Good Times!

Hello my lambs,

So, after reading a lot of status updates, as well as seeing Smoredecai's "Tell me one good thing that happened to you" thread, I was inspired to make this one.

I am curious to know ONE good moment y'all have had in the past month. Maybe it is something you achieved, a project you did well on, something that you are proud of!

I play tennis. My doubles partner and I played a match against a VERY large high school. Every year, they win league championships, and they were almost unbeatable. However, My partner (Who I will call Timmy), and I beat their doubles team 8-0! This was the first time in a long time second doubles had won against that specific school!
Tonight has been a very memorable and good one for me. I finally have my own computer, it's amazing how much faster I can type on here. Not to mention all the stuff that is way easier for me to bb code, post gifs, pictures and edit. Also super excited because I have ordered in a drawing tablet, along with some film editing and animating software, waaaay to pumped to start creating!
Ballerina said:
Tonight has been a very memorable and good one for me. I finally have my own computer, it's amazing how much faster I can type on here. Not to mention all the stuff that is way easier for me to bb code, post gifs, pictures and edit. Also super excited because I have ordered in a drawing tablet, along with some film editing and animating software, waaaay to pumped to start creating!
Oooh I remember my first computer.. have fun :)
I completed one of my favourite long-running shows, got back into reading manga, started reading again and felt like I was doing something different.Oh, and finished a video game last night (I've finished it before but it's always a real tearjerker each time).

My life doesn't change but it's nice to feel like I'm doing something to make it more fun.

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