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Realistic or Modern Going offline - Main


It was very early morning and the sun had only just begun to peek it's head above the blue horizon. The beachouse they all booked was in a magnificent spot. It was right near the water, just a short boardwalk from the calm sea, and although it was on a popular beach, it had it's own private section where they could stay if they wanted it to themselves. The house it's self had four bedrooms in it with two single beds in each, a huge decking area with BBQ's, outside tables and various lounges overlooking the sea. Inside there was an open plan kitchen/living area as well as a rumpus room which was the biggest of all, and found on the upper story where the bedrooms were. It contained a pool table and ping pong table, a couple dart boards, and a little mini bar that you would have to stock yourself.

The outside of the house looked like an over sized hit: Thatched roof, two stories, large woodden decking and boardwalks connecting you down the grassy hill to the beach. It had cost them all a pretty penny, even when split six ways between them. But they all decided they wouldn't get this chance often, so it was best to go all out..

Dylan had arrived first, as he could only get a fight that landed at a ridiculous time. From the airport, he had gotten a taxi to the small coastal town of Siesta key. He unlocked the house and waited inside nervously

Liv was stuck on the plane from Seattle, annoyed and just wanted to get to the house. She posted online and said just love when the plane can’t get to the gate (:

After another hour, the plane finally pulled up to the gate. She grabbed her carry on suitcase and backpack. Liv texted Dylan and said, ‘guess who’s on her way!’

She was incredibly excited to meet everyone, but also terrified. Her anxiety played a major part in this. She got in the taxi and played on her phone until she got there.

The taxi driver pulled up to the house and her stomach dropped. She paid him and got out. She didn’t know who was their yet.
The plane ride there was pretty peaceful, after all her mother insisted she got a smaller, more private flight and even made sure there was an assistant for her throughout the short trip, boy was she lucky she'd lied about having a carer arranged at the holiday house, she was feeling somewhat suffocated by all this love, as much as she knew the woman meant well. Admittedly she'd meant to stay up and plan how she'd explain well- 'this' entire situation to the group that would know her as a bubbly and feisty completely body abled and normal person, well, maybe normal was a stretch but the rest was true.

However just a half hour into the flight and she was out cold, what could she say, the seats were comfy! After waking up the assistant had made a fuss of helping her into the wheelchair and getting her out from the docking station, of course there was the usual stares that made her pale face turn a bright shade of pink, after all, she had one person pushing her and another carrying bags, not that she wasn't capable of doing it herself albeit with some effort, however her shy nature despite many attempts had stopped her from actually persisting with the request.

Once at the door she let out a small smile as she was transferred into the large taxi, she was used to them by now, they were far larger than normal with the wheelchair dock and little mini elevator that lifted her up which always felt like it'd collapse at any moment. Once inside she waved to the lady and man who helped out, somewhat relieved to be able to spend some quiet time in the drive over, after all the woman driving the taxi seemed rather focused on doing her job, plugging in some earphones she watched the beautiful scenery go by, it was so bright and sunny, just the sight alone made her face light up with a smile, not too mention the upbeat anime tunes playing to her loudly.

Once approaching the house she chuckled, it really was stunning- but she would've loved for them to let her pay for more of it, she'd tried to convince them but they wouldn't have any of it, it apparently just haddddd to be an even split. Now for the awkward part- Once at the top of the hill the back doors were opened and she was lowered out far more loudly than she would've wanted, blushing more as the woman set her down and placed the luggage on the porch she gave a nod of thanks before she got in and began to drive away.

Okay, she could make this look normal- a perfectly normal girl in a wheelchair with medical equipment…. Sure! Rolling forwards a little with her hands she put on a determined smile and did a fist pump, calling out to the little house, "Hello!~".

Mentioned/Interacting: murphalicious murphalicious Sook Sook
He'd been there for about an hour or two now, had already chosen a room, figuring he'd probably bunk with Kane if he showed up, given they were the only two boys in their little group. All the bedrooms were the same. Two single beds, ocean blue covers and white, pristine sheets. two little wicker bedside tables and a wardrobe built into the wall. He was putting his clothes on hangers in the room at the end of the hallway when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He checked the phone and a message from Liv showed up.

Guess who's on her way!

Sweet! How far off are you? I'm already here.

I have N E V E R been somewhere this fancy before

He texted back, grinning as he did so. I couldn't have been more than another 40 minutes before he began hearing cars approaching outside. Dylan ran to the window and sure enough a cab was pulling up and out stepped Liv! "O-o-oh god..." He muttered to himself, willing his syllables to just come out all at once rather than in embarssing stutters for once in his life. But damn he was nervous, so he was proabably out of luck. Oh god, what if he couldn't even get the words out?

Gotta try... Gotta... oh shit... two of them

Dylan noticed another cab pull in as Liv was already heading towards the house. Ovbious Dylan had heard about Astra's situation, but he supposed it hadn't quite dawned on him the tremendous risk and effort she was taking to come out here to see everyone. What if Dylan gave a bad first impression? What if...

Dylan shook his head and thought to himself What the hell am I on about!? I've known them for years, for Christ sake! With that, before he could have second thoughts, he rushed downstairs to meet them. He skipped the stairs two at a time and skidded in his socks to the door. Before anyone could open it he threw it open and, with a very big gulp, said "H-hey g-g-" He tried his best, but he was already messing it up. How could a simple 'hey guys' be such a chore for him to say? His cheeks flushed red "H-hey." He managed and hurried over to Astra "Hi A-Astra, I-I-I Can t-t-t-take that" He said grabbing her bag, then turning back towards Liv and giving her a very embarrassed smile "N-n" He began, closed his eyes and gritted his teeth and then tried again, slower "Nice to see you L-liv."

Since Astra needed it, they had managed to find the one beachouse is all of america with a lift going to the top floor. It was slow, and it made the whole place cost a lot of money to rent, but it meant that Astra could move around easier. "W-what do you guys th-th-think?" He attempted to say, gesturing to the house as they headed through the front doors.

Alyssa Harper

Alyssa had been on the plane for nine and a half hours. It was safe to say that she was very relieved when the flight landed in Florida. She didn't mind flying, she actually kind of enjoyed it, but after a while it got uncomfortable. She'd even splurged and got herself a seat with extra leg room, but a long flight like that was bound to become cramped. She got off the plane and waited a while at the baggage carousel. Once she grabbed her suitcase she headed out and got a taxi. She was relieved that the driver didn't try o make conversation so she could think. She wondered about what the group would be like in real life. It wouldn't be too different, right? They'd known echoer for what felt like forever. She hoped they'd still like her in real life.

The drive seemed to go by fast. The driver pulled up to the house and opened the door for her. She got out of the taxi and paid, tipping generously. She wasn't sure how much she was supposed to tip so she'd overshot the amount. She put her backpack on her shoulders and got her suitcase out of the trunk. Ally figured whoever else was here must be inside, so she headed towards the entrance. As she approached she saw three people in the entrance. She guessed that they were Liv, Astra, and Dylan. "Hello everyone!" she gave a smile and a small wave.

Interacts: Sook Sook murphalicious murphalicious Cosmos Cosmos
Astra blushed as Dylan burst through the door, pale cheeks a bright pink as he took her luggage and she noticed Live, giving a small wave, with a chuckle she smiled at the timid boy, before suddenly looking a little more serious, "S-Sorry for being such a pain~…." she muttered out awkwardly rubbing the back of her head, "I-It's not… weird- right?" she continued nervously to the pair, eyes darting down before back up as Alyssa arrived, fumbling nervously as she bit her lip.

"H-Heya Ally!~" she quickly added changing the topic from herself. Her bags were covered in cheesy stickers of cute cats as food items like tacos or ice creams, along with her trademark anime obsession. The small backpack hanging off the wheelchairs edge clearly had a stuffed toys head sticking out of one side, it looked to be some type of old monkey, the colours long faed from what they used to be, she was the youngest of them all after all, not that she'd ever explicitly stated her age throughout the years, more so leaving it to their opinion. However that did lead to a particular situation when they thought she was way younger and she had to prove them wrong with some amusingly explicit language not previously used, though she'd tried to act tough it was clear the whole group still just thought she was 'cute' after it.

She was relieved when she'd managed to bring up the weird elevator request, it was only a few days before booking she mentioned 'perhaps maybe very much needing one' in a jumble of words. For someone that always acted so tough and bubbly online (not too mention her obsession with hardcore fighting games) it would be a tad out of place to see a small, almost doll-like girl in her place.

And despite her best attempts to tuck it away in the chair, there was clearly more medical equipment than just that alone, but she didn't exactly want to bore them with the details, much less someone suddenly ask about how she went to the bathroom, why did everyone always ask that?! she blushed again at the thought, mumbling things to herself with a slightly frustrated face as though completely off in her own world, "I mean why would you even ask that!…. i-it's personal ya know?… I don't ask how you eat food!- if you didn't have a mouth how would you eat food? Argh! I did it myself!?" the tangent went off rather comically with no context under her breath.

Mentioned/Interacting: Sook Sook Lizy Lizy murphalicious murphalicious
Liv smiled widely when she saw Dylan. He was so cute, he was cute online, but seeing him in person just made it feel different. She wanted to run and give her a huge hug but he was otherwise occupied. "Hey Dyl, Hey Astra." She greeted both of them and helped grab one of Ally's bags along with her own suitcase. She didn't want to make herself seem desperate for him so she decided to play it as cool as she could.

Then she saw Aly. Her eyes became large with excitement. She put down the bags for a moment and hugged Ally, "Hey babes!" She smiled and relished in seeing her friend for the first time in person. She pulled back and smiled, "How are you? Plane ride okay?" She was so excited to meet all her friends, this is the happiest she had been in months.

interactions with Sook Sook Cosmos Cosmos Lizy Lizy

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