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Fandom Gijinka Manor (Character Sign Up)

Name: Chi
Age: 23
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):
Appearance (Pic Preferred):
View attachment 444823
Chi is very kind and quiet , she a normally shy girl who is more into females than males. She loves swordplay and is very skilled with her swords. She is some what a sneaky girl she does like to scare some people. She loves playing tricks and games.
Chi was born near a old burnt down house , her mother who was a doublade gjikan and her father a human. He couldn't stand Chi. He wanted to sell her off but her mother wouldn't let him , so one night , she ran away with chi to where she though she could hide chi. She found the manor and knocked on the door and left chi , after a few years chi grew up and she became good friends with the garchomp girl.

has a crush on the garchomp
Accepted. Better late than never?
Name: Cygnia
Age: 21
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?): Jirachi
Appearance (Pic Preferred):
Personality: Cygnia is generally humble and soft spoken. She has quite a bit of wander lust and wants to see as much of the world as she can. Cygnia likes to be around others she can trust and will openly joke around with them. There's only so much poking and prodding she can take though, as she can and will explode in anger if pushed. A bit of a coffee addict.
History: Cygnia is a very young Jirachi (by their standards) and had spent most of youth in a protected environment with another Jirachi and a human who looked after them. She tended to leave the area very often, as she was curious about the world, but ended up being seen by those who don't like gajinkas. She has spent a few years at the manor.
She is afraid to fall asleep because she doesn't want to miss thousands of years in the blink of an eye.
Name: Diana
Gijinka (What pokemon do you resemble?):Umbreon
Appearance (Pic Preferred):Not my art link should be in the pic
umbreon.jpg Personality: Shy due to her history of being tested on and captured but incredibly friendly who she considers her friends some say she has a dark side but none have seen it
History: as mentioned For most of her life she was raised in a lab with no parents and not many friends. she was constantly tested on to see if the Gijinka could be used as weapons. because of this when she becomes incredibly angry her marks turn blue and her full power is unleashed. She doesn't want to but she hurts people in this state caused by the constant testing done to her. tries her best to keep this side of her hidden away for good.(lol sorry for making it take such a dark turn that's what im best at lol it doesn't have to be such a big plotpoint especially since this rp seems more light-hearted)
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