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Fandom Gotham/Batman rp?



I once again rediscovered my love for the DC/Batan universe :'D

I am looking for a (longterm) RP set in the world of Batman/Gotham (AUs are welcome- if you got an interesting idea, tell me!)

It can range from the most serious , gritty adaptation to something more silly/Lighthearted . the Only theme i am not that much interested in would be a 'slice of life' one

-be 18+ ! I dont feel comfortable writing with people much younger than me , i am sorry
-OOC -chat /planning /worldbuilding is more than welcome :)
-I do not ghost (on purpose :') ) and will reply at least once a day or every other day as soon as i am online. should i not reply for longer just send me a reminder please!
-i prefer a literate, 3th person writing style but can adapt to different styles if you prefer. I also tend to write at least 1-3 paragraphes but will match the lenght of my replies to my rp parter's

I would love to focus the story on Ocs! ( I got two silly villains i am dying to finally use XD ) canon characters can make an appearence however and i am willing to write for several other characters if needed

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