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Realistic or Modern Going offline - character sheets


The character sheet is as follows:

Online profile

-Most recent Profile picture-
Optional Profile text: (Like the little description you'd find on a twitter profile or something similar)






Any body mods/Scars/Birthmarks:

Hair colour:

Eye colour:

Style of clothing:


(Online and offline, if different)


Online profile


Dylan, Always online, never sleeps. Thats me!

- - -


Name: Dylan Noir Miller
Age: 21
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Male

The Beatles, Playing the guitar, Smoking, Weed, Cooking


Shrill noises, Being asked too many questions, Porridge, Lavender

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 163lbs

Any body mods/Scars/Birthmarks: There is a scar on his right shoulder, faded and small but easy to see with his shirt off

Hair colour: Deep brown roots fades to blonde

Eye colour: Blue

Style of clothing: Nothing that really stands out, always dull colours with little flare to them.


Dyl is a little bit standoffish in person. They type you'd see in public on the subway and think to yourself "He's a bit creepy" or "He looks like a criminal.". He has a bad stutter when he does speak, so he only really opens his mouth when he has too or feels he has something important to say. He is the kind of person that will stop to help you if you are struggling to carry something, or will return your purse with everything inside it if he finds it on the street. With all that Dyl has been through, he doesn't want to put anyone else through the same. Unfortunately, he is also under the mentality that he is a burden, and that he is off putting to others. He carries with him a lot of baggage, and rarely offloads it to anyone. He is all for listening to others when they are upset or even if they just wanna chit chat about whatever, but he is pretty tight lipped when it comes to even small bits of information about himself. He doesn't like to mention even what street he lives on, sometimes in a panic he tells a stranger a different name than what is true at the coffee shop. Why? He doesn't know. He can't figure it out, but this issue he has with lying to people is becoming pretty out of hand, and getting him into some sticky situations.

Online has been the first time he has been able to communicate without feeling self-conscious about his stutter. Not only that but it allowed him to stop and think rationally before he spoke, therefore Dylan has been a lot more honest with his friends from around the globe than anyone he has ever met in person because he does not have to think rapidly about what he wants to say. His online friends have seen most of the good-heartedness in him without most of the distrust, standoffish behavior and the melodramatics. Online he seems mostly put together, mostly normal.

That being said, when something is really wrong, you do know it with Dyl. He defaults back to his usual shell and people cannot seem to even get a straight answer to "How has your day been".

When it comes to confrontation, Dyl avoids it at all cost. He isn't a violent person, and is very passive most of the time. If he is pushed too far, he might resort to a violent outburst, but usually he will try to get out of the way. If it is someone else in trouble, it's different. He will not let another abuse someone he cares for, OR even a stranger near him. With a lot of effort, he will make the words he needs to say come out of his mouth, and if they continue, fists will fly.


Dylan's story contains an Abusive relationship. Please do not read ahead or continue with this roleplay if this will be too triggering for you, I don't want to upset anyone <3


Other than the speech impediment, Dylan had a fairly boring and simple life growing up. He lived all his life in the dreary shores of the port side town of Grimsby, Northern UK. His family owned and lived above a seafood shop that sold whatever the fisherman brought in in the haul each fortnight. He, his younger Sister, his mother and his father all lived in a small flat with two bedrooms, his sister and him sharing a room, which, believe me, got pretty damn old after you'd hit puberty and wanted to take girls home. So, upon getting a part time job, his father helped him with rent so that he could have his own place. With this, of course, came a fair amount of responsibility. If he failed his classes, he was coming back home, if he lost his job, he was coming back home, if his mother turned up and found any evidence of drugs or alcohol, he was coming him. Dyl developed his stutter within the first year of being alone.

With how close knit their family and community of regular customers and friends were, it wasn't often Dyl was alone with his thoughts. School want easy for him after that. People made fun of him, and he became pretty reclusive. He didn't want to tell his parents. Hell, they'd helped him a lot, he had his own car, he had his own place, he had support all his life, his parents respected his freedom but still cared enough to give him some guidance. Instead, he went to cure his loneliness online. When he joined the online chatroom, he began to meet people. After he made a few friends, he stopped avoiding their mother (Thanks to their encouragement) And admitted he was having an issue with a stutter.

Dyl did well in speech therapy, and his stutter became only slight by the time he'd graduated highschool. He also began dating a young lady from Liverpool named Bianca Free. The relationship brought him a lot of joy, and he begun to feel good about himself and less alone. Unfortunately, because of his mental state, he failed to recognize most of her red flags. She was controlling, with little things at first, like what he wore to meet her family and friends, or what time he should start to leave if he went out. But it got to the point where she would scream at him for things that were insignificant or just plain in her head. She would ignore him for hours for so much as smiling at a pretty female waitress, she would abuse him verbally if he stayed out late, and most of all, she HATED him talking to his friends online.


For someone whose social life revolved mostly around family, friends of family, and his online friends, Bianca getting jealous of them really got to him. She had a few problems herself but used them against him. When he would get upset, she liked to make it about her "Doing this makes me feel anxious/depressed" turned into "You make my want to hurt myself!"

Dyl was a mess at this time. When she was asleep, he would still talk to his friends, but he was so careful about it, and would randomly leave. He was stuttering again, hard, which Bianca made fun of in front of her friends a lot. He broke down about a year before the events of today, and told them about his relationship and how he was scared if she was going to hurt herself if he left her alone, but she was making his life hell. They encouraged him to leave her anyway, but he hung on when she, in an effort to keep him, promised she would change. And she did, but not for long.

He was online a lot more after that with his friends, thinking things were getting better, but then she got even worse. She called him every name under the sun, especially when she saw his female friends messaging him privately. She swung at him, her car keys in hand, ended up cutting his skin with them. She'd never really been physical before had she? Maybe a push here and there, sometimes she would slap him if he acted out of turn but, he supposed, the drawing of actual blood woke him up.

He broke up with her, asked her to leave, and he changed his locks. This didn't stop her from trying to get him back, attacking his phone, blocking her number and calling anonymously. Eventually he must have waited it out enough and she began to slow down, but honestly he is still concerned whenever she see's her or any of her friends near his side of town. When his friends suggested they should all meet up in sunny Florida, he gladly poured all his savings into the flight and the beachhouse, needing to get away from that rainy, miserable place he called home for a while, even if it did mean he might have to show his ugly, stuttering self to other people.

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"I think a lot, but I don't say much."
Profile Picture:
Profile Text: hi there, i'm ally!
Username: AllyTheGreat


Name: Alyssa Victoria Harper
Nickname: Ally
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual


Eye Color: Blue/Green
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height/Weight: 5'3/113lbs
Style of Clothing: Very simple, plain tops and jeans.
Tattoos/Piercings/Markings: Large scar running down her right arm from tripping while carrying too many books. Standard ear piercings.

Personality: (IRL) Ally is a very introverted girl. Making friends and talking to new people never came easy to her. Someone else typically has to initiate the conversation, because she probably won't. She's especially hesitant when socializing in English because it's not her first language, French is. If she's having a conversation in English and misses a lot of words she'll get a little flustered. When she likes and trusts someone she will talk to them a bit more openly and initiate more conversation than usual for her. She doesn't trust easily though, it usually takes a bit of time for her to open up. She often gets lost in her own thoughts and prefers to think rather than speak. She's a truly kind person and will go out of her way to try and help someone out. She's sympathetic and a good listener. She also has a good sense of humor and likes to crack jokes once in a while if her confidence is up.
(Online) Ally has a bit more confidence when online. She isn't afraid to start up a conversation and talks a lot more. Her shyness and hesitance with English shows through a bit on voice and/or video calls, but it's still less than in real life. Her humor shines through a lot more online, as she isn't afraid to try out a joke when behind a screen.
Likes: Photography, Writing, Reading Thinking, Dogs, Comedy, Flowers, Dark Chocolate, Wine
Dislikes: Small Talk, Loudmouths, Being Put On the Spot, Hot Weather, Snakes, Spiders, Darkness, Smoking

Ally grew in the small town of Sancerre, France. Her family ran a small bookshop in town and lived in the apartment above the shop. Her mother was French and her father was American but had moved to be with her mother. Unfortunately, when she was four her father died in a car crash. She was too young to remember the details of the event, but of she was old enough to remember her father and feel bad about it. She also remembered that that was when her mother started to draw back a lot. Her mother's sister started living with them to help with the shop and take care of Alyssa. Her aunt was a nice lady, it just wasn't the same as a mother's love. She also visited America to see her father's family every so often, so she kept up with English. When Ally started to go to school, she found it hard to make friends. At first she tried, but never really fully connected with people and ended up sticking to herself. She wanted friends, she really did, but figuring people out was just hard for her.

When she was in collège (around middle school age, 12-14), Ally's aunt moved out and left her with her mother. Ally began to stay at home in all of her spare time to help with the book shop and take care of her mother. Her mother's mental health was just getting worse and worse. She was abrasive, controlling, and verbally abusive, but Ally helped take care of her anyway because she felt like it was her responsibility, as well as helping out with the bookshop. She had a passion for writing and photography, especially taking pictures of her dog (see pfp), but was always to occupied to spend the time she liked on those things. She ended up learning how to run the bookshop. Although it wasn't the thing she loved most, she felt it was the right thing to do. Whenever she considers leaving and doing something else with her time she feels guilty. She was intelligent and always got good marks at school and could've gone to university but decided to stay back with her mother and the shop instead.

Around the start of lycée (basically high school) she began to spend a lot of time on the internet. It helped her get away from her real life plus she found it a lot easier to talk to people. She found her group of internet friends and became close to them. When they decided to go on a vacation together she was very exited but also very nervous. Money wasn't a problem, she'd saved a lot from working at the shop. She got her aunt to come take care of everything at home while she was away. She wants to meet her friends but is extremely nervous that they won't like her in real life.
Sook Sook
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[div class=stitle]08:59
[div class=writing]SUNDAY, 7TH JULY
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"I hate.my hair."
[div class=info]57
[div class=info]4.7k
[div class=info]255

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]name
Kane Mclaine
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]nickname[/div] K
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]age[/div] twenty one and a half
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]d.o.b[/div] December 23rd 1997
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]zodiac[/div] capricorn
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]p.o.b[/div] Raleigh, North Carolina.
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]gender[/div] male
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]orientation[/div] demiromantic/demisexual
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]mbti[/div] infp (unhealthy one)
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]face claim[/div] robert sheehan

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]hair[/div] black - dark brown |
curly (usually straightened) | short to mid
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]eyes[/div] green
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]body figure[/div] somewhat slender
but is slightly muscular
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]height[/div] six feet tall / 183 cm tall
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]weight[/div] 165.35 lbs / 75 kg
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]tattoos[/div] n/a
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]scars[/div] n/a
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]closet[/div] x + nails

[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class="tabsContent tabsContent02"]
[div class=snap]kmclaine
[div class=chat]
1hr ago
[div class=writing]when you hate taking photos

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]year[/div] junior
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]major[/div] film and TV production
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]elective one[/div] Filmmaking
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]elective two[/div] Scriptwriting
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]residence[/div] still back in his home town.

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]n. traits[/div]
hot headed
resorts to violence
very reserved at times
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]p. traits[/div]
good humor
[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]likes[/div]
sweets ; pastries ; junk food ; any good food ; action movies, technology (computers, internet, video games, etc) ; any outdoor activities ; coffee ; dancing (depending on the genre) ; pineapple on pizza ; listening to music, rock to gothic metal especially ; nighttime ; climbing over every object and building

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]dislikes[/div]
Soda ; Gyro (stomachache) ; books ; romance movies ; social media (he doesn't really understand the hype of it) ; drugs ; cigs ; being overly emotional (so pain is out of the question) ; people in general ; pets ; daytime ; rain ; getting too high and drunk (he doesn't want to have hallucinations or become retarded because of it) ; smoking (he can't smoke a blunt nor a cigarette since he has asthma) ; usual sports or games (basketball,soccer/football,rugby,etc.)

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]personality[/div]
Like some people, Kane is really secretive on personal topics, such as his past, passion and ]etc. He isn't one to be invested on what others likes or dislikes since he would forget unless he really cared. Despite claiming that he doesn't care what others think of him, he can become very self conscious of what he says or does depending on the kind of situation, causing him to think a lot before making a choice (since he is very much impulsive at heart). Most of the time, Kane would come off as a rather fun loving person and would crack a few random jokes now and then. Though, one wrong move and he could go all bitter and salty. Kane tends to overreact on things that simply was nothing but a harmless tease or something of the sort. Emotions are just his worst enemy as he gets carried away most of the time unless he went to hide it or cover it.

However, Kane may be cruel but he isn't totally heartless. When others needs a hand, he'll help even if he seem unwilling to do so unless it is against his pure intentions. He might not seem like it but he does care for others even if he would deny it. It's more of a necessity for his sanity most of the time. Basically he's a hypocrite and wouldn't let others take on his bad habits. Also he hates confrontation and conflict so picking up a fight would be the last thing he would do unless he felt like he really had to. But if someone else tried to pick a fight with him, he wouldn't say no and put up a real fight considering he had quite the pride.

When it comes to romance, Kane is almost adamant about not having any crush since he would hate to see himself playing with others feeling just because he is very hostile of others and would quickly lose his interest on them. Though, secretly, he is trying to find the one at heart which was also one of the few reasons why he wouldn't pursue any of the romantic feelings he had unless he is very much sure that they are the one that he had been looking for. Once that wall is down, he would commit to it and give everything that he could to give. Be it that special treatment, the best friend to get them back on their feet, or just the shoulder that they could cry on. Basically, he would die for them and would wish them well if they were to ever change their mind about him. If it does happen, he would simply think that he didn't find the one just yet or he would just accept the fact that he messed up.

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[div class=spotify][ kane ]
[div class=info1] playlist by kmclaine.
[div class=info]title
[div class=info]artist
[div class=info1]
lacuna coil
fake it
driven under
good enough
goo goo dolls
coded by nymphadora. ©

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]history
Kane came from a mid to upper class family of four. His life was just full of mundane stuff other than the few vacations that his family took in which he enjoyed very much. Both of his parents were kind of spoiling him and his twin sister (fraternal duh) from all the love they would give. It's a bit irrational since they basically babied him and took care most of the stuff for him. This did cause him to behave rather differently. They were pretty strict with what he would do in the future along with manners, he of course was obedient at the start. But as time went on, he grew apart from his parents and basically rebelled over some of their expectations over him. He would talk back to his father's view of things and would argue a lot over little things as the older male could be absurd and narrow minded. Despite this, he kept an okay relationship with his mother and had a soft spot for his sister even though he was jealous of her being the better person and seemingly able to pull through the madness better than him.

Then high school rolled in and Kane tried his best to fit in. Though his attempts seemed to be futile when he eventually became one of the troublemakers. He went to parties and picked up fights with big headed jocks along with fake people. By then, every single student seemed to despise him as well, which was pretty much mutual. Aside from all of the negativity he received from his neighborhood, he decided to go on the internet and chat with strangers. Behind the screen and a fresh start, Kane felt more calmer and not bitter at all. He was just trying to get himself sane and pull himself out of the label that others deliberately gave him. To be fair, he spent most of his time in the chatroom just to have a sense of control of how he wanted others to know him as. This helped him to separate himself with his own problems. And well, he felt somewhat belonged in that circle of friends which did kept him in touch with the others.

When he had to move out for college, things just kind of went silent between him and the rest of the world. He spent more time out of the internet. No, he wasn't busy with college or anything like that. He was just out on the street and going to local rock concerts. He was kind of trying to reach out to others in real life. Though, he did ended up meeting someone that stayed with him for awhile. The two went on a break when Kane had his life all over the place and the other had to go somewhere else. This kind of strained their relationship since Kane couldn't reach them which didn't really had much impact until the days started to wear on him. In the end, Kane went to isolate himself and tried to get his head straight. He went on taking care of his studies and came back into the chatroom a few months after he simply disappeared. And ever since then, he seemed to have found a bit of solace from his past. Though, he still missed that special person of his since it wasn't like they broke up. But, he did knew that he might not be able to be with them again which he personally wished that it wouldn't be the case. Especially when he was able to get himself back on his feet for them. There was a sense of hope that he would be able to meet them again soon.

[div class=block style="background-color: grey;"]details[/div]
= Kane doesn't have any mental disorder. However, he was once suspected to show a few symptoms of Bipolar, psychotic (not psychopathic), depression and schizophrenia ( nothing that correlates to his high hostility however) by his psychiatrist. Though, Kane would only admit that he can come off as overly sensitive and even delusional towards some beliefs that he wouldn't ever share.
= For the life of him, Kane couldn't play a single musical instrument. Though, he is somewhat good when it comes to singing.
= Kane is a definitely a drinker ( but a sober one ) but he was never a drug user. At least not when he has a weak and weird stomach.
= his definition of getting high is getting lightheaded in which he would get from either drinking carbonated water aka soda or from just inhaling some smoke be it carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide (whatever goes).

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[div class=cont] [div class=hold] [div class=image][div class=page][div class=top][div class=thing][/div] [div class=pos][div class=d1]verizon [/div].............................................[div class=d2]78% [/div][/div][/div] [div class=bottom][div class=num]11:37[/div]
monday, june 8, 2019
[/div] [div class=rhold][div class=fakr][/div] [div class=sop] [div class=back][div class=img][/div][/div][div class=arrow]sasha holly melrose[/div][div class=rel][/div] [div class=stats][div class=overflow][div class=o][div class=scroll] [div class=firstword]age[/div] 21
[div class=firstword]gender[/div] cis-female
[div class=firstword]height/weight[/div] 5'5, 130lbs
[div class=firstword]hair/eye color[/div] ginger, blue eyes
[div class=firstword]sexuality[/div] bisexual
[div class=firstword]body mods/scars[/div] n/a
[div class=firstword]likes[/div] sushi, swings, beaches, big dogs, cats
[div class=firstword]dislikes[/div] yelling, insects, crabs, cranberry, losing sleep

[div class=firstword]style[/div] sasha's closet[/div][/div]
[div class=o][div class=scroll] [/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div][/div][/div] [/div][/div] [div class=film][/div] [div class=2hold] [div class=cont2][div class=bg][div class=border][div class=pic][/div][/div] [div class=user]@sasha.jpg / i sing?[/div][/div] [div class=pers][div class=overflow style="width: 105%"] [div class=photo][/div]__.___[div class=photo style="background-image: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/dc/76/e6/dc76e6d67c6df475b677d8f170973390.jpg); background-size: 100%"][/div]

[div class=box] [div class=v]personality[/div] Online, Sasha is a very similar person to how she is offline. She's respectful, enjoys jokes - she engages in conversations, and hates silence. The only difference is that Sasha is more likely to confront someone when she disagrees with them. She has more confidence - which she supposes she could say about anyone, that the feeling of anonymity on the internet gives people more confidence. Whether or not her name is attached to a comment, no one can reach through their phone or computer screen to fight her. She can get into an argument, but feel more accepted and safe, especially when others agree. It's a space to share her thoughts that she can't share in the real world for fear of rejection. Online, Sasha radiates confidence. Offline, her confidence drops from a ten to a one. She refuses to confront anyone for fear confrontation. She hates confrontation. It's on-the-spot, in her face, and scary. Sasha always has ideas and thoughts, but she's too scared to share them in her reality. However, in both worlds, she still loves a good joke. Sasha enjoys relaxing, smiling, and laughing. With silence, she's uncomfortable. Sasha hates silence. She doesn't care what the conversation is about as long as she can't hear a pin drop on the floor. She wants engagement, she wants opinions (even i they're not her own). [div class=v]relationships[/div] x/x/x[/div][/div][/div][/div] [div class=cont3][div class=title]biography ![/div] [div class=rop][div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div]............................[div class=line][/div]...[div class=line][/div][/div] [div class=box2][div class=overflow]The Melrose's were, and still are, a chaotic bunch. At first glance they're an ideal family: mother, father, daughter, dog, suburban house. They didn't struggle financially, both of Sasha's parents had decent jobs. However, their relationships were rocky. Amanda Melrose, Sasha's mother, was very distant. Her head was always stuck in her work and she rarely spent time at home. Then there was Sasha's father, Joseph, who was in the military. Because of this, the Melrose's moved often. From birth, Sasha couldn't name a place she had lived in for more than a year. As soon as she felt she was getting settled, Sasha's family would pick up and leave. There was no real home to Sasha. She was always the friendless new kid whose parents were never around. Sasha didn't have anyone to come home to - her parents didn't think it would be worth it to hire a babysitter for a child who would end up moving sooner rather than later. Attachments weren't their thing. Sasha herself had only one real attachment throughout her childhood. She absolutely loved her dog, Mickey. He was the only thing that was constant in her life. When she came home from school, she was greeted by Mickey. When she went home at night, the last thing she saw was Mickey. Which was why it was so hard on Sasha when he died. She was only thirteen. She felt lonely and lost. The worst part was that Sasha had no one to turn to. No one she felt comfortable with talking to. She had confined herself to her home, and let her feelings bottle up until her anxiety took over her. It had nearly gotten to the point that Sasha was terrified o leaving the comfort of her own home. It wasn't until she turned sixteen that she met a teacher who helped her feel more comfortable. Her family had stopped in a small town when her father was discharged from the military, and she was stuck in a permanent place. Somewhere she began to think she could call home. This teacher that she met, Mr. Howard, helped Sasha find an outlet. Art and music. She didn't enjoy sharing her creations with other students, but he helped build her confidence in herself. He made her understand her own value. It wasn't his intention - he was just her art teacher, but he helped her in more ways than she was sure she could imagine. Simply by finding a way to express herself, something that she enjoyed and wanted to pursue as a career. 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(place holder until i get my shit together to make a character)
"Living life happy and clumsy (:p)"
Username: I_HEART_bunniess_4537

Asterix Louberne
'Astra' for short. Or simply a-chan




-Cute things!
-Japanese snacks
-Actually- any snacks.
-Sunny days
-fluffy clouds //OvO

-Bullies :p



Any body mods/Scars/Birthmarks:
-Yes, light to medium scarring all over her torso & thighs.
-A small splotchy birthmark near her left shoulder on the front she likes to call a dog paw.

Hair colour:
Light blonde.

Eye colour:
Crystalline blue with green flicks.

Style of clothing:
Simply, cute. Things like baggy yellow sweaters and ruffled skirts or blue shorts, loves to wear geeky shirts with cute pictures.

Online- Cutsey, happy, somewhat of a joker/mischievous, outgoing, overuse of emoticons, always a good listener, friendly, kind-hearted, easily concerned about friends, likes talking about different topics rapidly or how hungry she is at that moment, often will ramble when nervous or near a topic she's uncomfortable with, somewhat easy to read her mood, mysterious, unwilling to speak much about herself or her life, loves to chat about/with others.

Offline- More quiet and reserved, shy, easy to make smile, easily excited, clumsy, kind-hearted, loving/caring, a tad stubborn, unlikely to say how she feels about something, closed off, easily startled, friendly still.

When Aster was seven she was involved in a somewhat horrific car accident on a stormy day whilst her family was driving home from dinner, her farther was severely injured and stuck in a coma, her mother the least injured but having emotional burdens and anxieties, and herself, paralysed from the waist down for the most part and severely bruised and scratched. It meant she was out of school for months receiving medical attention and physical therapy, getting used to being in a wheelchair and trying to regain their normal life whilst her farther remained comatose. Being rather well of money wise it was no issue to keep his treatment active even now, and modify the house for her needs. Her mother fearing for her safety she was home schooled to stop bullying or whatever other fears she may have thought.

Unable to leave the house much without a carer she was determined to learn to walk again, with pretty decent grades in most things but science and sports, obviously, she passed home schooling classes fairly easily, though dropped out around seventeen after getting bored and instead following her passion of artwork, she loved Japanese culture as her mums aunties side had again heritage and she'd been exposed from a young age, they often sent manga to her as gifts and she lost herself in the worlds in created.
She had a few friends from her hospital trips for physical things, but none she could meet with easily. So when her online friends offered for a trip she agreed without hesitation, not that money was an issue, only after realising she hadn't 'actually' told them of her condition, and internally screamed in a rather comical fashion or the next few days inpanic before deciding she had to tell them sometime, why not now in a semi big reveal of sorts? After all, they'd never even seen her face online.

Her family mainly, two semi-close friends that she doesn't see often, and otherwise nothing romantically, oh! and the neighbours cat named affectionately named mr snuggles who likes to climb in her window and sleep on her bed.

Actual appearance:

(I couldn't find a good photo to fit, so including what's already listed she looks a lot like the anime picture she 'drew' for herself, the same length of hair with long eyelashes and pale porcelain skin with a pink tone and light freckles on her upper chest, she looks somewhat frail yet has good arm muscles from the wheelchair movement, she tends to have a cheery soft smile or wide smirk on her face and a glint in her eyes. Ya know what I kinda imagined her looking like that blonde girl from the pokemon sun and moon series XD)
Online profile


depressed, anxious, the usual angsty shit


Name: Olivia ‘Liv’ Montgomery

Age: 20

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Female

Likes: The rain, thunderstorms, cuddling, writing, reading

Dislikes: bullies, country music, being alone

Height: 5’3

Weight: 115lbs


Any body mods/Scars/Birthmarks: some self harm scars on her wrist and then more on her thighs and hips

Hair colour: brown

Eye colour: blue

Style of clothing: grunge but also loves pastels

Personality: Liv is a quiet individual. She deeply cares for people and is fiercely loyal. When someone says something that she is deeply passionate about, she will stand up for it, surprising everyone in the room. She is much more confident online and likes posting pictures of herself for a confidence boost. She frequently has depressed moods and often writes about them. She is very self-aware and often makes self-deprecating jokes.

Biography: Liv was abused as a child by her mother. The courts thought it was her father abusing her, so her mother got full custody and Liv faced multiple injuries. Once she could finally speak for herself, she moved in with her dad. She fell in love with a boy who turned out to be physically and emotionally abusive, but Liv thought it was okay because of her mother. Liv only realized it wasn’t when she started writing about her past and people telling her it was not normal. Now Liv lives in an apartment and goes to school to become an author. She keeps to herself and occasionally struggles with self harm.

Relationships: Crush on Dylan Sook Sook

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