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Multiple Settings Gimme the angst - Advance lit- Any pairings - Always open - updated w/plots 7/6


Brain broke. Come back later.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello, howdy, hi! I'm Rae (They/them mostly but fine with any pronouns) and I'm back from an unexpected, extended hiatus and in desperate need of some good rp! I'll cut right to the chase here! (I suck at coding so I apologize in advance for this word vomit lol)

- 18+ only. I'm 25 and just not comfortable writing with minors and I do not make exceptions to the rule.

- I like quality over quantity, but I love a long post too. Try to match my posts and I'll do the same. 6-10 paragraphs is probably a fair average to expect from me, depending on the scene, but I only ask for a minimum of 3 decent sized paragraphs from you, with exceptions like dialogue heavier scenes applying, of course.

- Proper grammar. Obviously everyone makes mistakes, and I sure do as well! A typo here and there won't bother me so long as I can understand the context of the post.

- LGBTQ+ friendly is a must.

- Contribution. Nothing is more disappointing to me than writing a detailed post and getting a response that doesn't acknowledge any part of it, or offering all the ideas for a plot and never getting anything back to bounce off of.

Of course, I can't have expectations for you without letting you know what to expect from me.
- 300-600+ word/6-10+ paragraph posts, generally never less than 4 unless I have nothing to work with. The more I have to work with and respond to, the more detailed my posts will be.

- I'm not perfect, I may have a typo here and there, but I consider myself to be an fairly advanced writer.

- My activity can be pretty sporadic. Sometimes I'll be able to post multiple times a day, while other times it may be once a week, so I just ask for some flexibility there, but most of the time I can get at least a post or two a day out. If posts are on the shorter end of my spectrum, I can usually get a good few out per day so long as I'm not too busy or distracted.

- I prefer to roleplay through private messages. I like to have one thread for plotting and OOC chat, and another for the actual RP so nothing gets too cluttered. I'm also down to move to discord as well!

- I love OOC chat, especially if I really vibe with you.

- Male characters in MxM pairings are my favorite to write, but I'm down for anything really. In MxF pairings I generally prefer the male role. I'm also super down for platonic based plots as well.

- I really like writing smol angry fluffballs or the tall gentle type and I'm a sucker for a good enemies to lovers slow (or fast tbh) burn with tons of angst. Plz. I'm begging. Gimme.

- I curse like a sailor, and my characters often do too.

- I don't write smut, on site or off. Steamy scenes gotta get skipped, but innuendo is great and my characters tend to get flustered very easily lol

- I prefer very basic character sheets, just a name, age, physical description, and sometimes a picture, but you are more than welcome to include any other information you feel is relevant.

- I'm ghost friendly, and I ask you be the same. I have real bad social anxiety and am super ADHD and I gotta chase the dopamine. If I'm not vibing with an rp or am dealing with writer's block, I have a harder time replying. It's totally chill if you're the same way. I'll usually send one bump after a week or two of no contact, and leave it be from there so there's no pressure to reply if you're not comfortable, I won't continuously poke. I'm also usually down to pick up where we left off if I was enjoying the plot and you end up dropping it for a while. I totally get losing interest for a while and then regaining it.

Some plot ideas I've got, mostly old ones I'd love to give another go:
Most people have heard of werewolves. Most don't believe they exist. And yet, they do, in fact, exist. However, along with the wolves exist other were-canines. Jackals, coyotes, and foxes, and all the subspecies that come with them. These species have a pecking order, with wolves obviously being right at the top, and the progressions generally going by size, with coyotes and foxes being towards the bottom. Each species is proud of their ancestry, though unlike the other species, it is almost considered a crime for a wolf to mate outside their pack, let alone outside your species. Mating outside the species is highly frowned upon with other weres, and hybrids are rarely allowed to remain with their born pack. However, uncommon as it may be, hybrids are still born, and rarer still, wolf hybrids still make it to term. With the rarity of these mixed breeds comes hunters, poachers who not only hunt supernatural creatures, but hunt those which are considered most rare, and in the case of the weres, that is the hybrids.


Muse A is a werewolf, a member of a large pack, and one of the strongest wolves in the pack. If he so wished, he could stand to challenge the alpha for his rank. Muse A was raised with wolf pride, pack pride. He has little respect for other species, and even less for lone wolves that either deserted or were banished from their packs. The lowest of the low, to him, are hybrids, the scum of the earth, and though he has never met one, he has a seething hatred for them.

Muse B is, you guessed it, a hybrid. A coywolf, to be exact. half wolf, half coyote, and 100% were. Due to his species and rare coat color, he is quite a prize for hybrid hunters. One such hunter has been on his tail for weeks, having nearly caught him several times and left him with severe injuries. B finds himself in the predicament of either crossing into werewolf territory or backtracking to go around and risking an encounter with the hunter. He takes his chances with the wolves, hoping to pass through without even coming across one. Unfortunately, who should he come across but Muse A, who, having never seen a hybrid before, mistakes him for a large werecoyote who foolishly trespassed on wolf land. As per pack rules, B is brought to the alpha, who, after identifying him as a hybrid, takes pity on the young were, not having the same hatred for hybrids that Muse A does. He decides that rather than killing the hybrid, or even letting him go, A will help B recover until he is well enough to have a fighting chance against the hunter on his tail.

I would like to play Muse B in this plot, which can be made into pretty much any pairing. I'd prefer this in either a modern or dystopian setting.
When someone thinks of an angel, they usually think of some holy, heavenly being, sent from above to be God's heralds. But in reality, they are ancient, supernatural creatures, charged with the duty of guiding and protecting gifted humans- that is, humans with some power or another, be it telepathy, super strength, or any other ability imaginable, usually simply referred each to as a "Gifted". Their job being to teach the Gifted to properly use their powers, for good, of course, and to defend them from all manner of supernatural creatures that make it their mission to take out as many Gifted as they can or die trying. Over the centuries, the existence of angels has faded to the stuff of legends, and they remain hidden and secret. There are few left now, just as there are few gifted humans left, most of both species having been hunted until near extinction in the era witch trials, when anything displaying supernatural abilities was labeled a witch. What few angels are left have evolved over the centuries to create a secret, supernatural organization whose goal is continue their ancient task: protecting the Gifted as their numbers begin to grow again with the population of the planet. The members of this organization are sworn to utter secrecy, ordered to use whatever means necessary to hide their existence from their ward, a rule that, if broken, is punishable by torture, interrogation, and, eventually, death.

Muse A is an Angel, and despite being quite young and inexperiences for his species, he is driven to prove himself as a guardian. After years of begging his higher ups to be assigned a ward, they finally did. He was assigned to Muse B, a powerful Gifted, and little does A know, B has already almost mastered his power. The Organization assigned A to B, knowing that he would not be able to handle a Gifted who needed any proper guidance. And they weren't wrong. As A proceeds to make an attempt that being a good guardian, he proves himself to inadequate to complete the task. It isn't long before, in an episode of pure and utter clumsiness, he reveals his presence to B when attempting to save B from some situation he could have gotten himself out of on his own. He ends up making the situation worse, causing B to believe that he was trying to do so. With the help of his ability, B is able to subdue A, contain him, and interrogate him, learning everything about the Angel Organization.

The Organization learns of A's mistakes, and sends angels to retrieve him for punishment. When they arrive, B saves A from them, and be it from pity, gratitude towards A's attempts to help him, or some other reason, he promises to protect him from his higher ups until he is able to do so on his own.

I would like to play A in this plot. This is designed to be a M/M plot, however we can discuss that if you'd like to do something else with it. This is meant to be a modern fantasy setting.
Muse A is a rather inexperienced witch who is struggling to master some particularly difficult spells that are required for her to become a full-fledged member of her coven. Muse B is a disgraced but very powerful warlock that was banished from his coven, that which he was next in line to lead, for practicing dark magic and attempting to syphon magic from other members of his coven. Muse B finds Muse A trying to figure out her spells and offers to "help" teach her the spells. She has no idea who he is and, desperately in need of assistance, accepts his offer. At first he intends on syphon her magic when she becomes more powerful, and to use the stolen power to take back his coven, but things lead in directions he didn't plan on and he decides against it.

As time goes on, Muse A begins to learn more about B and his history, finally discovering his true identity. And yet, as horrified as she may have been by the crimes he'd committed against their kind, something still drew her to him. Perhaps the motives behind his actions, perhaps something else, but that was something she would have to figure out for herself.

I would like to play Muse B in this plot, I have a character who was specifically designed for it, in fact. This is meant to be a M/F plot, with A being female and B being male, but I can definitely be persuaded otherwise. The general idea I have behind this plot is that these protagonists aren't your traditional good guys, but I'm sure you could guess that much about Muse B already, and this could lead to either B being redeemed or A being corrupted.
It's hundreds of years after the nuclear apocalypse, and the world has been all but reset. Society has been destroyed and rebuilt from the remnants, but the world's population is nothing like it once was due to the mutations caused by radiation. Each person has the ability to shapeshift into an animal, larger than a natural of the species, usually determined by their bloodline, though there are a few outliers that deviate from their genetics via random mutations. A person's shifted form, or Subcinctus, defines their social status. Apex predators rule at the top of the food chain, followed by other secondary predators, avians, and even large or group living herbivores. Anything smaller than a coyote or a bobcat would be considered within the lower class, and smaller creatures who are naturally solitary tend to be at the very bottom of the food chain, even if they're predatory. Form a large enough group, and one can grow their status, hence why some less predatory shifters, such as horses and bison, are still able to remain higher in social status, especially since they tend to be more herbivorous even in their human forms and thus tend to focus more on their plant production than any sort of meat to hunt.

The world itself has qualities of both the dark ages as well as what you know as modern equipment. Electricity for lights, heating systems, and the like is only available to nobles and military, while the rest of the population must make do with more primitive means of power and light. Using things found within the ruins of the previous civilizations, guns and other more advanced weapons have been made accessible to the military and law enforcement, though most are loaded with tranquilizers over actual bullets. The buildings have both modern and medieval details, from dungeons instead of jails, to bulletproof glass pane windows, it truly is a mixed world.

Within this world, there are not just these shifters, other creatures have adapted and made their existence work. Most are harmless to those within the city's walls, due to their shapeshifting abilities that allow them to protect themselves. However, there are creatures that even the strongest fear. These creatures are called Night Beasts, named fot their nocturnal nature. Night Beasts are hideous, mutated monsters that appear in an array of forms, some more canine in shape, some feline, some reptilian, but most in unrecognizable forms whose origins cannot be traced. Unknown to the shifters, these creatures are what happens when mutation takes the ability to shapeshift too far. The Night Beasts, in a reality entirely concealed from them, are in fact shifters who have lost their minds within these forms and are unable to return to their human shape, thus rendering them nothing more than mindless creatures who attack anything that moves or breathes.

Muse A is an impoverished citizen who was orphaned at a young age, little more than a mere street urchin who has to dig through the trash to find his next meal. Unbeknownst to him or anyone else, he is not a regular shifter. His mother was, however his father was a Night Beast shifter, one whose mind had not yet deteriorated into insanity until after Muse A was conceived, at which point he disappeared and has not been seen since. When A loses control of his emotions, there is a chance of him turning into a Night Beast, and when he returns to his human form, he has no recollection of any of it happening. There are many things for him to discover about himself, including a mysterious connection and authority he possesses over the other Night Beasts.

Muse B is a high ranking military official, in charge of research and extermination of Night Beasts for the protection of the capitol city. After an incident in the town square of the lower class area, Muse A is captured in his Night Beast form and taken deep within the capitol to be studied, tested, and eventually killed should they find no further use for him. Muse B oversees the entire project, and interacts with Muse A enough to come to the conclusion that he has no idea what is going on, having not been informed of his unorthodox transformations. With this in mind, Muse B struggles to find a way to protect A from the tortures of the tests and experiments, whilst still trying to learn the true nature of the Night Beasts, struggling to find balance between his military position and a blooming relationship, be it platonic or romantic.

*Art is not my own, simply found online for convenience

I would like to play Muse A in this plot. Like many of my others, this is made to be a M/M plot, however it can be switched up if you like. There's a lot of wiggle room in this plot for new details and changes, so don't be afraid to share your ideas! This is meant to be a dystopian future/fantasy setting.

I've been rather obsessed lately with Fourth Wing and House of the Dragon, so something involving dragon riders would be a huge win in my book. I had sort of a general idea of mixing a royal x guard pairing with dragon riders, but it'd require a good bit of brainstorming and planning to really get going, but I think it would be absolutely worth it.

Otherwise here are some plot parings I'm down for(* indicates my preferred role but nothing is set in stone here):
> Royalty x Guard* (preferably with some fantasy/supernatural elements)
> Hunter x Hunted*
> Royalty x Commoner
> Human x Demon*
> Human x Supernatural creature
> Something to do with angels/fallen angels (will require some brainstorming)

And some more vague genres and plot elements if nothing above strikes your fancy:
Supernatural (Genre)
> Dragon riders
>Vampires (Only when mixed with other elements as well, and no sparkly twilight bois)
>Angels/Demons (Though not the traditional kind. I'll explain if you express interest. Nothing too complicated, I'm just too lazy to type it out here lol)
>Werewolves (The kind that that can shift into actual wolves at will, not bipedal creatures linked to the full moon. I especially like incorporating stereotypical pack dynamics into this despite them being disproven with irl wolves lol)
>Human/Animal hybrids/DNA splicing (Maximum Ride had a chokehold on me as a kid)
>Human experimentation (Almost always tied in with the hybrid thing or something to do with powers or magic or something along those lines.)
Romance - Only mixed with something else as well

Mix-ins of neuro-divergency are always welcomed. ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc. My characters will almost always have something of those, especially ADHD and autism as I have both. Neurotypical characters are almost always guaranteed to be boring to write as a main character, in my experience. (In other words, I do be mentally ill and my characters are going to reflect that lol)

I'm a sucker for dystopian settings, but otherwise I'm down for medieval/fantasy or modern settings. Futuristic just isn't generally my vibe.

Enemies to lovers is my all time favorite trope and I will love you forever if you can give me a good slow burn with lots of tension, but I also love a good "drawn to each other and can't deny the attraction even though they're supposed to hate each other" vibe

I'm also a big DnD fan and love the Faerun setting so something places there would definitely strike my fancy.

Message me if you're interested! Please include some details about yourself (age range, pronouns, triggers I should know to avoid if you're comfortable sharing them, etc.) and your writing style (average post length, preferred genres, preferred pairings, etc.). If you have any plots you think I'd be interested, feel free to include those as well! Please don't comment below as I will likely not respond to anything other than messages, and I don't generally respond to super vague messages.
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