Giacomo Balla

Hachi Machi

Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong

Member Form

What do you expect from RP's? : To have fun roleplaying.
Is the answer to the above question your expectation of this RP? Please Explain : Yes. RP to me is all about having fun, so that's my expectation from this RP.
What kind of Experience do you have in Roleplaying? : I've RPed in other groups, and I've roleplayed a ton of action and combat
What genres of Roleplay do you like? : Action, Fantasy, Magic, and Mecha.
What times are you available? : Weekends mostly, but I'm on weekdays too, it's just I'm more busy on weekdays.
How long on average are you on? : Probably 6~10 hours a week.
How many posts a week do you think you can make? : Two or more depending on others.
Are you willing to contribute in World building? Please Explain : I can contribute if you ask me to, but I won't actively help with world building due to other stuff keeping me busy.
Would you be willing to play a role already setup? : Yes, but depending on the role, I may lack the ability to roleplay the setup successfully.
Would you be willing to play an Antagonist? : Yes.
Would you be willing to GM certain events? : Yes.

General Traits

Character Picture: upload_2017-7-9_0-32-47.png
Character Role: Main
Character Name: Giacomo Balla
Meaning of Name: Optional
Alias: Gia the Balla, Ballin', Giac
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 24

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 163 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Body Marks: None


Birth Place: Clarendon, Adanaque
Date of Birth: Eausen 18th, 973 CYAD
Nationality: Northerner

Personality: A cunning man with a polite tongue, who acts well mannered with others in public. Unfortunately, this is all a façade, as his own personal goals make him truly unscrupulous. His downfall is that his emotions may reveal when he believes he's a won a conflict, letting his overconfidence get the better of him.

2 Positive Traits: Cunning: He uses deceit and evasion in order to accomplish his goals. His quick wit and crafty nature make him an intelligent and tactical decision maker.
Polite: He watches his tongue carefully, always respecting others. He believes listening is a valuable skill that helps alleviate his status as a respectable man.

2 Negative Traits: Unscrupulous: He may seem polite, but it's all a façade. In reality, he cares little for morals, since he always to further his own private goals.
Overconfident: He has a high self esteem, and sometimes he can act overconfident in a situation, if his emotions get the better of him.

Weaknesses: He lacks professional military experience, as he's never fought for an army or mercenary group. His preference to wield one sword in battle, leaves him with low defense, but it helps him with agility.

History: Giacomo was born in the city of Clarendon to a noble family. During his youth, he was raised by butlers and servants, while his parents attended noble duties. His mother, at times, babied Giacomo, often speaking to the boy about odd riddles. Despite his mother's oddities, Giacomo enjoyed the time spent with his mother. As a youth, he played with other noble children and his sister, while being prepared for his duty as the next in line of the Balla noble family. Out of all the members in his family, he was the closest with his sister. He also deeply respected his mentor, a butler, who educated Giacomo daily, when he reached the age of six.

At the age of eight, Giacomo's mother fell to illness, and she was buried in a noble's tomb. A year after the misfortune, his father remarried another noble, which strengthened the family's power. Both Giacomo and his sister were devastated by the death of their mother, since their mother was the only family member that actually spent time with them. Giacomo's step brother is born during Giacomo's tenth year.

Giacomo's tenth birthday signified that he was ready to train in combat. He practiced with a multitude of weaponry against knight tutors, and his mentor. At the age of fifteen, his sister was wed to another noble family, and Giacomo completed his primary education, meaning he was ready to lead the noble family, once his father dies. However, Giacomo's original goals changed when he met a commoner, while engaging himself in politics at Clarendon's merchant center.

She was nothing but a commoner, yet she captured Giacomo's heart. The two experienced a young love that influenced Giacomo to escape his duties as nobility. This was due to the noble family having arranged marriages with other nobles in order to improve their wealth. Therefore, Giacomo either had to break it off with his lover, or run away from his duties. He chose the later, and the two spent their lives in a village. His family disowned Giacomo for his decision, and he was considered an outcast.

In the village, Giacomo lived his life peacefully. He took up a job as a woodcutter in order to provide for his lover. Unfortunately, when he returned back to his small cottage, he found a note from his lover stating that she left with another man. Now heartbroken, Giacomo quit his job as a woodcutter, and began to assume that deceit and self gain was everyone's motivation in life. Fortunately, he received letters from his sister, the one person he still trusts, during his time in the village. Yet with his lover gone, he went on the roads in search of a way to fix his broken heart.

Before he turned twenty, Giacomo wandered the villages in search of odd jobs to keep himself afloat and to pay his drinking bills. He succumbed to alcohol as his daily fix in a cruel and horrible world. One day, while hunting, a bandit attacked Giacomo to which Giacomo responded by killing the bandit. He completed the task without hesitation, and he somewhat enjoyed the thrill of combat. His morals were clearly deprived, for he lacked basic sympathy even after taking another person's life.

A few months after his twentieth birthday, Giacomo met with a messenger, who passed another letter along to Giacomo. Giacomo opened the letter to discover that his mother's body had been robbed by a grave defiler. Aggravated by the letter's contents, Giacomo decided to travel and see the tomb for himself. His sister had left a key to the tomb's entry for Giacomo in the letter.

Inside Clarendon, Giacomo's birth city, Giacomo entered the tomb to find his mother's body missing. Yet, that's not the only thing that surprised Giacomo that day. He also noticed a riddle etched into the walls of the tomb site. A riddle only his mother would know. This prompted Giacomo to visit his sister, and after a heartfelt reunion between brother and sister, he told his sister about the riddle. The two retold their versions of the riddle that they each separately learned from their mother. The result led to the coordinates of a mine. Since his sister was busy as a mother and wife, Giacomo headed to the mine alone.

While in the mines, Giacomo found a dead body bearing Norhad Swords' attire and a mysterious gem. Giacomo pocketed both items, and he was unlucky in finding additional information from the mines about the body's disappearance. He gets the items appraised and he learns that the clothes are worn by Norhad Swords, and the gem is considered unknown among mineralogists. Therefore, in order to figure out this mystery, Giacomo traveled to milestone.

His age was twenty four when he made his way for the first time to milestone. He decided he would enlist in the organization and figure out the mystery. This was his only goal, and his sole purpose for living now. Nothing awaited him back at Clarendon, and the commoner that betrayed Giacomo was with another man.

Occupation: He has no job now, but he's trying to enlist in the Norhad Swords.

Life Skills: Economics, politics, education, woodcutting, domestics, and hunting.

Material Possessions

Clothing and Attire: Giacomo wears dark robes over his blue shirt and blue trousers. He wears dark colored boots as well as dark gloves. His clothing and attire pretty much matches up with the picture provided at the top.

Personal Items: He carries a violet colored gem bearing an unknown appearance. For weapons, he utilizes a long sword, which he wields in one hand. The sword's kept sheathed in a brown scabbard.

Combat Section

Description: ShadowKhan's are revered for their stealth, cunning and reach, being efficient in both long range and close range combat. They dispatch enemies with Haste not wanting to drag this out. Because of their great emphasis on assault, they tend to neglect defense a great deal.
Elemental Affinity: Fire / Wind / Wood / Darkness
Types of Artes: ATK / EHM / SEAL / PNM
Base Stats: HP: 5 / SE: 15 / CCA: 3 /

Special Ability: I'll add this in later.

Arte level 1
Name of Arte: Piercing Wind
Type: ATK
Description: Giacomo pierces his target with a focused strike of wind from his weapon.
Elemental: Wind
Price: 5 Token points
Cost: 6 SE
CCA: 3

Arte level 2
Name of Arte: Belligerent Flames
Type: PHM
Description: Giacomo enhances his weapon with flames making any successful melee attacks apply a poisonous burn. The poison status effect decreases HP until only 2HP remains or until healed or after two turns.
Elemental: Fire
Price: 10 Token points
Cost: 12 SE
CCA: 6

Arte level 3
Name of Arte: Fluid Wind
Type: EHM
Description: Giacomo enhances his legs to move with the wind increasing his agility and reflexes. Grants Giacomo +3 EVA dice for three turns.
Elemental: Wind
Price: 15 Token points
Cost: 18 SE
CCA: 9

Arte level 4
Name of Arte: Shrouding Darkness
Type: SEAL
Description: Giacomo seals any defensive artes by shrouding his foe in darkness. Seals DEF artes for four turns.
Elemental: Darkness
Price: 20 Token points
Cost: 24 SE
CCA: 12

Arte level 5
Name of Arte: Sundering Vines
Type: ATK
Description: Giacomo stabs his sword into the ground erupting vines with thorns that will entangle and constrict his foe with burst damage. The vines will disappear after the thorns damage his opponent.
Elemental: Wood
Price: 25 Token points
Cost: 30 SE
CCA: 15
Last edited:
Please look inside the post for any comments, suggestions, or changes that need to be made.


Member Form

What do you expect from RP's? : To have fun roleplaying.
Is the answer to the above question your expectation of this RP? Please Explain : Yes. RP to me is all about having fun, so that's my expectation from this RP.
What kind of Experience do you have in Roleplaying? : I've RPed in other groups, and I've roleplayed a ton of action and combat
What genres of Roleplay do you like? : Action, Fantasy, Magic, and Mecha.
What times are you available? : Weekends mostly, but I'm on weekdays too, it's just I'm more busy on weekdays.
How long on average are you on? : Probably 6~10 hours a week.
How many posts a week do you think you can make? : Two or more depending on others.
Are you willing to contribute in World building? Please Explain : I can contribute if you ask me to, but I won't actively help with world building due to other stuff keeping me busy.
Would you be willing to play a role already setup? : Yes, but depending on the role, I may lack the ability to roleplay the setup successfully.
Would you be willing to play an Antagonist? : Yes.
Would you be willing to GM certain events? : Yes.

General Traits

Character Picture: View attachment 329677
Character Role: Main
Character Name: Giacomo Balla
Meaning of Name: Optional
Alias: Gia the Balla, Ballin', Giac
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 24

Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 163 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Body Marks: None


Birth Place: Clarendon, Adanaque
Date of Birth: Eausen 18th, 973 CYAD
Nationality: Northerner

Personality: A cunning man with a polite tongue, who acts generously on the outside. Unfortunately, this is all a façade, as his own personal goals make him truly unscrupulous. His downfall is that his emotions may reveal, when he believes he's a won a conflict, letting his overconfidence get the better of him.

2 Positive Traits: Cunning: He uses deceit and evasion in order to accomplish his goals. His quick wit and crafty nature make him an intelligent and tactical decision maker.
Polite: He watches his tongue carefully, always respecting others. He believes listening is a valuable skill that helps alleviate his status as a respectable man.

2 Negative Traits: Unscrupulous: He may seem polite, but it's all a façade. In reality, he cares little for morals, since he always to further his own private goals.
Overconfident: He has a high self esteem, and sometimes he can act overconfident in a situation, if his emotions get the better of him.

Weaknesses: He lacks professional military experience, as he's never fought for an army or mercenary group. His preference to wield one sword in battle, leaves him with low defense, but it helps him with agility.

History: Giacomo was born in the city of Clarendon to a noble family. During his youth, he was raised by butlers and servants, while his parents attended noble duties. His mother, at times, babied Giacomo, often speaking to the boy about odd riddles. Despite his mother's oddities, Giacomo enjoyed the time spent with his mother. As a youth, he played with other noble children and his sister, while being prepared for his duty as the next in line of the Balla noble family. Out of all the members in his family, he was the closest with his sister. He also deeply respected his mentor, a butler, who educated Giacomo daily, when he reached the age of six.

At the age of eight, Giacomo's mother fell to illness, and she was buried in a noble's tomb. A year after the misfortune, his father remarried another noble, which strengthened the family's power. Both Giacomo and his sister were devastated by the death of their mother, since their mother was the only family member that actually spent time with them. Giacomo's step brother is born during Giacomo's tenth year.

Giacomo's tenth birthday signified that he was ready to train in combat. He practiced with a multitude of weaponry against knight tutors, and his mentor. At the age of fifteen, his sister was wed to another noble family, and Giacomo completed his primary education, meaning he was ready to lead the noble family, once his father dies. However, Giacomo's original goals changed when he met a commoner, while engaging himself in politics at Clarendon's merchant center.

She was nothing but a commoner, yet she captured Giacomo's heart. The two experienced a young love that influenced Giacomo to escape his duties as nobility. This was due to the noble family having arranged marriages with other nobles in order to improve their wealth. Therefore, Giacomo either had to break it off with his lover, or run away from his duties. He chose the later, and the two spent their lives in a village. His family disowned Giacomo for his decision, and he was considered an outcast.

In the village, Giacomo lived his life peacefully. He took up a job as a woodcutter in order to provide for his lover. Unfortunately, when he returned back to his small cottage, he found a note from his lover stating that she left with another man. Now heartbroken, Giacomo quit his job as a woodcutter, and began to assume that deceit and self gain was everyone's motivation in life. Fortunately, he received letters from his sister, the one person he still trusts, during his time in the village. Yet with his lover gone, he went on the roads in search of a way to fix his broken heart.

Before he turned twenty, Giacomo wandered the villages in search of odd jobs to keep himself afloat and to pay his drinking bills. He succumbed to alcohol as his daily fix in a cruel and horrible world. One day, while hunting, a bandit attacked Giacomo to which Giacomo responded by killing the bandit. He completed the task without hesitation, and he somewhat enjoyed the thrill of combat. His morals were clearly deprived, for he lacked basic sympathy even after taking another person's life.

A few months after his twentieth birthday, Giacomo met with a messenger, who passed another letter along to Giacomo. Giacomo opened the letter to discover that his mother's body had been robbed by a grave defiler. Aggravated by the letter's contents, Giacomo decided to travel and see the tomb for himself. His sister had left a key to the tomb's entry for Giacomo in the letter.

Inside Clarendon, Giacomo's birth city, Giacomo entered the tomb to find his mother's body missing. Yet, that's not the only thing that surprised Giacomo that day. He also noticed a riddle etched into the walls of the tomb site. A riddle only his mother would know. This prompted Giacomo to visit his sister, and after a heartfelt reunion between brother and sister, he told his sister about the riddle. The two retold their versions of the riddle that they each separately learned from their mother. The result led to the coordinates of a mine. Since his sister was busy as a mother and wife, Giacomo headed to the mine alone.

While in the mines, Giacomo found a dead body bearing Norhad Swords' attire and a mysterious gem. Giacomo pocketed both items, and he was unlucky in finding additional information from the mines about the body's disappearance. He gets the items appraised and he learns that the clothes are worn by Norhad Swords, and the gem is considered unknown among mineralogists. Therefore, in order to figure out this mystery, Giacomo traveled to milestone.

His age was twenty four when he made his way for the first time to milestone. He decided he would enlist in the organization and figure out the mystery. This was his only goal, and his sole purpose for living now. Nothing awaited him back at Clarendon, and the commoner that betrayed Giacomo was with another man.

Occupation: He has no job now, but he's trying to enlist in the Norhad Swords.

Life Skills: Economics, politics, education, woodcutting, domestics, and hunting.

Material Possessions

Clothing and Attire: Giacomo wears dark robes over his blue shirt and blue trousers. He wears dark colored boots as well as dark gloves. His clothing and attire pretty much matches up with the picture provided at the top.

Personal Items: He carries a violet colored gem bearing an unknown appearance. For weapons, he utilizes a long sword, which he wields in one hand. The sword's kept sheathed in a brown scabbard.

Combat Section

Description: ShadowKhan's are revered for their stealth, cunning and reach, being efficient in both long range and close range combat. They dispatch enemies with Haste not wanting to drag this out. Because of their great emphasis on assault, they tend to neglect defense a great deal.
Elemental Affinity: Fire / Wind / Wood / Darkness
Types of Artes: ATK / EHM / SEAL / PNM
Base Stats: HP: 5 / SE: 15 / CCA: 3 /

Special Ability: Giacomo's violet gem reacts to spirit energy signals acting like a metal detector.

spirit energy is like the 'force' in star wars, so the detector would be constantly on. Another thing is that objects cannot detect it.

Arte level 1
Name of Arte: Piercing Wind
Type: ATK
Description: Giacomo pierces his target with a focused strike of wind from his weapon. This attack deals three damage, and it can be used at a range.
Elemental: Wind
Price: 5 Token points
Cost: 6 SE
CCA: 3

Approved. Arte Damage from ATK's especially are a given, or at least do not need to be mentioned in the Description.

Arte level 2
Name of Arte: Belligerent Flames
Type: PHM
Description: Giacomo enhances his weapon with flames making any successful melee attacks apply the burn status effect. Decreases HP until only 2HP remains or until healed or after two turns.
Elemental: Fire
Price: 10 Token points
Cost: 12 SE
CCA: 6

Approved, but there is no Burn status effect.
Status effects are relatively new and are undergoing trial in this RP.
I will allow it for the sake of teesting.

Arte level 3
Name of Arte: Fluid Wind
Type: EHM
Description: Giacomo enhances his body to move with the wind, increasing his agility and reflexes. Grants Giacomo three additional evasion points for three turns.
Elemental: Wind
Price: 15 Token points
Cost: 18 SE
CCA: 9

You need to specify what area is increased.
For now, let's say player receives +3 EVA dice for 3 turns.

Arte level 4
Name of Arte: Shrouding Darkness
Type: SEAL
Description: Giacomo seals any defensive artes by shrouding his foe in darkness. Seals DEF artes.
Elemental: Darkness
Price: 20 Token points
Cost: 24 SE
CCA: 12

Please add a 4 turn duration

Arte level 5
Name of Arte: Sundering Vines
Type: ATK
Description: Giacomo stabs his sword into the ground erupting vines with thorns that will entangle and constrict his foe with burst damage. The vines will disappear after the thorns damage his opponent. This attack deals fifteen damage to his opponent.
Elemental: Wood
Price: 25 Token points
Cost: 30 SE
CCA: 15

Shin Positron Laser Shin Positron Laser

I fixed the artes. For the burn Level two arte, I'm just using the poison status effect one.

Also, let me know, if I need to change my Special Ability. It's hard to come up with one that doesn't seem similar to Artes.
Shin Positron Laser Shin Positron Laser

I fixed the artes. For the burn Level two arte, I'm just using the poison status effect one.

Also, let me know, if I need to change my Special Ability. It's hard to come up with one that doesn't seem similar to Artes.

Reading ancient texts does not fit the character much also woulld be rarely used.

As for languages that is in the same boat as ancients texts.

The special ability is optional. Although it can be approved later when you have a better idea of one.

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