...the Story Teller
In this world there are thirteen kingdoms. Each one has their own rules, cultures, rulers, religions, climates, landscapes and main exports. Each one has their ups and each one has their downs. It is up to you to make the best of them and where you call home. The left is information on the country and on the right are their emperor's clothing.
Main Export: Gold
Deity: Suzaku
Dress Style: Tang Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Ruby Red
Kohnan is a southern country so it is very warm and their main export is gold. They are the richest country by far because of their export and are said to be quite a spoiled people. Their national color is ruby red and their insignia is the Phoenix. Their god is Suzaku, god of the south, passion, flame and life. He is depicted as a tall man with burning red hair and eyes with tanned skin and a red diamond in the center of his forehead showing that he is a god. He is symbolized by the red Phoenix. The people that live here are lively, active and loud. They are avid martial artists and are expected to know at least three styles of martial arts by the age of fifteen. The princes of this kingdom are treasured and are taught by the finest of tutors. Princes of Kohnan are required to be skilled at ten different styles of martial arts, have knowledge of ruling and governing the kingdom, mastered political strategies, understand mathematics, sciences and many other things by the age of fifteen. Princesses, are given a lot more freedom than the boys as they are not really able to hold power, no matter the circumstances. They are raised to play instruments, read, write, dance and needlework. They are often viewed as secondary to any prince. Any princess is always behind the youngest prince, no matter her age.
Main Export: Steal
Deity: Byako
Dress Style: Shang Dynasty Clothing
National Color: White
Hokan is an eastern country and quite a wide range over mountains and much of their landscape composes of those mountains. Because of the high altitude, the people don't leave those mountains much and have a regular home inside the mountains themselves. Much like dwarfs but with Elvin flair and feel. The palace is at the very top of the highest mountain and the most lavish of any dwelling with ceilings reaching more than twenty feet in height. Their diety is Byako, god of the East and wind. He is depicted as a slender man with long white hair, white eyes and dressed in lavish white silks decorated with white tiger fur and a white diamond in the center of his forehead to appoint his godhood. He is symbolized by the white Siberian tiger. The people that live in Hokan are very hearty and don't require much comfort but they are very susceptible to heat so they prefer their mountain tops where it is nice and cool. They both live and work in the mountains, mining ore and smelting it to make different kinds of metal. Steal being the most prominent but other precious metals are also derived from there, such as Archium, a light type of steal but as light as silk and can be made into fabric or weapons, depending on how it is crafted. It is very malleable and the Emperor of Hokan actually wears robes MADE of Archium. However, though it is strong it is also rare and that is why only the Hokan Emperor wears it. Other countries are given one weapon of the ruler's desire made of the material but only when a new ruler ascends the thrown as the metal is precious. Here, as in Kohnan, boys are praised more than girls and women are looked upon as less than pets. They are used for manual labor if they cannot produce a son at a certain age. If they are not given to a husband, they are given to the labor force. Even princesses will work if they are found useless or fall out of favor with any man.
Main Export: Pure Water
Deity: Sereyu
Dress Style: Yuan Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Azure Blue
Syro is a western country with many forests and valleys. These valleys are filled with pure drinking water and even during the dry seasons they have an over abundance. The land is also called the "Dragon's Way". Because of this vast water system, they are able to supply the other countries with drinking and bathing water throughout the years without having to worry about themselves at all. Sereyu is their deity and he is depicted as a soldier wearing blue armor with long, flowing, blue hair and deep blue eyes. He has a single blue diamond in the center of his forehead that represents his godhood. He is symbolized by the blue dragon and the emperor will always wear some sort of blue dragon upon his clothing to show that he always fallows the path Sereyu lays before him. The people of this country wear a fabric that is quick to dry when out of the water but will keep them warm when in the water. The style may be a bit of a hindrance but they have become excellent swimmers from young ages. Those who cannot, drown early on. As with the previous nations, women are not thought highly of. Women are not seen as more than just baby makers and are often traded around to bear more sons. They appearance of the females are slightly important so they are at least fed well and are taken care of in hopes of bearing more sons.
Main Export: Vegetables
Deity: Genbu
Dress Style: Qin Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Forest Green
Chuto is a rather peaceful place in the planes to the north. There are few trees but a lot of grassy flat planes. They are mostly farmlands and pride themselves on their horses and prowess as distance hunters. Women are not permitted to fight but depending on circumstances, noble women may be permitted to study fighting. Princesses are given more care and honor but they are still considered less than men. The deity they fallow is Genbu, god of the west and the earth. He is depicted with braided black hair and black eyes. He wars earth tone robes and a very strong body with a deep green diamond on his forehead showing his status as a deity. He is symbolized as a turtle with a snake head. The emperor is skilled hunting with every available weapon and trains his sons personally so that they will compete to take over the throne. Only the strongest and wisest would take over the country. They may be farmers and pride themselves on their horses, their major export is vegetables.
Han Shi
Main Export: Vegetables and Wheat
Deity: Toshi
Dress Style: Zui Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Violet
Main Export: Wood
Deity: Hanzushi
Dress Style: Victorian Style Clothing
National Color: Orange
Main Export: Jewels (diamonds, sapphires, rubies ect.)
Deity: Noemi
Dress Style: Grecian Style Clothing
National Color: Grey
Quitan Hashi
Main Export: Crystals (Amethyst, quarts, feldspar)
Deity: Kuto
Dress Style: Roman Style Clothing
National Color: Seafoam Green
Yui Ren
Main Export: Meat
Deity: Yuiren
Dress Style:Celtic Style Clothing
National Color: Coral
Main Export: Herbs and medicines
Deity: Xenna
Dress Style: Hindu Style Clothing
National Color: Navy Blue
Main Export: Fabrics
Deity: Halor
Dress Style: Song Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Lavender
Main Export: Weapons
Deity: Kibito
Dress Style: Ming Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Gold
Main Export: Unknown
Deity: Aunyuma
Dress Style: Qing Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Black
Main Export: Gold
Deity: Suzaku
Dress Style: Tang Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Ruby Red
Kohnan is a southern country so it is very warm and their main export is gold. They are the richest country by far because of their export and are said to be quite a spoiled people. Their national color is ruby red and their insignia is the Phoenix. Their god is Suzaku, god of the south, passion, flame and life. He is depicted as a tall man with burning red hair and eyes with tanned skin and a red diamond in the center of his forehead showing that he is a god. He is symbolized by the red Phoenix. The people that live here are lively, active and loud. They are avid martial artists and are expected to know at least three styles of martial arts by the age of fifteen. The princes of this kingdom are treasured and are taught by the finest of tutors. Princes of Kohnan are required to be skilled at ten different styles of martial arts, have knowledge of ruling and governing the kingdom, mastered political strategies, understand mathematics, sciences and many other things by the age of fifteen. Princesses, are given a lot more freedom than the boys as they are not really able to hold power, no matter the circumstances. They are raised to play instruments, read, write, dance and needlework. They are often viewed as secondary to any prince. Any princess is always behind the youngest prince, no matter her age.
Main Export: Steal
Deity: Byako
Dress Style: Shang Dynasty Clothing
National Color: White
Hokan is an eastern country and quite a wide range over mountains and much of their landscape composes of those mountains. Because of the high altitude, the people don't leave those mountains much and have a regular home inside the mountains themselves. Much like dwarfs but with Elvin flair and feel. The palace is at the very top of the highest mountain and the most lavish of any dwelling with ceilings reaching more than twenty feet in height. Their diety is Byako, god of the East and wind. He is depicted as a slender man with long white hair, white eyes and dressed in lavish white silks decorated with white tiger fur and a white diamond in the center of his forehead to appoint his godhood. He is symbolized by the white Siberian tiger. The people that live in Hokan are very hearty and don't require much comfort but they are very susceptible to heat so they prefer their mountain tops where it is nice and cool. They both live and work in the mountains, mining ore and smelting it to make different kinds of metal. Steal being the most prominent but other precious metals are also derived from there, such as Archium, a light type of steal but as light as silk and can be made into fabric or weapons, depending on how it is crafted. It is very malleable and the Emperor of Hokan actually wears robes MADE of Archium. However, though it is strong it is also rare and that is why only the Hokan Emperor wears it. Other countries are given one weapon of the ruler's desire made of the material but only when a new ruler ascends the thrown as the metal is precious. Here, as in Kohnan, boys are praised more than girls and women are looked upon as less than pets. They are used for manual labor if they cannot produce a son at a certain age. If they are not given to a husband, they are given to the labor force. Even princesses will work if they are found useless or fall out of favor with any man.
Main Export: Pure Water
Deity: Sereyu
Dress Style: Yuan Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Azure Blue
Syro is a western country with many forests and valleys. These valleys are filled with pure drinking water and even during the dry seasons they have an over abundance. The land is also called the "Dragon's Way". Because of this vast water system, they are able to supply the other countries with drinking and bathing water throughout the years without having to worry about themselves at all. Sereyu is their deity and he is depicted as a soldier wearing blue armor with long, flowing, blue hair and deep blue eyes. He has a single blue diamond in the center of his forehead that represents his godhood. He is symbolized by the blue dragon and the emperor will always wear some sort of blue dragon upon his clothing to show that he always fallows the path Sereyu lays before him. The people of this country wear a fabric that is quick to dry when out of the water but will keep them warm when in the water. The style may be a bit of a hindrance but they have become excellent swimmers from young ages. Those who cannot, drown early on. As with the previous nations, women are not thought highly of. Women are not seen as more than just baby makers and are often traded around to bear more sons. They appearance of the females are slightly important so they are at least fed well and are taken care of in hopes of bearing more sons.
Main Export: Vegetables
Deity: Genbu
Dress Style: Qin Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Forest Green
Chuto is a rather peaceful place in the planes to the north. There are few trees but a lot of grassy flat planes. They are mostly farmlands and pride themselves on their horses and prowess as distance hunters. Women are not permitted to fight but depending on circumstances, noble women may be permitted to study fighting. Princesses are given more care and honor but they are still considered less than men. The deity they fallow is Genbu, god of the west and the earth. He is depicted with braided black hair and black eyes. He wars earth tone robes and a very strong body with a deep green diamond on his forehead showing his status as a deity. He is symbolized as a turtle with a snake head. The emperor is skilled hunting with every available weapon and trains his sons personally so that they will compete to take over the throne. Only the strongest and wisest would take over the country. They may be farmers and pride themselves on their horses, their major export is vegetables.
Main Export: Vegetables and Wheat
Deity: Toshi
Dress Style: Zui Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Violet
Main Export: Wood
Deity: Hanzushi
Dress Style: Victorian Style Clothing
National Color: Orange
Main Export: Jewels (diamonds, sapphires, rubies ect.)
Deity: Noemi
Dress Style: Grecian Style Clothing
National Color: Grey
Main Export: Crystals (Amethyst, quarts, feldspar)
Deity: Kuto
Dress Style: Roman Style Clothing
National Color: Seafoam Green
Main Export: Meat
Deity: Yuiren
Dress Style:Celtic Style Clothing
National Color: Coral
Main Export: Herbs and medicines
Deity: Xenna
Dress Style: Hindu Style Clothing
National Color: Navy Blue
Main Export: Fabrics
Deity: Halor
Dress Style: Song Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Lavender
Main Export: Weapons
Deity: Kibito
Dress Style: Ming Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Gold
Main Export: Unknown
Deity: Aunyuma
Dress Style: Qing Dynasty Clothing
National Color: Black