Plot: Yamaguchi-sensai is back teaching in new high school, Akadou Academy. After Sawadari Goro couldn't handle the problematic class 3D, as the director ordered him. He found Yamaguchi and convinced her to work at Akadou Academy. At the same-time with her arrival an new transfer student (Hayashi Hitori ), who is actually a girl, joined the 3-D class. Once again Yankumi and Hayashi have to deal with a 3D class full of punks, with two rival groups fighting for the leadership. What is Hayashi's secret, and what made her to join the 3D class? How will she and the boys blend in?
Note: The plot and the characters are based more in Season 3 (live action). But i would love to see some of the manga details in it. (Having Yamato and Ren characters in these would be fun)
It's April, and the new school year started. Class 3D met their new home teacher. Upon Yankumi's arrival, she has discovered that the class was full of delinquents, and also was divided into two opposing groups that were always at each other's throats. Everyone thought she would already run off horrified. But Yankumi wasn't that kind of a teacher.
Hitori also was getting ready for the new school year. She moved to a apartment near to Akedou. Money were no problem for her, since she had inherited half of her parents fortune, after their death. She bought new male clothes and stuffed the apartment. She cut her hair shorter now, and dyed it light brown. She bought a new Akedou school uniform. Hitori enrolled one week after the lessons had started.
Hitori-chan, was known as sweet and cool person in her older school. Though the sweetness and coolness, has nothing to with her real persona. Born in a wealthy home, and having always what she wanted, Hitori knew how to use her surroundings. Self-centered, Spoiled to the bone, she has many flaws. A bully, with a cold heart. She could stand up for herself and fight. Petite at body size, around 4'9 with long curled black hair (before she had to cut it). Black big eyes, and a great voice. Hitori was a wealthy yankee, that could stand her grounds. She wasn't a ordinary girl, she was a bad-ass wealthy brat. That would fit perfectly in class 3-D.
The reason why Hitori ended up in a all boy school was because she was hiding. Hiding from the killer, that murdered her family. Since she was the only survivor, the detective responsible for her family murder case suggested to hide there.
The class had started and class 3D was noisy like always. Hitori was waiting outside of the door for the teacher to call her inside. She somehow founded that school bad news, and the teachers, people that you couldn't trust. It was the same in her older school. Only there the teachers acted that they cared, only because they were paid well. As for the students they seemed friendly and kind, but they were far from it.
Note: The plot and the characters are based more in Season 3 (live action). But i would love to see some of the manga details in it. (Having Yamato and Ren characters in these would be fun)
It's April, and the new school year started. Class 3D met their new home teacher. Upon Yankumi's arrival, she has discovered that the class was full of delinquents, and also was divided into two opposing groups that were always at each other's throats. Everyone thought she would already run off horrified. But Yankumi wasn't that kind of a teacher.
Hitori also was getting ready for the new school year. She moved to a apartment near to Akedou. Money were no problem for her, since she had inherited half of her parents fortune, after their death. She bought new male clothes and stuffed the apartment. She cut her hair shorter now, and dyed it light brown. She bought a new Akedou school uniform. Hitori enrolled one week after the lessons had started.
Hitori-chan, was known as sweet and cool person in her older school. Though the sweetness and coolness, has nothing to with her real persona. Born in a wealthy home, and having always what she wanted, Hitori knew how to use her surroundings. Self-centered, Spoiled to the bone, she has many flaws. A bully, with a cold heart. She could stand up for herself and fight. Petite at body size, around 4'9 with long curled black hair (before she had to cut it). Black big eyes, and a great voice. Hitori was a wealthy yankee, that could stand her grounds. She wasn't a ordinary girl, she was a bad-ass wealthy brat. That would fit perfectly in class 3-D.
The reason why Hitori ended up in a all boy school was because she was hiding. Hiding from the killer, that murdered her family. Since she was the only survivor, the detective responsible for her family murder case suggested to hide there.
The class had started and class 3D was noisy like always. Hitori was waiting outside of the door for the teacher to call her inside. She somehow founded that school bad news, and the teachers, people that you couldn't trust. It was the same in her older school. Only there the teachers acted that they cared, only because they were paid well. As for the students they seemed friendly and kind, but they were far from it.