got her own room, had her own nice clothes, and had musical resources provided. Her life was better than the middle class family could constantly provide, though she was practically a prisoner and if she didn't perform well enough, she could be sold off at any given moment. She also could never see her family and was never permitted out of the noble's manor.


Eloise always wears an eyepatch over her green eye.


"Me? I am nothing more then your common monster."

Lucius Steyde

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Graceling.jpg.65e563ef6048611f6ac0d8edfb961a1e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21951" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Graceling.jpg.65e563ef6048611f6ac0d8edfb961a1e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




"My lovely new home."



I don't know how to fill this out.


"I am vile creature."



"Class? That I have."



Come now and listen, and listen close. For I have a tale that has been told throughout the years, even though it isn't even past two decades old. The legend of the woman of forest. Once in our land their was a forest with trees as tall as tall, though no one dare chop them down to create their homes, for it was told the forest has a protector. A woman with hair the color of silver blue. That seemed to trail behind her where ever she walked. Not much was known about her, but she was gentle and would not harm those who enter the woods. As long as they left her alone. Though there were those who were scared of her, and wished for her and her forest to be burned. They never did work up the nerve to harm her. Then one day she disappeared for a while, and didn't show herself for a long time, and when she finally came back. In her arms was a purple hair babe just as beautiful as she.

This for some reason caused fear to run through those who wanted to harm her. She could breed, she could create creatures just like her. It was a terrible realization, because soon the fear would be spread. And the blue haired beauty was to be burned. They captured her and the baby and took her to the center of their small mountain town. The plans already made. Burn the woman and give the child to the king. So, late at night when the moon was high that beautiful woman died, along with those who feel shattered by the lost of her and threw themselves into the flames. The baby was taken to the king and was never to be seen my those of peasant blood again. Though rumor says that the purple haired child still lives today. A little dog for the king to control, and that he is sent to help keep the people in line.


"Blue is the most wonderfull color, to bad my hair is purple."



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Talan Ravenfire

(aka Brat)


Except her right eye is bright gold










Technically Royal


Born as the daughter of the king, Talan was a princess in every sense of the word. She wanted for nothing and was loved by her family. But then when she was thirteen things changed. At first she was thinking it was a trick of the light and then it became a complete horror story for Talan as she watched her right eye slowly change colour.

She’ll never speak about how it was discovered what her grace is or about what exactly got her to where she is now. But four years on, her own father uses her as his personal bodyguard and skivvy, not even referring to her by her real name anymore and he hasn’t done since the day he saw her eyes change.


Pretty much always clad in black, her favourite colour

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@Lovable Dark-side and @LittleWolfie

I'm afraid I need some background info. Lovable, you can have a more mysterious background since you are a monster, and the talent would be like mind control. I think I explain a little about it on the 'About monsters' in the first page. I'll wait to see your characters until I accept you.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Princess Marville Darkshade


Age: 19

Kingdom: Lienid


Race: Human

Class: Royal

Background: 19 year ago, during a cold and stormy winter, two girls were born. Both opened their eyes, and blue, almost like grey, though they grew bluer as they grew older. Yet both eyes stayed the same colour on both of them, neither one with stranger eyes than the other.

Then, things started to change as they grew older. Marville felt... Seperated from her twin all of a sudden. Miranda started to pull away, to be more and more alone. She wouldn't play, she wouldn't be near anyone.

No one got near Miranda, not even Marville.

Marville of course, started to get scared by this. So she started to become closer with her father, always following him around. Trying to be like him.

He was her hero, while Miranda refused to even look at Marville.

Why, she struggled with figuring out.

Until one day Miranda left her bedroom.

Her eyes had changed.

One was blue, almost grey. Just a little greyer than her own eyes.

But the other? That was what terrified her.

It was crimson red, almost like blood.

She was the twin sister of a graceling.

But of what?

Was it mind reading?

What was it?

They were no more than 11 at that time.

Both young and insecure of all.

Miranda grew further apart from her sister the older they became, Marville just becoming closer with her father.

She became almost like a smaller copy of him.

Until one day, her sisters ring, the ring that marked her as a Princess of Lienid, was left on Marville's pillow, with a note that all that had once belonger to Miranda, now belonged to Marville.


Her favorite colour is dark purple.

Twin sister of Miranda

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22030" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Left eye is almost crimson red while right one is blue, almost grey.

Name: ( earlier Princess) Miranda Darkshade


Age: 19

Kingdom: Lienid

Talent/Grace: Flexibility

Race: Graceling

Class: Royal technicly, left her title.


19 year ago, during a cold and stormy winter, two girls were born. Both opened their eyes, and blue, almost like grey, though they grew bluer as they grew older. Yet both eyes stayed the same colour on both of them, neither one with stranger eyes than the other.

Then, things started to change as they grew older.

Miranda distanced herself from her sister, from her family as she tried tonfigure out what had happened. Her eyes, her eyes had changed. It was no longer just blue. It was blue and red. Complete opposites.

She started first, to be afraid, scared someone would abuse her grace. After all, she knew nothing of what her Grace was.

Then, she started to find out slowly. It was no challenge to bend in the weirdest of ways, no challenge to move swiftly or to be flexible.

Yet, a grace like that could be used in many ways. That was at least what the hand maid said.

So, she practiced on her own, kept herself away from her sister. Apperantly, by being as flexible as she was, she found out that it could be disguised under dance. That she was just a skilled dancer. So while she tried to test her own limits, she also practised dancing, challenging herself further and further.

Until one day she believed she was good enough to go under that disguise.

What met her, had to be one of the scariest sights she could imagine. Her sister acted, dressed, spoke like their father. It was almost like the blue eyes girl had found comfort in becoming a copy of their father. Had she really that?

She didn't know, butbit made her keep away, made her angry, made her want to escape the horror that was her sigh every day, and once again, she shut the door, to only open it now and then, to escape the castle.

In the beginning it was just short trips. Truing to blend in amongst the others, those who were not royals.

But, as she felt more free there, than at home, one night she packed her bags, left the castle at night, and moved down to the town, surviving on the money she earned on dancing for people.


Favorite colour is pink.

Twin sister of Marville

((Ignore the dice -.- clicked there by accident))



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Nat said:

View attachment 62094

Princess Marville Darkshade


Age: 19

Kingdom: Lienid


Race: Human

Class: Royal

Background: 19 year ago, during a cold and stormy winter, two girls were born. Both opened their eyes, and blue, almost like grey, though they grew bluer as they grew older. Yet both eyes stayed the same colour on both of them, neither one with stranger eyes than the other.

Then, things started to change as they grew older. Marville felt... Seperated from her twin all of a sudden. Miranda started to pull away, to be more and more alone. She wouldn't play, she wouldn't be near anyone.

No one got near Miranda, not even Marville.

Marville of course, started to get scared by this. So she started to become closer with her father, always following him around. Trying to be like him.

He was her hero, while Miranda refused to even look at Marville.

Why, she struggled with figuring out.

Until one day Miranda left her bedroom.

Her eyes had changed.

One was blue, almost grey. Just a little greyer than her own eyes.

But the other? That was what terrified her.

It was crimson red, almost like blood.

She was the twin sister of a graceling.

But of what?

Was it mind reading?

What was it?

They were no more than 11 at that time.

Both young and insecure of all.

Miranda grew further apart from her sister the older they became, Marville just becoming closer with her father.

She became almost like a smaller copy of him.


Her favorite colour is dark purple.

Twin sister of Miranda

Appearance:View attachment 62094

Left eye is almost crimson red while right one is blue, almost grey.

Name: Princess Miranda Darkshade


Age: 19

Kingdom: Lienid

Talent/Grace: Flexibility

Race: Graceling

Class: Royal


19 year ago, during a cold and stormy winter, two girls were born. Both opened their eyes, and blue, almost like grey, though they grew bluer as they grew older. Yet both eyes stayed the same colour on both of them, neither one with stranger eyes than the other.

Then, things started to change as they grew older.

Miranda distanced herself from her sister, from her family as she tried tonfigure out what had happened. Her eyes, her eyes had changed. It was no longer just blue. It was blue and red. Complete opposites.

She started first, to be afraid, scared someone would abuse her grace. After all, she knew nothing of what her Grace was.

Then, she started to find out slowly. It was no challenge to bend in the weirdest of ways, no challenge to move swiftly or to be flexible.

Yet, a grace like that could be used in many ways. That was at least what the hand maid said.

So, she practiced on her own, kept herself away from her sister. Apperantly, by being as flexible as she was, she found out that it could be disguised under dance. That she was just a skilled dancer. So while she tried to test her own limits, she also practised dancing, challenging herself further and further.

Until one day she believed she was good enough to go under that disguise.

What met her, had to be one of the scariest sights she could imagine. Her sister acted, dressed, spoke like their father. It was almost like the blue eyes girl had found comfort in becoming a copy of their father. Had she really that?

She didn't know, butbit made her keep away, made her angry, made her want to escape the horror that was her sigh every day, and once again, she shut the door, to only open it now and then, to escape the castle.


Favorite colour is pink.

Twin sister of Marville

((Ignore the dice -.- clicked there by accident))
The characters both seem okay except for one thing. Miranda is a royal. I get that she was born twin to royalty. In the end of her background, it is said that she escaped the castle. Maybe, when she escaped, she lost her title and now is no longer royal. Or if you don't like that idea, you can make something else up. The point is that Gracelings can't be royals and while Miranda is that, I cannot accept her. On the other hand, Marville's character is great so she is accepted :3 if you have any further questions on what to do, feel free to ask them in the OOC or PM me :)
May I reserve a female graceling with the grace of manipulation? (though it must be verbal; if her "victim" can't hear it, it won't work. i.e., if she told someone to bring her something, they would without question or resistance, though they know they're being manipulated; once they hear the command, there's nothing they can do about it. But she can't do this mentally or too quietly)
@Vatican Cameos

I'm not allowing Leck's grace because I think it's kinda too op if someone had that grace, so I'm not sure if there should be a manipulation grace. Maybe if your character was a villain then I think it would work better. If the character could only manipulate someone while looking into their eyes and/or touching them I think that would be better, just so your character wouldn't be able to go around and manipulate everyone to do whatever. Get what I mean?
Leck's was actually lying and convincing people, and those lies could spread; this is like, if she commanded you to do something and you heard it, you'd have to do it until the order's carried out, and you'd be completely aware of it. But I understand, and if you still want me to limit it a bit more I will.

Hey! If we need more males I would be happy to oblige and make another male. This one human though.


Prince Stephen Julius Ryke

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9581d55_MyKing.jpg.a700911399dc5475025fbb6a48850174.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22045" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf9581d55_MyKing.jpg.a700911399dc5475025fbb6a48850174.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>










Eldest child of the King of Estill, and next heir to the throne.






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Appearance: (I'll describe for now, but I'll try to post a pic later) Long blonde hair, one dusty blue eye, one grey eye. She has extremely pale skin, and is very small (about 4"9' and 97 lbs.)

Name: Keani

Nickname: None

Age: 18

Kingdom: Wester

Talent/Grace: She can hear the smallest sound from up to a mile away.

Race: Graceling


Background: She was born blind, and was abandoned because of it. A poor weaver took her in and took care of her, giving her the best life that she could.

Other: She is a very stubborn person, and while she doesn't speak much, she feels everything with a passion, and therefore has so much to say.

(Sorry if it's not great. My laptop is being stupid so I'm on my phone, and I would play a boy if I could, but my males are absolutely terrible.)
Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf971ce5e_Ronan2.jpg.2d8aa6420467da9cb18228935e6ff604.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf971ce5e_Ronan2.jpg.2d8aa6420467da9cb18228935e6ff604.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Ronan

Nickname: The Green Traveler


Kingdom: Sunder

Talent: Can implant and and take away memories so long as the person can hear his voice.

Race: Monster

Class: Foreigner

Background: He has been alone for as long as he can remember. Anyone that comes across him immediately can tell that he is a monster just from his hair so he relies on his ability to get what he wants such as food. He likes to travel but he lives in the middle of a forest inside a little "abandoned" cottage. He used his ability to make the previous owner think it was time for him to leave and start a new life in a kingdom. Here, Ronan does not have to worry about anyone being frightened by him. As such, he grew up not being able to trust others because others have never been able to trust him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Ronan.jpg.4b6675fc02022d5241bca62dbfde51aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Ronan.jpg.4b6675fc02022d5241bca62dbfde51aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Mercedes Dovell


  • Name: Mercedes Dovell

    Nicknames: Mercenary, Mercy

    Age: Nineteen, close to twenty

    Sexuality: Gay, more or less

    Kingdom: Nander

    Race: Monster

    Class: Traveling foreigner


(Without the fur on his armor)

Short brown hair. Green eyes. 6'0. Medium weight. Clean shaven. Broad shoulders. Lean features.

Name: Vargas Larmixus

Titles: The Crimson Painter, The Butcher of Bulverg.


Age: 25

Kingdom: Estill

Talent: Sword/Sword and shield combat, endurance.

Race: Human

Class: Minor noble.

Background: The Larmixus are old and prideful. They are able to name a variety of ancestral generals and successful knights that had made the reputation the Larmixus has today. They have created a familial culture centred on warfare, and their history of such a topic. Their children are educated and trained to be successful in a career of battle the very moment they can walk. They are trained to have unbreakable morale, to endure bruises and gashes, to think tactically and quickly, how to ride, how to be proficient with the sword, the history of warfare, the flaws and benefits of strategies, formations, and tactics used in the past, loyalty to your family and who you serve, and so on. Because of this war-centred education, they have gained a reputation for creating fantastic fighters and generals. Indeed, the Larmixus are worthy of demanding the respect of those around them.

Vargas is a member of this very family. The youngest son of Havard 'Grey Knife', the former head of the Larmixus, he has become a knight in the Estillian king's army. In his five years, he has fought in many, many battles. He has seen losses, victories, and stalemate withdrawls all. However, his ability to survive and his furious temperament have managed to do well in respecting the honor his family holds and protects.

After the death of Havard Larmixus, Vargas' older brother Perriter takes his place.

From here, Vargas would begin in the campaign.

Other: Missing ring finger and middle finger on left hand. Missing pinky on right hand. A burn scar on his shoulder and trailing down his back and chest. Deaf in left ear.
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((Could you reserve Sulfirious a male graceling with the grace of strategy and tactics?)) 

Eyes: Left, White. Right, Black (Not the eyes, just the colours)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.28f301e388293c47f3a526bd37fe1652.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23120" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.28f301e388293c47f3a526bd37fe1652.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a44b3c5d169087c2cb44069ff2a7408d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23121" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.a44b3c5d169087c2cb44069ff2a7408d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.95f27700288b308548fc1eae8b6eca12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23122" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.95f27700288b308548fc1eae8b6eca12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

[sorry.. I couldn't find a realistic anime version of him...]

Name: Maximilian

Nickname: Max

Age: 16

Kingdom: Sunder

Talent/Grace: Strategy/Tactics

Race: Graceling

Class: Lower Class

Background: Max was born into the lower class. His eyes, both grey eyes complimented him. When Maximilian was 4, his right eyes stared to darken drastically, while his left eye did the same, but lightening. Max was always good at figuring out the best ways to deal with anything and everything, due to his grace, of strategy and tactics. Max started hiding his white eye until an elder told him to not. He had a gift and was special, that he should show it. The elder was Max's godfather and he said those words to Max right before he died, smiling. Max vowed to never hide it, no matter how much easier it would be, to honour the life of his godfather. Max was ridiculed against and always the last to be picked out of the children if he was even picked at all.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.75dc4d0b992e57b3b3fc58434494d21e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23123" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/image.jpg.75dc4d0b992e57b3b3fc58434494d21e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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I'm not your usual looking girl.


(right eye. left is dark brown)


Not very tall.


Weight: 110 lbs

Hair: Dark brown

Body: Slim and short


And why does that matter to you?

Clerinde Masoka


You're not allowed to call me this.



See if you can guess.



You're not trying to stalk me, are you?



I bet I can make you do something you'll regret.

Manipulation. It's easy for her to manipulate others and turn their opinions about things in a different direction, causing them to act as she intended. Only strong will can break through the spell, and the more she uses her Grace, the more it takes a toll on her energy.


I'm not exactly human.



Not first-class, of course.

Middle Class


Nosy, aren't you?

The girl was born in a quiet neighborhood where the residents are intelligent, most have high IQs. At a small age, her parents whisked her off to a small boarding school where the students mocked her about her small size. Feeling discouraged and alone after her first year (she was 7), she grew a cold protective shell around her. Growing tired of her quiet and uneventful responses to their teasing, the other students gave up trying to anger her. The girl thought that no one would accept her too witty, too smart personality. In the beginning of a later year at school, she was introduced to a social life and made two close friends, both that left her within the next year, causing her to not make close friends. She found Matrix in middle school and tended to him without her parents' permission. Mira spent her previous years wallowing in the words of books and browsing through the more advanced sections of various libraries. Her parents never though much about her - they were too infatuated with each other to care about their growing child. She wishes to run away and forget about her uncaring parents.

Other: (Highlight Please >>>) I don't really have a favorite color...

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CloudKitteh said:


I'm not your usual looking girl.


(right eye)

Height: 5"4

Weight: 110 lbs

Hair: Dark brown

Body: Slim and short


And why does that matter to you?

Clerinde Masoka


You're not allowed to call me this.



See if you can guess.



You're not trying to stalk me, are you?



I bet I can make you bend to my will.



I'm not exactly human.



Not first-class, of course.

Middle Class


Nosy, aren't you?

The girl was born in a quiet neighborhood where the residents are intelligent, most have high IQs. At a small age, her parents whisked her off to a small boarding school where the students mocked her about her small size. Feeling discouraged and alone after her first year (she was 7), she grew a cold protective shell around her. Growing tired of her quiet and uneventful responses to their teasing, the other students gave up trying to anger her. The girl thought that no one would accept her too witty, too smart personality. In the beginning of a later year at school, she was introduced to a social life and made two close friends, both that left her within the next year, causing her to not make close friends. She found Matrix in middle school and tended to him without her parents' permission. Mira spent her previous years wallowing in the words of books and browsing through the more advanced sections of various libraries. Her parents never though much about her - they were too infatuated with each other to care about their growing child. She wishes to run away and forget about her uncaring parents.

Other: (Highlight Please >>>) I don't really have a favorite color...

Could you please explain the grace? Just checking it's not too OP...

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