Goodnight Sleeptight Don't Let The Zombies Bite! (Open)


New Member
We all knew that the apocolypse was coming but we didn't expect this!

One day some tomb raiders were looking for the fountain of youth, after alot of looking they finally found it but it was in the earth. It was impossible to reach and get back alive! So they drew straws and the shortest one had to go and try to survive getting it. Needless to say he died. So the tomb raiders started troubleshooting. Eventually they came up with a solution but the person who went to go get it couldn't come back, they decided to send a little boy who was only 6 years old to go in there to get the water! Afterwards they got the water and the boy was dead. But this was just the beginning!

The tomb raiders had sold the bottle of water from the fountain of youth to some scientists. These scientists had done some expirements on some chimps and eventually after much reserch had decided that it was a fake. A year later the chimp had died but it didn't really die it came back as a brainless zombie! The chimp had slaughtered all the scientists but 1 and that 1 was able to kill the chimp and escape with only acouple scratches and a few bites!

Later the man had got a illness that eventually killed him but he came back as a zombie and it spread and spread and spread until most of the human population was turned in to lifeless zombies! Now it's just a fight for a survival Goodnight Sleeptight and Don't Let The Zombies Bite! Izio Harentino. :D






Appearence:(Pic Please)

History:(We are going to be meeting around Atlanta Georgia in the US due to me being uncreative)

Starting Weapon's:(We all need some weapons)


Don't be overpowered know your limits.

No killing other players characters.

No sex! Kissing is ok but this is a action RP

No one liners if possible.

Minimal cussing if posible a sentence with "You **** ***** *******" Isnt a very good sentence.

Have fun!

Tell me if I missed anything.

Link to Signups and OOC!?p=209603#post209603

Name:Izio Harentino



Personality:He is one of those people who have been waiting for the zombie apocolypse he loves fighting them and killing but when you get to know him he is actually a very nice guy who would never leave a freind in battle!

Appearence: Eater/stein.jpg

History:When Izio was little he lived in South Amarica and acouple years before the apocolypse had happened he and his parents had moved to Georgia. As soon as the Apocolypse happened his dad died protecting his mom and afterwards his mother died but Izio was able to get away but now he is living on the road surviving day to day.

Starting Weapon's: Dual Pistols and a battle axe.
Name:Ember Dixon

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Personality: She is the one you would call a badass. She was raised with a hick family. She herself is a redneck. She is violent and short-tempered. She is a bad bout but can have a soft side.

Appearence:View attachment 12932

History: Ember lived in Georgia all her life. She has never been across the state lines. The cabin she lived with her brothers at was taken over by the biters. Her brothers are gone and she is on her own. She is in the outskirts of Atlanta.

Starting Weapon's:Crossbow, hunting knife, and Desert Eagle 50 caliber.
Name: Charlotte Gynn Brunner [ Charlie ]

Age: 14

Gender: Female


• Sarcastic; Charlie is quite sarcastic, she is A Smart butt. And loves to argue. Charlie had never agreed with people to annoy them at times.

• Smart; Charlie is a gifted younge girl. She was voted top to her class, befor the outbreak had hit. Charlie loves to hack computers.

History: Same as Scarlett's.

Starter Weapons: A 6 inch blade and a F150 Handgun

Appearence: View attachment 12936

Name: Scarlett Lynn Brunner [ Scar ]

Age: 18

Gender: Female


Protective; Scar is a Protective Older sister, She would Die for thepeople se loves. That mainmly right now in her younger sister Charlie. Scar would take a bullet or a bite for her any day.

Kind; Scar is kind, she tends to find the good in every Living person. She is shyly sweet at first, but doesn't mind to attack on que.

History: Scar and Charlie had grown up together in the small town Cobb Town, Georgia. Its population was rarely small. 348 people. The diseas quickly spread through out the town, killing herparents. The sisters barely made it out alive.

Stater Weapons: Shotgun; Box of Ammo


View attachment 12935
Both of your characters are accepted





Personality:Kite is like a normal 14 year old these days he plays video games all the time and would give anything for something to happen where he actually gets to shoot a zombie or two! When the apocolypse hit he realized he was terribly mistaken!

History:At the beginning of the apocolypse Kite was very excited for this zombie apocolypse that had just happened. Kite lived in the large town of Atlanta Georgia. This of course is a terrible place to be when the more people means the more zombies! Before escaping Atlanta Kite and his parents had a single Desert Eagle with a single box of bullets and 2 mags. With everything that they could carry Kite and his family started heading out of Atlanta. Shortly after they had gotten overrun and there was no way to escape so in order for his wife and his son to escape he gave Kite his gun and said "Protect your mother Kite I love you" That was the last thing Kites father said and with that Kite and his mother escaped and started heading towards the ocean. They didn't get very far until another hoard came through. Kites mom died in that hoard and now Kite is all alone just wondering the streets of Georgia hoping for some chance of survival. This is when Kite cracked and became an all out survivalist he was living alone for the longest time and had found himself some weapons and food!

Starting Weapon:A Desert Eagle with 2 mags, a Survival knife in his back pocket, and a 50 Cal automatic pistol that he holds in his left hand.
(I wanted to wait for more people but we can start now if you want more people can jump in easily in this kind of RP. Also please go to the OOC thread to talk in OOC the link is in the discription thanks.)

Izio was on the road running away from 4 zombies that were all torn up one of them even had one of there arms torn off. "You wanna go you stupid zombies I'll take you down!" Yelled Izio as he pulled out one of his pistols. Izio turned around and sat one knee on the ground to get maximum aim and with this crazed look in his eyes he shot the first one down in a single bullet then the secend one in a single bullet too. "So this is the end I've lived a good life, getting eaten by zombies can't be to bad can it." Izio knew that there was only 1 more bullet left in his pistol and he didn't have the strength to keep running. "Well then I guess I'll just have to take one of you with me." Izio aimed with the last bullet. "Too bad there is still one more oh well come at me!" Izio yelled!

*Boom* Izio opened his eyes and the last zombie with the torn off arm was laying on the ground. "Did someone save me well thats mighty kind of them." Said Izio.

"Hey mister are you alright you don't have any bites or scratches do you if you do I'll have to kill you where you lay!" Yelled the misterious person.

"No I don't have any bites or scratches by the way thanks I would've been a gonner if you didn't come to help me. By the way where are you?" Izio was too tierd at this moment of relief that he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and he passed out.

"Guess he seems ok although he was yelling at the zombies... Oh crap we gotta get out of here with all the noise and the bullets there's bound to be some zombies walking this way now. Come on old man!" he said.

Time Lapse---

"Huh where am I the last thing I remember is being face to face with a zombie then a gunshot. Did you save me boy?" Izio asked.

"Yes I did save you by the way my name is Kite and right now I'm all alone and I'm really scared can you please not leave me?" Asked Kite with this sad expression on his face.

"Don't worry boy I won't leave you besides I owe you my life." Izio smiled at Kite. "My name is Izio can you remember that." Said Izio with a smirk.

"Alright there is fish in the basket you get half of the fish for today, tommorrow you will get the fish got it? I'm going out for a run to see if I can find any more survivers out there see ya and please don't leave, and also for good mesure I've hidden your guns till that I'm sure I can trust you but you can still have your axe, bye" Said Kite

"See ya later boy" Said Izio.
Scar grabbed onto Charlie's hand as they ran. Zombies were verywhere. Although the town seemed empty, Scar knew better than to Think that. Somewhere, Someplace a Crawler was awaiting in the damp, dark corner. Just waiting for them to Relax, become Offguard before attack. Scar was not going to allow that to happen. As they rounded a corner, Charlie tugged Her sister to Stop. A Herd, no More than 40 was huddled around a carcus of dead deer.

" Charlie don't move at all." Scar mumbled, as she felt her sistrrs hand tighten around her wrist. Charlie mumbled in reply a simple, "Uh huh!" Scar retrieved her blade slowly as they backed out of the ally. Charlie collapsed backwards. "SCAR!" She screamed, pulling Scarlett down with her. The herd turned and pfaced the girls.

There blood stained, pale skinned, faces sent chill's down Scar's spine. Quickly, however Scar had pulledher sister up and ran away. Moan's had risen behind them as they ran, The heavy pitter patter of the Crawlers feet were edging closer. "Run Charlie!" Scar cried out. Charlie dashed faster as her sister commanded. Scar turned to face, Three, no four crawlers that had continued. She pulled her shot gun from her belt and aimed for one's head. She pulled the trigger and one fell.She aimed at the second, CLUNCK! The shot gun jammed. Scar turned to see her sisters fragment of Brunette jair. "Charlie go!" "No!" She repliee, "You'll die!" Charlie ran forward and grabbed her sisters arm. Togther they ran down an isolated street of Georgia
Kite was wondering around the forest looking for anything he could find when he heard the gunshot of a shotgun. "Hmm people and if they are shotting that means they are in trouble!" Kite started running towerds where he had heard the sound when he had come across the dead dear just eaten a minute ago. "The zombies must have just finished a meal and looking for another one I better find these people fast!" Kite had seen a zombie comming after him behind the dear. Kite pulled out his knife. "I can't fire or I might lead more zombies this way gotta use my knife." Kite was in position ready for the fight. The zombie lunged at him and Kite tried to dodge it but the zombie had caught on to his leg. "Get off!" Yelled Kite. Kite started sqwerming around and eventually had gotten away from the zombie. "Ok round 2 lets tango." Kite ran at the zombie this time and with some trickery was able to stab the zombie in the back of the head killing it instantaniously. "Rest in peace." Kite said.

"Dangit I got discombobulated in that fight I don't know where the gunshot came from now." Kite just started running around and after a while he saw 2 georgeous girls. "Oh no there in trouble." Without thinking Kite fired off a bullet to draw them off the girls. "Hey you scumbags come and pick on someone with a gun!" Yelled Kite. "Hey you two meet me in 20 minutes right here we can protect you!" he yelled. "Yeah thats it come on you stupid zombies come get some Kite!" he yelled. Kite started running off in the other direction. Kite pulled out his Desert Eagle and his 50 Cal Pistol and started shooting the zombies up. "Man I'm wasting bullets oh well." One by one the zombies wen't down until there were about 10 left. "I'm out of bullets guess I'll just have to lose them." Kite started running through the woods dodging trees and getting out of sight of all the zombies. "There we go I think I lost them." Kite started heading back to where he saw the two girls. "I wonder if they will actually show up?" He asked himself. Finally Kite had gotten to the spot where he saw the two girls. "They aren't here yet guess I have to wait till they get here." Kite started to reload his Desert Eagle.
Scar and Chrlie watched in amazement as a single boy had taken the zombies off with his gun. Scar grabbed Charlies wrist. "Where are we going?" Charlie complained. "He said they can help." She replied. Scar pulled around a croner and saw it was clear. "Who is Who exactly. Scientist who want to test on us. It's not safe Charlotte." Charlie blew a piece of hair out of her face. "Charli, call me Charlie." She sneered. "And what choice do we have? They probelly have food and shelter Scar." She wined, "We haven't rested in so long!"

Scar shook her head, sheknew her sister was right. "Okay, here's theplan." Scar crouched low and whispered rinto Charlies ear. "I understand." Charlie umbled back. Scar and Charlie walked to the place that the boy had mention them to meet at. She had her jammed shotgun in her hand. He didn't know it was jammed, she could use that. As they approached, Charlie held her blade at hand, holding it out, but staying close behind Scar

Scar raised her gun to aim at the Boy. "Who are you?" She emanded. "Do you work for the goverment?" She calledout. Scar had her sense of leadership at hand. Her adreniline was in full throttle from the escape and approaching a stranger that could be inffected. "Are you clawed or bit?"
"Oh hey you guys actually showed up and no I have no bites and no scratches and is there even really a government anymore? I guess I've been out here to long." Kite started mumbling to himself. "I havn't properly introduced myself my name is Kite age 14 occupation zombie killer for now until something else comes up."Kite started laughing while getting up off the ground. "We have food and a little shelter out here in the woods where it is hard for the zombies to get us if you girls would like to come the more the marrier they always say plus your gun is jammed I can tell from here I'm a big gun person and I know how to fix it too." Kite looked over at the girls and smiled while scratching the back of his face. "There is one other person at camp right now and I'm not quite sure about him but he is the oldest right now and has the most expirience with survival. So you girls gonna come with me?" Kite asked as he approached them.

"Look out!" Kite pulled out his survival knife and rushed behind them and stabed the zombie in the neck. "A little help here please if I move it's gonna get me! Please help!" He asked.
Scar turned suddenly, she raised the jammed gun and swung at the crawlers head. "There suckers." She muttered, watching it fall liflessly to the ground. "Scar? Are we going with Kite?" Charlies fragile voice had rung out behind her. Sjhe slowly turned back to Charlie. "Yeah, We are." She decided. "You need rest."

Scar glance fell to Kite, "We accept your offer." She replied, with a small quiver of a smile. "We must hurry too. Crawler's come out, mostly at night." She smirked. She offered Kite a hand. "I'm Scarlotte and this is my Sister Charlotte. But please call us Scar and Charlie." She announced. Scarsmiled awaiting for his reply.
"Thanks" Kite grabed Scar's hand. "Yeah thats true. My camp isn't too far away from here follow me." Kite started towerds his camp. "It's about half a mile away sorry for the long walk. So how long have you two been out here by yourselves? I've been out here for a couple months now and are now just finding people left and right first this guy named Izio and now you girls Scar and Charlie!" Kite looked back and smiled at the two. "Hey get down try not to make any noise I'm to tierd to fight one right now it's been a long day today. Also when was the last time you ate?" Asked Kite.

------- Time skip to when we get back.

"Here we are home sweet home out in the middle of the woods I know it isn't much but it's something. We sleep underground and cover the hole with wood to keep out the zombies." Kite walked over towerds the fish. "Sorry it isn't much but here you both get 1 fish each." Said Kite.

"Hey Kite who are these people and why do they get one fish each when I only got half of a fish!" said Izio. "Because they are girls they get extra. Plus it wasn't yours to begin with I shared some of mine with you thats what matters." Said Kite. "Well it's getting dark there is a river close by we can go get a drink and wash off tomorrow morning. Kite walked into the din he made in the ground. "Bring the food if you leave it out the zombies will get it over night." Said Kite.
Ember shoved her heel into a Dead's head as she took off through the woods. She looked back and eyed the 6 Dead that was following her. "Holy hell! Where did the other 4 come from!" She jumped up on a tree branch and aimed her crossbow at one of the Dead. She took it down and reloaded. She aimed for another. "Just 2 more arrows." She shot her other arrows and pulled out her 50 cal Desert Eagle. She screwed the silencer on and aimed, taking out the last two. "F**kers." She mumbled and hopped down retrieving her arrows. "Where in the hell is the highway?" She sighed and begin to walk in a random direction. A rotten hand pulled her back and she let out a scream for all to hear.
"Huh what was that scream just now some girl in trouble! But it's dark outside, no we gotta help her! You guys stay here and I'll go after her." Said Kite

"No you've done enough today and your exhausted you wouldn't even be able to help her let alone get away afterwards. I'm going. Hey Kite give me my pistols or are you gonna just let the girl die?" Asked Izio.

Kite walked over to a to a spot in the ground and pulled out the two Pistols and handed them to Izio. "Save her and make it back alive ok." Said Kite.

Izio waved back. "See ya." he started running off after where he had heard the scream. "Come on don't die on me!"

"I hope they both make it back alive." Said Kite.

--------- Time Skip.

Izio finally saw the girl being tugged on by a zombie. Izio ran over to where the zombie was and cut off his arm. "Are you okay ms?" Izio asked her. Izio started to whack the zombie in the face again and again with his axe. "Ok were safe for now but stay low I have a place we can go thats safe follow me if you wan't to live through the night." Said Izio. "We'll have introductions when we get safe." Izio nodded towerds Ember to follow her.
Ember looks up to the male that saved her. She shook lightly as she nodded her head and loaded her crossbow. She places her pistol in its holster and started to follow him. She glanced over at him and smiled some. "Uhh.. I... Thanks." She mumbled. She wasn't too good with talking to strangers but it was the end of the damn world. She held out her hand to him ans spoke in a soft tone. "My name is Ember."
"Hi there Ember my name is Izio nice to meet your aquentence." Izio smiled back at Ember. "Lets keep our voices down until we get to a safe place."

"I wonder when they are going to get back I'm going to go out and look for them." Kite started walking out in the open and saw 2 figures walking towereds them. "Oh dang I can't get out there to scout." Kite sat back down in the ground it was now dark outside and Kite saw the wood open up. "Stay low girls this could be a zombie." Kite grabed his axe.

"Hey guys don't kill us were back both of us unhurt." Izio smiled at them. "Also guess what I found one the way back." Izio shined a light in Kites eyes.

"Nice you found a flashlight that will be handy. But carefull we don't want to shine it outside and alert all the zombies. Oh I see your mission was sucsesful! Hello my name is Kite and this is Scarlette and Charlette. Call them Scar and Charlie" Kite smiled at Ember. "The more the marrier he said. Now that I think of it Izio this is Charlie and Scar. Scar and Charlie this is Izio." Said Kite.
Ember looked at all the people and moved closer to Izio. She was a shy person at first. Even she, Ember the hardheaded redneck, was shy around people. She stood close to Izio and nodded to Kite. "Nice to meet you. I'm Ember." She strapped her crossbow over her back and looked up to Izio. "You got a water?" She spoke in a whisper to him.
"Yeah we have some water." Izio pulled out some water and handed it to her. "It isn't much we wern't expecting you then again no one was expected today. We all just arrived here today. Kite saved my life then went out and saved them two and now we have you one productive day if I do say so myself." Said Izio.

"We will go and get more water in the morning for now lets get some sleep and hope we make it through the night we will have one person on watch at all times I'll cover fist shift while you guys sleep and in acouple hours I'll wake up Izio to take my place while we sleep and so on. Goodnight guys." Kite smiled at all the people that he had just met a few hours ago now they were all that were left.

"K night Kite wake me up if you need anything."Said Izio.
Ember took a drink of water and sat down closer to Izio than anyone. She watched straight forward. She wouldnt sleep tonight, she knew that much. She pulled her knees up to her chest and laid her head on her knees. She begin to hum to herself, hoping she was not annoying the others.
"Can't sleep Ember?" Asked Izio. "It's alright neither can I but it would be nice to have some sleep were going to need all the rest we can for tomorrow so go to sleep ok I'll be right here to protect you if anything happens." Izio gave Ember a hug to try and comfort her in this crazy time. "Were gonna be alright I won't let you die." Said Izio.

------ time skip to a few hours later.

"Hey Izio you awake?" Asked Kite.

"Yeah I'm awake I'll take watch now try and get some sleep you've been alone long enough in this cramped little hole you built in the ground." Izio chuckled.

"Well sorry it was only made to have 3 people in it at one time and there is 5 of us." Kite made his way over towerds everyone else and Izio wen't over to the exit and sat there.

A couple hours later it was morning. Kite had fallen asleep in the wierdest possible way with his head in the dirt and his one of his arms behind his back with the other arm thrown across Scar. Izio chuckled. "Come on sleepy heads rise and shine it's daylight and we need every second of it. I've already took the liberty of cooking up a squirl that I caught this morning. "Huh." Kite looked up at Izio and just put his head back in the dirt. "Fine I'm comming." Kite started crawling his way out of the hole. "Last night was uncomfy were going to need a bigger place for the 5 of us." Kite said as he cracked his back.
Ember rubbed her eyes as she stepped out of the hole. She got no sleep and wanted to find a more secure place to camp at. She stumbled over to Izio and yawned. She sat down in the soft grass and looked up to him. "I know this cabin not too far from here." She spoke softly to him. "Its far from any main roads and its big enough for all of us." She took in his features and smiled some.
Izio looked down at Ember "Really! That would be nice a cabin is probobly better then what we have now with how many people we have." Said Izio.

"That would be nice lets take what we have and go towereds the river we can refill on water and wash off a bit then head over to the cabin. After that we are going to need some food so I'll take someone and go into town." Kite started pacing around. "We will have breakfast at the river there are some fish and there are a lot tree's around to burn for cooking purposes." Said Kite still pacing around.

"Hey you two in there are you girls ever gonna wake up?" Izio went into the hole where they were sleeping and started trying to pull them out. *Crack Crack*

"Izio stop!"Kite said with a sudden urge. Kite grabed the axe off the ground and started towereds where he had heard the sound. As he walked around the corner with a suspition that it wasn't safe here anymore. Suddenly a squirl jumped out on Kite. "Hey you stupid squirl." Kite grabbed the squirl and pinned it to the ground.

"Ember you might not wanna look." Said Izio as Kite stabbed the squirl.

"Anything to keep yourself alive. Want some?" Asked Kite.
(( Where are we, sorry I have been out for a while. I sprained my ankle and been at the hospital. Catch me up?))
Ember moved her eyes away from Kite and looked up to Izio. "We need to go..." She stood up and looked around before looking back to Izio. "We need to go to the Cabin quickly... I have an uneasy feeling. Also I was tracking a deer that was close to that cabin. I want bambi." She giggled lightly as she pulled her crossbow off. "Carry the girls. Im sure they wont mind... orrr... We can go back to the main road and get a truck and let me get my motorcycle."

((We are still at the place that Kite took you... We are gonna go to a cabin that Ember knows about.))

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