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Fandom Gods & Monsters


Coffee addict and book enthusiast

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Godly Parent:

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Aria Cole



Godly Parent:











Aria has a very interesting personality, she loves adventuring and hiking. Swimming is one of her strongest suits, but she also is a pretty good fighter. Aria isn't really into makeup and look good, she like to think that people will see her for what she is on the inside instead of the outside. She love horses and actually wants to own one when she is older and lives by herself.


Aria was born in New York and stayed their with her mom for about 5 years until her mom stated getting a bad feeling about the place. They then moved to Florida on the beach which is how she became a swimmer. When Aria was 10 years old her mother took her to Camp Half blood, her mother is in hiding now. She died her hair purpleish blue a little while ago.


Horse Ridding, Swimming, Fighting with fists.

Weaknesses :

Agility, Fighting with weapons, running away from things.​



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Callie Fernandez




Godly Parent:










Callie is most definitely an optimist, trying to always look on the bright side of life. Sometimes this can make her seem naive, but don't let that fool you, she is less idealistic than she seems. Callie loves helping people and always feels best when she is doing so. Callie is outgoing, creative and friendly, though never put her in the middle of a conflict, she doesn't deal well.

Despite her bubbly and warm outer personality, Callie is filled with inner sadness. Her mother died when she was very young and so she has a great fear of dying. She simply hates that being a demigod means almost certain death and sometimes she can be preoccupied with finding ways to bring back her mother from the dead, whether that is sensible or not.


Callie was born to Mia Fernandez and a god. He never revealed his true identity to Mia who believed that he was an aspiring Broadway actor like herself. The god stayed with Mia during the pregnancy and for a few weeks after and professed to loving her dearly.

Unfortunately, shortly after he left her, Mia became chronically depressed due to her failed relationship, failed career and a new born to provide for and was not able to look after Callie to the best of her ability, leaving her in the care of her elder sister Rachel, committing suicide shortly after.

Rachel did not treat Callie particularly well during her years in her care, probably due to her bitterness toward her younger sister who had always been the favoured child. When Callie was seven she ran away from home only armed with the treble clef necklace she had been gifted at birth by her father. She only realised it was a weapon by accident when being chased by monsters all the way to camp.


Gives great advice, good at archery and at bringing out the best in people


Callie is not the best at strategic planning or being objective because she hates hurting other's feelings. She also has a paralysing fear of the dark

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Work In Progress




Dan Logan



Godly Parent:











Dan is extremely vain and cocky, his head is so far up his own ass that nothing can make him feel insecure. He's slightly slow in the educational way, but rather road smart and knows how to manipulate people. Being rather stupid, he sometimes doesn't get onto sarcasm and as a result of this is easily burned.

Though, overall on a positive scale, he's an optimistic, cheeky flirt who is generally nice to be around.


Dan was left by his father at the step of an Irish church at the age of 2 and therefore knows neither of his parents. This means the boy was brought up in a strict manner, and though you may not guess it he does have good manners and morals. At the age of 15 he was sent back to America to live with a foster family and continue his education. His family are fairly kind to him, even though he fails most of his classes. They are very understanding of his dyslexia.


Weapon fighting, fast at running, and good at reading people.


Dyslexic, bad at fist fights and tends to trip a lot.




Kacey Rodriguez



Godly Parent:











Kacey is quick, head strong and independent. She's always looking for more adventure and tasks, even when there are none to be found. She's extremely sarcastic and loves nothing more than to gently tease others. However, she's also very loving and compassionate. If she cares for you she will do anything to protect you. Yet if you cross her, prepare for the worst.


Kacey has lived with her father and his other family for as long as she can remember. At times it's hard, since she has never quite fitted in but they always tried to include her in things. At the age of 16 she moved to camp half blood to live amongst people of her own kind. Though she's still the same girl as she was when she left, just a whole lot more active and well, better at fighting.


Fighting, archery, and very wise.


Bad with most weapons, a slower runner and distant from people.


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Name: Sawyer Dickson

Age: 18

Godly Parent:


Gender: Male

Pronouns: He, him, his, himself,

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: American

Personality: He's got this attitude that he's not phased by anything. Nothing scared him and he's the best at everything he does. He's the most arrogant person you'll meet, but he's also got a sweet side, though not many people have seen it, specifically no one at Camp has seen it.

Bio: He grew up casing trouble. Everywhere he goes, something goes missing, someone gets hurt, someone has reason to absolutely hate him. This has been going on for years until he's sent to camp.

Strengths: Fighting, gambling, cheating his way out of things, stealing

Weaknesses: He's worried about never getting claimed. He's worried that he won't ever make his mark at Camp, like a lot of these kids he's heard about.
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Name: Alexa Penn

Age: 17

Godly Parent:


Gender: Female

Pronouns: Her/She

Sexuality: Straight

Nationality: American

Personality: Alexa comes off as an angry girl. She's blunt and sarcastic. She is quick to judge others based off what she sees or hears them say. But she's even quicker to anger. Aside from being quite the hothead, she doesn't trust easily - well more like at all. But to those who manage to get in, she trusts with her life.

Bio: Alexa never really knew her mom. She was just a kid when she got pregnant at 17, so she gave Alexa up for adoption. But her mother never stopped watching her. She bounced from foster home to foster home all her life, never staying in one place for more than 8 months. Tired of being tossed around, Alexa ran away. A few years back, her mother reached out to her. When they met up, she explained to Alexa everything about Camp Half Blood. She accepted the free ride, and is debating whether or not to answer her mother's letters.

Strengths: Good with most weapons, great at hand to hand combat, and creating battle strategies

Weaknesses: Getting along with others, Being impulsive, Doubting others
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Nadya Volkov




6'4, fair skin, unkempt straight dirty blonde hair, lithe build, well defined muscle, somewhat thin, dark blue eyes, jagged scar along left jawline, red tattoo of spartan shield and crossed spears on right forearm.

Godly Parent:

Enyo- A goddess of war infamous for her love of battle. When Typhon, father of all monsters, battled Zeus, Enyo so reveled in battle that she refused to pick a side in the conflict.








Russian American


Her father was a russian anarchist who was arrested by the government and would have remained there were it not for Enyo taking an interest in him. At her behest he immigrated to America where the gods powers were greatest after Nadya was born. Though she did secretly help her lover and their child from time to time, Enyo otherwise, like most divine parents, had almost no interaction with her daughter.

As a child she had no knowledge of her godly parentage, though not because her father hid it, he simply never told her. With her father's anarchist past, she took a similar dislike of authority in general, frequently getting into trouble for her disobedience and getting into fights. In order to keep her from standing out too much for the dangers Enyo had warned him of, her father attempted to find a more effective outlet for her natural violent streak, though this attempt massively backfired.

After personally teaching her basic hand to hand combat and having her participate in her school's wrestling program, her "problem" only worsened thanks to her greater ability to fight. When she turned 13 he finally revealed her mother's identity to her, which surprisingly calmed her down significantly. Finally fully understanding the reasons behind her behavior gave Nadya a greater desire to control herself, in order to make not only her father but her mother proud.

That summer she started attending camp half blood, quickly becoming infamous for using sparring matches as her way of solving problems with other campers, and even more so for typically dominating them.

Now several years later, she has quite a bit more experience under her belt, having completed a number of quests and slayed a few monsters, however she has yet to be allowed to do any alone as she really wants. Nadya is rarely found anywhere there isn't either fighting or food, and is even happy to assist her fellow campers, provided they prove their worth in a spar first.


Nadya has little care for things that aren't violence, food, her father, or her few friends, and isn't shy about showing it either. Despite her violent nature she is friendly to a fault, trusting most people she meets purely out of benefit of the doubt, and continues to do so in most cases until given good reason otherwise. She has a tendency to avoid real responsibility however, finding most things that aren't violent boring or pointless. She also has a general dislike of people telling her what to do, unless of course it involves something that directly or indirectly leads to a good fight, the only people she is typically willing to listen to are those with greater combat experience than herself. Notably, despite her love of violence, she generally dislikes meat, and with the exception of shellfish she is a vegetarian.


Nadya is a master of close combat, being extremely capable with just about any type of weapon or armor, though she favors swords for their versatility and variance. Few can read a battlefield or the motions of combat better than her, few her age anyway, compared to most other campers she can flow through a battlefield quite easily.


Nadya is poor when it comes to fighting at range, and that is being rather generous. She has poor aim at range and aside from attempting to defend herself and close the distance there is little she can do without help against a ranged opponent. Nadya also tends to hold back in a fight unless she thinks her life is in danger purely for the sake of making the fight last a bit longer.​

Jake Aquino


Full Name:

Jake Carlos Aquino










Filipino American

Godly Parent:



Jake is ever the little rascal; the one to always goof around and cause mayhem. Don't be fooled by his baby face or any innocent front he may put up. The boy is the type who can terrorize entire cabins with his pranks and not have any trouble sleeping afterwards. He's sneaky and very light with his hands and on his feet. He lies often and I'd almost always in some kind of trouble. Nevertheless, Jake is a rather naive thing at heart. He just wants to have fun and enjoys following the leader to the point where he gets a little clingy and annoying. He really does look up to the older campers though.


Jake grew up travelling throughout the country with his great aunt, Mimi Sue, who raised him since his mother had died during childbirth. The two moved around a lot due to Mimi's work, but Jake never minded. For the most part, they stayed on the West Coast. It wasn't until Jake turned twelve that they moved to a suburb in New Jersey. The boy still doesn't know if this move was on purpose or not, but either way he was soon acquainted with a guardian satyr who brought him to Camp Half Blood, where he was claimed by Hermes after one month. Mimi merely accepted the situation that she was told, deciding it would be better for Jake to stay all year-round while she traveled. This way Jake wouldn't only have her as a friend, and would be with more people around his age. Since he always struggled in school (his attitude never helped), he now has a couple of Athena's tutor him. He's also come a long way in combat, having a strong background in martial arts that his aunt allowed him to fulfill despite their various moves. Overall, he's excelled greatly at CHB and continues to hope for bigger and better things.


Jake is a quick thinker; a fast, agile and nimble athlete; and an exceptional liar (his poker face and acting skills are superb). He's great at being a team player, often keeping up spirits. He's also skilled in close range combat since he began learning various martial arts at a very young age, though he prefers to avoid physical fighting by running away. The boy is very loyal to his friends when it counts and makes a point to back them up somehow, even if that simply means nodding to affirm whatever they're saying.


Jake has difficulty telling the truth about himself or his feelings and a lot of other things. He also sometimes has an inferiority complex. For example, if he's sick or not feeling well he won't tell anyone because he doesn't want to come off as weak. Other than this, he also cannot function at all without sleep and food, more so food than sleep though. He has an irrational fear of birds, so that's something. Jake sometimes can't/doesn't read a situation well and causes unnecessary trouble, like playing a prank when it's really not the time. Sometimes he's much too dependent on others, his biggest flaw.
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Name: Mara Denneth

Age: 17

Godly Parent:

Gender: Female

180 cm, or 5 feet 11 inches

Weight: 145 lb

Other Distinguishing Features: Her single eye, and the scar over that half of her face, the right side. The scar runs from her forehead, down through her eye, and to her chin, running through her lips on the way there.

General Appearance: Even without her one eye and facial scar, and the other scars on her body, Mara isn't exactly the type of girl to be seen as "pretty". She is rather stocky, with a muscular frame developed from years of combat training and physical challenge. She lacks the graceful slimness of other girls. She has shoulder-length brown hair that is usually untidy, and looks as if it was cut using a knife. Her one eye is amber in color.

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Nationality: 'MURICAN

Personality: She can appear angry, brutish, bitter, and spiteful, and for the most part, that would be exactly what she is. She isn't a nice person, and does not pretend to be one. She is serious in battle, training, and Capture the Flag, but in all other circumstances, she doesn't particularly talk to people. She angers easily, holds grudges, and has a relentless determination. However, she doesn't seem to care about winning, aslong as she takes down a few with her. She is stubborn to the end, and hates people seeing her as weak. She holds her fears and vulnerabilities as her deepest secret. She is deeply afraid of the Dark, and being alone. Combine those two things, and there's little she can do. These two fears are connected to the incident when she lost her eye, and closest friend Wendy.

Bio: Born in New York City, to Laire Denneth, a single mother at the time, Mara had a rather average childhood. She was rather awkward, and had been picked on by classmates for her physical appearance throughout her education. Throughout it all however, she had one close friend, a girl named Wendy. She and Wendy were close, inseparable, almost. However, when she was 10 years old, her mother married again, this time to Gregory Thomath. However, Gregory was abusive, and the next few years were a living hell for Mara. Over that time, the little awkward girl changed, and she began to notice some sort of strange strength she possessed. Unnatural, in a way. At age 15, Mara snapped. Her already fragile mental-state was gone. Her abusive father, and the bullying from her classmates had pushed her over the edge. She picked up a brick from an alley near her apartment, and when her step-father came home, drunk and angry, she swung and swung and swung, until her step-father lie in a bloody heap at her feet, and then she ran. Wendy went with her, and the two girls escaped the city, as Wendy had been told by the mysterious mother she had never known that there was a camp for people like them, and gave them little notes on the way there. Wendy had always enjoyed solving puzzles, and that was how the notes were. Little puzzles that once deciphered, would give a clue that would lead the reader to the Camp. However, only a few hundred yards away, and with Thalia's tree in sight, the two girls were ambushed by a manticore, which impaled Wendy with its stinger, and clawed Mara's eye out, aswell as clawing her in several places. The monster was driven away by a few demigods, and the two girls were brought to the Big House. However, Wendy died on the way there, and Mara was unconscious for a few days, and left with permanent scars on her mind and body.

Strengths: Her strength and skill in combat. She is skilled with most weapons, although her favorite by far would be her custom-made celestial bronze mace, a type of weapon that isn't used too often by demigods, and is rather hard to fight against. Another strength of hers is her iron will. She isn't likely to give up or surrender, and is determined to fight to the end, and if she can't win, she'll be damn sure to take someone down with her.

Weaknesses : Mara has difficulties working with others, and she isn't particularly the best at talking to people, coming up with plans, healing, archery, making things, or anything that's not fighting.

Name: Oliver Smith

Age: 15

Godly Parent: Hera

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He / Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Nationality: American

Personality: Oliver used to be the type to be all happy-go-lucky and social 24/7, but his home and school life have turned him into a very sensitive introvert. He can't take criticism, and will give up on something if he doesn't receive support, an example of this is when he would write really good stories and show them to his cousins, who just dismissed him, causing Oliver to pretty much give up on writing, though he loves it. He can be quite stubborn when it comes to his beliefs, and will go far to prove he is right. He's vindictive, and though he really wants revenge on his cousins, he thinks he doesn't have enough strength or confidence to do anything to them. He's very anxious and paranoid around other people, thinking they are constantly judging him, though they usually aren't. He is also conscientious and kind to others when he does talk to them.

Bio: Oliver grew up with his father who was in the military in California, along with his three older cousins, who would constantly pick on him. When Oliver's father died when he was 11, his cousins took custody of him (they were old enough) and treated him pretty badly. he would get made fun of at school for being dyslectic and he constantly questioned wether or not anybody would miss him if he was gone or not. When he was 12, a satyr named Orlando brought Oliver to Camp Half Blood, and took his cousins with him, so they would know in general where to bring Oliver every summer.

Strengths: He is really good with throwing knives and his dual daggers, and his speed and balance are good as well.

Weaknesses: He has trouble fighting with a sword and shield, and isn't very muscular.

Extra: Oliver is afraid of thunder and lightning, he wears his dads old military jacket and combat boots, and wears a necklace with a key on it which was also his dads, and has a large scar that goes from above his left shoulder to the middle of his upper arm from where he got burned on the way to Camp Half Blood.
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Name:Alex Quentin


Appearance: Alex has dirty blond hair that is always nappy, he has fairly tan skin, he is scrawny, 6ft, and his eyes seem to change color.

Godly Parent: Zeus




Nationality:Australian American

Personality: Alex is always quiet and only talks when someone talks to him or when he finds something or someone is important. He is a very kind person, but on the inside he feels alone and is angry at the world. He loves machines and sometimes thinks they are the only thing that can truly make him happy. He sees people as very complex machines and can read most people like a book, but he sees humans as flawed and judges them silently. He also thinks the flaws of humans are the things that make them strong.

Bio: He grew up in Australia until he was 13. When in Australian most people found him odd and barley even talked to him. Most people forget he was even there even his teachers, though he was always best in his class. The only person that ever noticed him was his mother. She always told him he was special and that the world is confusing. He really liked her for that. He was happy in Australia, but when he turned 13 his school caught fire and people blamed him for it. His mother told him it wasn't his fault and that they had to move. She had him hack into an airline and got free tickets to America. He also got them fake papers and everything. They lived in America always moving to place to place for years and where ever they went mysterious fires always sprang up. On his 15 birthday his mother finally took him to camp half-blood and told him that he had to stay here for a while. He trusted her and stayed, but he doesn't think she's coming back.

Strengths: He can build almost anything and reads people very well. He is ok at upclose combat and mostly uses his inventions as weapons.

Weaknesses: He is afraid of being alone and whenever he is upset things tend to catch fire.
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Alex Vicot


Age: 18

Godly Parent:

(not yet found out)

Gender: Male

Pronouns: his, he, himself

Sexuality: straight

Nationality: American


From a first glance at the guy you make think he's just a cocky wannabe jerk who seeks attention. Well that's not the case, Alex is actually a intelligent, determined, humorous, and persuasive type of guy. He loves to do anything that involves a competition or sport, especially football and being the leader or captain of groups. Alex always tries to keep peoples mood up and hates people who think of a negative thing in a close call. He is willing to try any option that will get him a win and think strategically, but he keeps in mind how he should determine the outcome of his "victory". He has shown some signs of beig a sore loser in his younger years, but has become better at being a good sport. His dad is also in the military and loves history, which of course influenced Alex. and whenever people mention any history or events that has to do with war, battles, and military tactics, myths, he will not stop talking (you have been warned.


Alex was born in Fort Polk Louisiana, with his father who serves in the military to this day as a colonel. He never questioned why his mother wasn't around and never really thought about it. He had always been busy with sports, friends, and school for the past 16 years, he even moved around alot do to his dad being in the military and all, till they finally stopped in Georgia.

Four years he spent his high school years as the star football player in his school. The school he was in was renowned for losing nearly all there games, but when Alex joined as there Quarterback. Somehow he was able to get the school to become state champions for four years in a row and has been praised for never giving up, even when there have been close calls. He even won all his fist fights with football players from other schools that were jealous or hated him. Alex always thought he won those fights because of his dad teaching him self-defense martial arts over the years.

His father however near the end of alex's school year was going off to be deployed in Iraq, this was a normal routine since he's been deployed 8 times. But his father told Alex to pack his bag and to get ready for "camp". Alex was confused and really didn't want to go to a camp for his summer, course it was no ordinary camp. For awhile now he's seemed to adjust himself in camp-half blood, he's so far gotten into good terms with most of the different cabins and tries to stay out of trouble, accept a competion of course.


Football, parkour, cheering people up, and winning fights or competion with his brain and skills.


Will start freaking out if he loses too many times in one day, he gets a fever for some reason when he drinks hot chocolate, Hates people thinking to negative or bringing down morale, will get easily distracted with dogs, cats, and any other animal considered adorable or soft.


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