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Realistic or Modern Godwalker

Verse Zero

Senior Member
Application/Character Sheet (Every website seems to call it by a different term)

*Delete stuff in parenthesis

**Also if you have a character that is not to be a student then simply put N/A for the Academy section and move on.

CS (Substitutions are allowed if you possess your own pre-made character)

Character Name:



Appearance (picture or detailed description):

Academy Student (Are you High School or College):

Academy Year:


Godwalker or Human:

Sign (Name of God/dess that you have a connection with):

Any Powers or Artifacts:


Faction Sheet

Faction Name:


HQ: (where is it?)

Objective (the ones they tell the world like 'save the environment' or what not):

Secret Objectives (the real goals causing the strings to pull):

My CS as Sample

Character Name: Valeria Kirya

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance (picture or detailed description):


Academy Student: Highschool

Academy Year: Grade Twelve, Senior

Course: High School

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign (Name of God/dess): Sign of Thor

Any Powers or Artifacts (starting, you may lose or gain more):

Daughter of Thunder: Ability to call upon Lightning to strike in a certain area (though this is physically draining and casting more than once every three to four days is not recommended)

Relentless: As Thor relentlessly pursues his foes so does Valeria inherit some of his stamina.

Azajnr: A sword that has the ability to masquerade as a fancy fountain pen. Azajnr can transport Valeria up to 100 meters in a mighty thunderclap. The sword is inlaid with Runes capable of harming supernatural creatures and rumored to be a gift of Thor himself to his only known female Godwalker.

Bio: Valeria was born in the mountains of Scandinavia, she did not know where as she is an orphan. Brought to America mysteriously and raised by American parents in Washington State. Valeria always seemed a peculiar child, storms never bothered her, and she would gaze out her window as if expecting some person to arrive up her parents drive way.

As she grew older, around age 10, Valeria started to hear voices. Some female, and one male. It tormented her as she did not know what they were speaking. It drove her mad and her parents fearfully gave her to therapists who quickly diagnosed her as schizophrenic or prone to hallucinations. Finally a couple years later after being resigned as a crazy young girl struck by some horrible mental illness the voices became clear. As if her mind began to rewire itself; the voices called, they called her to an open field as a fierce thunderstorm enraptured the small town of Northwood. A fierce gale awoke and driving rain lashed her supple skin, dousing her fine hair and ruining her make up.

A man appeared before, carrying a hammer and a winged helm upon his fine face. His chiseled bulk and fierce reddish-blonde hair dwarfed the young girl. His voice rolled like mountains, and there it was that Thor had met the only girl born of his Sign. Valeria had met a God. Thor, however was not one to stay in one place and only visited Valeria either randomly or as a voice in her head.

Soon she began to think of him as her true father, not that she disliked her adopted parents; Bill and Janice Kirya; but, as Thor spoke to her more and more Valeria felt a certain kinship. Finally at the age of entry into High School a letter arrived at the Kirya family home. It spoke of an Academy down in California and offered her a free ride. The Kirya family couldn't believe it! Here they worried poor Valeria wouldn't be able to afford College if she didn't get good grades and scholarships. But lo and behold some account in Denmark meant to be only accessed when she turned of age to go to High School had turned up!

It was as if almost instant that Valeria was on her way to the Academy, where she proved a diligent and unrelenting student. Rising from nothing to become Student Council President. It was around her Sophomore year, around Christmas, that a gift appeared in her dorm room. It was Azajnr and a pendant depicting Mjolnir. Since then the two have never left her side in one form or another.
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Character Name:

John Phillips


Cisgender Male





Academy Student: High School

Academy Year: Senior

Course: High School Courses With Some College Literature Courses

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign: Janus


? John has an eidetic memory which grants him the ability to draw from any memory he's observed with uncanny clarity, he also is incapable of forgetting anything.

?Due to being born under the influence of Janus, John was born with the same complex personality and general observant nature.

?Photographic Reflexes grant him the ability to mimic movement observed around him, which explains his quick mastery of the art of fencing, having never taken a class.


?Passage A skeleton key that has been with him since birth, left on his crib at the stroke of midnight when he turned two on New Years by Janus himself. The key, when pressed to any form of a lock or barrier, unlocks it for John, so long as his intention isn't nefarious and he simply wishes to observe, then he'll be allowed access into wherever the key goes. It, however only works on doors and passageways that are blocked by conventional means. He can't unlock phones and computers or break into someone's heart or clear a fallen bridge from a walkway.

?Moirai, while awkwardly named, is a black notebook John discovered in his backpack while in between classes at a new school which is connected to his eyes and processes information of whomever he observes, as well as stores all relevant information into a profile that appears between the covers odd the notebook once a name is said or someone is observed. Of course it doesn't feed the information directly to him, but after he had found it and felt it grow thicker in his arms until the seams nearly bursts, he realized it gave him the upper name he needed.


John, born Johnathon, has always been treated with a level of disrespect and disgust reserved for the lowest of men by those around him, leaving him with very little in the way of friends. From a very young age, John has known about his link with Janus, the Latin god of Beginnings, Ends and passage and for a very long time felt it may have been some type of curse that bore such ab fate. They've only ever communicated on matters of intellect, mostly because of John who wanted nothing to do with the tactful god, and eventually their relationship became strained shortly after John's parents divorced and he moved with his father. Later that year he, after being enrolled into the specialty school, he soon realized that the only leg up given in this world is to those who take it.

Shortly thereafter he positioned himself to become a teachers aid, eventually catching the eye of the student council president after a display of force shown by John during a fight in b which he used the information bequeathed by Moirai to blackmail a student into never stepping foot outside their dorm again. Since then, he's never at a loss for words and is always one step ahead of the crowd.

He served as Vice Council but merely as a tool to help the current council head move the student body as she sees fit. His stoic and cold expression make him uncomfortable to be around, but there's very little that happens that he's not already prepared to handle.
Character Name: Ivana Iosifovna Orlovskaya

Diminutives: Iva - neutral, Ivka - slightly more intimate, Ivanka, Ivushka - very intimate, reserved solely for family members and significant others

Gender: Female

Age: 17



Academy Student: High School

Academy Year: Grade 12, Senior

Course: High School

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign: Morana/Mara/Marzanna - the goddess has many names as she's known in numerous cultures. Morana is a Slavic goddess of death, winter and nightmares.

Any Powers or Artifacts:

Resilient: Due to being related to Morana, Ivana can not be harmed by cold, she can never drown and her immune system protects her from most illnesses.

A Return Home: Each year when spring is about to begin, Morana is drowned by Slavic people. This act symbolizes her return to the underworld. Similarly to Morana, Ivana can enter the underworld through any water source. Since the underworld is connected to all places in the physical world, it can serve as a convenient shortcut. Provided she doesn't get lost along the way, she can emerge pretty much anywhere she wants to. She has to walk the distance, but since time works differently in the underworld, the transportation is basically instantaneous from the normal world's perspective. Denizens of the underworld will be inclined to protect her or ignore her. She may also attempt to talk to the dead while in the underworld, although they may refuse.

A Vision of Death: Ivana can force an extremely realistic vision of their own death into any sentient creature's mind, temporarily paralyzing her victim with pure terror. This can be used as both a method of self-defense and a torture technique.

The Eternal Ice Shard: An artifact given to Ivana by Morana, seemingly an ordinary silver necklace with a pendant shaped as a tear. It sucks heat from its surroundings when she breathes on it. The results of this power vary wildly depending on how it's used: it can just lower temperature in a room to create a dramatic effect or it can freeze creatures within certain area to death, however when it absorbs too much heat (like it happens when freezing people to death), it needs some time to re-charge and it becomes unusable for whole week. Another weakness of this power is that it's very prone to friendly fire. When her allies get caught up within it, too bad, she has no means of protecting them for winter devours all life.

Bio: Ivana was born in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, a place many people wouldn't hesitate to call a frozen wasteland. There was always something off about the girl, something that made people's skin crawl. Everyone sensed it subconsciously, but they were never able to put their finger on the exact reason why. It made no sense. Aside from being unusually reserved and goal-oriented for her age, Iva didn't particularly deviate from the norm, so why did her presence unnerve them so deeply? The answer wasn't complicated, even though none of them would believe it. Not in this day and age where logic and science reigned supreme. The girl was simply tainted by death, too close to it for everyone's liking. Maybe that's why she always had trouble making friends despite never showing outright hostility to her peers. Saying that Ivana had no allies would be a lie, though. A lie of gigantic dimensions.

As far as she could remember, a strange woman was paying her visits. She would turn up irregularly, yet Ivana could always count on her eventual appearance. Sometimes she looked like a crone, old and wrinkled, sometimes she was a woman in full bloom with raven hair, other-times a mix between the two, but Iva somehow sensed it was still the same person. Morana, her otherworldly patroness. The goddess raised her more than her parents who were busy people always working on some scientific project. Ivana barely knew them, even though she did like them; they were her mother and father, after all. And so, when Morana once told her she would be claiming their lives soon, the girl was understandably upset. The matter was already decided, though, and no amount of sadness on her part could possibly change it. Soon enough, they really did die, perishing in a car accident. It didn't hurt so much when the goddess taught her how to contact them in the underworld, though. Actually, they finally had more time for each other and that could be seen as a plus. However, this unexpected development still didn't change the fact that she was underage and needed a legal guardian in the eyes of the law.

Her aunt Svetlana who lived in America didn't want her to end up in an orphanage, so she adopted her and brought the little girl to the New World. Ivana was young, around nine years old when it happened, so she learned the new language quickly, even though she could never fully eradicate soft hints of Eastern European accent from her speech. Iva grew up without learning many important social skills due to her isolation, so she turned into a slightly sarcastic person who may act too arrogant for her own good, but the truth is that she does it solely because she doesn't know any better. It serves as a defense mechanism of sorts: "I will push people away before they can reject me." Ivana does well academically, however she doesn't really get involved in extra-curricular activities unless she absolutely has to and that can be problematic.
@Elaraal like Garujay you are accepted and very good CS. I enjoyed reading it. In terms of balancing just keep in mind that Godwalkers are not Demigods so they won't be able to tank around in a fight like Hercules (pre-rise to Olympus Hercules).
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@Verse Zero

Thank you! And yeah, I was worrying about the balance a bit because I'm bad at gauging this - I either make my characters too weak or too strong - but hopefully the restrictions make it okay.
Character Name: Tai Chen Xi 「钛沉西」; nicknamed "Tae".

Gender: Female

Age: 18



A tall, well-built woman, Tae stands at 180cm and weighs about 60kg, and is half Chinese, half European; she hasn't really touched the European side of her heritage due to the fact that her parents had a nasty divorce and she went under her mother's custody. She has long black hair, slightly wavy, and eyes that are a light, piercing shade of amber. She most often wears clothing in black, white, or grey, and her style is really just a bunch of varying flannel over tank tops and skinny jeans. That, or just a bunch of exercise clothing.

Academy Student: High School

Academy Year: Senior

Course: High School

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign: Ào Guǎng, Dragon King of the Eastern Seas

Any Powers or Artifacts:

Passive -

Aquatic; Tae can breathe underwater without aid and swims much faster than a normal human.

Dragonblood; She has a slight aura that draws respect, mostly from reptiles and aquatic creatures. It has a manipulative nature and is boosted(or weakened) by Tae's confidence or clarity of intent.

Active -

Tempest; Tae has the ability of summoning storms and a myriad of water-related disasters, ranging from heavy fog to typhoons(which also means it's most effective near large bodies of water). It is very sensitive to emotions, especially anger, and never really "shuts off", prone to surging up in times of stress or crisis. Despite the volatile nature of this ability, Tae's current limit is somewhere around thunderstorms(largely due to emotional limitations).

Shedding Scales; an ultimate last resort sort of deal. If Tae is wounded enough mentally or physically, her body is forced into the form of a small snake until it is fit enough to return to human form.

Artifact/s -

Celestial Pearl; a small pearl necklace that rests at the hollow of her throat, it labels her as one under the protection of Ao Guang and thus negates the wrath of much of the Chinese Pantheon. It does not seem to serve any other purpose. It seems to be charmed so it cannot be removed by anyone other than Tae.

(Pending)Chimu; a headband that would grant her the ability to fly and to turn into a legitimate dragon, Ao Guang has promised her this artifact if she proves herself, after she comes of age(turns 18). The more she uses it, the less it is needed and the more the Chimu would simply become an active power.


Tae was born in China, in the Shenzhen Province. She had been gifted the small pearl necklace almost right after she was born, before she had even left the hospital. Her mother thought it was simply a relative's gift, and didn't quite mention it. It quickly became a constant in her life, mostly because the clasp seemed to be jammed and it couldn't be taken off.

She had always been a remarkably solemn child. She didn't seem to laugh as much as a child should, and she was a stickler for rules and social conventions. No one should have liked her; for some reason, she was still quite popular. She and most everyone else chalked it up to her swimming prowess, which already gained her a position on the middle school swim team despite her age.

Like every other kid in her grade and, well, throughout China, pressure was put on her very early in life; piano lessons, extra tutoring sessions, swim, and kickboxing became her entire life outside of school. She was stressed constantly, and always felt like something was prickling under her skin. Her childhood flew by and suddenly it was the day of high school exams; the day that she had disappeared for a week.

She hadn't actually disappeared, but how would you explain to your parents that you had turned into a small snake the night prior? If she had been panicked beforehand, it was nothing compared to the state of gibbering terror that she felt, because, hello? She was a snake. A couple of minutes after she had been floundering about, panicking and trying to move without arms or legs, a strange man had appeared in her room, with gold eyes and hair that was streaked blue and brilliant gold, tied back in a neat ponytail. To call him a "man" would be a stretch; rolled up sleeves showed azure scales lining his forearms and disappearing under cloth and his face was most definitely reptilian. The marbled antlers above his brow gave him quite a fearsome glare. He had picked her up with surprising gentleness, his voice a relaxing bass that registered as a thought seeing as his mouth(maw?) didn't actually move during the exchange.

He had briefed her on everything; it was definitely the strangest experience Tae had ever had, small snake her conversing using thoughts with a dragon humanoid that just so happened to be one of the most prominent dragon kings in the celestial court. He had apparently chosen her because she reminded him of his daughter, who had been stolen from him. She had read more than enough Classics to know what he was talking about, and the look in his eyes stopped her from probing. He had then taken her to his palace, now mobile due to the loss of the Ruyi Jingu Bang(a large magical pillar, removed a Millenia before). It moves with the currents now, mostly to escape human discovery. She still can barely comprehend the grandeur of the palace. On a tour of the area, he had told her that he wished her to study abroad, in America, at a school where she would meet others like herself.

After a series of dramatic exchanges with her parents, she arrived in America. It had certainly been an experience; she only had a year or so of (poor)English classes under her belt. Her accent is still quite strong, despite it having been four years, and she usually doesn't talk unless she has to because of it and because she's afraid of butchering her words.

She's quite proven herself in the sports department, seeing as there isn't really a language barrier when it came to sports. She's currently captain of the swim team and a top contender in wrestling, and participates in track and field and cross country as well. She works parttime as a kickboxing instructor and gets free yoga lessons as a perk. She still has an English tutor, and often finds her studies and grades hindered because of her weak grasp of the English language.
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John Henson

Character Name: John Henson

Gender: Male

Age: 459 (appears to be in his 30's)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9a3b692da75616e517962d8aceb780e4.jpg.7d860ee338b6b4cc648d17a09f42d4bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117801" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9a3b692da75616e517962d8aceb780e4.jpg.7d860ee338b6b4cc648d17a09f42d4bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Academy Student: N/A

Academy Year: N/A

Course: N/A

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign: Sign of Shub-Niggurath

Any Powers or Artifacts:

Black Sky Eyes-

Through the power of the unknown, John can create portals to vast empty of space and conjure forth meteorites that fly towards his victims at breakneck speeds. The simple act of lowering his pitch black sunglasses will invoke this power and spell doom for anyone hit by the boiling bolt of metallic space rock.

Kin of the Black Goat-

Through unspeakable rituals and incantations, John has managed to merge himself with Shub-Niggurath on a plane of existence beyond our own. While normally such an act would reduce a normal man to a quivering pile of madness, John's unbreakable will and thirst for power allow him to tap into the strength of the Black Goat and he can vomit out a torrent of diminutive pale blue slug-like creatures that when touch the skin of humans or Godwalkers they become violently ill. and slowly change into quadrupedal creatures that are little more than four legs, a massive gaping mouth with massive square shaped teeth and hair made of thick waving tendrils.

Aberrant Form-

If ever killed by mortal means, John's body will peel away and reveal the terror that looms within. His skin becomes blacker than a starless sky on the darkest of nights. His legs snap backwards and become like the legs of an animal, his hands morph into six fingered claws, each a gnarled root ending in a deadly point. His spin erupts in a mass of wriggling black tentacles and his neck extends by several feet, his head becoming the face of a Goat.

The Key and the Gate-

Perverse knowledge acquired from human sacrifice and eternal servitude to a second of the Outer Gods; Yog-Sothoth. Profane and malevolent by nature, the creature Yog-Sothoth exists on all levels and planes of our universe but is banished and can never fully return, however pleasing such a God can result in knowledge beyond imagination, but at ever increasing costs.


Very little is known about the enigmatic leader of the Henson Corporation, few are even aware of his existence, fewer know anything about him, he is the best kept secret in the Corporation and for good reason. The Corporation closely guards it's secrets and the dirtier the secret, the more closely it is guarded, such sacrilegious rituals needed to conjure Shub-Niggurath, the Black Goat of the Wood with a Thousand young are not meant to be witness nevertheless conducted by humanity. For the Elder Gods are unknowable and all powerful, their strength can be gifted to those few who brave such perilous liturgy.

Born in 1557 London England, the man who would become John Henson was a simple man who lived a relatively simple life. Born a mortal, John married a woman named Elizabeth Crowe and bore a sole daughter whom he named Thomasin and was a skilled hunter/tracker. After many years of hard work, John eventually earned passage to the New World and with his wife and child he arrived in America in 1585 and helped establish the Roanoke colony. Life was hard in the colonies, there were many months that the settlers seemed to struggle and the times only got harder as winter approached and many colonists became frightened by tales of a Witch in the Woods that surrounded the isle of the Roanoke colony.

Convinced their misfortune was the work of a Witch, John and several others banded together in order to hunt the heretic down and kill her to free the colony of her black magic. They packed their bags and ventured into the woods in hunt of the Witch and her coven, the men who joined the trek were as follows; William Pake, Adel Obram, Abraham Nolan, and the man who would become John Henson. They trudged three days into the dank woods before stumbling upon a ruinous settlement of Native Americans, their shelters destroyed, their people dead. At first it was assumed that the colonists were to blame, until the hulking creatures on four legs with massive gaping mouths clogged with mashed flesh and torn sinews came trudging out of the darkness.

Firing their rifles the creatures fell one by one, but soon were surrounded. All but John fell in battle and when surrounded the creatures halted their approach and the aspect of a dark and evil god came before him in the form of a woman with the head of a black goat. The two had a conversation, a terrified John held captive by the nightmarish creatures.

"What dost thou want?" The Black Goat said.

"You can understand my English talk?" John questioned

"What does thou want?" It repeated.

"I only ask for mercy, demon. Please God.." John begged the creature for mercy, seemingly amusing the creature.

"Woulds't thou like a pretty new cottage?" It asked. Confused and at the mercy of the being, John fearfully nodded his head. "Woulds't thou like to see the world?" Again, John nodded.


"Dost thou see a book before ye?" It asked, John looked to the cold earth and saw a worn old leather bound book laying with it's pages open, nothing written upon the yellowed paper.


"Thou whilst write thine name."

"I cannot write my name."

"I will guide thy hand."

Though he was spared, his life had new meaning, to serve the Black Goat of the Woods with a thousand young. His master branded his hands with a swirled vortex, the mark of Shub-Niggurath. The first price he had to pay was the lives of all the villagers in Roanoke colony and John led the Black Goat straight to them and they devoured the Colony whole, leaving not even a drop of blood.

Generations passed and John lived on, endless and undying he adapted as society adapted and eventually founded the Henson Corporation to fund the ever increasing price that Shub-Niggurath held on his life. Recently, the dark Outer God has not been appeased by human sacrifice and now hungers for the blood of Godwalkers.

Faction Name: Henson Corporation

Leader: John Henson

HQ: The Byzgot Superstructure (A massive tower in New York city)

Objective: To build a better future, today! Utilizing the most advanced technology available to cast humanity into the next golden age of science!

Secret Objectives: To hunt Godwalkers for sacrifice to Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth.



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@Anaxial When I mean gods I mean historic gods/goddesses as stated in the overview. Not HP Lovecraft which wouldn't fit the role play thematically.

So I'm going to have to reject this character unfortunately.
Character Name: Victoria Lloyd

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance (picture or detailed description): http://pre15.deviantart.net/5276/th/pre/f/2015/095/e/8/wh40k___konstanze_otthilda_yseult_von_meyer_by_tkckrys-d8oh0x1.png

Rather tall, with pale skin and pitch black hair.

Academy Student (Are you High School or College): High School

Academy Year: Senior, Grade Twelve

Course: High School

Godwalker or Human: Godwalker

Sign (Name of God/dess that you have a connection with): Anubis

Any Powers or Artifacts:

The Feather of Weight: An ostrich feather once used by Anubis himself, this feather can reveal the moral alignment of an individual.

Orb of Resurrection: A magical orb that can resurrect souls or bodies by various means. It also makes for a good head smashing device. The Orb also allows Victoria to control the recently arisen should she so wish it.

Undeath: Although Victoria can die, she will be resurrected a short time later. Each resurrection however, eats away at her soul, so too many times and bad things will probably happen.

Shadow walking: Through control of shadows, Victoria can shroud herself in shadow and move unseen through darkness, and even minor teleportation between shadowy places (Limited range and use, of course)

Bio: Victoria was born to an upper middle class English family living just outside London, though even though her family was fairly well off her parents didn't give her everything she wanted. She had a grand education, private tutors and all that, but as she grew up there was always something off about dear Victoria. She liked the dark, often being found up and wondering late at night, often talking to 'people' who were not there. Her family and friends just figured that she had an over active imagination and was creating imaginary friends, thought she didn't lack for friends. It wasn't until she was older when she began describing her friends in detail that her parents became worried. She described people long dead, and to such detail that it seemed unlikely it was just something she read in a book somewhere.

It wasn't until she 13 that her parents decided there was something wrong with their dear daughter, something unnatural. The explored options for help, when one day it knocked on their door. A man came to their home and informed them of a special school in the United States, and explained to them that Victoria was not, in fact, troubled, but exceptionally gifted. Her parents accepted after some debate, though the man didn't give off the feeling that it was a request that Victoria attend this school.

At the age of 14 Victoria traveled to America and began her stay at The Academy, and has had a decent time since, keeping in touch with her parents as much as she can.

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