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Good Ol' Medieval Lovin'.

Artificial Sugar

Plus Ultra

Warning: This idea contains subjects that may offend/disgust people, and is not for anyone under 18.

If you dislike my idea, move on, please.

Alright! SO. I know this is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, and that's cool. But.

I have an idea for a Medieval romance.

It's between a royal brother and sister, (here come the "ewwww, nope" responses) who have been romantically involved with each other since they were like 15/16, after the brother saves the sister from drowning.

Now, they're around 22-25, and they've managed to keep their relationship a secret. However, their Kingdom is being threatened with war, and they're not doing too well with money or shipments either. So to get all of that stuff settled, their parents are marrying them off to other royals from different countries.

Obviously, that's a problem, since these two love each other, so yeah.

Along the way though, the brother comes to actually like his future wife, and enjoys spending time with her, which of course makes the sister jealous. Plus, her future husband is a total douche who likes to cheat on her and beat her.

So, as the brother gets closer to his chick, the sister becomes more and more jealous, maybe even seeking revenge against the poor girl.

We'll see.

Of course, I'd prefer to play the sister, if that's alright.

I also have some requirements for my partner(s).

- Be active. Please reply at least once a day, every day.

-Be literate. I need someone who can use proper grammar and punctuation, as well as someone who knows how to at the very least, use spell check.

-Use third person only.

-Communicate with me. If you're going to be busy or gone for a few days, or even if you want to quit the role play, please let me know. I really don't mind, as long as I'm told. If you don't tell me that you're done though, and you ignore me, I'll be pretty pissed.

-Be at least 18.

Alrighty then! Soooo, if you're interested, please comment here or PM me. Be aware that I will require a writing sample before we begin planning.

Hello, I'd be interested in doing this rp with you. Unless someone has already taken the part. This actually seems interesting despite my criticism at the start.
Iambean said:
Hello, I'd be interested in doing this rp with you. Unless someone has already taken the part. This actually seems interesting despite my criticism at the start.
No one else has, lol. Would you like me to PM you?

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