God's Wrath: The Great Tribulation (OOC and sign-ups)


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Can you survive...


Revelations 22:7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keeps the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

It was prophesied in the Book of Revelations, that like a thief in the night, a day would come when Jesus Christ was to return and take his people to heaven. Those left behind would be forced to face multiple plagues, famines, and tribulations and fight for their eternal redemption. The Rapture has come. There are billions of people left behind. And you're one of them.


This is a RP set in an apocalyptic time period with supernatural qualities. You can role-play as a human, angel, demon, or the roles of the Anti-christ or Satan.

If you are an angel, the main goal is to keep your human alive and get them saved.

If you are a demon, the main goal is to keep your human in bondage to sin and belonging to Satan.

If you are the Antichrist or False Prophet, the main goal is to establish your own world religion, one that worships you. You control the government, and force the 666 mark onto the people.

If you are a human, the main goal is to survive and be saved.

Will you be redeemed? Will you you make it to heaven?


The End Times

For many years, dwelling among the multitudes of the Earth are armies of demons, polluting the souls of men. Some grotesque in appearance, others graced in otherworldly beauty, but all invisible to the eye, they keep many under the reign of Satan. Many, in the shape of serpents and slimes, are the cause of sickness and evil desire in this world.

Despite the efforts of angels to bring those out of bondage to God, Satan has claimed many souls. Even many saints have backslidden into sinning lifestyles, and are unready for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Gracing the streets are alcoholics, prostitutes, and criminals. Life has become dangerous.

The Rapture


Then one day, with great peals of thunder, the heavens opened up and the body of Christ became visible for the entire world to see, descending with a great plume of light around Him. The great nations mourned, while the saints rejoiced, their bodies being brought up and joined with Christ. However, of the millions left behind, you are one of them.

The Tribulation

God withdraws the Holy Spirit from many of the people left behind on the Earth; Everything is thrown into disarray. There is the threat of war. Many suffer the frustration of having lost their first opportunity for salvation, but the believers set their hope on making it out of the tribulation and becoming a child of God.

There will be “seven seals”, seven "trumpets" and seven "bowls" where God's wrath will be poured out in full to fulfill the prophesy of the Bible. These will be extremely difficult, testing times for all nations. Many judgments will come that will be unthinkable to many. Millions will die. Few will make it.

The Antichrist comes into power during the first seal when times are in havoc but judgment has not yet come; when he arrives, he will calm the storms of panic and promise an everlasting peace. He will claim his throne. At around the same time, “The False Prophet” will arise and perform many miracles for the Antichrist, amazing the world with his powers. As a result, many will fall to the seduction of the Antichrist and “False Prophet” and follow after him. Their main motive is to establish a world religion that is contrary to Christianity, and attempt to seduce the rest of the world to follow after them, as the Antichrist is a heck of a smooth-talker.


After the seven seals, and the Antichrist is killed and resurrected by Satan, he will force the 666 mark upon every man and woman, child or elderly. Those who accept this mark will have prosperous lives and be safe under his authority. The catch is this: those who accept the mark will be thrown into everlasting fire and face the wrath of God in the afterlife. Those who do not take this mark will be tortured in unthinkable ways and then beheaded.

GOD’S SEAL OF REDEMPTION: After the sixth seal, God will do something special for those who love Him that are still alive at the time. The true believers will be sealed on the forehead; only other true believers will see this seal. The seal will be the sign of the cross and allow them to feel the presence of God. As the judgments proceed, those who become true believers immediately are sealed on the head and promised a place in Heaven. If they die, they shall be saved.

Will you be able to make it to heaven? Can you survive the Tribulation?

The Setting

Although the Rapture and Tribulation will take place throughout the entire world, for simplicity’s sake, the story line will take place in the heart of Los Angeles. Immorality has struck many areas, and human trafficking runs wild. The skies are polluted by the chugging factories that mass produce goods daily.



*multiple characters are allowed. In fact, encouraged.

God/Jesus: As gamemaster, I will play this part. If, say, your human character prays against a demon, or prays for healing of some sort, I will write what God’s response to your situation is.

Humans---There can be as many as needs be. Your status as a non-believer and believer is subject to change as the story progresses. Grouping together with one another, friendship, rivalries and romance is encouraged as the Tribulation takes place. Believers are expected by God to win more converts. Make it interesting!


Physical Description:




Equipment and Abilities:


Historical Background

Celestial Bodies involved with [name]:(NOT NECESSARY)


1. Lance Loveheart [me]










Anti-christ followers (work in the government):




Major Characters--


False Prophet: (OPEN)


**For the Demons and Angels, you may play an angel or demon that oppresses or guards your character, without making a separate profile. Simply add it to the character bio of your human. Otherwise, you may play the character exclusively and create a profile for it.

Satan(aka Lucifer, “morning star”) (OPEN): He is described as the most gorgeous of all the angels, who was cast out of heaven by God for his sin of pride. He conspired to become like God and overthrow Him with one-third of the angels, but of course, failed. He can take the form of an “angel of light”, and has been described by some (real-life eyewitnesses) as being very seductive in appearance with golden locks of hair and eyes like a serpent’s. Several forms can be taken on by Satan, such as a serpent, dragon, or a more grotesque “devil-like” character.

The Demon Army (These are the fallen angels that followed after Satan, and the evil spirits that were born from the angels who mated with women. They can be in any shape or size; humanoid, half-human, grotesque in appearance, slime-like, or anything you can come up with. These demon’s main purposes are to thwart man-kind, and can possess some if they are given a “legal right” which can be any sort of sin. They can enter a human and make them miserable, and cause impressions and thoughts on them to lead them away from God. Because these are the end times, there are many of them, and some appear in visible forms if they choose to. Possession is common. Some believers, if they have been granted this ability, can SEE these demons . Prayer will often work against them, but demons such as incubi can be immune to an extent, bringing on need for exorcisms.

1. Deprimer, demon oppressing Lance Loveheart [me] Status: causes suicidal thoughts

2. Voluptas, demon oppressing Lance Loveheart [me] Status: causes lust






Angels (they will have limited power, but protect the believers at certain times. Each person can be assigned a guardian angel (you can play both parts) who will record their process as the time goes by.) However, if they are a non-believer their angel will not be able to do much, and will let even believers suffer much of the judgment. Much of God’s will is carried through angels.

1. Abdael, guardian angel of Lance Loveheart [me]








Timeline: shown here: http://www.roleplaygateway.com/roleplay/the-great-tribulation#introduction 
Character: THE TRINITY

When your character prays, this is the God who answers. He commands the angels that guard your characters, and the demons flee from Him.


Physical Description:


Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

The glory of God is something indescribable to the human eye. He is sometimes personified as an old man, but this is far from his actual appearence, although it is likely that he has the body and countenance similar to a man's, as He created us in His own image.


Image made by a 8 year old, (Akiane Kramarik):

Isaiah 53:2, “He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.”

In appearence, Jesus is described in Isiah to be average in appearence and a man of sufferings. Often depicted in paintings as a man of delicate appearence, this contrasts modern day eyewitnesses who have had visions of a muscular man with robust coloring and wild chestnut hair. His eyes contain every color known to man, but looks green from a distance.

Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is like a gentle dove It is sometimes described as a fire, so powerful it can knock a person down to the ground (slain in the spirit) or breathe the Word of God into a man so that they can prophesy and evangelize with power. When the Holy Spirits baptizes someone, they begin to speak in tongues, a language that only God understands (not demons nor angels can comprehend it) In another appearence, the Holy Spirit can be described as a person very bluish in appearence, without a definite form.


God: In personality, God can be summarized as being HOLY. He is so holy that no one can come into His presence without complete purity of heart. Jesus Christ, His Son, intervenes for us so that we are washed in His blood and allowed to come into God's awesome presence.

He is also described as loving, gentle, wrathful, jealous, just, righteous, glorious, and so forth, but you can look up these traits for yourself.

Jesus Christ:

He has wisdom surpassing those of men, being borne of a virgin. Jesus is gentle, loving, forgiving, and has much authority. Jesus can be described as a lion and a lamb. While he is very meek and modest, and calls upon his followers to follow after his example, at the same time Jesus is ready to call upon the unrighteous behavior of the chief priests and rebuke the wickedness of the self-righteous. He is faithful towards his followers and towards His Father, willing to suffer unthinkable torments in order to fulfill the prophesy, and save men from the wrath of sinners.

Repent. With repentence, Jesus will wash you of your sins. It is important to call His name.

Faithful/Protective. By calling upon Jesus's name, he will vanquish the demons from sight, saving you. Whenever a demon attacks, Jesus is always ready to help, sending His angels to guard you.

Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is gentle. It is known as the HELPER, who dwells within a person's body and guides them in the right direction. This is also known in more secular terms as someone's conscience. When the Holy Spirit is very strong in someone, they can often feel him and speak in tongues, prophesy, or speak the Word of God. He can also be very powerful, as he can knock down a full man down onto the ground (look at Benny Hinn) 


Physical Description:


His eyes are a serene blue. A soft look on his face, Lance has the countenance of someone meek and gentle, his hands often in his pockets, a shy smile upon his face. His hands are delicate with long fingers. Oftentimes, he can appear beside you without a noise. Other times, you can tell that he is nearby by the clicking of his camera, his constant companion.

Age: 17

Personality: Lance is shy, one who speaks very little and expresses much of his emotions only towards close friends. He is distant from his father. However, he is far from a wimp, and can not stand the mistreatment of another, although his shyness will often prevent him from expressing his emotions very well verbally. He has a great love for the beauty of all things, and loves to photograph and draw the images he finds so poetic.

Weaknesses/Sins: Lance has trouble speaking his mind, and has an addiction to pornography, because of his "appreciation" for beauty.

Equipment and Abilities: A camera

Religion/Allegiance: Agnostic; . He is unsure about what his beliefs are, but is mostly leaning towards athiesm. Religion isn't a big thing in his life, as he focuses mostly on school and his passion for photography and art.

Historical Background: His family raised him on mostly wheat bread and cabbage soup, being a very poor family in San Gabriel, California, in Los Angeles County. Mocked for the ragged look of his secondhand clothing, Lance has been the subject of victimization and the persecution of bullies many times in his life. In response, he often secludes himself or visits Big Bear national forest, where he would walk among the oak trees and absorb the natural surroundings around him.

Around the age of thirteen, his father got a promotion at his work place, leading to a better life. He also found his first love, Lillian, when he was around this age, and exchanged many notes of admiration and photographs for months with her until she moved away to San Francisco. Since then, they have been continually mailing each other, with some long lapses in between. Often times, she is one of the only lifelines he holds onto when he becomes depressed and suicidal. Ever since he met her, he has been careful to keep himself well-groomed and well-dressed, although he only has a limited wardrobe.

His mother died from cancer when he was sixteen, and he has often mourned her death, finding little comfort in God.


Celestial bodies involved with Lance Loveheart

Oppressed by: Deprimer, the demon of Suicide

Voluptas, demon of Lust

Guardian Angel: Anael

Description: Anael is an angel that appeaers in a female form, with long golden locks of hair. A wispy, gossamer like garment of shining white adorns her slim, small body. She is about 5"6 in height, and wears a lightweight armor, a sword by her side. Her wingspan is about ten feet; she has very large, graceful wings. She is his guardian angel and has the ability to attack demons. However, she is very distant from Lance as he does not believe she exists, and is often dismayed at his lack of faith.
Physical Description:


Large doe cloudy blue eyes sit above a small, cute nose and almost perfect pink lips, surrounded by gentle chocolaty waves of hair that cascade down to the small of her back. Pale skin, the color of a pink rose with a delicate balance of freckles barely noticeable about her visage. She stands about 5'7" with a ballerina slenderness and elegance that tells a story of a happier life, though now bedecked in whatever she can find that suits her for. Jeans, shirt, jacket, and sneaks. Fashion no longer an objective in life when everything is falling apart. Her expressions vary according to what's happening, though mostly she displays a reserved, observant demeanor. Her voice soft, evoking a tenderness that evidently reaches people's hearts at times, gaining instant trust. That was when things were a little more normal. Now with the craziness that's everywhere, she's more aware of danger and is more reliant on herself and building up her confidence and using her wits to survive.

Age: 19

Personality: Anastasia is a picture of modesty, she lived a pretty normal life back in London, before her mother died and she was sent to live with dad in L.A. Let's just say the impact of that had left her a bit on the downer side. She lived her life as any other growing up teenager would, did well in school, made a friend. She's the type of girl that most people liked to talk to about everything and anything, maybe it has to do with that innocent look, that hint of sadness in the twin pools of her ocean eyes. Not only does her gentle humor and cute smiles win most people, but it's in her essence, in her being. She emits that aura, the kind people take from her when she walks into a room. She's shy, naive, and a bookworm, but it's that need to search for love in all the wrong places that may sometimes lead her to fall ever so hard. Recently she's fallen for a guy, but after realizing she wasn't ready for what he lust for, he left her torn and frayed.

Weaknesses/sins: Anastasia has self-esteem issues, and often times than not she shuts down, when she's at her lowest, she locks herself in a room, and cuts. Other times she won't eat. Perhaps she blames herself for her parents divorcing, she resents her father for cheating all the time. She misses her mother. She wants to be with her again. Maybe she wants out.

Equipment and Abilities: A diary

Religion/Alliance: It's often a mix of belief and disbelief. She tries to pray, but feels like no one is there to hear/answer her prayers. She questions"God" for having taken her mother away, and even for abandoning her.

Historical Background: Anastasia Lilly Rozen was born and raised in London, England most of her early childhood life. Living with both mum and dad [isobel and Benjamin Rozen] at the time was well, a little tricky. At first, she hadn't been aware of the anger and hurt and sadness steeping below the surface of her parents daily lives, until she glimpsed one night at her father cheating with her mother's friend. From then on, she hated his guts.

Sometimes she wished he would go away, every time he was together with mum, things were sadly off, for both knew of his secret scandals, and for reasons Ana would never understand her mother remained in the decaying relationship. Until one day she finally snapped and filed for divorce. He moved away to L.A. after a vicious fight broke out one lazy afternoon and she kicked him out. Talk about drama.

Isobel was a glass bead maker and she'd taught her daughter well on the trade, introducing her to the fabulous world of the creative arts. It was through this that Ana would grow a fondness for fashion, and of course jewelry, through the use of the glass beads. Father was more and more a memory to the both of them, but a weight on her mother, for she never dated again, nor even bat an eye at suitors that fawned for her. Life was okay, her mother ran a shop teaching art, and glass bead making, and Ana went to excellent schools. All was seemingly well, until mother grew ill. Then died.

Unfortunately there was no one around for Ana to live with, so she had no choice but to fly across the pond to the hot, and celebrity fueled Los Angeles. Stuck with her doting father Benjamin who's trying and failing to win her back. The rest was history.


Celestial Bodies involved with Anastasia Rozen:

Guardian Angel: Castiel

Description: Castiel is an angel that manifests in the male figure. Expressive, sharp sky blue eyes and thick, mocha locks kept short and groomed, gives the impression of a guarded, and yet understanding being. Which is true. Castiel appears a man, in a trench coat, and a suit, as if he were off to work in some business or other. It's his desire to blend in and suit to his charge as comfortably as possible that he assembles his look well. In a sense he plays the "father" figure she never had.

A/N:If further modification is required, please let me know. Thanks
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