Good Scenes of Life After Reclamation


Ten Thousand Club
We already have a good image of what the Ebon Dragon's Shadow Age looks like, but the Return of the Scarlet Empress was apparently written under the assumption that he would succeed in being the only one to escape.

So, what happens if the others catch on and rein him, kicking and screaming, in? What happens if the others quickly include the "Ebon Dragon's siblings" as part of his wedding gift of freedom? What happens if the age is Brass, not Shadow?

What would be a few good images of life in Creation under the sweet ministrations of all the Yozis (other than Warhammer)?
Well, each area would need to be looked upon in its own way, and also strongly depend on how well the Reclamation succeeded. I personally think what would be best for creation would be the level of Anti-Wyld sentiment from the South and West that Cecelyne and She Who Lives In Her Name would establish. Add in Kimbery putting the reins on the Lintha, and it would be pretty damn peaceful in that corner of the world (barring First and Forsaken Lion screwing that up with war). Adjoran will mostly leave things dead, as would Malfeas (in his more brutal way), and we know what the Ebon Dragon's plan looks like.

Hmm, particular good images would probably also include Szoreny turning all of Halta a bit silvery, taking out the danger of the Fair Folk there, and teaching Haltans and Linowans to calm down and learn some patience. Granted, this will be after Malfeas' guys make them nearly wipe each other out through outright war, but its a balancing act.

I'd actually be intrigued to see the Ebon Dragon fail, but the others succeed, and therefore 'proper' Creation is surrounded by the Reclaimed realms. But then again, I'd also like to see a couple of the Yozis get 'fixed' into Primordials again and stop having these weird issues. So I think that would help the imaging ideas a lot.
Well it does mention in the Scarlet Empress that at least one of the Yozi would attempt to become a new Elemental Pole. I think you would see of lot of that, the Yozi weaving themselves into the fabric of creation and changing it to match themselves.

I think the Sidereals, assuming they aren't all dead, would probably strike the gates of heaven to cut of heaven from the Yozi and try to come up with some sort of plan. This would probably be a bat **** insane plan since it would involve all the surviving Sidereals and the gods if they still lived. The Unconquered Sun can take any Yozi in single combat so if he lived he would be a powerful weapon but the collective Yozi would make short work of him. Luna would probably hide being a survivor and a trickster. Who can say what would happen with the maidens. They Yozi will want the Games of Divinity so I imagine they would try and ambush them and make a last stand when they breach heaven.

The Lunars would probably take in any Solars they could find and hide they in the Wyld and a war would likely explode between Neverborn and the Yozi making for some odd alliances. Assuming the Ebon Dragon was killed the Neverborn would be more powerful then ever and new deathlords might be born the ED shattered souls. If Autochton if he was present they Yozi would likely make war on it making that another bastion for hero to try and take a stand against the Yozi. Likely the Yozi would underestimate the Alchemicals numbers and lose a good number of their own Exalted. Further they would likely be reluctant to kill Autochton for fear of strengthening the Neverborn further so for a time at least Autochton would probably be a safe haven.

What would probably slow the Yozi quickly is infighting (being totally insane) unless the Neverborn or Exalted posed a strong threat. At first people would probably try and band together into places like the Imperial Moutain but once the Yozi crushed these and took the blessed Isle they would probably start to fight amongst themselves as they reshaped. Areas where they found would likely change daily until the pecking order was worked out.

Edit: Hmmm actually I think the Dark Tower would be a good example of life under the Yozi. Specifically pretend Blaine the Mono is a Yozi and the City of Lud is creation.
"We lost. I can't believe we lost...we were at the threshold of destiny, and we fell short. My brethren, the few remaining Chosen of the Stars, sealed Heaven away forever, to protect it. My previous incarnation...I still remember his final moments, as the red whore plucked out his eyes. The Isle, it is swallowed in darkness now. The smoke still rises from the burning East, the South shines silver, and not a sound comes from the North. The armies of the dead amass now, and, oddly enough, I wish them well. The chosen of the moon have kept myself and what sun-children they have found safe out here, but, these far reaches, these wyld-places, cannot keep us safe forever. Creation is ours, and we shall take it back."
It depends highly on the Yozi, if more than one is allowed to express what they want you may see compromises.

Adorjan will bring her joyous enlightenment to all of creation, and when she is done there will only be silence.

She who lives in her name will bring her joyous order to all of creation, and when she is done there will only be hierarchy.

Kimbery, in her infinite kindness, will use this as a teaching moment, and when she is done we will be the better for it.

Cecelyene will remind us of what we taught her so very long ago, and when she is done the world will once again be bound by the proper rules.

Malfeas will carve his glory once again into the world such that it is once again basked only in his green light.

Others get harder, and I should note these are attempts at coming from the yozi's perspective, not from anyone else's.

Sacheverall (spelling?) will bind the world with determinism, and the ebon dragon will suffer most of all.

Elloge will bring us into stories most grand (the difference being they now have a decent editor, her).

Szorenzy will begin the next step of his plot for revenge.

Cythereia will finally reveal herself, and we will wonder why it wasn't obvious before.

Isidorious will twist the heavens until he gets whatever it is that he wants.

Qaf will break the world, and he will never be done.

Oramus will bring forth his new useful ideas from the wyld, and the world will once again be stranger for it.

Metagoes will eat everything, yes even that.

Hegra will rain on everything, yes even that.

I'm probably missing someone, but that's all I got.
LaFreeze said:
The Unconquered Sun can take any Yozi in single combat so if he lived he would be a powerful weapon but the collective Yozi would make short work of him. Luna would probably hide being a survivor and a trickster. Who can say what would happen with the maidens. They Yozi will want the Games of Divinity so I imagine they would try and ambush them and make a last stand when they breach heaven.
I thought the gods couldn't directly attack the Primordials (and thus the Yozi), hence the whole making of the exalted...
QuasiMortuus said:
LaFreeze said:
The Unconquered Sun can take any Yozi in single combat so if he lived he would be a powerful weapon but the collective Yozi would make short work of him. Luna would probably hide being a survivor and a trickster. Who can say what would happen with the maidens. They Yozi will want the Games of Divinity so I imagine they would try and ambush them and make a last stand when they breach heaven.
I thought the gods couldn't directly attack the Primordials (and thus the Yozi), hence the whole making of the exalted...
I don't recall where, but the Geas was enumerated. If the Primordials strike first, the Incarnae can fight back.

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