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Multiple Settings ~ go from hiding to shining tonight ~ o p e n


crow girl


hello! my name is crow and I'm looking for a long-term partner!


about me:

- I live in the eastern daylight time zone.

- I am currently on my summer break.

- I tend to respond asap, but depending on how busy I am, it may vary. I try to respond once a day at least, unless i am feeling unmotivated or unwell.

- my responses are normally around 2-6 paragraphs each. If less, please understand that I am probably busy with other things.

- I do all pairings but I prefer fxf, as that is all I do majority of the time now.

- I only rp in PMs or on discord. please ask for my discord if you are interested in rping on discord.

- I type in lowercase ooc!

- I am ditch-friendly, but I do not necessarily 'ditch' a rp. I just take a break from it to gain motivation.

- if i do drop you, it will be during the planning process.


my requirements:

- have decent usage of spelling and grammar. I understand if you have any typos or if english isn't your first language! just try your best!

- don't be rude.

- no one-liners, please give me a paragraph (5 sentences) minimum.

- try to give me at least 3 replies a week and be semi-active.

- instant-love is a big no-no. slow burn romances are better.

- role-play in 3rd person.

- communicate with me! if there's something wrong with one of my responses or you are unable to respond, just tell me!

- please plot with me!

- have fun!


-- pairings and aus i am interested in --
hearts measure how interested I am in it. i do not have a preference on who i play, you may decide. also, i don't do fandom rps!
if there is an asterisk next to it, those are plots i prefer to do fxf with

model x photographer ♡
soulmate au ♡♡♡ (any pairing, any specific au!)
bakery chef x frequent patron ♡♡♡
classmates au ♡♡
office au ♡♡♡
best friends turned lovers*** ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
enemies to lovers**♡♡♡♡
teacher x student* ♡
idol x idol* ♡
roommates au ♡♡♡
celebrity x bodyguard ♡♡♡
pianist x violinist*♡♡♡♡
tutor x struggling student (classmates au)*♡♡♡♡
coffee addict x barista ♡♡
science student x performing arts student ♡♡♡♡
sculptor/artist x live model* ♡♡♡♡♡
i'm always up for something fluffy with a pinch of angst!

a combination of aus and pairings is cool too. i have ideas for a few of these pairings.

and many more to come! if you are interested in something else, just ask me!
thanks for reading! pm me if you are interested! if you're new, then just reply to this thread!
(updated may 10 2021 because idk how to make posts on here)
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bump! this is a super old post and super light mode incompatible so if you have any questions, please private message me : ))

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