gotta love that sweater weather~ ( pumkin_san and ricki/todd )


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"D-d-d-damn it a-all.." samui muttered to himself as he shivered within his usual warm wool sweater... he had picked the wrong day to go shopping but, he insisted he couldn't go another day with just ramen. "W-why d-does this a-always happen to m-m-me?.." he asked if he was going to get an answer, but all he got as a response was whistle of the wind howling through the planted tree's at the side of the streets.then it finally started, the itchy feeling, his blood pressure dipping...where was his medication? His waterbottle? "Sh-sh-shoot.." said the small giely boy, feeling dizzy and stumbling a bit his hands lost their grip on his grocery bags "s-sorry.." he apologized to no one in particular as he got on his knees scratching at the begining rash on his wrist...but as he got on his knees and reached for a tomato that dropped from a bag his hand shook and his vision dotted, black spots where over coming his vision and his whole arm felt itchy suddenly. "N-no..not here..." were his last words before his vision totally blackened and he fell forward unconscious... (( i apolagize if it seems a bit short.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/PicsArt_1382218855236.jpg.e1b16781fd7cc70b791401676855595f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8472" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/PicsArt_1382218855236.jpg.e1b16781fd7cc70b791401676855595f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Days off were the best! Not that Noah didn't love his job, but he also loved his boyfriend, and there were lots of new movies out that he didn't have the chance to see. So what did he do on his days off? Hide Jared's keys, lock the doors, pull out the junk food and hit the redbox. And that was where the boy was now, snuggled up with the Puerto Rican male on the couch watching the Croods.

His cellphone ran from the bedroom and his boyfriend looked towards the door with a whisper. "You think that's work calling?"

"Probably. The only other person who really calls is... well you... Are you calling me?" Noah teased him quietly. As if, if they whispered the phone wouldn't be able to tell he was home and would stop ringing.

"Maybe." Jared whispered back his expression turning to that of a deer caught in headlights.

Noah gave a quiet gasp turning to look at the current love of his life, "Very talented, you are. I'll call them back after the movie." He said sinking farther into the seat as the phone stopped ringing. Though the phone wasn't quiet for long. It continued to ring, and finally Noah sighed, "I'll be right back." He turned to give the other a quick kiss before standing up and dashing off to the other room. "Heller? It's my day off why am I being called?" He asked quietly as he went to the door to close it to keep the other male from over hearing the conversation.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/white20male20teen.jpg.469cd8a59c477197cfc578fb5d8fbbf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8478" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/white20male20teen.jpg.469cd8a59c477197cfc578fb5d8fbbf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"Kya!" A shreik was geard. It was a girl freaking out and standing over him. 911 was called soon enough and he was rushed to the hospital. "Get him his medication! Oxygen!" He was able to hear all of this and seeing as this happened many times before all he could do is day to himself...'not again..', once he had been treated , checked, double checked, and his father had been notified he sat at the waiting area, waiting for his father to call his registered nurse....

"Hello noah? Im sorry i know this is your day of but i was just told that sam is in the hospital again. Would you see to it he gets home safely?" Samuis fathers tired voice said from the phone. How many times did he have to call noah om his day's of because of this he didnt know but he hated to take the boys break away "im sorry again for the inconvinience" ((sorry late and short
Noah sighed quietly, "It's okay. It happens, no problem, I'll be right there." He sighed as he pressed the end call button. By the time he had gotten out to the living room the movie had been stopped and the food put away. "I'm sorry."

His boyfriend just shrugged and gave the man a smile, "It's okay. We can finish when you get home. I don't have to work tonight, so just..." The male walked over to his holding his hoodie, "Hurry back." He smiled as if he really wasn't bothered by the fact that yet another date was ruined by Noah's job.

"I will. I'm sorry." Noah apologized again taking the hoodie and giving his boyfriend a kiss before slipping on his sensible shoes, and grabbing his keys from the table by the door and leaving. He made his way down the stairs and out front of the apartment before climbing into his car and making his way to the hospital. He didn't bother turning the car off, or finding a real parking spot, he simple pulled up out front of the hospital and went inside, looking for Samui.
Samui sat in a chair a blanket wrapped around him staring at the wall intentley, once in a while he would blink, but really he was just staring at nothing. In his head though was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotion's.. ehy on earth did he have these damn diseases, why is he so weird? No wonder his dad wont even visit him. He cant even get a job, living of of his father's money..thats the way it would always be right?.

He was so lost in his little world he didnt even notice noah walk in. Nor did he noticed when his name was called as well as the steps he took towards was as if he wasnt there at all.

(( here you go sorry again! ))

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Noah noticed him sitting down wrapped in the blanket. walked over to Samui and waves his hand in front of his face. "Sam. C'mon, let's get you home. The car is out front and I have the heater on, did you get your stuff?" He asked but noticed there was nothing around him. "Did you have stuff? Or just you?"
Sam snapped out of it, he blinked a few times then with a blank expression he looked up at noah.."huh?..oh uhmm i think they forgot my groceries.." he mummbled looking around him. "Now what am i gonna eat?" He sighed tugging on his hat then looking back up at noah "sorry. By the way" said the boy simply, blank expression still on his face the entire time he was speaking

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Noah just smiled warmly, "Why are you sorry? It's not anyone's fault." He said helping the boy stand and lead him outside to where the door was parked by the car. He opened the door for him and waited for the other to climb in before closing the door and going around to the driver's side. "Are you feeling better?" He asked as he turned to the side to look to make sure no cars were coming before he pulled out form in front of the hospital and started through the lot stopping at the stop sign and turning to follow the path that had grown as familiar to him as his own path home.
Sam leaned against the car door head resting on the window and nodded. "Yeah...i feel tired though" mumbled the smaller as he watched tge street lights fly by then the moon that looked as if it were following the car. "And thirsty" he added wetting his lips and closing his eyes for a breif moment before opening them again

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Nodding Noah slowed down the car, "Do you wanna stop by a drive through? We can grab dinner if you want. What are you in the mood for?" He asked taking a minor detour, "And don't try that, I'll eat at home crap. I know what you have in your kitchen and what you don't." Noah warned him playfully with a chuckle. "It's kinda late, so we'll go grocery shopping in the morning." He said as naturally as if he was talking to Jared or his mother.
Sami stiffled a small giggle and shook his head "i said i was thirsty not hungry" looking at noah he said that, though knowing him he would probably talk him into eating like he always did. "But...can we go to wendy's?" He mumbled, he hadnt had fast food in a while it was fatty and he didnt like to eat much in the furst place anyway but it was definitley better than nothing right?

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"Hmm, I don't know. Not sure I really want Wendy's." He said but pulled into the Wendy's lot anyways. "Drive through or inside?" He asked circling the building once.
"Driiiive throughh" said he in an unsure tone nodding to himself" yeah drive through" he concluded with a curt nod and a smile

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Noah nodded and pulled into a parking spot, "Inside it is. Let's go." He smirked turning off the car. It wasn't really a choice anyways. He had planned to go in from the beginning. That way he could make sure that Samui ate most of the food, if not all of it. He grabbed his keys and climbed out of the car shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets and flipped the switch on his phone to put it on vibrate, just in case Jared called to ask where he was. He waited patiently for the other before going inside and heading towards the counter. The restaurant was nearly empty.
Sam pouted and sighed getting out of the car and walking next to him with his arms crossed "ya big meanie" said the smaller as they walked towards the counter turning to him and sticking his tongue out childishly along with the classic "mweeehh!" That came with it. He should have known better than that though. Noah was always one step ahead of him

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"Welcome to Wendy's, what can we get you?" The cashier asked with a smile.

"I'll have a large fry, and a large chocolate frosty.... annnnd... a medium chili. Please." He requested smiling back at the lady before looking at Sam, "And he'll have a large of whatever he says he wants." The male reached into his pocket for his wallet, counting his cash, he would need to hit an ATM again soon.
"Just..gimmie the same as him.." he grummbled using his elbow to hit him playfully letting out a soft giggle. "Except the frosty..i just want a coke!"

(( hai hai

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Noah gave a nod, "A large chili for him, then." He said with a smile. The woman behind the counter gave them their number and Sam's cup for his soda. Noah handed over the rest of his cash and took his change. Yep definitely had to hit the ATM on his way home. He turned to look around at the open seats before deciding on a table in the middle away from the vents. He walked over a took a seat checking his phone. He had a voicemail waiting. He listened to it was Sam got his soda.

"Hey babe. I'm gonna head into work and get some overtime. I'll see you in the morning. Love you." And with that the message ended. He hadn't even waited half an hour this time! Ugh! That was so stupid, Noah would wait hours for Jared to get home, but he wouldn't even wait an hour for Noah. Sometimes he could be such an ass.

"Whatever." He mumbled shoving his phone back into his pocket after deleting the message.
As samui came back with a straw cup full of diet soda his smile falltered a bit at the sight of on of his closest freinds unhappy "hey noah? What wrong?" He said bending over pursing his lips to look at his face closley head tilted. "You seem a little down buddy~" he then smiled again setting the cup down and taking his two cool long fingers tugged the corners of his nurses lips up into a smile "smile it makes you look much more handsome~" he giggled then wink. The wink meant as if 'for you know who eh?'

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Chuckling Noah shook his head, "Ah, it's nothing." He said with a shrug, "Just thinking about dead kittens and stuff. Sad stuff." Wow. That was just a fail excuse. He turned as the girl called their number, "One second, gonna go grab the food." He got up went over and grabbed the tray then went back to the table. "Okay. So what happened. You mentioned groceries. You normally don't have issues getting from the grocery store and back." He said taking the top off of his frosty and chili. He looked down, pulling a fry out and dipping it in his frosty before putting it in his mouth. "Unless, you tried to go to the one on Baltic by yourself, with that cute blonde check out guy..." He looked at him sideways as if asking, did you go to look at the check out guy?
At first sam narrowed his eyes suspiciously at the whole dead kittens bitt. Then sitting in his seat and hearing those qords he blushed a bit and shook his head hair swaying accross his face "n-nu! Why would i do that for!?" He stuttered out looking down trying to cover his blush. Damn this nurse knew everything didnt he?

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Success! Topic changed just like that. Noah raised an eyebrow as he grabbed his spoon and took a bite of his chili, "Do I need to call the hospital and ask them where they picked you up at? I'm pretty good at judging how far you traveled based off that. After all, I have your medical records." The nurse reminded the other taking a slow bite off of his spoon as if to say, I will call if you don't tell the truth. Do you want me to call.
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Ah but sam wasnt going to back down. "Ma-maybe i did!" He said in a slightly whiny tone blushing still and crossing arms "why do you wanna know anyway!?" He asked sticking his tongue out than lookingbdown to hide his blush "its not important..." he said looking at his nurse through his hair and eyelashes a bit suspiciously

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Because you passed out in the middle of the street and ruined my date. He thought bitterly for half a second, though he didn't say that or show any signs of thinking it. "Because you could have asked me to take you and then you wouldn't have passed out where someone could have molested you or robbed you." He said with an all knowing look. "You never know what weirdos could be stalking you without you knowing it." He pointed at the food, "We're not leaving until you eat all of that, by the way." He stated matter-of-factly with a self-satisfied smile.
Sam sighed softly and took his spoon starting on his chili.. "dummy..i didnt wanna ruin your day off" he muttered hoping it wasnt heard looking down at his food guiltily "i guess i still did. Im sorry." He said eating a bit faster suddenly. Still not making eyecontact with his nurse.

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