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Fantasy Ghost World


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

A terrible accident somewhere, sometime, created a terrible effect throughout the world. For some reason, the fusion between our planet and the realm of the the dead combined. To the human eye, everything looks normal. But they're out there. Ghosts, spirits, demons, whatever you want to call them. They're out there. Most of, if not all, are the spirits of animals, ancient animals, that once ruled the earth. For some reason, being dead for so long has made a lot of them more dangerous, more hungry and guess what their favorite meal is? You.

Invisible predators that roam the skies, the land and even your home. Yet, you have no idea what they look like, where they are or if there is one right behind you... But it gets worse. Not only did these ancient creatures return to feed on you, but some people have claimed that some of them even spoke to them! There's a theory that human spirits might be amongst them, trying to survive in a world they once called home while others claim they're old gods moving around us.

After the incident and these creatures began roaming our planet, humanity was no longer safe. People began to disappear, others were snatched off their feet and carried into the sky by some old shark or rapid aligator, using the skies as their ocean. Serial killers continued the spree they had left behind upon reaching death. While some got to reunite with love ones, others were dragged away by an ancient dominant predator.

While these creatures break the laws of physics, for some reason they seem to be stuck to certain patches of land. It is difficult for humans to identify such limits since these things are invisible to them. But, after years of surviving such terrible situation, a lot of humans have managed to find ways to move amongst them. It started with tossing bait and seeing how far these unseen monsters would reach to catch it. Allowing them to mark paths and safe areas. They noticed that some fear certain elements. Some move during the night while others during the day. Human spirits that returned got mostly wiped out by the superior monsters and ancient plants rarely seem to catch anyone passing by. Insects don't seem to exist, which is odd and a relief to most.

While the world is dangerous, there is still hope for survival. A certain private school managed to stay safe. They went into completel lockdown as soon as students began to start being swept up by the air and torn to pieces by unseen creatures. After what felt like a massacre, they noticed that if they didn't leave the dormitories, they were just fine. It was outside that was dangerous. With the food provided by the cafeteria and using the underground tunnels connection the school buildings, some students, including you, managed to stay alive. It's been a few years, however, and supplies are running out. It's time to find a way to move into the city or starve to death.

At the same time, the water system has been acting odd. Some faucets or even shower heads, leak water drops in a certain rhythm...

First and most important, 18+. As you can see, there might be some violance in this.
One OC x person, for now. If you show that you can handle more, we can discuss a second one.
OCs have survived in the school for a few years, 3 or 4, so they are now at least 18.
You are allowed to rp a teacher or staff member, just let me know what you got in mind and we can work something out.
We will make a discord for communication purposes and planning, so please have one ready.
There is nothing stopping you from turning on your teammates and letting one die to safe yourself, but please let the rper know you're betraying them xD If they don't want their oc to die, then you aren't allowed to do so.
Death of an oc opens up your slot to make a new one.

I had a dream about this place and remembered the Death Love and Robots episode similar to it. So, feel free to ask questions, I am just figuiring this out as you are xD​
Thanks for the interest! Hopefull we get two more and then we can start cooking up the discord server :3

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