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Fantasy Gods and Monsters


Certfied Dog Petter
Data File

Full Name:

Nickname: (Optional.)


Astrological Sign:

(Add a description below please if it is a picture.)

Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs.)

Personality: (Three to Five Traits.)

Flaws: (At least One.)

Likes: (At least Five.)

Dislikes: (At least Five.)

Powers/Abilities: (Pick whatever you like.)

Classification: (You will pick it.)

Extra Information: (Optional.)


Here you guys go! :D @The3rdSteel @SirDerpingtonIV @MoltenLightning @Drumonkey @Yonsisac
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9ef2bf00b1c2727d2bfb11126686972f.jpg.0b521e8eed747c468634e85bbe272398.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120477" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/9ef2bf00b1c2727d2bfb11126686972f.jpg.0b521e8eed747c468634e85bbe272398.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name: Joseph Shinigami Saion

Nickname: Joe, Joey

Age: 17

Astrological Sign: Scorpio


Short History: His father was a military general, thus being very strict in his upbringing. When his father found out about his powers, he put him to work in the battlefield slaughtering the countries enemies, thus giving him a powerful blood lust. When his father tried to test his physical abilities to the max, he easily lifted up a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, and ran at mach 30. His father knew he could do much more, but had nothing else to test on him.

Personality: He is a kind person, but when angered is sadistic, merciless, cold and calculating.

Flaws: He is very reclusive, especially around women.

Likes: He likes wine, cigarettes, blood, A7X, 5FDP,

Dislikes: He hates public speaking, bad tasting wine, cheap cigarettes, those that insult Synester Gates, and arrogance.

Powers/Abilities: He can control blood, darkness, gravity, and extreme physical abilities.

Classification: Balanced, but highly bordering on monster due to his sadistic nature, with abilities that surpass gods.

Extra Information: His top recorded speed was just above mach 30. He is much stronger than the average human, being able to easily lift a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, weighing in at around 97,000 tonnes. He drank VX Gas, and withstood being shot by a particle accelerator. He is constantly trying to improve himself, whether it be getting stronger, or faster, or even gaining control of his powers. He also has a special ring, forged by a god with the power of enhancing objects. It is essentially a spacial ring, able to hold infinite amounts of things. He has an almost infinite stockpile of weapons inside. (And wine, cigarettes, cigars, and lighters too :3) His favorite weapon is his scythe. It is a cruel looking weapon. It has a long curved blade which can cut through steel like paper. It has red runes running up the staff, they glow an eerie red when in battle, seemingly reveling in blood like it's owner. It is basked in a strange black flame, devouring all it comes in contact with, adding to the scythe's power. He has two pet Alpha Velociraptors, a white one called Vitae, and a black one called Mors. (Vitae means Life, and Mors means Death in Latin)

PS: If you want me to tone it down, I understand as I did kinda make him extremely OP. Heh heh :3.



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Full Name: Leonhart Akatsuki

Nickname: Leo


Astrological Sign: Leo ? (hehe)

Appearance: Leo has semi-unkempt, dark brown hair that falls just below his eyes. He has handsome facial features and a lean, muscular body. Leo also has dark crimson eyes.

Short History: Leo was born into a normal family. He had a mother, a father, and a younger sister by a year. When Leo was eight, he was playing with his sister at home while his parents went out on a date. An hour after they left, a police officer showed up at their home, informing Leo and his sister about their parent's death in a car crash.

A year later, Leo and Claire (his sister) moved in with their uncle who's job is to travel around the world. For years the siblings lived alone with the occasional postcard. In high school is when Leo learned about his powers and about others like him. When Leo got the letter to join the Gods and Monsters Project, Leo accepted even though his sister was strongly against it.

Personality: Leo is actually an introverted person who would rather read a book than go to a party. To people that he is comfortable around, Leo is trustworthy, honest, and loyal but to randoms he usually keeps his distance unless something sparks his interest. Probably one reason Leo was put into the "Balanced" category was his passiveness towards everyone unless they do something to incur his wrath like mess with his trusted friends or sister. This includes heroes and villains.

Flaws: Leo's flaws consist mainly of his lack of teamwork and trust to people he has recently met.










*Airplane Rides

*Unnecessary Work

*Tight Spaces

Powers/Abilities: Along with his boosted physical strength, Leo also has the ability of Plunder. Plunder allows Leo to take control of anyone in his line of sight for five seconds, costing Leo his consciousness during that time. The other thing that makes Plunder such a good ability is that it also allows him to retain the ability of the one he controls, if they have one. The abilities he Plunders cycle out, so if Leo uses Plunder on someone with the ability to fly, he can fly until he uses Plunder on someone with pyrokinesis, then he can control fire. The power he has at the moment does not change if he uses it on a normal human.

Classification: Balanced

Extra Information: Leo has a scar on his back going from his left shoulder to his right hip. He got that in a fight when he didn't comply with the school bully.
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Full Name:

Amelia Locke





Astrological Sign:



Her hair is a blonde, but it has a slight pinkness to it somehow. Thus, why people occasionally like to call her Strawberry. Amelia's eyes are a forest green. Her hair is extremely long, as she refuses to cut it.


She wears a scarf that envelopes her face occasionally, but also stays just below on normal sightings. She can often be seen with boots that look a few sizes too big. That doesn't ever really seem to matter to her ability to run. She also wears silky gloves, as seen in the picture. These gloves are made out of a special material she made herself, which cancels out her acid and absorbs it. Most of her clothes are made out of this material, all except her necklace.

Short History:

When she was young, her family had moved around an increasingly frequent amount of times. She had to adapt. Even with her parents encouragement, she got frustrated at almost everything. However, when she was in 6th grade, something changed. She blew up like she usually did in class, throwing her notebook at someone. They knew it would happen. They laughed at her, pointing at her and giggling. She almost got even more angry, until she realized what was happening.

They were taking advantage of her reactions. So, she took a breath. She grabbed her notebook, took a seat, and stopped blowing up at them. They were dumbfounded, and irritated at their loss of fun. They moved again, and she kept this practice up at her new schools. She began scaring people, in the sense that they did NOT want to set her off. Sure, she had friends. But there was one time were she finally got FURIOUS. The kid had been poking her and calling her unclean names. As the last straw was pulled, she looked back at him. She gave him one last warning, but he laughed at her.

As he did, she grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. She held his arm against his back, grip hard as iron. She kept throwing terrifying threats at him, voice no higher than a whisper, beckoning him to continue. Eventually, he passed out for some unknown reason. After being interrogated, he refused to say what she said to him. He kept saying, "She'll hear me, I can't... Sh-she always does." even when Amelia was not anywhere near him. Amelia was soon suspended, but the story spread while she was gone. By that point, she was tested and put into the Balanced. But her results were close to Monster, dangerously close. She managed to just barely scrape by.


Quiet, enjoys her space. Shes a bit of a pessimist when it comes to situations she doesn't like, and will shoot you down if questioned about it. She'll seem patient, but secretly shes being very passive aggressive. A girl who seems a little too conscious about things, she enjoys listening to the world around her and is extremely intelligent. This surprises people, as she seems like she tries ignoring everything. Instead, shes there the entire time. Listening in intently. She isn't one to waver on her opinions. When someone pushes her over the edge, she'll go from a little annoyed to outright aggressive. She has a long-ish fuse with small firecrackers along the way, but a very large bomb awaits.

Her nerves are very easily set off, and she can even be seen from a distance scowling menacingly at things she doesn't like, as if passive-aggressively trying to will them to stop. When shes in an outright bad mood, things can get worse. She can be very gruff and easily shoot people down with strikingly blatant remarks. When shes happy, shes a little more upbeat and teases people lightly. Doesn't happen too often because of her constantly getting annoyed, but its better than the bad moods she has.

Though she doesn't like to point out that shes annoyed directly, you'll know. Through glaring or body language, most likely. Amelia blushes easy, getting frustrated with the fact that she does. When faced with a challenge, Amelia will think of why she wants to do it and pursue that goal viciously. Seriously, don't get in this girl's way if shes after something.

Whenever she becomes more than just angry, she becomes the stuff of nightmares. Manipulative, cold, merciless. Cruel in extremely surprising ways. The few who have gotten her beyond the state of yelling have used these comments to describe this condition, though people can rarely go over the threshold. This threshold being between her state of being very mad and then to completely and utterly furious.

She gets protective over those she ever gets close, even trying to prevent them from doing things all together. If she gets that close to someone, she would rather sacrifice herself rather than see that person disappear. Shes independent, so she will often make decisions without another's input.



*A bit viscous


*Easily annoyed



+ Listening

+ Calm seas

+ Being comforted

+ Being informed to calm down

+ Finding a way to not get angry at everything

+ Great Danes

+ Puppies


- Idiots

- Egoists

- People who lie for no reason

- Situations she has no control over

- Being forced to do something unpleasant

- Chihuahuas

- Lazy house cats


Telekinesis/Levitation -

Does this need to be explained? Yes, she can pick stuff up with her mind. This ability of hers is not one of her strongest, but she does enjoy using it. Amelia is slowly getting better at it as it is, but as of right now she can't pick up huge things. She has, however, been able to lift herself off the ground a few inches. She calls that a "Work In Progress".

Acid Secretion -

A tempered ability of hers, which she uses mainly when she is in danger or feels the need to use it. This corrosive acid affects a multitude of things, including skin, metal, plastic, wood... You name it, its probably affected by it. Obviously, her own skin is immune to it.

This ability can become uncontrollable. The acid comes from her mouth and hands most of the time, but she has special precautions for when it comes involuntarily. When it comes from the mouth, it feels like heart burn. So she has pills for that. Hands? Gloves. She always wears them, unless she needs to get serious. The clothing that she wears has the ability to negate the acid, explaining why she wears clothes that cover up most of her body.

Sound manipulation -

This is one of her greatest skills. For her, she uses it in a great multitude of ways. She can target a point of sound and heighten it, lower it, make it silenced... Or she can make it so she can hear it with startling accuracy. For example, let's say there is a TV in the other room. She has her door closed, with music. She can pinpoint a key word that she wants to hear and it will notify her by making the audio become clearly audible.

She can also be updated subconsciously by hearing the sound as white noise, whilst still being able to comprehend what is being said without being distracted. Amelia can also use it as a weapon, for obvious reasons. But this can be easily negated by using ear plugs or muffling the sound efficiently. Hands don't normally work, but being in water helps.


Balanced, teetering on Monster

Extra Information:

Nothing of note​
Full Name: Adrian Peterson

Nickname: Prometheus


Astrological Sign: Taurus

Appearance: (Add a description below please if it is a picture.) Olive skinned with short black hair. Adrian is slim built but mostly muscle.

Short History: Adrian was the son of a fisherman in Greece. He had always grown up hearing about the old stories of the Mighty gods of Olympus and the powerful titans that were their forefathers. Taking an interest in such stories Adrian began to focus his study into his home country's history. It was at the beginning of his high school career that he was finally tested for gene. Once it was confirmed that he had the gene he was immediately sent to the institute to learn to control his power. He was originally classified as a god,but just like Prometheus he ended up breaking regulations to help the pitiful monsters and as punishment he was reclassified as a balanced

Personality: Adrian is calm and composed. Always willing to help those who he thinks needs it even at the expense of himself. The only thing that truly gets under his skin is when a powerful person abuses their power to benefit themselves.

Flaws: Adrian is a rescuer. If he sees someone in need he has to help them.

Likes: Fire, humility, Peace and quiet, working with clay, training himself.

Dislikes: arrogance, loud places and people, getting shocked, seeing other people injured, having other people fight his battles.

Powers/Abilities: Promethian: Able to craft give life to golems he crafts with clay. The more detailed the golem the more life like it seems and the more complex orders it can receive.


Classification: Balaced

Extra Information: nothing of note<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Greece-hetalia-greece-30470294-374-500.jpg.4e9d01ed0a4f4486fe193e4c0cb71cf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="120262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/Greece-hetalia-greece-30470294-374-500.jpg.4e9d01ed0a4f4486fe193e4c0cb71cf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Greece-hetalia-greece-30470294-374-500.jpg
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Full Name:Remo Kane

Nickname: Snow or Sparks


Astrological Sign:

(Add a description below please if it is a picture.)Full Name:


Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs.)

Personality: (Three to Five Traits.)

Somewhat nice guy ,sarcastic ,honors people who have bested him and quick to pick a fight if someone ticks him off an will side with someone who has better odds of winning

Flaws: (At least One.)implosive, can be swayed with right words or situation,and when using thunder to heal himself it hurts him some

Likes: Snow, pie , respect ,amusing people or people who can entertain him ,and a good fight

Dislikes: (At least Five.)hot places,hypocrites,cake ,snobs , and

Powers/Abilities: (Pick whatever you like.)Cold / Thunder

able to control and make ice from the air out of his body and make tools with it as well

controls thunderbolts and uses it to the point to mess with with his body making himself stronger ,faster and heal faster

Classification: (You will pick it.)Monster

Extra Information: (Optional.)has a Crossed like scare on his chest around his heart

Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs.)Remo raise in the Mafia as a errand boy and messenger .At some points while running errands he would off then get put in the middle of shot outs where he just hide tell it was over .While in the Mafia he learned a lot of things about life at young age. He would often end up taking up for their name as well getting into fights at his school because it .An he would often times use his powers to protect himself and members of the Mafia which made him a little more important to them .

While getting older often used his power to get better deals for his friends ,and himself helping the Mafia out .He was put in large scale shot out one day an got shot an after wards when on a rampage taking out everyone around both friend and foe .After that it snowed all that day after ,and he was found by the government and taken away .Even if he knew it was for the best knowing that his family was punish him for what he did.
[QUOTE="Angel Lucifer]

Full Name: Joseph Shinigami Saion

Nickname: Joe, Joey

Age: 17

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Appearance: (Sorry, had problems uploading the picture, so I will fill this out later)

Short History: His father was a military general, thus being very strict in his upbringing. When his father found out about his powers, he put him to work in the battlefield slaughtering the countries enemies, thus giving him a powerful blood lust. When his father tried to test his physical abilities to the max, he lifted up a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, and ran at mach 15.

Personality: He is a kind person, but when angered is sadistic, merciless, cold and calculating.

Flaws: He is very reclusive, especially around women.

Likes: He likes wine, cigarettes, blood, A7X, 5FDP,

Dislikes: He hates public speaking, bad tasting wine, cheap cigarettes, those that insult Synester Gates, and arrogance.

Powers/Abilities: He can control blood, darkness, gravity, and extreme physical abilities.

Classification: God

Extra Information: His top recorded speed was just above mach 15. He is much stronger than the average human, being able to easily lift a tank, and once even lifted a Nimitz class aircraft carrier, weighing in at around 97,000 tonnes. He drank VX Gas, and withstood being shot by a particle accelerator. He is constantly trying to improve himself, whether it be getting stronger, or faster, or even gaining control of his powers. He also has a special ring, forged by a god with the power of enhancing objects. It is essentially a spacial ring, able to hold infinite amounts of things. He has an almost infinite stockpile of weapons inside. (And wine, cigarettes, cigars, and lighters too :3) His favorite weapon is his scythe. It is a cruel looking weapon. It has a long curved blade which can cut through steel like paper. It has red runes running up the staff, they glow an eerie red when in battle, seemingly reveling in blood like it's owner. It is basked in a strange black flame, devouring all it comes in contact with, adding to the scythe's power. He has two pet dire wolves, a white one called Vitae, and a black one called Mors. (Vitae means Life, and Mors means Death in Latin)

PS: If you want me to tone it down, I understand as I did kinda make him extremely OP. Heh heh :3.

I would place him in Balanced due to his traits and the instability in his personality. But otherwise. Accepted! :D
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Grimmlock said:

Full Name: Leonhart Akatsuki

Nickname: Leo


Astrological Sign: Leo ? (hehe)

Appearance: Leo has semi-unkempt, dark brown hair that falls just below his eyes. He has handsome facial features and a lean, muscular body. Leo also has dark crimson eyes.

Short History: Leo was born into a normal family. He had a mother, a father, and a younger sister by a year. When Leo was eight, he was playing with his sister at home while his parents went out on a date. An hour after they left, a police officer showed up at their home, informing Leo and his sister about their parent's death in a car crash.

A year later, Leo and Claire (his sister) moved in with their uncle who's job is to travel around the world. For years the siblings lived alone with the occasional postcard. In high school is when Leo learned about his powers and about others like him. When Leo got the letter to join the Gods and Monsters Project, Leo accepted even though his sister was strongly against it.

Personality: Leo is actually an introverted person who would rather read a book than go to a party. To people that he is comfortable around, Leo is trustworthy, honest, and loyal but to randoms he usually keeps his distance unless something sparks his interest. Probably one reason Leo was put into the "Balanced" category was his passiveness towards everyone unless they do something to incur his wrath like mess with his trusted friends or sister. This includes heroes and villains.

Flaws: Leo's flaws consist mainly of his lack of teamwork and trust to people he has recently met.










*Airplane Rides

*Unnecessary Work

*Tight Spaces

Powers/Abilities: Along with his barely heightened strength, Leo also has the ability of Plunder. Plunder allows Leo to take control of anyone in his line of sight for five seconds, costing Leo his consciousness during that time. The other thing that makes Plunder such a good ability is that it also allows him to retain the ability of the one he controls, if they have one. The abilities he plunders cycle out, so if Leo uses Plunder on someone with the ability to fly, he can fly until he uses Plunder on someone with pyrokinesis, then he can control fire. The power he has at the moment does not change if he uses it on a normal human.

Classification: Balanced

Extra Information: Leo has a scar on his back going from his left shoulder to his right hip. He got that in a fight when he didn't comply with the school bully.
I love the introverted-ness. Accepted. Bookworms stick together! :D
SleepyBuddha said:
Full Name: Adrian Peterson
Nickname: Prometheus


Astrological Sign: Taurus

Appearance: (Add a description below please if it is a picture.) Olive skinned with short black hair. Adrian is slim built but mostly muscle.

Short History: Adrian was the son of a fisherman in Greece. He had always grown up hearing about the old stories of the Mighty gods of Olympus and the powerful titans that were their forefathers. Taking an interest in such stories Adrian began to focus his study into his home country's history. It was at the beginning of his high school career that he was finally tested for gene. Once it was confirmed that he had the gene he was immediately sent to the institute to learn to control his power. He was originally classified as a god,but just like Prometheus he ended up breaking regulations to help the pitiful monsters and as punishment became one.

Personality: Adrian is calm and composed. Always willing to help those who he thinks needs it even at the expense of himself. The only thing that truly gets under his skin is when a powerful person abuses their power to benefit themselves.

Flaws: Adrian is a rescuer. If he sees someone in need he has to help them.

Likes: Fire, humility, Peace and quiet, working with clay, training himself.

Dislikes: arrogance, loud places and people, getting shocked, seeing other people injured, having other people fight his battles.

Powers/Abilities: Promethian: Able to craft give life to golems he crafts with clay. The more detailed the golem the more life like it seems and the more complex orders it can receive.


Classification: Monster

Extra Information: nothing of note
To be classified as a monster, you're personality has to be a little darker. He seems more to be of Balanced rather than a Monster. But otherwise, just fix that, and accepted! :D
The3rdSteel said:
Full Name:Remo Kane
Nickname: Snow or Sparks


Astrological Sign:

(Add a description below please if it is a picture.)Full Name:


Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs.)

Personality: (Three to Five Traits.)

Somewhat nice guy ,sarcastic ,honors people who have bested him and quick to pick a fight if someone ticks him off an will side with someone who has better odds of winning

Flaws: (At least One.)implosive, can be swayed with right words or situation,and when using thunder to heal himself it hurts him some

Likes: Snow, pie , respect ,amusing people or people who can entertain him ,and a good fight

Dislikes: (At least Five.)hot places,hypocrites,cake ,snobs , and

Powers/Abilities: (Pick whatever you like.)Cold / Thunder

able to control and make ice from the air out of his body and make tools with it as well

controls thunderbolts and uses it to the point to mess with with his body making himself stronger ,faster and heal faster

Classification: (You will pick it.)Monster

Extra Information: (Optional.)has a Crossed like scare on his chest around his heart

Short History: (Two to Three Paragraphs.)Remo raise in the Mafia as a errand boy and messenger .At some points while running errands he would off then get put in the middle of shot outs where he just hide tell it was over .While in the Mafia he learned a lot of things about life at young age. He would often end up taking up for their name as well getting into fights at his school because it .An he would often times use his powers to protect himself and members of the Mafia which made him a little more important to them .

While getting older often used his power to get better deals for his friends ,and himself helping the Mafia out .He was put in large scale shot out one day an got shot an after wards when on a rampage taking out everyone around both friend and foe .After that it snowed all that day after ,and he was found by the government and taken away .Even if he knew it was for the best knowing that his family was punish him for what he did.
Accepted, I like the story. Good job! :D
Cecily Jane Harley



Astrological Sign:



Cecily was born with dark black hair that almost looked blue, and she was born with blue eyes. Her figure is very slim, and considered to be very short. Her clothing style mostly considers of gothic romantic style. She has very pale skin due to her own fragile body. She tends to wear boots more often than any other pair of shoes. The rosary she carries is more of a joke to her own humor. Her skin is regaining back it's red color due to her unique ability.

Short History:

Cecily was born as a child with a heart murmur and poor health due to her bicuspid valves. She also was born with the G&M gene, but due to the close relationship with her Uncle, her birthing doctor. He could not bear to let PG&M take her away and train her as a brainwashed robot. He altered her file and ended making her an illegal child. Some are born, some are late bloomers. Cecily would never become hers. Later on, she lived a happily life with her three siblings, loving parents who were never aware of her own secret. This would come back to bite everybody eventually.

The blue haired girl eventually lived a peaceful life, working in her parent's flower shop, and growing plants in their gardens back at their home. What was eventually thought of as a green thumb, Cecily's powers grew even more powerful. Throughout her unnatural ability to control them, she thought of it more as green thumb to nurse back dead plants. Little to her own family's knowledge, they were being watched. Carefully watched. Many of them came into their shop, just to end up watching Cecily. Cecily although had become ill, and sent to the hospital. She was thought to be on her deathbed. That was until any flowers that were placed around her comatose body would die immediately. That put her under a suspenseful watch by the PG&M Administrators. Her body eventually growing as if it was a flower itself around her. She bloomed back into full health as doctors grew amazed at her ability. It was then known, she was an illegal PG&M child unidentified by her Doctor.

Cecily eventually went back to her home. Her parents frightened of what will become of their youngest child. Cecily assured them that she would protect herself and them too. Her body was growing even more healthier, and was not as pale as she was. In the middle of the night, trucks had parked themselves in the suburbs. A letter had been sent, it was to retrieve Cecily or no brute force would happen. Cecily immediately tore up the letter, burning it. Not even sure of her being under heavy watch. The brute force had come as soon as the letter was ripped. She was terrified, but her ability began to manifest as plants around her grew larger and larger. Noticing the changes, with a swipe of her hand. The soldiers were flicked away with a heavy vine. Many of them shot at her, to which her healing ability saved her. Lest it be known, her family begged her to stop. She ran back inside of her home, only to be shot and dragged out screaming. She then woke up in a room, and they were testing her mentality.


-Green Thumb



-Book lover



-Has a very hot temper with those who test her, or threaten her.

-Lies in order to save herself once in a while.








-Project Gods and Monsters




-Authority figures


Plant Manipulation: The ability to grow plants, or deteriorate them at will. Her powers are controlled at will, or unless provoked. Can use them as weapons or a shield to keep within a safe area. POSSIBLY may have the ability to create new plants, and poisons at will also. Her genetic DNA matches that of a plant. Which may give her the ability to grow new limbs such as losing a leaf would due to a plant. Will need further data.

Healing Factor: Cecily's healing factor will only work unless plants are around. She absorbs their nutrients in order to keep herself healthy in battles. She could use the ability to heal others with good practice, but refuses to. Her healing factor will place others in a blooming cocoon which would need constant plants placed around the body to absorb the nutrients as she would. The cocoon is otherwise unbreakable. The cocoon would also be as if it was sealed chamber that would keep you in a comatose state. This state would be as if you were like Snow White. Many discovering her ability call this the Sleeping Death. Scientists are also trying to see if she could heal any other diseases that have plagued the nation such as leukemia, congenital heart disease, and AIDS.



Extra Information:

-Played Viola in her string orchestra

-Can name any plant shown to her


We may begin the RP! :D
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MoltenLightning said:


Full Name:

Amelia Locke





Astrological Sign:



Her hair is a blonde, but it has a slight pinkness to it somehow. Thus, why people occasionally like to call her Strawberry. Amelia's eyes are a forest green. Her hair is extremely long, as she refuses to cut it.


She wears a scarf that envelopes her face occasionally, but also stays just below on normal sightings. She can often be seen with boots that look a few sizes too big. That doesn't ever really seem to matter to her ability to run. She also wears silky gloves, as seen in the picture. These gloves are made out of a special material she made herself, which cancels out her acid and absorbs it. Most of her clothes are made out of this material, all except her necklace.

Short History:

When she was young, her family had moved around an increasingly frequent amount of times. She had to adapt. Even with her parents encouragement, she got frustrated at almost everything. However, when she was in 6th grade, something changed. She blew up like she usually did in class, throwing her notebook at someone. They knew it would happen. They laughed at her, pointing at her and giggling. She almost got even more angry, until she realized what was happening.

They were taking advantage of her reactions. So, she took a breath. She grabbed her notebook, took a seat, and stopped blowing up at them. They were dumbfounded, and irritated at their loss of fun. They moved again, and she kept this practice up at her new schools. She began scaring people, in the sense that they did NOT want to set her off. Sure, she had friends. But there was one time were she finally got FURIOUS. The kid had been poking her and calling her unclean names. As the last straw was pulled, she looked back at him. She gave him one last warning, but he laughed at her.

As he did, she grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. She held his arm against his back, grip hard as iron. She kept throwing terrifying threats at him, voice no higher than a whisper, beckoning him to continue. Eventually, he passed out for some unknown reason. After being interrogated, he refused to say what she said to him. He kept saying, "She'll hear me, I can't... Sh-she always does." even when Amelia was not anywhere near him. Amelia was soon suspended, but the story spread while she was gone. By that point, she was tested and put into the Balanced. But her results were close to Monster, dangerously close. She managed to just barely scrape by.


Quiet, enjoys her space. Shes a bit of a pessimist when it comes to situations she doesn't like, and will shoot you down if questioned about it. She'll seem patient, but secretly shes being very passive aggressive. A girl who seems a little too conscious about things, she enjoys listening to the world around her and is extremely intelligent. This surprises people, as she seems like she tries ignoring everything. Instead, shes there the entire time. Listening in intently. She isn't one to waver on her opinions. When someone pushes her over the edge, she'll go from a little annoyed to outright aggressive. She has a long-ish fuse with small firecrackers along the way, but a very large bomb awaits.

Her nerves are very easily set off, and she can even be seen from a distance scowling menacingly at things she doesn't like, as if passive-aggressively trying to will them to stop. When shes in an outright bad mood, things can get worse. She can be very gruff and easily shoot people down with strikingly blatant remarks. When shes happy, shes a little more upbeat and teases people lightly. Doesn't happen too often because of her constantly getting annoyed, but its better than the bad moods she has.

Though she doesn't like to point out that shes annoyed directly, you'll know. Through glaring or body language, most likely. Amelia blushes easy, getting frustrated with the fact that she does. When faced with a challenge, Amelia will think of why she wants to do it and pursue that goal viciously. Seriously, don't get in this girl's way if shes after something.

Whenever she becomes more than just angry, she becomes the stuff of nightmares. Manipulative, cold, merciless. Cruel in extremely surprising ways. The few who have gotten her beyond the state of yelling have used these comments to describe this condition, though people can rarely go over the threshold. This threshold being between her state of being very mad and then to completely and utterly furious.

She gets protective over those she ever gets close, even trying to prevent them from doing things all together. If she gets that close to someone, she would rather sacrifice herself rather than see that person disappear. Shes independent, so she will often make decisions without another's input.



*A bit viscous


*Easily annoyed



+ Listening

+ Calm seas

+ Being comforted

+ Being informed to calm down

+ Finding a way to not get angry at everything

+ Great Danes

+ Puppies


- Idiots

- Egoists

- People who lie for no reason

- Situations she has no control over

- Being forced to do something unpleasant

- Chihuahuas

- Lazy house cats


Telekinesis/Levitation -

Does this need to be explained? Yes, she can pick stuff up with her mind. This ability of hers is not one of her strongest, but she does enjoy using it. Amelia is slowly getting better at it as it is, but as of right now she can't pick up huge things. She has, however, been able to lift herself off the ground a few inches. She calls that a "Work In Progress".

Acid Secretion -

A tempered ability of hers, which she uses mainly when she is in danger or feels the need to use it. This corrosive acid affects a multitude of things, including skin, metal, plastic, wood... You name it, its probably affected by it. Obviously, her own skin is immune to it.

This ability can become uncontrollable. The acid comes from her mouth and hands most of the time, but she has special precautions for when it comes involuntarily. When it comes from the mouth, it feels like heart burn. So she has pills for that. Hands? Gloves. She always wears them, unless she needs to get serious. The clothing that she wears has the ability to negate the acid, explaining why she wears clothes that cover up most of her body.

Sound manipulation -

This is one of her greatest skills. For her, she uses it in a great multitude of ways. She can target a point of sound and heighten it, lower it, make it silenced... Or she can make it so she can hear it with startling accuracy. For example, let's say there is a TV in the other room. She has her door closed, with music. She can pinpoint a key word that she wants to hear and it will notify her by making the audio become clearly audible.

She can also be updated subconsciously by hearing the sound as white noise, whilst still being able to comprehend what is being said without being distracted. Amelia can also use it as a weapon, for obvious reasons. But this can be easily negated by using ear plugs or muffling the sound efficiently. Hands don't normally work, but being in water helps.


Balanced, teetering on Monster

Extra Information:

Nothing of note​
Oops! I forgot about this one! But otherwise accepted! :D
Full Name:Nell Arias.

Nickname: Nellie.


Astrological Sign:

Appearance: Short sleeved shirt, long pants, a blue heart tattoo on the arm, and a blue necklace.

Short History: This would spoil everything.

Personality: Rebelious, Creative and Shy.

Flaws: Has a dark past involving spiders.

Likes: Pizza, TV, Video Games, Friends, Family.

Dislikes: Spiders, Snakes, Reptiles, Underground, Ice.

Powers/Abilities: Can summon fire at any moment, the rest is undiscovered.

Classification: Clasified info.

Extra Information:

Full Name: Enfys Decaire

Nickname: Otter (Will be explained later on)


Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Appearance: (Sorry for no picture, my tablet is broken right now) Enfys has rich brown hair, dull gray eyes, and is rather lean and skinny. They have a pair of ears on top of their head and a tail that are both very similar to an otter's. They are a bit under average height, being 5'4" (1.6 meters). Their style is simplistc, with loose flexible clothing.

Short History: Enfys grew up in the wilderness with their parents. They learned to hunt, how to track, and fish. Then, at age seven, Enfys's parents got caught in a forest fire and burned to death, while Enfys watched from the safety of the river. Then, they lived on their own, living off the land so to speak. They trapped, hunted, and fished in order to survive.

After three years on solitude, Enfys was captured and illegally enslaved by a circus, being shown as "The Magnificent Otterboy". The circus owners and animal trainer starved and whipped Enfys as punishment to their uncooperation. Enfys went through this life for 7 years, at some points only surviving because a few of the other performers would sneak them food. Because of these seven years, Enfys developed a massive fear of anything circus-related. They will have panic attacks to anything that sounds like a whip, or go into flashbacks when they see or hear an elephant. After these seven years, the authorities busted the circus that Enfys was in, and sent Enfys to PG&M. (Sorry for the bland backstory)

Personality: Enfys is very shy and distrustful, but quite loyal to the ones they trust. They are also very anxious and jumpy, having anxiety and panic attacks very commonly. Enfys is also very intelligent and observing, but this is dismissed by their inability to fully speak English.

Flaws: Enfys is very vulnerable in terms of their mind. Fire, sounds similar to a whip, lowns, and many other circus-related things will cause them to have a flashback or anxiety attack.

Likes: Seafood, swimming, puzzles, art, and, oddly, engineering.

Dislikes: Fire, circuses, confined spaces, darkness, and loud sounds.



Enfys has increased dexterity and endurance, but they lack in the strength department. Also, due to their wilderness experience, they are quite proficient with a spear.


Enfys has enchanced smell and hearing, as well as night vision


Enfys has atmokinesis (weather), which is a combination of thermoregulation, aerokinesis, electrokinesis, and hydrokinesis. These have limits, however. Enfys cannot create weather not inherent to the climate, so they can't creat a rainstorm in the desert. They can't make anything stronger than a moderate thunderstorm, nor can they create a lightning bolt the power of a nuclear blast.

Classification: Balanced, but was almost put in Monster due to their reaction at first impressions

Extra Information: Enfys uses they/them pronouns, I hope this is acceptable because I use them too. Also, Enfys can recreate the sounds of an otter, like chirping, but they can only speak very broken English. Also, if Enfys is too OP, I can water down their abilities​
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Full Name:Alec Greenwater



Astrological Sign:Virgo


Short History:Alec never really knew his parents. He grew up at Greenwater orphanage. He was chosen for adoption several times, but always was returned with the only excuse being he didn't fit in. Though Alec always knew the real reason they returned him. They were afraid of him and what he knew. You see Alec was a weird child he did work well with others, but never talked to the point people that he was mute and if he ever did talk what he said would leave you shocked. It was like he knew everything about you and knew exactly what to say to either make you happy or destroy you emotionally. Though he mostly wanted to make people happy and he never disobeyed the rules.

After a while of the same routine of being adopted and dropped off again people finally stopped coming. He always tried to keep hope that one day he would find a family. Though he started loosing hope and that's when the orphanage people told him they found some missing documents from his birth. He didn't know why this was important until some strange people came and took him to the Gods and Monsters program.

Personality: Kind to a fault, quiet, wise, honest-ish, childish when warms up to people and, able to read people very easily.

Flaws: Over trusting, slight lies, a little to quiet, and one other but it's a secret.

Likes: Helping people, swimming, books, quiet, and any element.

Dislikes: To much lying, judging people to early, darkness, fighting when not needed, and people calling him Nexus

Powers/Abilities: Element manipulation-ability to manipulate water, fire, earth, wind, and in rare occasion thunder and ice. Plus, he can also mix all his elemental powers together to create anything he desires, but with great risk of destroying himself and everything around him.

Classification: God

Extra Information: People with elemental powers may feel stronger or weaker around him because his body sometimes releases or absorbs elemental energy.

P.S. He took his last name as the orphanage because he never really had a last name and it was a way of remembering where he came from.
Full Name: Evelyn Ortan

Nickname: Ivy

Age: 15

Astrological Sign: Aquarius


Short History: She was never sure why she has these powers, only that she has them. All she knows is this place, this project. It's the only home she has left, and that's all she has ever known.

Personality: friendly, powerful, lier, internally emotional, her voices can convince her to do things, so she can act very differently.

Flaws: She is slow to anger, to an extreme point. And when she does finally get angry, she explodes and its near impossible to calm her down.

Likes: music, researching, somethings the voices say, cooking, climbing, night

Dislikes: large crowds, silence, somethings the voices say, small spaces, being trapped, being oppressed.

Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis

Classification: God

She has two people who speak in her head, Malum and Dolor
Scythio said:
Full Name: Enfys Decaire
Nickname: Otter (Will be explained later on)


Astrological Sign: Aquarius

Appearance: (Sorry for no picture, my tablet is broken right now) Enfys has rich brown hair, dull gray eyes, and is rather lean and skinny. They have a pair of ears on top of their head and a tail that are both very similar to an otter's. They are a bit under average height, being 5'4" (1.6 meters). Their style is simplistc, with loose flexible clothing.

Short History: Enfys grew up in the wilderness with their parents. They learned to hunt, how to track, and fish. Then, at age seven, Enfys's parents got caught in a forest fire and burned to death, while Enfys watched from the safety of the river. Then, they lived on their own, living off the land so to speak. They trapped, hunted, and fished in order to survive.

After three years on solitude, Enfys was captured and illegally enslaved by a circus, being shown as "The Magnificent Otterboy". The circus owners and animal trainer starved and whipped Enfys as punishment to their uncooperation. Enfys went through this life for 7 years, at some points only surviving because a few of the other performers would sneak them food. Because of these seven years, Enfys developed a massive fear of anything circus-related. They will have panic attacks to anything that sounds like a whip, or go into flashbacks when they see or hear an elephant. After these seven years, the authorities busted the circus that Enfys was in, and sent Enfys to PG&M. (Sorry for the bland backstory)

Personality: Enfys is very shy and distrustful, but quite loyal to the ones they trust. They are also very anxious and jumpy, having anxiety and panic attacks very commonly. Enfys is also very intelligent and observing, but this is dismissed by their inability to fully speak English.

Flaws: Enfys is very vulnerable in terms of their mind. Fire, sounds similar to a whip, lowns, and many other circus-related things will cause them to have a flashback or anxiety attack.

Likes: Seafood, swimming, puzzles, art, and, oddly, engineering.

Dislikes: Fire, circuses, confined spaces, darkness, and loud sounds.



Enfys has increased dexterity and endurance, but they lack in the strength department. Also, due to their wilderness experience, they are quite proficient with a spear.


Enfys has enchanced smell and hearing, as well as night vision


Enfys has atmokinesis (weather), which is a combination of thermoregulation, aerokinesis, electrokinesis, and hydrokinesis. These have limits, however. Enfys cannot create weather not inherent to the climate, so they can't creat a rainstorm in the desert. They can't make anything stronger than a moderate thunderstorm, nor can they create a lightning bolt the power of a nuclear blast.

Classification: Balanced, but was almost put in Monster due to their reaction at first impressions

Extra Information: Enfys uses they/them pronouns, I hope this is acceptable because I use them too. Also, Enfys can recreate the sounds of an otter, like chirping, but they can only speak very broken English. Also, if Enfys is too OP, I can water down their abilities​
Accepted! :D Love the Otter-ryness.

[QUOTE="Endemic Wolf]
Full Name:Alec Greenwater


Astrological Sign:Virgo


Short History:Alec never really knew his parents. He grew up at Greenwater orphanage. He was chosen for adoption several times, but always was returned with the only excuse being he didn't fit in. Though Alec always knew the real reason they returned him. They were afraid of him and what he knew. You see Alec was a weird child he did work well with others, but never talked to the point people that he was mute and if he ever did talk what he said would leave you shocked. It was like he knew everything about you and knew exactly what to say to either make you happy or destroy you emotionally. Though he mostly wanted to make people happy and he never disobeyed the rules.

After a while of the same routine of being adopted and dropped off again people finally stopped coming. He always tried to keep hope that one day he would find a family. Though he started loosing hope and that's when the orphanage people told him they found some missing documents from his birth. He didn't know why this was important until some strange people came and took him to the Gods and Monsters program.

Personality: Kind to a fault, quiet, wise, honest-ish, childish when warms up to people and, able to read people very easily.

Flaws: Over trusting, slight lies, a little to quiet, and one other but it's a secret.

Likes: Helping people, swimming, books, quiet, and any element.

Dislikes: To much lying, judging people to early, darkness, fighting when not needed, and people calling him Nexus

Powers/Abilities: Element manipulation-ability to manipulate water, fire, earth, wind, and in rare occasion thunder and ice. Plus, he can also mix all his elemental powers together to create anything he desires, but with great risk of destroying himself and everything around him.

Classification: God

Extra Information: People with elemental powers may feel stronger or weaker around him because his body sometimes releases or absorbs elemental energy.

P.S. He took his last name as the orphanage because he never really had a last name and it was a way of remembering where he came from.

Accepted! Swimming is pretty cool.
Altaynna said:
Full Name: Evelyn Ortan
Nickname: Ivy

Age: 15

Astrological Sign: Aquarius


Short History: She was never sure why she has these powers, only that she has them. All she knows is this place, this project. It's the only home she has left, and that's all she has ever known.

Personality: friendly, powerful, lier, internally emotional, her voices can convince her to do things, so she can act very differently.

Flaws: She is slow to anger, to an extreme point. And when she does finally get angry, she explodes and its near impossible to calm her down.

Likes: music, researching, somethings the voices say, cooking, climbing, night

Dislikes: large crowds, silence, somethings the voices say, small spaces, being trapped, being oppressed.

Powers/Abilities: Telekinesis

Classification: God

She has two people who speak in her head, Malum and Dolor
Accepted! Hooray for voices!
Full name: Oisin Bridjet.

Nickname: Ocean, Oceana, SatanJr.

Age: 14.

Astrolocal sign: Sagittarius.

Appearance: Chubby, small. Greasy, brownish red hair, it looking messy. Her tainted cracked skin and non exsistant eyes. Very visible eye bags under them, she has a scary looking smile along with sharp teeth and a long black tounge. Normally seen wearing a all black track suit, with black walking boots.

History: Made off of negative emotions, she's been around for a while, the negitivity impacting and making a being, she is capable of feeling other emotions but they are very slight, since the negotiate ones are basically her life support.

Extra: she feeds off negativity.

Personality: Very, unique to say the least, quite a angry person she will snap at you in a instant and has the ongoing effect of 'telling you how it is.'. She has the most offensive humor and offensive way on saying things, quite merciless and very protective over people she loves. Lazy, but energetic when up and about.

Flaws: Bipolar personality, rage can come in seconds as it's very hard to control her, has a constant way on manipulation often befriending people just to gain and use them for humor. Cannot stand crowds and loud places even though she's quite loud herself. She's awful at socialising.

Likes: Forest, music, drawing, sport. E.c.t.

Dislikes: Judgmentive people, not being aloud to do something, being abandoned, e.c.t.

Powers: Her body made out of emotions she has no real body, just what looks like a clump of black mass. She can use that fact to dodge and snapshift(the physical form she shows is her shapeshifted version of herself) however she cannot form eyes, making that the fatal point of her body. She can also use magic, aka witchcraft, often chanting spells and such to make life easier.

Classification: Monster
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Full name:Oren Anderson



Astrological sign:???

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.a4fd3c6d7601d7fc3f095a864b7221c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121079" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.a4fd3c6d7601d7fc3f095a864b7221c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

History:Oren was a Knights,squire several hundred years ago...his life ended when a comet struck him while he was riding behind his "sir" hundreds of years passed and recently he has been reborn (he had never died it took him a loooong time to learn how to make his body out of solid light,he was found and put into this academy within moments after his reforming and as of yet it is all he knows

Extra:has a childlike mentality

Personality:Oren is energetic,kind,naive,bold and has a very strong sense of justice

Flaws:lack of what should be basic knowledge

Likes:learning,the daytime,multicolored lights,nice people,and the human dish Pie

Dislikes:scary things,mean people,the dark,fighting

Powers:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.66ae12c3b6465a5951b156a3ae626b88.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="121080" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpg.66ae12c3b6465a5951b156a3ae626b88.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He transforms into this a being of pure energy in this form he has complete control over energy and achieves enlightenment revealing hidden knowledge of the universe

Also he has no physical body in this form

Can become "detached"from his humanity in this form


Others:his energy form is a benevolent force usually ending battles with no harm coming to any parties involved



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