Good Character Storage


New Member
Heya! Just shouting out (and maybe trying to maybe get posts onto my account maybe for that 10 post/24 hour rule maybe) to have some good tips for where to store your RP characters!

What I mean by that is like.. does anyone know of a good website, or a good method to store your RP characters, such as a place where you can write out "name: bafadhjf age: ajgfkaf gender: ahkjfad" and whatever else? Like a website, or something. Y'know?

I'm currently storing them in folders which contain reference pictures and notepad files describing them and in a notebook on my desk, because I have no clue what else to do, Hah.

Starting conversation and tips~!
Hello there and welcome to RPN!

If you are looking for a decent place on-site, I would recommend making up a general Character Sheet in the "Private Workshop" section. This is a private sandbox fourm where you can place work in progress characters, BBCode works, etc! Though it unfortunately doesn't add towards your total post count.

Lemme know if you have any more questions! ^_^
StoneWolf18 said:
Hello there and welcome to RPN!
If you are looking for a decent place on-site, I would recommend making up a general Character Sheet in the "Private Workshop" section. This is a private sandbox fourm where you can place work in progress characters, BBCode works, etc! Though it unfortunately doesn't add towards your total post count.

Lemme know if you have any more questions! ^_^
Hey, thanks! I had no idea about the Private Workshop! I appreciate it. But yay! This is my tenth post! Woo :D
Another place that you could perhaps store character sheets would be the Character Feedback sub-forum of this Roleplay Discussion and Advice forum. There I believe the posts will count toward your post count as well as provide a place for other users to view your characters and provide critique if that is what you desire. Otherwise what Stonewolf told you about the Private Workshop is the best place to keep your character sheets. That's where I keep mine.
If you are looking for an external website, I may recommend ToyHouse. But you would have to find an invitation code somewhere... I may ask for one for you, though.

This website allows you to build profile pages for your characters, with basic informations, backstories, personality, image galleries, etc... You can order them with folders and tags, and eventually build your own mini-forum for roleplay.
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Well I tend to put things in google docs. I made like a simple template document that I just copy and paste with new information. I also second first poster I put characters in my private workshop that I liked but that have had their threads shut down.

I also have freebie codes in my signature for newbies that are free to borrow and are another good way for me to keep track of codes I like.
If you don't mind going off-site, I suggest using a site called Charahub. The forms you fill in are very detailed, but you aren't required to fill in all of it, and it's free to make up to 100 characters, which seems pretty fair to me. I've been using it for a few years and it's pretty useful.

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