Golden Academy

twilight sparkle

Yaoi lover
Ok so you just got a letter to a popular school called Golden have your talented dancers,writers musicians, etc.

Dear ________,

you have been accepted into Golden Academy. this is your oppritunity to show us what you can do. Good luck because we have no time for quiters. Do the best you can!

headmaster,Mary McDonald

will you make it or break it?

character skillie






your talent or skill:


My character skillie

name:Nichole Lowe



appearance:African American with tanish skin,short black hair, bangs to her neck,wears glasses,hazel eyes 5'41/2, wearing jeans, a graphic tee,messenger bag,orange and white converses

personality:shy, loud and hyper around friends.

your talent or skill:shes a great song writer and dancer

other:shes a big anime fan and loves making up the beats and lyrics for her songs,she can usually be found either reading or writing songs or strumming on her guitar

Name:Jesse Anderson



appearance:has turqoise blue hair,emerald green eyes, tan, lean but muscular, hes 6'1 wearing jeans and a shirt/vest with ruffles,tall, wearing boots

personality;very outgoing smart, peppy and happy to be friends with people

your talent or skill:hes a great dancer and can work with any type of music

other:he's from Europe,has a country accent, loves designing clothes, a great singer, friends with Nichole
((I might join, but first, I must ask this question: Is there a character limit? Otherwise, I'm having seventeen characters. xD ))
Name - Alex Mahogany

Age - 16

Gender - Female

Appearance -

Personality - Alex can be a bit shy around new people, but she is very outgoing with her close friends. She loves art and draws all the time.

Talent - Realistic still life and surrealism drawings

Other - Best friend and girlfriend of David Zinc

Name - David Zinc

Age - 16

Gender - Male

Appearance - (The male, if you couldn't tell)

Personality - David is known for being funny, sweet, and caring among his friends. He is fairly outgoing and has a tendancy to easily be able to cheer people up from even the worst of situations.

Talent - Amazing ability with three-dimensional art

Other - Best friend and boyfriend of Alex Mahogany
Name: Chantelle Bronte

age: 16

gender: female


personality: Chantelle is kind of a mean girl by nature. She pushes people around and seems to enjoy it. She also thinks that she's the best there is, and nobody is free from her cocky nature.

your talent or skill: Chantelle is very athletic, and top of her class grades-wise

other: Chantelle has an extreme fear of bridges.
Name: Emily

age: 16

gender: female

appearance:View attachment 11275

personality: Emily is very shy. In public situations she is strictly a wallflower, never one to ask for any sort of attention. She has very few friends and it doesn't bother her a bit. She is quirky and sweet once you get to know her.

your talent or skill: She is an expert bassist and very good pianist.

other: She is a great singer but no one has ever heard her. She is afraid of storms.
Alex smiled as she entered the school. She held a sketchpad in one hand and a pencil in the other. As she walked, she made a rough sketch of the school. The front office seemed to be offering maps, but she preferred to make her own. It was something between a bird's and a human's view, at such an angle that she could add three-dimensional details while also getting all the buildings in. Drawing the things around her helped her remember them better, exactly what she needed at a new school like this one.
Emily walked around the campus, totally lost. It was only her first day here and she'd gone and lost her map. Now she was surrounded by the buildings and none of them looked familiar. She adjusted the bass guitar she carried on her back. Looking around, she let out a sigh and tucked a stray red hair behind her ear. There were lots of people around that she could easily ask, if only she wasn't so shy.... She continued walking, hoping to reach the dorms soon.

(my replies may be slow, I am on mobile. Sorry D: but I will definitely respond to anything directed at me)
David entered the school and immediately looked for the girl with the red hair. He saw one girl with bright red hair, but it definitely was not Alex. Alex's hair was more brownish, almost a caramel color. Some people described her hair color as looking like copper, and some said it was like rust. He didn't favor the latter of the two.
(its ok)Nichole suddenly ran into someone. she landed on her butt and said''s-sorry!'' the teen said''its ok my fault'' he helped her up and picked up their bags. he said''where ya headed im jesse by the way nice to meet cha!'' Nichole blushed and sai''Im nichole..'' he said''Its a pleasure to meet ya nichole ya headed to the dorms?'' she nodded.
Emily saw a guy looking at her. He looked away, and she assumed he was searching the crowds for someone in particular. No one would be searching for her, after all. Finally giving up, she plopped down under a tree, lying her bass on the soft grass beside her. The thing was practically as heavy as she was, and even after years of hauling it to practices it still wore her out to carry it long distances.
David soon found her. He recognized the sketchpad in her hands. Walking up to her, he smiled broadly. "Hey, Alex," he said happily, glad to see her. "Whatcha drawin'?"

"Oh, hey, David," she said, looking even happier than him, which he could barely imagine possible. "I'm sketching the school. You know, just in case I get lost."

"They give out maps at the front office," he said. "Free."

"What's the fun in that?"

David laughed. "New school, yet same ol' Alex." He smirked. "That's a good thing, by the way."

"It better be," she said, grinning.
Jesse said''follow me im new here too just found mine a while ago so where ya from?'' Nichole said''im from louisiana...'' he said''nice! here we are!'' opening the door. he said''huh seems like we're roomies!'' Nichole thought my roommate is a guy?!​ she fainted,.
"What now?" David asked. "Head to the dorms or look around a bit first?"

"Let's go the dorms so I can drop off some stuff," Alex said. "Then, we explore."

David smiled. He liked the way she put it, like they were on some sort of adventure. It was all so exciting, being here. "Okay. To the dorms, then. I'll walk slowly so you can draw everything you see on the way."

"Not too slowly," Alex said. "I like a challenge."

David laughed. "I wish I could practice my art while walking around. But, I'll tell ya', it sure is hard to keep up with a wet, massive, chunk of clay when you're constantly moving."

Now, Alex was laughing, too. "There's an image."
Alex and David soon arrived at the dorm rooms. They headed to Alex's first, dorm number 147. It just occurred to her that David's dorm was only five doors down, number 152. She was quite pleased with that thought. They could meet up for breakfast in the morning at either dorm without having to make much of a trek.

They entered the dorm to find a simple room with a bed and bathroom and lots and lots of space. Alex had specified wanting a single-person dorm, so there was only the one bed. Before either Alex or David could comment about the room, a ringing sounded from David's back pocket. He pulled out his cellphone and checked the caller ID.

"Mom? Why's she calling me?" he asked nobody. He hit TALK and held the phone up to his ear.

"Hello?" There was a pause. "Oh, hi, Emma." A bright smile appeared on his face. Alex knew Emma was his little sister. She had turned five fairly recently, and Alex had attended her party after David had insisted. It had actually been really fun. Emma seemed to be a very sweet little girl.

"You missed me? That's so sweet!" David said, making Alex smile. "I've only been gone a couple hours, but I miss you, too, Em."

Alex found it sweet, how close David and his sister were. She wished she could be closer to her own brother.

"Okay, well, Em, I have to go. But, I promise you, I'll call you later," he spoke into the phone. "Talk to you later, Em. I love you." He hung up and slid the phone back into his pocket. Now speaking to Alex, he said, "She called me because she missed me. That's so cute." He smiled his classic warm smile.

"That is cute," Alex agreed. "You think she might want to come down and stay here for a day some time?"

"That's a great idea," David said. "I think she would like that."
David took Alex's hand once she was done unpacking. He had quickly stopped by at his dorm to drop off his stuff. They were now leaving the dorm area to go explore the school.

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