God's Chosen


The First Iron Warrior


Type: (Arch, Guardian, Seraphim)




History: (things such as being created before or after the fall)




Type: (based but not limited to the seven sins)








Type: (Angel type)




History: (may include why they were banished)










Name: Lorgar

Type: Seraphim

Sex: Male



Personality: Nice and caring towards most other Demons, and Angels (unless they attack him). Tries to save humans where he can. fights against angels because they believe and fight for a god that would banish those that dont follow him, condem his greatest creations, banish his favorite son, and let the world destroy itself just so he can watch.

History: Fought on the side of Lucifer in the rebellion and was cast down to the mortal realm rather then Hell. Believes that Lucifer was right to want mankind to be aware of the Fathers plan, and to guide them to salvation so none would suffer. Believes what he did was right and still fights to save humanity from a god he believes would condemn innocent people just for what seems like his own twisted glory.

Other: Has black wings
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Name: Malachi

Type: Guardian

Sex: Male



Personality: He is strong, brave, and shows no fear in the face of evil. He hates the demons for defying the creator and endangering the people of earth. He fights to keep them safe doing whatever it takes. He trusts the creator and believes that he has the best intentions, even if he may not understand. He can be stubborn and quick to judge, sometimes acts on impulse.

History: Created before Lucifer's fall he was shocked like many to hear that Lucifer was betraying the creator. He quickly joined the fight against him and assisted in banishing many other angels that chose to side with Lucifer.

Other: Because of his loyalty to the creator and his will to banish the demons and all who oppose the creator he spends most of his time on earth's surface hunting demons that prey on humans.

Name: Scarlett

Type: Lust

Sex: Female



Personality: She is mysterious and sultry. Every move she makes has a seductive hint to it. She is capable of making both men and women swoon over her. Her voice is like velvet and her looks are that of a goddess. The moment anyone sees her they can't help but want her. She is passionate and fierce, her pressence gives off a seductively dangerous feel. She is powerful and strong, but can have the most innocent charm. A black widow through and through. She hates the creator with a passion and wants nothing more than to assist in over throwing heaven and break the hearts of men in the process. She find lustful men and takes their souls.

History: She was Angel before Lucifer's fall, and would often admire the love of couples in the mortal realm. She secretly wanted to feel something like this herself and began to hate her creator for prohibiting it thinking it cruel. So she did not hesitate to join in the fight against the creator. In the battle her wings were torn and she fell as she was condemned to hell. Eventually she made her way to the surface, now twisted by damnation she sought to wreak havoc on the creator's 'finest creations'

Other: Secretly deep down she still wishes to fall in love.

Name: Alison Sinclair


Sex: Female

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/alison.jpg.b16221b6a8fa3366e9fd79c9c2e1bb6c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18308" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/alison.jpg.b16221b6a8fa3366e9fd79c9c2e1bb6c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Party Girl Mentality. Wild, Crazy, Random, Mean, Bitter, Sweet. All the things the boys want and who girls want to be. Drinker & smoker (only that green good stuff tho)

History:Comes from a wealthy family who pampered her and gave her everything and had her whole life scripted out for her from birth all the way up through college, and this only made her fight even harder to break their rules and aspirations for her. She wants to be her own person and live her own life without her parents sending their people out to come get her or having the police snatch her up or have their private security detain her. (Her family wealth's is comprised from the misery of others...Her father is the Kingpin of The Drug Trade, everything goes through him and nobody can touch him...but everyone knows his 1 weak spot

Other: Seems to have uncanny good luck and can't seem to understand why, but sometimes she feels as if someone is constantly watching her. 

Name: Zacharia

Type: Guardian

Sex: Male

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/colin.jpg.2342c8695810190126bb012b195772e8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/colin.jpg.2342c8695810190126bb012b195772e8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Selfish but true to his duty. Sarcastic, Unruly at times, Rude, but also up for any challenge

History: Created before The Fall and charged with watching over Alison, because she was special or something. He was banished because he wasn't suppose to engage with her physically, and he broke that rule...like really really broke that rule. He is suppose to be replaced but seeing as though he's banished to stay on Earth forever, he figures he'll continue to be the only who is allowed to watch over her because he's kinda fallen for her, and as such he will protect her from demons, humans, and angels.



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Name: Cileste Waterson



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/brunette.jpg.5981b8385fe9db25e6cd382caa48462f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18928" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/brunette.jpg.5981b8385fe9db25e6cd382caa48462f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Straightforward and to the point, doesn't waste her time with idiots. Loves shooting stuff, and seeing things blow up. All-around crazy girl. Hates both up tight and smart people, but loves hanging around bad boys that peak her interest.

History: She was an orphan until she was 7; then she was adopted from a very poor family. Growing up she witnessed drug usage and abuse, not only to her new mother but to herself, mentally, physically, and sexually. Cileste ended up joining a gang in her teens and stuck with them all the way through college. Robbing stores, people, breaking and entering, selling drugs, using drugs, prostitution, and murder. Cileste has done it all yet she feels that still no matter how hard she tries to succeed the world is against her. After being kicked out of the house at 16 illegal activity was her only choice. Since the FALL she feels like everyone's world was now going to become just like her's...a God Damned Ship Wreck. People started paying good money for so called "supernatural entities" so she joined a crew of hunters, and from there her story unfolds.



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