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Fandom Gotham Boarding School Character Sheets (OPEN)

Harley Quinn

The Akatsuki are my passion✨
Interest Check

OC's accepted.

If I like your post, that means your accepted :)

Taken Characters;

Oswald Cobblepot Harley Quinn Harley Quinn
Edward Nygma DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn
Harleen Quinzel Harley Quinn Harley Quinn
Jerome Valeska DiscoQuinn DiscoQuinn
Victor Zsasz Hammy Hammy
Selina Kyle ByTheChesapeake ByTheChesapeake ????
Jonathan Crane Hammy Hammy
Tabitha Galavan Spacing Out Spacing Out
Waylon Jones ManyFaces ManyFaces
Oriana Laneheart angelbim10 angelbim10 ????

Character Sheet:





Appearance (Preferable a picture):





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Oriana Laneheart
Ori, Aria, Anna, Shybug

Shy, creative, good at making ariel attack strategies, easily flustered, and not very good at making small talk without freezing up
Ori was born with a human mother and a father who was experiment and was given butterfly wings of his own except his were darker colors than hers plus powers like being able to use echo location and able to see in the dark. Her father never told her about his past though, wanting to protect her but when his past came back to haunt him her parents knew they had to take her away. Ori went to live with her aunt Bethany, she was kind to her and never judged her. She grew up in a loving home and just lived her life, her aunt bethany was a human with a scorpion tail and shark teeth so Ori had a interesting set of family. When she found out about the school she just had to go, considering she was homeschooled up until 17 years old.
-Electrical Whip
-Two smoke bombs
-A spy watch
-Able to fly
-Echo location
-Ability to see in the dark

-Fighting in the air
-Able to use a sniper rifle in perfect shot
-Get the insect nation on her side
-She loves sweets
-Is found in the library or outside
-Doesn't tolerate bullies
-Has personality disorder which mean she has 4 personalites in one body
Character Sheet:

Name: Oswald Cobblepot

Nicknames: The Penguin (Everyone calls him Penguin), Ozzie

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Preferable a picture):
(See below)

His fight with Fish resulted in one of his legs being permanently damaged having never healed properly, forcing him to walk with a noticeable limp with many comparing it to a "penguin".

At first glance Cobblepot appears to be milquetoast, subservient, and somewhat of a sycophant. In reality he is an ambitious and cunning sociopath who is willing to do whatever it takes to obtain power. Despite this hunger, Cobblepot is patient and uses his high intellect to concoct plans in order to reach his goals. Virtually every move he makes is premeditated to a certain degree.
Despite his malice and ruthlessness, he has a softer side and a degree of humanity when it comes to his mother whom he loves deeply and devotedly.


Born as the son of Gertrud Kapelput and Elijah Van Dahl, Gertrude left Elijah without even telling him she was pregnant. Oswald Cobblepot was then raised solely by his mother after his birth and was told his father died when he was young. It is implied that he was bullied as a child from a statement "Oswald, don't listen to the other children" which he said his mother said to him. She used to sing to him at night and tell him that some day he would be a great man, developing his desires for power and to move up in the world. He eventually entered the criminal underworld through Fish Mooney and her gang, where he received the nickname "Penguin", which he despised.

Outside of school Oswald killed Fish Mooney, a last year at the school and self proclaimed Queen of the school.
Although no one can prove he did it, its the talk of the school.


  • Umbrella
  • Anything else he can get his hands on
  • High-level intellect/Leader
  • High pain tolerance/Indomitable will
  • Intimidation
  • Master of Deception
  • Singing

Hates being called a freak, its his trigger word.


  • tumblr_omnueeLCHS1tmnlsco1_500.png
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Name: Victor Zsasz

Nicknames: None so far

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Wiry and muscular, Victor gives off a distinct imposing air. He stands at 5' 9" and weighs in at about 170 pounds. Victor would be strawberry blond were he to not shave his head and eyebrows. Despite constant warnings from the faculty, Victor continues to avoid wearing shirts at school. Thanks to his tendency to not wear shirts, most people have seen the strange scars on his arms.

Personality: In kind terms, Victor is different. He never acts quite human and his presence tends to make other students nervous. Normally, it's nearly impossible to tell if he's genuinely trying to be pleasant, or about to commit murder. As much as people don't understand Victor, though, Victor doesn't understand people in return. He's almost animalistic, with a touch of hedonism and playfulness. Victor is a natural pleasure seeker and if an urge strikes him, nothing will stop him from acting on it. This applies to everything from murder to rolling around in mud on a rainy day. Victor has no concept of shame.

Victor tends to attach himself to Oswald. If Oswald wants something done, Victor carries it out with only questions of the clarifying variety. Victor considers Oswald confusing, but appears to harbor an unusual desire to aid and guard him.

Backstory: No one's ever seen anyone else in Victor's family, and no one wants to question where he's come from or what he's done. What everyone is certain of, however, is that Victor is lethal. Rumors about Victor killing people, within the school and outside of it, have circled the school for as long as anyone can remember.

If the hallway chatter is true, Victor comes from a wealthy family. His parents died in a boating accident and he went completely off the deep-end afterwards. Supposedly, he's being groomed as an assassin, and the training is going all too well. How much of that is true is up to the listener, but one would have to be a fool to approach Victor with no combat training.

Victor has previously participated in and won wrestling tournaments, but he's since been disqualified for breaking one of his opponents legs mid-fight. To everyone's shock, Victor has largely honored this and has stayed away from sports since.

  • A healthy collection of knives
  • Various small firearms
  • A heavy kevlar bullet-proof trenchcoat, usually not worn unless absolutely necessary

  • Rigorous exercise sees Victor as about as physically fit as a young man his age can be
  • Flexible and agile
  • Excellent at carrying out orders (assuming he understands them)
  • Decent baker, particularly likes making muffins

Extra: Victor loves disco and he particularly loves to hustle to disco. Never try to tell Victor that disco is dead.



Bruce Wayne

Poor thang!, Matches Malone(persona used to communicate with the gang-kids such as Oswald C., Jerome, etc.),
Snobbish brat




Appearance (Preferable a picture):

Bruce hadn't always been so independent and somehow self-possessed, though ever since the death of his parents he's taught himself not to betray himself to emotions. He is a dark and grim victim with a personal vendetta against criminals. Traumatized by the death of his parents, he is very paranoid and obsessive, which often makes it difficult for him to trust other people that aren't Alfred.

Bruce has a sharp, defensive wit, an acidic temperament, and a very sarcastic attitude when he chooses. Giving the impression of holding most people in disdain, Bruce is seen as extremely arrogant, self-centered, and overconfident, believing himself to be He even exhibits sadistic tendencies, which he got on account of his parents being killed.

Despite this, Bruce in fact has a strong moral core. He is dutiful and just, willing to make the right decisions, and sacrifices if it comes down to it. Though he can be, at times, vindictive, he is cruel only to protect those he loves.
During his free time, or just for information purposes, Bruce created the identity of Matches Malone. A blond scrawny kid with glasses and multiple eye problems. Matches often jumps to conclusions and is quick about everything but has still gained the trust of both Oswald Cobblepot and Jerome Valeska's' gangs. Matches is a very snarky individual and is known to want more than he gives, often a scapegoat for the two gangleaders and plays a very small part in their organizations.

It should be noted that Matches comes to Ozzy and Jack occasionally, only when Bruce himself actually needs information of some sort.

As most of you already know, the story of Bruce Wayne was a rather chilling one but let's not get into that just yet. Bruce was born to Thomas and Martha Wayne in the city of Gotham. Bruce's father, Thomas was the main bread winner of the family through his job as the head of the family company, Wayne Enterprises, a facilitator of weapons and technology. He was born into fame and riches and lived both happily and lavishly. Both his parents cared about Bruce dearly and were always there for the youngster whenever he needed them, with Bruce being their only child.

It was on the way home from the Monarch theatre that Bruce's life went from great to destroyed. His father had suggested they take a short cut home which meant going through an ally in the dark Gotham streets. The family continued down before they were approached by a random thug, never revealed to be Joe Chill. He demanded his mother her jewelries but when Thomas and Martha refused, he killed them with two bullets, BAM, BAM. Traumatized, Bruce dropped onto their bodies, sobbing as he man ran off with Martha's golden watch. The death of the Wayne family heads was and still is the talk of the news and school even with it's age. Most of the town pitying Bruce for all that he's been through.

Alfred took the role of Bruce's guardian with both his parents in the morgue. With Bruce now owning about eighty percent of the company, Alfred began doing most of the business' affairs with Bruce's minor inputs. In his own time though, Bruce had already began training in a cave he'd found under his house, slowly preparing to get his revenge. This incident gave him a colder persona as well. He now spends most of his time investigating the death of his parents in spite of the warnings Alfred has been giving him.

Bruce has currently just transferred from Gotham Academy to Gotham Public High School in hopes of avoiding the money-hungry school as well as solving their various crimes and mysteries.

Gadgets\Equipment: With his paraphernalia still growing, Bruce has things very similar but not quite the same as the actual Batman's. Due to his fascination though, most of Bruce's equipment are bat-based.
  • Batarang: A batarang is a roughly bat-shaped throwing weapon used by Bruce as a non-lethal ranged attack alternative to firearms, which he rejects outright due to the circumstances of his parents' murder. The name is a portmanteau of bat and boomerang, and were first referred to as baterangs. The batarang serves as instruments of disarming, distraction, confusion, or it is simply to warn would-be adversaries that the Bruce is present.
  • Motorcycle: Bruce uses a black motorcycle for transportation whenever sneaking out onto the streets of Gotham. He rarely ever uses it in the daytime, especially in front of Alfred.

  • Extremely Fit/Built: Through his intense diet and training regime Bruce has built up what is likely the maximum amount of muscle someone his size can develop. This includes increased stamina, speed and strength only parallel to the likes of Victor Zsasz.
  • Acrobatics: Bruce is both a proficient gymnast and acrobatics and has won countless medals in the arts. His grip, flexibility and versatility are all very polished and perfected.
  • Martial Arts: Bruce is a very adept martial artist and specializes in a simple Judo, Tae Kwon Do mix of a fighting style. His close quarters combat is something that is yet to be matched at Gotham High.
  • Genius-Level Intellect: Bruce is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander; he is widely regarded as one of the keenest analytical minds in the Gotham area, in spite of his young age.
  • Eidetic Memory: Bruce has the ability to remember even the slightest of details about anything that has happened to him. His perfect memory is definitely something that stands out amongst his peers.
  • Multilinguism: Bruce is a man of countless languages, speaking, writing and understanding: French, Latin, German, Japanese, English, Russian, Cantonese, Mandarin, Greek, Portuguese,and Arabic
  • This should probably go in OOC but for anyone who wants their character to aid Bruce in looking for his parents' killer, PM me. We could talk relationships, drama etc.

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Character Sheet:

Name: Harleen Frances Quinzel

Nicknames: Harley (Jerome and Ivy call her this)

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Appearance (Preferable a picture):

Very shy, isn't very good at making friends. She works hard in school and gets good grades. Wishes for excitment in life, but isn't quite brave enough to go out and get it. She is also a hopeless romantic.
Just a fairly normal childhood, other than the fact she has mental issues. She has take pills that help her.
Was bullied as a young child.

Hopes to become a pyschiatrist one day. Just like her mom.
Does alot of gymnastics, is very good at it.
Hates fish and can't swim.​
Name: Lincoln Park

Nicknames: None

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance (Preferable a picture):

Lincoln is a man, on the outside, ruthless and cold. He's a man who has the patience, will, and ambition akin to Oswald and isn't afriad of getting his hands dirty. He can lie, cheat, and steal to get is way and is very charasmatic. However, he does have a deeper side to him. Unlike many at the school, he does care about his parents and more so Isabella

Lincoln actually grew up in a decent household. He had a great father and mother to this day he still cared deeply about and would give his life for. He has a nice car, money, and the looks to swoo any girl he were to meet. However, inside, he was a man who saw how broken his school was, how almost everyone was at each others throats. So, Lincoln decided if he wanted to survive, he would have to be ruthless just like everyone else. However, unlike the other sociopaths in his school, he always kept a bit of hummanity in him. It's why he advicated having Fish Moony to be blackmailed and have her relinquish her throne to Penguin, but he decided not to and killed her

That is when Lincoln realized this was no longer fun and games. Unlike people like Victor who only had rumors flying around that he was a killer, everyone knew Penguin killed Fish in cold blood. He already had plans on leaving the city once he graduated but at that moment, he realized that for 70% of people in this school, there was no redemption. The school year would be forever labeled "The Bad Batch" and that these people would plunge Gotham into a new dark age, one that Lincoln had no interest in partaking in

Lincoln would've moved instantly once Oswald killed Fish if it wasn't for one girl: Isabella, the girl of Lincoln's dreams. She was everything Lincoln could have asked for and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her

That was when the Riddler showed up

Isabella was infatuated with Riddler and soon, in a heartfelt moment for both of them, she broke up with him. Lincoln was heartbroken, but he let her go to he with him knowing she was happy. However, he didn't leave because of the Riddler himself. He didn't trust him knowing his personality and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't abuse her so, if by the end of year he has heard of any abuse charges against him, he would leave the school. He know works with Penguin in his inner circle, helping him manage the school and trying to help as many students who are in need as he can

A small pocket-knife he keeps with him at all times

A 2016 Lexus ES in red

High-level intelligence

Great at lying

Black belt in Taekwondo

Tabitha Galavan




Appearance (Preferable a picture):


Tabitha shows numerous traits of a sadist, as well as those of a sociopath, and relishes pushing people's buttons, almost regardless of the danger. She seems less calculating and more prone to act on impulse. She is very flirtatious with anyone she finds attractive but can also develop an emotional attraction to others. Tabitha also has a low tolerance for those who threaten her with violence, which makes bullying her not an option.

Always ready with a witty and biting remark, she is intent on proving herself to anyone who questions her. Tabitha conceals her defensive nature with an aggressive attitude, exhibiting a wild temperament that is apparent when people argue or belittle her. She readily involves herself in confrontations with little to no hesitance.

Tabitha along with her brother, Tabitha, grew in an estate by the sea. They owned several dogs and horses, until the monks took Theo away. Tabitha became more reckless and impulsive, leading to her being transferred to Gotham boarding school.



Daggers and knives

A variety of guns for every occasions

dual mounted mini-crossbows and one large crossbows


Master hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist : Tabitha is a master of martial arts and fighting in hand-to-hand combat.

Peak of physical human condition: Tabitha is in top physical condition due to the her intense workouts and the sports she participates in. Though she isn't as precise as Harleen, She is also very flexible and agile.

Expert markswoman:
Tabitha is an expert at using both handguns and rifles. Tabitha is also able to throw a knife from a great distance with impressive precision.

Tabitha is extremely skilled at using a whip, being able to wrap it around someone's neck as a ligature as a means of subduing them.

the art of persuasion is not lost on Tabitha's end and she makes the most of her gift/talent.

Tabitha is capable of hunting down opponents who attempt to evade capture

She's ambidextrous

selina Kyle.png :

Selina Kyle





On the surface, Selina is a little rough around the edges. Growing up on the streets, she had to be tough if she wanted to survive. If cornered, she will literally scratch your eyes out. She can appear to be self-serving and aloof at times. She's a tough cookie. She's not easy to trust and has a hard time letting others take control of a situation. She hates feeling vulnerable. She can be flirtatious at times and has a way with words. Really though, Selina is soft. Though it may not seem like it at times, she genuinely cares about people. Selina's moral compass is a shaky one. While she has no problem killing if it comes down to it, she does have a bit of a conscience.

Selina Kyle was abandoned at St. Maria's Orphanage when she was just five years old. It was when she was around nine that she ran away from the orphanage and started living on the streets. That's where she learned to survive on her own and even thrive, relying mostly on herself to stay alive. She lived like this for six years, learning the many secrets of the Gotham underworld. She learned the art of stealth, how to use a and how to steal to get by. One night, while she was pick pocketing a man, she stumbled upon a mugging gone wrong, witnessing the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

From that point forward, Selina was intrigued with the young Bruce. She made a point to every once in a while, check in with the underground to see if there was any news on him. Sometime there was, though mostly not. That was until she caught word that he was transferring to Gotham City Boarding School. She had been going there for a year now thanks to the help from James Gordon, a police officer who's family took an interest in the girl after she had been caught up in more than a few police investigations.

To be perfectly honest, Selina hates Gotham City Boarding School. She'd rather be out on the streets, living her life the way that she wants to, but with Jim Gordon checking up on her every couple of days, it's made it hard to make her grand escape. For the most part, she keeps her head down and tries not to get too involved in everything that goes on. Though with Bruce transferring to the school, it's becoming harder and harder to leave. Maybe she could stay around this circus for a little while longer.

  • Switch Blade
  • Goggles
  • A whip (though she's still learning how to use it)

  • Peak of human physical condition
  • Free running/Acrobatics/Stealth
  • Skilled thief
  • Honed senses (sense of smell)
  • Armed combatant
  • Hand-to-hand combatant
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Name: Jonathan Crane

Nicknames: Scarecrow

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Personality: Precocious, egotistical, and overly ambitious, Jonathan only ever really respected his parents. With their loss, Jonathan's nastier side has only become more and more apparent. He's grown bolder and more openly expresses his disgust with Gotham and the world at large. He shows signs of being a developing sociopath and narcissist, thinking little of other people in his scientific pursuits. It's not unheard of for Jonathan to show a soft side for specific people, but it is rare.

Jonathan's primary motivation is the blind pursuit of knowledge, particularly knowledge surrounding fear. Jonathan is convinced that his father's goal to eliminate fear entirely was foolish, even going as far as to disown his father posthumously for allowing his grief to cloud his scientific reasoning. He believe, however, that he can synthesize a chemical that would help control fear rather than eliminate it altogether.

Backstory: Jonathan's life was largely uneventful in its early stages. He lived a modest life with his mother and father, though, always struggled to relate to children his age. But at age eight, Jonathan's world was permanently changed when his mother died in a house fire. Gerald, his father, began to completely ignore Jonathan in favor of chasing his obsession with chemically repairing the trauma of the incident. Jonathan's pre-existing issues only grew worse with this neglect, though, it gave him time to read and learn on his own with no adult influence forcing him back into school. Jonathan has fostered a healthy self-education this way, and is arguably more educated than most actual Gotham students.

Gerald found his formula eventually, but not without a price. The GCPD was onto him by the time Jonathan turned sixteen, and tracked him to the Crane hideout after an incident where a man was nearly drowned. Well-aware that the formula Gerald was using was flawed thanks to his emotional investment, Jonathan ran from his father, only to be caught by the police. His father was killed in a shoot-out shortly after, leaving Jonathan as a state ward. While he's insisted that he can take care of himself and happens to be on the education level of a college student, the state has still insisted he be enrolled in the nearest school.

  • Proto-Fear toxin, not as developed or potent as it could be
    • Valuable defensive tool in both gaseous and liquid form
    • Relatively simple to synthesize
  • Carries a gas mask wherever he goes

  • Exceptional IQ for his age, at 132
  • Gifted with a talent for chemistry and a passion for psychology, cultivated by his father's influence

Extra: "I'm surrounded by idiots." - Jonathan Crane, throughout his life, probably
Name: Edward Nygma

Nicknames\Aliases: Ed, (Nyg-nyg, Nerd ), The Riddler

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance: Nygma.jpeg


Personality (WIP )
: Edward is a rather shy boy, with unusual habits and a natural love for riddles of any kind. It's not hard to believe thst it makes things even harder for him to fit in. Most of the other students take him for a weirdo and therefore avoid his presence.

The Riddler (later on) has an obsession with riddles, puzzles and word games. The character frequently delights in over-stating his "intellectual superiority" and on forewarning both Batman and the police of his capers by sending them complex clues. Nygma is known for being a smooth talker and having a very high IQ. However, this is tempered by his intense narcissism, histrionic behavior, underlying egomania.

: The Riddler's compulsion stems from parental abuse that he endured as a child. After Edward got high scores on some important tests in school, his father, unable to grasp the fact that his son was brilliant and believing he had cheated, beat him out of envy. This, in theory, left him with a strong internal desire to tell the truth, and prove his innocence. This desire manifests itself in the form of his obsession with riddles.

Gadgets\Equipment: -

  • Genius-Level Intelligence: The Riddler is a surpreme problem-solver, criminal mastermind and is also shown to be skilled with engineering and technology. Hacking as well as decoding of crypted data.
  • Expert Detective: He possesses great deductive skills and analytic ability comparable to Batman.
  • Independently Wealthy: Riddler has a vast fortune that he has acquired over years of crime as well as legally.
Waylon Jones
Killer Croc
Appearance (Preferable a picture):

Waylon Jones, A.K.A Killer Croc stands at 7ft tall with yellow reptilian eyes and scaley crocodilian features. It's hard to miss the giant lizard man in public. Even harder for him to find clothing that fits, if he actually decides to wear a shirt it's usually a torn up tee or wife beater, with the occasional hoodie. He also wears jeans from time to time, but feels more comfortable in his ripped pants.
They usually say bullies come from broken homes, well, Waylon comes from one of the most broken kind of families. Because of that he picks on those who are smaller and weaker than he is or how he sees them. Waylon hasn't been shown an ounce of kindness in his life, and because of that he doesn't know how to really be nice. Not to mention he's not the smartest person around, strong yes, smart... Not so much. This isn't to say he doesn't know a thing or two. He's also got this nasty habit of comparing how he feels about a person due to their scent, more often than not this is followed by a cannibalistic remark about how someone might taste.
Waylon Jones born with a medical condition that caused him to grow progressively more like a crocodile, hence his name. His mother died in childbirth, and his father abandoned him. Waylon was raised by his aunt, but her persistent drinking prevented him from growing up in an ideal household. His alcoholic aunt grew to hate her nephew's hideous appearance and brutal behavior. He scrubbed daily to try and get the scales off to try and be normal. But he decided to give up because of the pain it gave him when he descaled himself. While still an adolescent, his aunt abused him and bullied him by calling him names like "lizardboy" and "a reptilian freak". As a child, he was relentlessly bullied because of his monstrous appearance. When he was only eight years old, he snapped and almost killed one of his schoolyard tormentors and succeeded in killing his aunt, they never found all the body parts. For those incident, he spent the next eight years of his life in reform school instead of prison. Jones was a regular visitor to the juvenile detention center and was finally tried and convicted as an adult when he was sixteen. However, he was given a deal for release if he attended Gotham Boarding School. Accepting this deal mostly because it meant free food and a place to sleep that wasn't the sewers.
Croc perfers to use his teeth and claws instead of fancy gadgets
  • Regenerative Healing Factor
    : He has superhuman regenerative powers, able to heal even lost limbs over time.​
  • Armored Skin: His skin has hardened to the point where it is invulnerable to most forms of abrasion and even high caliber weapons fired from a distance.​
  • Superhuman Strength: He has enough strength to tear a door from it's hinges with ease​
  • Superhuman Speed​
  • Enhanced Senses​
The student most likely to eat you, your dog, and your homework.
Has a soft spot for people who were abandoned or neglected as children.​
Deimos Johnson

---- Sometimes as a joke some people call him puff the magic dragon
Appearance (Preferable a picture):

Kind of a pretty boy, Deimos is pretty tall and looks in his twenties despite his age. But he's always wearing warmer clothes for the weather and has a set of double wings folded against his back. The backs are solid black but the underside looks like the night sky imprinted on the skin, stars and all.
Deimos is a big sweetheart, always seems to be thinking of others even if he himself is suffering. Poor guy is a pretty oblivious person, never suspecting someone of ill intent until they do something drastic. He does carry himself with an aura of confidence and he feels secure in his abilities, especially with magic, but is very conservative with how he uses it. He won't start a fight and when provoked will try and verbally diffuse a situation, but if he is pushed to a fight, he'll use what he has to shut it down.

The loss of Deimos's mother at 8 years old has haunted him, but he has come to peace with it. He was adopted by a loving family who was more than willing to take on the challenge of raising a non-verbal, illiterate half dragon who was less than pleased with the world and treat him as if they were his own. He's very close to the Johnson and sometimes like to think of what his mother would think of them if she ever got to meet them.

Deimos's story begins with a mad man. Dr.Crowley, a famous geneticist and typical cruel scientist discovered how to bring DNA from a long dead prehistoric beast, and make it live once more. He implanted the DNA into a human fetus and grew his very own dragon. Dragons have been extinct for millions of years, but now he had one that could breathe fire, turn human and use magic. She was dangerous ... but his curiosity grew. What if she could provide him with offspring to experiment upon?

He named her Silithia and heavily sedated her, eventually getting her pregnant... with his son. She awoke and realized she was no longer the only one who'd have to suffer the wraith of this horrible man, and she be damned if he was going to experiment on her baby. So she escaped, burning the place to the ground and later having Deimos in a corn field at 16.

Dr.Crowley was not going to stand for this escape, so he sent his prized experiment, Sherapnel after her. Sherapnel was an odd miss-mash of mechanical parts, synthetic skin and a demon puppeteering the whole thing. Silithia and Deimos ran from them for 8 years, the young mother was unable to educate Deimos as she herself was illiterate and she could not get him into a school because they couldn't stay in one place long. Although all that ended one night when Silithia and Deimos were heading into Gotham. Sherapnel finally caught up and fought Silithia. She held him off long enough for her 8 year old to escape, but died trying to protect him. Police picked up Deimos and upon being unable to find his parents, put him up for adoption. A jewish couple took him in and worked to teach him how to read, write and do all the things a normal human boy should know but also encouraged him o continue the magic that his mother had taught him. He didn't speak again until he was almost ten but they helped him become the young man he is today.
Deimos always wears a heavy jacket when its less than 70 degrees outside.
-Magic- Silithia taught Deimos all kinds of magic, more of a jack of all trades when it comes to it. Although his specialty is lunar magic, which is charged by moonlight but can be used during the day, just not as strongly. Since he is unable to breathe fire like traditional dragons do, he has mastered a spell that allows him to do so.
-Deimos has wings, in fact two sets. One larger set that does the muscle work, and the smaller pair underneath are used for quick maneuvers .
(Sorta like this
-Slight super strength and speed. Can lift a car but not much more.
-Jewish, but not extremely hard core practicing.
- somewhere in his genetics there is the potential to have all of silithia's abilities. (such as turning into a full fledged dragon at will and breathing fire and the insane amount of magic she had access to) he just hasn't figured that out yet.
Talia Al Ghul




Appearance (Preferable a picture):
Talia is a calculating woman, very smart, seductive, dangerous girl. Always having an agenda though she's known to stray from her objective if caught off guard or find something interesting to her. When it comes to relationships if she ever has one she's a very clingy girl and will make it known if said person is "hers"
Talia travelled the world with her father learning and adapting his intellect and skills which she proves to be more competent than any of Ghul's other children. She excels to the point that she could easily manage his criminal and legitimate operations, that she will eventually be appointed as Ghul's primary secondary despite the fact that Ghul considers women to be inherently inferior to men. Ghul is supportive of his daughter though has commented that if possible, he would correct "that sole failing" in his child suggesting that he fears any possible distortion of her through chemical or biological modifications despite his aversion to her as a woman. Having been transferred to Gotham by her father to get more acquainted with city life though her father has his own secret agenda for her


  • Longevity: Extended lifespan through the use of Lazarus Pits.
  • Businesswoman: Talia possesses an excellent head for business.
  • Advanced Combatant: Talia excels in hand-to-hand combat and the use of weapons.
  • Skilled Assassin
  • High Intellect: Talia has a high intelligence.


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