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Fandom Gotham By Midnight (Sign-Ups / Info)

Twice Knightly

The Clock Strikes 12
This is a closed RP. Please only post a CS if you were linked to it privately beforehand.

A flash of light was all it took.

One second, you were home on Halloween night.

The next?


You were in the dingiest, most rundown alleyway you'd ever seen. "Crime Alley", it was called. A very apt name, given how the place looked.

Soon enough, it expanded. Things lurked in the darkness of this city. Things many of you weren't prepared for. The shadows have never been kind. Now they seemed to work against you actively. All it took was a loose thread - a single pull, and things began to unravel. But the more the thread unraveled, the more you found lurking beneath it. And the more you followed it, the deeper into the darkness you ventured, until no light remained to return to.

For you, this might have been new.

For the people already here? It was their everyday lives.


Welcome to Gotham City.

Character Sheet


(Just an image is okay)


Media of Origin
(If you're playing an OC, just put "OC" or "Original Character")

Short Bio
(Nothing too long. Ideally keep this at two paragraphs maximum. Just enough so I can have an idea of what I'm working with.)

(Same as above. Putting these in the form of a list is fine, too.)

Trivia/Other Info
(Just any information you feel as if I, the GM, should know.)

Cast List
Twice Knightly Twice Knightly as Felix (Red vs. Blue)
BarrenThin2 BarrenThin2 as Frank Castle (Marvel Comics)
Cephrys Cephrys as The Demoman (Team Fortress 2)
DapperDogman DapperDogman as Contingency (OC)
megar megar as Ramlethal Valentine (Guilty Gear)
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Tav “The Ratling” Tomassi (Warhammer 40K)
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"At the end of the day, if I'm stronger than you, and if I'm faster than you, then I can kill you. And that's better than anything money can buy."


Media of Origin

Short Bio
One of many former UNSC soldiers who found himself aimless and displaced after The Great War, Felix became a mercenary for no other reason than to satisfy the bloodlust that the war had awoken in him. For a short while, he tried to do things by the book. Only take jobs from trustworthy, moral clients. But that was never enough. The trouble
that brought was never worth it. He always knew he needed something more, deep down. That's why he started doing what he does now. His partner had different reasons for it - but for Felix? Felix just realized that there was no point in hiding what he was. After all... if he enjoys killing so much, and he's so good at it, then why doesn't he let himself get paid for it, too? Doesn't really matter who it is or why.

Of course, if he has to lie, he'll do it. It makes betraying them all the more satisfying in the end, anyway.

Being a mercenary, Felix is equipped with all kinds of gadgets and gizmos. His primary arsenal consists of an automatic machine gun and two pistols he keeps holstered almost at all time. Also holstered is a sticky grenade launcher, which is conveniently placed next to a buttload of regular grenades. He also sports two combat knives, which can cut through even the toughest of armor. On top of his own armor being standard UNSC grade - meaning it can withstand even the heaviest of ordinary attacks - his hardlight shield can be projected at any time simply by holding out his arm. This mainly comes in handy for long ranged attacks such as gunfire, although Felix has been shown to use it on the offensive during close-ranged encounters as well.

Trivia/Other Info

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Frank Castle, A.K.A. The Punisher

Media of Origin
Marvel Comics (A mesh of Earth 200111 and 616)

Short Bio
Frank Castle, a veteran of the Vietnam war whose family was murdered in front of him, fought a war for decades against what he perceived as those in need of punishment. Against the law, against society itself, he amassed an enormous body-count, making him one of the most prolific killers Earth had ever seen, some dubbing him the bloodiest serial killer of all time. He raged against slavers, murderers, and worse, often finding himself as much at odds with the world's heroes as he did the criminals he hunted.

- Weapon master. Beyond deadly with virtually all firearms and explosives. Extremely adept with knives and other close quarters weapons.
- Intelligent battle tactician.
- Peak physical condition for a man of his age with no superhuman enhancements.
- Master Martial Artist

At any given time, Frank is likely armed with at least a side-arm and multiple magazines worth of ammunition. If prepared, he's likely to carry a modified M16 rifle, preferred for its familiarity.


"I had me good eye on ye the whole time!"

Tavish Finnegan DeGroot, aka The Demoman


Short Bio
A drunken mercenary with a taste for the explosive, the Demoman hails from the humble town of Ullapool, Scotland. His family, the DeGroots, have since time immemorial been dedicated to holding down as many jobs as possible. Tavish doesn't quite meet the standards of his parents, but he does make a (literal) killing working for RED team and Mann Co.. His drunkenness, explosive armaments and sword-swinging mayhem all coalesce to cause the most damage possible, more than satisfying his job title of demolition man.

Powers and Equipment
Extreme Drunkenness
- Tavish is a drunken wretch! He possesses an extraordinary resistance to the effects of alcohol, and is afflicted with auto-brewery syndrome - in other words, his body manufactures its own alcohol. His blood alcohol content was so potent, it poisoned even the blood sucking robots created by Gray Mann.

Durability - Tavish is a tough cookie. He can take a lot of punishment - often self punishment, from the blowback of his explosives - and still get up to fight.

Explosive Jumping - The most unbelievable, dangerous and impressive of Demoman’s techniques would be explosive jumping. Tavish can use the push force from his bombs to launch himself airborne: Grenades for short hops, and sticky bombs for great leaps. It hurts, of course, but he can handle it.

Mann Co. Armaments - The Demoman possesses three weapons: A primary, a secondary and a melee.

Primary - The Grenade Launcher

A must have for any explosively oriented combatant, the Grenade Launcher does what it says on the tin: It launches grenades. These grenades will arc through the air, and either explode on contact with an enemy, or roll on the ground and detonate after a brief moment. The grenades are bouncy, and can be arced off of walls to hit tricky angles. The grenades flash bright red as they fly and roll.

Secondary - The Stickybomb Launcher

A similarly upfront weapon, the Stickybomb Launcher aptly launches bombs that stick. The bombs can adhere to most surfaces, and will stay planted on the surface they land on unless a force knocks them off. After a brief moment, the bombs will “arm”, and the Demoman can then pull the trigger on his weapon to detonate them. A maximum of eight bombs can be launched, and they will all detonate at the same time. The stickybombs are more powerful than the grenades, but aren't as easy to use in immediate engagements. They can also be destroyed by bullets or similar attacks, and will harmlessly break.

Melee - The Eyelander


The Eyelander is a cursed Scottish claymore possessed by an evil spirit which hungers for decapitated heads. Definitely a break from the other two weapons. Decapitating enemies and collecting heads grants the Demoman the chance to restore his own health.

Trivia/Other Info:
Demoman's empty eye socket is haunted. Any attempt to regrow his eye will invariably lead to the eye mutating into a terrible monster every Halloween night, coming out of his head to wreak havoc. The most notable example of this is MONOCULUS!, Demoman's original lost eye turned flying monster.


True Name Unknown. Aliases include:
"Contingency"/"The Backup Plan"/"The Football"

Media of Origin

Short Bio
Nobody knows much about this guy, but whenever shit goes sideways, he shows up. When a villain bests a hero, he's there. When a rescue effort by the police goes awry, he's there. In the dead of night when nobody is coming to help, he's there.
Theories range from a robot, hidden under heavy tactical gear to a government experiment with alien genes, but I can tell you none of that is correct.

The simple truth is that whoever The Contingency is, he means serious business when he arrives, and he really enjoys his work. In a world filled with fame hungry heroes and flashy public displays, this shadowy bastard beats the pulp out of villains and never stops to do an interview.

Abilities Include:
A mastery of an unknown number of martial arts, ranging from boxing to Greco-Roman style wrestling.
Mastery over several forms of weaponry, including batons, firearms, thrown weaponry, and explosives.
A keen mind and an unknown level of training in warfare tactics and infiltration.

Equipment Includes:
Tactical vest stocked with various weapons, including telescoping stun baton, combat knife, smoke grenades, flashbangs, and thermite charges.
Leg holster containing an advanced energy pistol, capable of discharging both lethal and non-lethal bolts.
Various pouches containing gadgets for climbing, breaching security systems, opening locks, distracting humans and animals, and much more.​


"The stronger the feeling of "different," the stronger people become... I think I'm beginning to understand."

Ramlethal Valentine

Media of Origin

Short Bio
Former tool of the Universal Will to bring an end to humanity, Ramlethal Valentine is the current Special Brigade Commander of the United Kingdoms of Illyria. Having been taught the value of her own life, and so that of other people's, she rebelled against her 'Mother' to try to create a world worth living in. Endlessly curious, Ramlethal spends equal time fighting to protect people from harm as she does indulging every vapid thought that runs through her -- and she does it all with a totally flat expression.

A capable combatant even with her bare hands and feet -- where she often resorts to using them almost like claws -- Ramlethal's main strength is in her two great swords, each held by half of her trusted familiar Lucifero. She commands them with ease, sending them soaring through the air and even opening to unleash deadly beams. When pushed, she can take a hold of them herself, if she must; the weight aided by her ability to fly and float as she pleases.​

Tav "The Ratling" Tomassi

tav small.jpg

"Long as my heart's beatin' Cadia still stands."

Media of Origin
40k logo.png
Fandom OC

Short Bio
You need a marksman? Tav is your guy. You need a courier? Tav is your guy. Born and raised on the fortress world of Cadia, Tomassi earned his nickname through his exceptional aim and borderline transhuman agility. Often running afoul of the Commissar due to his unruly disposition and penchant for gallows humor, Tav is otherwise a model soldier for the Astra Militarum. Already a decorated veteran at the age of twenty-six Tav has been lauded for his marksmanship, his endurance in the field, and his unwavering courage in battle.

Tav is an absolute crackshot with his custom Kantrael pattern infantry lasgun and matching laspistol, able to take a chunk out of anyone or anything unlucky enough to end up under his crosshairs. When all else fails his foldable shovel doubles as a lethal weapon. Fancy that! His suit of Cadian pattern flak armor provides both ablative and shock-absorbent protection from flame, shrapnel, small arms fire and minor explosions. Owing to his honed dexterity Tav is quick on his feet and an excellent athlete with an adamantine grip on his weapon. After surviving the Fall of Cadia his eyes have been stained permanently violet, and his mind bestowed transhuman resistance to the forces of Chaos. With iron willpower Tomassi cannot be easily enthralled, bewitched, enchanted, or otherwise.



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