
The Mad hatter

Junior Member
is there anyway to increase a god bloods essence pool without transforming into a sprit at essence 4?

and, the Gem of Life witch gives dragon blooded the life span of a celestial, couldnt that also affect god blooded? or is that strictly a dragon blooded thing?
The Gen of Life is a joke.  It's a level five Earth Hearthstone that give a DB the lifespan of a Celestial.  So what?  I would rather have the Gem of Incomparable Wellness.  It's a level five Wood Hearthstone that grants true immortality.  You are immune to aging, infection, poison, disease, etc.  You regenerate one level of bashing damage or one level of lethal damage per turn and one level of aggravated damage per minute, even if you have been atomized.  You cannot die as long as it has not been away from you for more than day or been destroyed.  That is a superior Hearthstone.  I spit on the Gen of Life.
yes well, its more of somone wants to play a old as hell god blood in a game im going to start up, and rather then let them have that powerful a herthstone, id rather em weild one that just gives them a longer life span
The Gen of Life is a joke.  It's a level five Earth Hearthstone that give a DB the lifespan of a Celestial.  So what?  I would rather have the Gem of Incomparable Wellness.  It's a level five Wood Hearthstone that grants true immortality.  You are immune to aging' date=' infection, poison, disease, etc.  You regenerate one level of bashing damage or one level of lethal damage per turn and one level of aggravated damage per minute, even if you have been atomized.  You cannot die as long as it has not been away from you for more than day or been destroyed.  That is a superior Hearthstone.  I spit on the Gen of Life.[/quote']
Personally I don't think I would allow the Gem of Incomparable Wellness in my game. It's just too much over the top. Also I think it would be fair to say, that the standard of manse building has fallen since the first age - just as the standard of artifact creation has fallen. I would rule, that there are no living architects cabable of building or repairing a manse that produces a Gem of Incomparable Wellness. The Gem of Life, on the other hand, seems like it is well within the scope of second age architecture.

Another consideration is that even though a God-blood could attune to a manse and even though he might gain great powers from its hearth stone he probably wouldn't become strong enough to fend off the powers that might be interested in capturing such a manse from him. It could be explained, of course, but it wouldn't be likely.
Wow!!! :shock:  I had wondered if I was THE ONLY person in the universe who saw that.

that the existence of the hearthstone of perpetual wellness means that a gem of life is all but worthless and If I came into possession of such a manse... I'd try to get it remodeled post haste.

yes I DO think its a little overpowered... at least I dont plan to bring one in in my own half caste game.
Merit: Hidden Manse.

While I agree that I would not allow a PC to have a Gem of Incomparable Wellness, I would allow a normally less powerful NPC have it.  For example, a Heroic Mortal or God-Blooded who found an abandoned Manse after the Contagion Wars.  If they happen to also be a gunzosha with a Skin-Mount Amulet, it would provide even more benefits.  Such a mortal, over seven hundred years old, would be a very tough opponent or very useful ally, depending on the circumstances.

As for building a level five Manse, Lookshy and the Realm still have the capabilities, it just takes a very old Exalt as the architect and a lot of money.
Uh, screw the Gem of Life, because it sucks ass.

Screw the Gem of Incomparable Wellness because it's HORRIDLY BROKEN.

All hail the Gem of Immortality, Manse 5, and you never age.  Fixed.


(Oh, and errm... as for the Essence thing, I guess you could make different Exalt versions of Essence Engorgement Technique or whatever that abyssal Charm is called).
But what happens when your PCs kill the week NPC and steal the hearthstone track down the Manse and atune to it destroy the Manse? yeah that will piss them off I just don't put it in my game if my players build the manse for it not that that will be easy they can have it.
Or you could do what any reasonable ST would do in the situation and explain to your players why you don't think the Hearthstone is fitting for your game.
Well Gem of Incomparable Wellness is powerful admittedly when taken as a whole but  in the convetional sense its not all really that cracked up as you guys make it sound as there a million ways to make an arrogant character pay for his assumptions of immortality say throw him into a volcano so he can't come back or just take the stone away from him after he croaks. That 1L regen isn't really much especially if you compare it  to Regeneration mutation and Lunar Regeneration which is easily accessible to most Beastmen.

As for the Gem of Immortality it doesn't merit a five in my opinion, a three sounds more reasonable for something that doesn't even really have any mechanical game impact heck its the same value for the Immortal merit in Mage: The Ascension.

One more thing, since this thread is about God Bloods has anyone here had any experience running a game where a God Blood actually ascended to Spirithood and continued being a PC afterwards? I'd like to know how those kind of games run.
depends, if its a god blood with others who arnt god bloods or sidreals.... difficult, espechly if they move into Yu-Shuan, otherwise works out wonderfully, being a sprit is intristing and takes the game into new depths, the last one i ran was sesonal, everyone ascended and became local sprits of a type like their parent, grew powerful enough to move into Yu-Shuan, and turned from a good deal of combat game into a more political and Intrigue type, the main thing is the sprits modivations and desires, since they tend to be more exraggted then a normal persons (like a elder exalt) once you clear that hurdle and how they intreact with the physcial world (if not set in Yu-Shuan) its a really rewarding style of play.
my first GM and the best I ever saw follows 3 rules for game

#1 Any bad dead you commit WILL come back to hunt you.

#2 Any good dead you commit WILL come back to hunt you.

#3 Anything you do will get you fucked.

He also played GM VS. player I am a power Gamer all to hell it was the only to keep your pcs alive in his games I havelearned to balance my PG tendencys do to GMing for 5 years but unless something makes unkillable like Lunur Regeneration 2 and Gem of Adament skin, I pulled this by the way right after the Lunar book came out I won't out right ban I will just make you earn it and well try to earn something I think is to much for my game and see how well it goes
The Gem of Incomprable Wellness if much more powerful than Lunar regeneration Gifts.  If a Lunar with regeneration gifts gets killed, that's it.  They're dead.  Caput.  Good bye.  If someone with the Gem of Incomparable Wellness gets killed, they resucitate.  Even if their body is burned to ash, if the Hearthstone is in contact, they will come back.  There's a big difference between the two.
But there ain't really much stopping a baddie from picking up said stone and wearing it himself after he does you in for the day. While Lunar regen can be comboed with Gem of Adamant Skin and other Lunar charms to make a neigh unkillable character who heals all damage dealt to him every turn.
The Gem of Incomparable Wellness only stops working for the character if it has been removed from its setting for more than a day.  Quite frankly, you can kill them, but they are going to come looking for you, and you might not be expecting them.  Even if you are, they are going to get you when you are at your weakest.
Um, what's to stop the victorious opponent from slipping off the Hearthstone, then placing the regenerating corpse somewhere that inflicts enough damage to counteract the regen--and where the body is readily observable? No Bond escapes, now.
Nothing really. It's not supposed to be a guarantee of immortality.

I'd still rather have one than not.

I banbed Luner Regen 2 and Gem of Adament Skin because my starting char pinged a Cataphract to death I had no armor just Sta of 6 (I took Large) and and 14 health levels therefore my char must take 20 levels of bashing in one round or he lives throwing the game balance to the winds
That's the easy way out.

 So your Lunar waltzes through a few Fair Folk warriors. Sooner rather than later, someone's going to realize how dangerous your character is, and prepare accordingly. A group of Fair Folk elite champions, all wielding Wyld-touched weapons that deal agg to Creation-borne...

 This is Exalted. There are supposed to be broken effects. if a ST can't deal with it within the game, they're trying to ST the wrong game.
If you want to waste a Gem of Incomperable Wellness, send an Air spect with an adamant knife to cut some key designs in the manse. After following them there of course.

Whats better is that after you kill 'em the damage is easily fixed and now the gem is yours. :twisted:
Though not every character is going to be familiar with every level five Hearthstone or now where to find its Manse.  The Hidden Manse Merit, especially if you have Followers to maintain it, is well worth the points if your Hearthstone is essential to your character.

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