Gnarled Strands of Fate (OOC) [Let's Go Down In Flames]

If anyone needs a Solar Exalt to be the Lunar mate/Sidereal arch-nemesis of, then feel free to use my guy. I've posted stuff about him in the recruitment thread and I'll post a write-up in the next few days.
Speaking of your Exalt, Ligier, if you like, the First Daiklave is one heck of an artifact. Hope you had something in mind for the stats and quirks of such an artifact.
It's basics stats as a weapon are a daiklave, but better. It'll also have a power which activates when you kill someone with it. For people who aren't that powerful it won't be anything major, but when you kill someone with say, Essence 7+, then you get a much larger bonus. Still woking on exactly what the bonus should be, I just posted the background in case someone else had a similar idea.
Just a note to everyone: This game has 7 days left until its Fly Or Die date. Unless I have enough players by then, this thing will become one of the first games that I've run that's died because of other people.
I'm making a character, but I sent you a pm a few days back with some questions. Did you get it, or should I resend, or should I just work on it without those particular details for now?
I got your message, read it, thought to reply later and totally forgot about it, sorry.

To prevent this in future, I have posted a Q&A thread in the Characters section.
Hmmm. 2 and a portion days left. I hope that this doesn't die an early death.

To be fair, I shall attempt to be complete by Friday, I'll be highly disappointed if we don't go. ^^
Unfortunately, real life has been kicking me hard the last week so my pc won't be ready anytime soon. So rather than hold up the game, I would like to be put on a reserve list or removed from the game for the time being.

I intend to check in and see how the game progresses when time permits. I'm being laid off from my job in a couple of weeks and am trying to find a new job and handle all the other stuff going on.
Er... Demented? Axelgear had said that the Charms to Combos trade was [1 Charm] -> [1 Complete Combo], not [1 Charm] -> [1 Charm in Combo].
Had troubles, but should be able to post my character sheet up tomorrow if you can hold on that extra day.
I have enough people now. This is the good news.

I do not have enough FINISHED sheets. This is the bad news.

As such, I am going to say that I will try and continue this game. I will hold out a little longer, let anyone who wants to try and get their sheets finished. I am giving you people another two weeks to finish your sheets. It'd normally be only a week but Bioshock 2 and Dante's Inferno both come out on the 9th and I'm going into a coma to celebrate my descent into the darkest places around.

As such, you have about 15 days to get your sheets finished and ready. If by then I do not have at least one totally finished Sidereal and three totally finished Solars, the game will not be starting. If I do, well, get ready to burn. Get to work!

P.S. Could always use more Solars. If you know anyone interested, let them know.
I've posted a couple artifacts for review in the Q/A. Also, cookies to anyone who catches the references in the names of his past incarnations.
axelgear have you perhaps forgotten to check my artifacts/manses/merits/flaws? or should i take your silence on the subject as permission yo use them?
Huh... I thought I'd granted my approval for those already. Artifacts approved.

Anywho, it seems I have enough Solars to run my game, just. As such, I hereby declare all characters approved and will be putting up the threads fairly soon.

Pity help me.

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