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Multiple Settings Gimme some action and drama


One Thousand Club
I'm seriously craving some action or drama. I wanna play the bad guy (make yo mama sad type, might seduce your dad type...), the super hero, a fantasy warrior, etc. We'll get into all of that further down. But first some guidelines for a potential partner!

  • I write between 3 and 6 paragraphs PER CHARACTER (unless it's a NPC). I expect you to come close to that
  • If we double you need to give equal attention to both of your characters and their adventures, relationships, etc.
  • If the plotline isn't going how you want it to, talk to me about it. Don't just ignore the whole story to steer it in your direction. No.
  • I'm a busy person. I'm working with a side hustle I built from the ground up, I'm moving to another state very soon, I travel a lot, sometimes I just don't feel like it. Don't bug me. I will tell you if I don't like the rp we're doing, I promise. If you want a good partner out of me you've gotta be patient and I'm sorry for that. I usually reply anywhere from multiple times a day to ever 2-3 days.
  • I prefer female characters BUT that doesn't mean I'm incapable of playing male characters. I love my male characters to death. Just ask to double, my friend.
  • All my characters will be over the age of 21 unless it's a side character.
  • I mainly do MxF if romance is involved but I could be convinced of FxF
    • Tell me your fave animal if you've gotten this far

Thats it. Now lets get to the fun stuff

The pairings
The mini-plots
The loosely developed ideas
With the character I want to play in italicized red
And the plots I prefer with some ************************ next to it

  • A really good BAD X GOOD
  • Especially a really really good BAD x BAD (Oh pleeaassee this one)********
  • Hero x hero
  • Hero x villain
  • Hero x mega fan
  • Hero x hater********
  • Soulmates (only if it's good)
  • Pirates???
  • Model x Nerd
  • Marvel only if it's REAL good
- A rider x dragon plot with lots of adventure, magic and emotions. In the Eragon universe but not at all with the same characters. Prefer to double so we have double the adventure. Idk. If you feel like you can take this mess on, gimme a message.
- A LARPer is at an...event? (is that what they're called?). A real life fantasy warrior is somehow transported into the middle of their event. When they get back to their dimension, they accidentally take a LARPer with them.
- "Letting you go was the hardest thing I've ever done."****** I have an idea for this, it involves heroes sorry not sorry
- Two high school classmates run into each other years later and things are way different. (may include darker themes)

Message or comment!
Cats are pretty sweet so I'm gonna say those!

Anways, I'd love to discuss the "letting you go was one of the hardest things I've ever done"-plot, the hero x hater, the LARPer plot, and hero x hero with you! I'll send you a pm ^~^

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