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Fantasy God Seeds (Characters)

Dragon Slayer Arcos

End All Life; Embrace Silence
Main Thread

How to have your character accepted in easy steps!!
  1. Copy and paste the below format into a reply in this thread.
  2. You may alter the layout however you wish to express creativity. But ALL preset fields must be included.
  3. Complete your character sheets
  4. @tag me once you have completed your characters. This way I get a notif that you are ready for critique
  5. I will like your post if I find your character acceptable. Thereafter, you may begin posting in the Main Thread.
  6. Should I have not liked your characters 24 hours after you completed it, shoot me a PM, and I will be happy to talk about to get it accepted.
  7. DO NOT clog the OOC or this thread with questions why your character hasn't been accepted. Usually it's little things and easy to fix.
  8. !!Note!! Once a character is accepted, the skeleton is copied and pasted into the accepted post. If anything needs to altered at a later time, notify me.
[b]Name:[/b] First & Last
[b]Alias/Nickname:[/b] Can have 2
[b]Age:[/b] 18-70
Personality:[/b] 1 Paragraph
[b]Backstory:[/b] 1-2 paragraphs
[b]Inheritance:[/b] Which God you hail from. E.I. The God of Fire and Passion. 
[b]Powers:[/b] 3 Max. Explain how the powers can be used. Powers must have similar natures, E.I. telekinesis, telepathy, illusion casting. Not clashing such as telepathy, elemental manipulation, spell casting.
[i]:Power 1:
:Power 2:
:Power 3:[/i]
[b]Weaknesses:[/b] Must have for each power
[b]Sacred Item:[/b] These items unlocks the full power of the Gods, will be introduced later in RP. Please post a link to a pic of item. Can be pretty much anything inanimate.
[b]Alignment:[/b] Good/Evil/Neutral (There must be a balance of characters here. Place first choice first, then second choice after a coma.)
Name: Caius Silvermoon

Alias/Nickname: Angel

Age: 22

Gender: Androgynous Male

Orientation: Demisexual

Angel has been told many times by his friends that he is a very charismatic person who is able to inspire people greatly. Angel is someone who is very artistic and sorta of a go with the flow type of person though he is willing to take charge of any situation at any moment. He is a very sociable person, so its very easy for him to make friends though at times he just likes to be by himself and sleep. Some people even say that he is a little bit silver tongued. Angel is willing to take a life and not feel bad about it.
Backstory: Angel was born into a middle class family. When Angel was younger, he was very timid and shy. Angel believed that he would never grow out of being timid and shy in order for him to make friends. As Angel grew older, he started to realize that he was growing more out of his old shell and being someone new. Fearing the rapid change to be something bad, Angel asked his parents' what was wrong with him but was sadden when they told him they didn't know and. Upon reaching the age 18, he experienced dreams of a woman standing in the middle of nowhere to where she was sitting on a throne in an empty room. Angel thought he could hear her call out his name though he could only hear her calling him clearly recently.
Now being able to hear her clearly, she told him that she selected him as her Prince to fight in the trails of the Gods. She also told him that she was the reason why his personality changed rapidly due to her deleting some of his bad emotions and placing them with better onces. Stunned by her enchanting voice and beauty, Angel couldn't speak in fear of making her upset but nodded his head to show that he was listening. Smiling, the Deity told him that she was sorry for turning his life upside down by forcing him into a game he never agreed to. Angel shook his head and kneeled down before her saying that he would be honored to be her Prince for her game. Laughing, the Deity told him to stand up so that she could tell him the rules of the game. After doing so, the goddess told him that if he was completed the trails then he would become the new God of Void. Still stunned by what was being asked of him, Angel told the Goddess that he will does his best for her. He would make her proud. Laughing, the goddess step down from her throne and kissed Angel, gifting him her seed as the Deity of Void in order represent that he was chosen by her to become a worthy candidate for the Trail of the Gods. Blushing slightly, she told him that she will be waiting for him if he survived the trials. She also told him to not make much of a name for himself since that will allow him to survive longer in the Trails. Blinking only once, Angel found himself back in his home stunned by the kiss. Smiling softly, Angel prayed to the goddess saying that he will do his best so that he can meet her again.

Inheritance: The Goddess of Void

Power 1: Void Magic- Angel is able to use very little extent of the void at a price. The more powerful the magic is though, Angel will have to give up something in return for using the magic. It can range from not being able to sleep for days to losing a piece of identity of himself till he is just an empty body with no soul or emotion.
Power 2: Void field- this power allows Angel to create a field big enough to cover an entire battlefield where if someone is in it, all of their powers/abilities are negated and other magic can't be used in it nor can anything outside of it can destroy the field. It forces everyone in the field to rely only on skill instead of their god/goddesses power. Angel can only use one power in the field and that is to turn off the shield.
Power 3:
Imperceptibility- this power allows Angel to become completely undetectable from any other person besides his goddess nor can anyone perceive him. Not even the best trackers can find him when he activates this ability. He can also grant that power to someone else for a short time.
Weaknesses: Angel power may overpower him at any moment while he is using it. He may accidentally delete a part of his memory, emotions, a part of his body, or even where he is standing if he doesn't control his power properly. Angel is prone to blacking out at moment.Angel has a slight fear of things bigger than a mountain. Angel also has a very strong Scopophobia and Pediophobia. (Fear of being watched and a fear of dolls.)

Sacred Item:
Ring of Emptiness


Alignment: Neutral, Evil

His appearance:

His goddess:

His Weapon:
Crimson Moon
Grim Reaper

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
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Name: Ryder Francois
Alias/Nickname: Messenger
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Backstory: WIP
Inheritance: Malachi, The God of Electricity and Transportation
Powers: WIP
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:

Weaknesses: WIP
Sacred Item: Dragon Ring of Deliverance
Other: WIP
Alignment: Neutral, Evil
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Name: Dezmond Hallsey.
Alias/Nickname: Dizzy.
Age: 25.
Gender: Male.
Orientation: Straight.
Personality: wip.
Backstory: wip.
Inheritance: Alessia, Goddess of Trickery and Evasion.
Powers: wip.
Power 1:
Power 2:
Power 3:

Weaknesses: wip.
Sacred Item: wip.
Other: wip.
Alignment: Evil.
Name: Tsume Rakshi
Alias/Nickname: None
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Tsume is often a joker and prankster, despite having a intimidating presence. Do watch out for shaving creme and whoopee cushions. He is also incredibly loyal and friendly. He will give his life for someone else in a heartbeat. Never get on his bad side though. Just don't...
Backstory: Tsume was born on December 5th, a snowy day. He was a strange child, always looking for where his mother hid the potentially dangerous items. Tsume, once when he was 9, got his hands on his fathers ax, and when his parents got home, found him swinging it outside and testing it's weight. They rushed over and grabbed it out of his hands, but when they looked him over, not a scratch to be found. Later, when asked why he was practicing, he said, "So I can protect my home if needed."

Later, once able, his parents got him a weapons licence, and he made true to his promise. Tsume woke up to a scream, grabbing his new ax. He crept downstairs, just to see his parents having a gun pointed at them. His quick thinking allowed him to creep up behind the burglar and knock him out. Tsume's parents later called the police, and the burglar was arrested. Since then, he has finished college and graduated.
Inheritance: The God of War, Honor, and Tactics.
Power 1: Summon soldiers who have died in combat to aid him.
Power 2: Manipulating negative emotions to start fights.
Weaknesses: Atropa Belladonna (A.K.A. Deadly Nightshade)
Sacred Item: Two of these: https://img-new.cgtrader.com/items/654718/ac3e0923b5/fantasy-ax-3d-model-low-poly-obj.jpg
Other: Gets semi-violent ideas sometimes
Alignment: Good, Neutral
Name: Orion Nightgem
Alias/Nickname: Dragon; Leader [Prefers to be called by his actual name, though]
Age: 20
Personality:Orion is a very intelligent individual, which makes him a great scholar, reader, and author. Emotions are things that he is not very good at unveiling, or showing at all in that matter. He almost always got good grades in school, and won most games of checkers, or anything that involved strategic planning. He prefers to use his brain than his body, and will make that plainly evident if you ever meet him. Orion also has OCD, as well as a bit of Introvert in him.
Backstory: Orion was born into a normal family, on a normal day, in a normal place. But he was not normal. The rest of his family had aspired to be business professors or farmers. He much different than them in that retrospect. Orion almost never smiled as a child, which kept being true through his high school and college years. H excelled in almost every class he took, and used hs brain to win challenges laid before him.
But there of course were his dreams. When he old enough to be able to remember his dreams, he dreamt about playing chess with this other man. The man never changed, but as Orion grew he became more and more determined to win. Finally, one fateful night in the realm of dreams, Orion laid down his king, and said, "Checkmate". The opposing man looked up. "You have grown well, Orion. I am glad that my efforts were not wasted on you. You will be my Seed for the Trail to come. Remember to use your mind more than your body, as it can help more than you know. I will be waiting. Goodbye". And with that, Orion woke up, with his new mission in mind.
Inheritance: The God of Arachnids and Strategy
Power 1: Arachnaphobia - Can control any spiders or insects close to the Arachnid family within range
Power 2: Master of Strings - Can create thick purple strings out of thin air for various purposes
Power 3: Notemind - Anything he writes down on paper is filed into the cabinet that is Orion's brain

Weaknesses: If he loses focus during any of these, insects will become aggressive towards anyone, rope will dissapear, and he might forget a few things.
Sacred Item: https://rlv.zcache.com/pretty_purpl...50b064877898daa1aeddae675_xz8dz_8byvr_540.jpg

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
Name: Zander Blake
Alias/Nickname: None at the moment
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Zander tends to give off a cold, emotionless atmosphere with his appearance, but under the gruff features he's something else entirely. Under the rough-looking exterior, you'll find he's someone who enjoys a laugh every now and then. He isn't necessarily a dealer of jokes, but he'll pull a few out of his pocket on occasion. He loves to give out metaphors and lessons on hunting too. His facial expression doesn't change much from a straight face though. When he chooses to act they way he looks, his more intelligent and focused side will come out. He is calculating and a quick thinker. He plans out a scenario and as many contingencies as he can before acting.

Backstory: Born to a lower middle class family, money for food wasn't always available. This is where a family pastime that goes back centuries, hunting. From a young age his father taught him the tips and tricks to hunting. Taught him how to use a gun, how to use a bow, and tracking. Zander was a quick learner, so he caught on rather easily. In no time he was out with his father, bringing in game for food when the family needed. Eventually, he began rivaling his father at it, but Zander never treated as a sport like his father did. He treated it like a battle, a battle of wits between him and the hunt. When he's tracking it through the woods, it's almost as if it's creating these winding path on purpose, trying to through him off. In order to bag his opponent, he had to outsmart them. His father saw it as a little odd that his son took hunting so seriously, and Zander couldn't see how his father saw it as just a sport.

Around the age of 19, when he was nearly moved out, he went out to hunt. As he was sitting in the brush, rifle in hand, a hawk landed right beside him. He thought it was strange, as birds wouldn't ever do that. He'd never seen anything like it, but it was about to get stranger. As he spotted a buck he had been stalking for a few days, the hawk began speaking. It was communicating to him telepathically, a voice in his head. It said, "The hunt isn't about who's higher on the food chain, nor about who is the hunter and who is the hunted. It is about intelligence. Your prey is smarter than you think. Over the years, it has learned the movements, the techniques, the tricks of it opponents. Now, you plan to best it in a battle of wit. Can you win?". His eyes widened for a moment as it communicated with him. He aimed back down the scope, following the deer. It was moving throughout trees, using them as cover. "What will you do now, Zander?" it asked. Zander grinned and replied with, "Win". He let out a noise, similar to a bleat of his opponent. The buck stopped and stuck it's head up, exposing it's flank, and Gideon had a clear shot at the heart.

With a squeeze of the trigger, his opponent fell. "Good", the hawk said. Zander still sat in the tall grass as he lowered the rifle. The hawk explained what was going on. It stated that it had been watching him for a long time. It had been judging him, evaluating him, determining if he was a worthy of the status of the God of Precision and the Hunt. They sat there for a bit longer and talked about what was to follow, and Zander gladly took on the responsibility, despite being told all of the risks he'd face.

Inheritance: Arai, God of Precision and the Hunt

Power 1: 2 of the greatest hunters in nature are the hawk and the wolf. Zander was given the ability to transform into both.
Power 2: One of the many skills a true hunter masters is tracking their prey. Zander has been given the ability to detect and follow trails better than any human could through heightened senses such as the enhanced hearing and sense of smell that a wolf possess.
Power 3: Something that is essential for effective hunting is the ability to aim accurately. Thanks to the eyesight of a hawk, Zander can aim more accurately than a human could. He can also see farther and detect slight movements in his surroundings better.

Weaknesses: A con to being able to shift into his wolf and hawk forms is that the longer he's in those forms, the longer it will take him to shift back into his human form. He also cannot speak in his animal forms. His tracking ability isn't a guarantee, and it may lead him down a different trail at times.

Sacred Item:



Neutral, Good

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
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Samuel Pascazi
Alias/Nickname: None.
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Orientation: Asexual
Personality: Sam is a calm individual, he rarely seems to talk besides using gestures to communicate. He is observant, cold-blooded and mischievous. Despite being old, he is full of energy and does everything to make him feel young again.

Backstory: WIP

Inheritance: The God of Imaginations

Power 1: Miming Effect - Sam's powers revolve around gestures and any movement of the body, especially the hands. Miming changes and shapes the reality around him, making Sam himself a super mime. This power, however, isn't visible to the eyes except for the user itself. Example of this power includes: forming his hand in a gun that actually shoots, drive an imaginary taxi, draw an imaginary samurai sword from the waist, etc.

Weaknesses: In order for his powers to take effect, his body must be free to produce desired effect. Without his hands, he won't be able to pull certain tricks involving his hands.

Sacred Item: WIP.

Other: Collects comic books for a living

Evil, Neutral
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Name: Petronia Volta

Alias/Nickname: Petra

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Petra is a very high-spirited young woman with a strong sense for justice. She will stand up for herself and those close to her and will do what it takes to see people get what they deserve. She is wonderfully vivacious, emotionally driven and passionate. She has a large heart and tends to love and trust people too quickly. However, once that trust is betrayed it is unlikely that she will become close with them again.

Backstory: The childhood of Petronia Volta was almost entirely uneventful. She lived with her father and younger brother, Leonardo, in a small cottage on a beautiful meadowy hill all growing up. Her father taught her everything she knows. He showed her how to explore the woodlands surrounding their home without getting lost, he taught her to make a proper fire, he taught her to forge her own tools. When she wasn’t with her father, she was with Leonardo playing make believe in the woods.

One cold, spring morning, during one of her magical adventures with Leonardo, something changed. He was chasing her with a walking stick and she was running away, laughing all the while. She ran until she stepped beyond the line of trees and into the meadow. The sun shone down onto her face and her eyes lit up like stars. She felt the beams of light fall over her like a blanket. She closed her eyes and basked in the sun for a moment. When she opened them again she felt a profound instinct of belonging. A feeling of opportunity. Her saving grace. A chance to control her destiny.

Inheritance: The Goddess of the Sun

Power 1: She can draw light energy from the flesh of her hand, creating a golden orb of light that hovers in her palm. She can then cast the orb outwards towards a being or an object.
Power 2: She can summon bolts of heat energy, similar to lightning bolts.

Weaknesses: The orbs of light cannot be used to attack, only as a source of light or as a distraction, and can dissipate at any random time. The heat bolts are hard to control. Without a strong focus, they could touch down anywhere in the general area.

Sacred Item: https://ae01.alicdn.com/wsphoto/v0/...NE-YELLOW-QUARTZ-CRYSTAL-POINT-Healing-AA.jpg

Alignment: Neutral, Good

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
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Name: Calliope Silence O'Brian
Alias/Nickname: Callie, Canary
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Orientation: Heterosexual
Personality: Sweet with just a touch of sarcasm.
Backstory: 1-2 paragraphs
Inheritance: Ewenika, Goddess of Sound
1. Echolocation : Locating things using the vibrations in the air and effectively granting this blind girl the power of sight no matter the environment.
2. Canary Cry: Emits a high-frequency sound that forces air to rush forward, much like the aftermath of an explosion.
3. Omnilingual Interpretation : Callie is able to understand and speak any language of any living being.
1. Because she solely relies on echolocation and the help of others for her sight it is very easy to disorient her.
2. In the same way, using her supersonic voice can be very painful to her own sensitive ears and cause her to become temporarily lost until she's able to find her bearings again.
3. She isn't aware when she's using her power of interpretation which can lead to some confusion and a lack of being able to effectively translate to those around her. Occasionally she slips in and out of control and can end up with a really jumbled sentence.
Sacred Item: Third-Eye
Other: She's blind as a bat.
Alignment: Good, neutral

(Idk which one to useeeeeeeeeeeee)
Anime Appearance
Realistic Appearance
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Name: Zenya
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Orientation: Celibate
Personality: Meek, humble, and kind. Zenya's charm comes from her gentle nature. She enjoys doing menial tasks such as sweeping and watering plants. Zenya is gracious and pious, she spends at least a half an hour a day to meditate and pray. Whenever she is given the opportunity, she volunteers to help the impoverished. Zenya loves animals and takes care of many stray beasts, birds, and reptiles of all kinds.
Backstory: Zenya was found in a basket in front of the Sacred Temple of Shonin in the Grove. The monk Branyet named her after a legendary priestess and raised her in the Temple. Zenya grew up in the temple her whole life, becoming friends with mostly the young children who come visit the temple. The nuns raised Zenya, teaching her how to read and write, how to sew, how to do everything in the Temple. Zenya's primary duties as a nun in the temple is cleaning the grounds as well as cooking meals for visitors, both people and animals alike.
Inheritance: Shonin, God of Hope and Determination
Lift Spirits: Through touch and her gentle voice, she can lift the spirits of anybody to become more determined to accomplish their goal. It also has the ability remedy most ailments, but not necessarily outright cure them.
Deep Empathy: Through eye contact with people or beasts, Zenya is able to feel their emotions and understand their motives. This is not telepathy and she is unable to project her thoughts to other people, neither is she able to read thoughts.
Resurrect: At the cost of her own life, she can resurrect a deceased person to full health.
Weaknesses: Described in each power.
Sacred Item: Plain wooden prayer beads.
Good, Evil

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
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Name: Caleb Cahill

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Orientation: Asexual

Caleb is the really quiet and introverted type. He usually just observes other people and doesn't get involved. Caleb also hates attention, and prefers to stay in the shadows of others. He also doesn't like making friends with anyone, often staying in his own world. He may look detached from all the other people, but he is extremely observant and always aware of his surroundings.

Backstory: Caleb lives with his sister, who is two years younger than him. At the age of 8, both his mother and father died. Having been really close to them he was devastated. After struggling for almost a decade, he finally recovered. He decided that he didn't want to make anyone feel bad because of his death. This is the reason why Caleb doesn't really try to make friends or talk to people. The only person he could freely talk to is his sister Caitlyn, Caleb would do anything to protect his younger sister. To much of Caitlyn's annoyance, Caleb always treats her as a little girl.

Inheritance: The God of observation
Power 1: Psychometry: Caleb is able to gain information about the objects he is touching. This could mean gaining memories from people, or receiveing instruction on how a object is to be used.
Power 2: Clairvoyant: Caleb could pick up feelings from people. He could also enter people's minds and observe that person's senses, however, he can't read minds with this ability.

Weaknesses: Psychometry puts a huge strain on Caleb's mind. Doing it too much times gives him splitting headaches and wears his physical strength out. It is hard to control the
feelings he receives, this puts stress on his mental health, but he does a good job of hiding that. When entering someone's mind, his physical body would become an empty shell.

Sacred Item: https://img.gawkerassets.com/img/18p6clxiqkvlipng/original.png (Adamantane)

Alignment: Neutral, Good

Dragon Slayer Arcos Dragon Slayer Arcos
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