God Charms


New Member
Hello All!

     I am amazed by the game Okami, after reading several mags and speaking to friends, I decided that this game would be worth the risk! Let me tell you it is fantastic!

    So I was wondering could this game, and its main character, Okami, be potential story material for an Exalted game. It struck me that I could make the main character into a Lunar, however, pressing the envelope I was wondering if the character could even be an Eclipse Caste Solar, are there any little-god/spirit charms that an Eclipse could lean which would allow the Solar to change shape?

    I am grasping for straws. . .perhaps I should let this one go. . .
Alot of character concepts people use come straight from other sources, whether they be comics, video games, or movies.  Generally, I try to refrain from 'direct ports'.  Mostly because those characters are rather 2 dimensional, and uncreative.  Only time I break this rule, is if my group decides to sit down for a game of Fung-Shui (where that's encouraged).  In any case, if you want to barrow the concept from the character, go ahead.  But I recommend a healthy dosage of personal-bastardization in order to make him unique and different.  Hell, don't even give him the same name!
In 1E there was indeed a Spirit charm for such purposes. So far none such has been published for 2E. The 1E charm was can be found on page 58 of the Exalted Storyteller's Companion for 1E.

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