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Realistic or Modern Ghost Town'


♥ Always wear your invisible crown ♥


The year outside is 2064.

However, for the inhabitants of Ghost Town, at least as far as technology goes, it's still 2014.

No one knows where Ghost Town came from. After we died, we woke up here. As ghosts. Everything's the same. There's schools, a university, a library, even a Walmart. And it's all run by the higher authority. Nobody's seen them, but if someone tries to leave the town, the office of the departed will show up and take you away. Sometimes, you don't come back.

Being a ghost does have it's perks. We don't need to eat, drink, or sleep. We can be solid or invisible. We can move through walls and teleport from place to place. We can ever hover. Not fly, but I'm sure a few are working on it. Most people arrive with the wounds they died from, but after a while they learn to cover them up with illusions. We're insubstantial, remember? But you gotta be careful around salt and iron. Those things hurt like a bitch.

Oh, I guess you're wondering who I am. I'm J.D. Hofferman. I run the newspaper here. I keep everyone updated on what's going on around here. As best I can, at least. I'm waiting for them to shut me down, but nothing yet.

The biggest news here is that after fifty years, living humans have come to town. Two families have moved in, and everyone is freaking out. We're not aloud to talk to them, or let them know that we're dead, but of course that's not going to last. I'm just wondering what the higher authority is going to do. More living humans are bound to follow. And Ghost Town's boundaries might just start to crumble.

Ghost Town is split into three "Sections." The Higher Authority's way of keeping track of everyone, I suppose.

The first of those sections is Section 1 (the higher authority is not known for it's creativity). Those that live in Section 1 are those people who hurt or killed anyone before they died. So School shooters, drunk drivers, homicide/suicides, etc.. They live there. They have stricter rules than others. Curfews and whatnot. The Offices of the Departed keep a close eye on them.

Section 2 houses those heart breaking stories. The suicides and those murdered by either their loved ones or strangers. Depressed teens, the poor souls that suffered from mental illnesses, innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire, violent deaths of the homicidal kind, etc.. The higher authority likes to keep tabs on them for some reason. They're often asked questions about their mental health and how they feel about the world around them. Ghost therapy I guess.

Section 3 are for those accidental deaths. Slips in the shower, jaywalkers, klutzes. Those types. The Higher Authority couldn't really care less about them, it seems, They're the ones with the most freedom. Guess you have to have those normal kids in a town which bleeds crazy.


Ghost Town's school is for elementary, middle, and high school. The town is small enough that all the kids and their teachers fit into one building. The East Wing is for middle school students, the West Wing is for high school students. There are only a handful of elementary aged kids, so they use one of the classrooms in the East Wing, with the teachers rotating through the room. Classes begin at 8am and end at 3pm. Lunch is at 11am for the elementary students, 12pm for the middle school students, and 1pm for the high school students.


Ghost Town's university is available for anyone to enrol. It is free and offers a myriad of subjects ranging from Biology to Chemical Engineering to Literature to Creative Writing. Many of the subjects are self-taught, with the Higher Authority providing the necessary books and materials for the students to teach themselves what they'd like to learn. It is open 24/7.


The Ghost Town library has any book, DVD, book on tape, etc. you can think of. It is open from 10am to 10pm on weekdays, 12pm to 6pm on Saturdays, and it is closed on Sundays. In order to receive a library card, one must fill out a form with his or her address. Overdue books and DVDs are $3 each day they are overdue, in order to ensure they are received back in time. Volunteers are allowed, food and drink are not.


City Hall is the home of the Mayor. It is also where any complaints about the Higher Authority or questions about Ghost Town are filed and archived. Once inside there’s a lobby where you can talk to a couple city workers, but all the doors are locked and off-limits to the general public. If someone wants to talk to the Mayor, he or she must make an appointment.


Ghost Town’s Walmart is a Supercentre that sells everything from groceries to electronics to clothing to school supplies, etc. Anything you need to buy, you can buy at the Walmart. Whenever something is out of stock, the workers write a note and put it in a mailbox at the back of the store. The next day, more of that item is in the back room. Money from the till is sent to the bank every night. The store is open from 8am to 12am every day.


Ghost Town’s park occupies a large area right off of the main street. There is a playground for the children, and lots of trails for joggers/runners to use. There’s a gazebo in the centre, with benches set up for plays or weddings or memorials. In order to rent the gazebo for such events, one must fill out a form and submit it to City Hall.


The Office of the Departed is run by ghosts and are the town’s police force. On the outside of the building all it says is “Ghost Town Police” and immediately inside the building is what appears to be a normal police precinct. However, behind closed doors is the real Office of the Departed, which includes a holding cell and a special red telephone. If someone breaks the rules in a dangerous or drastic way, officers are required to use this telephone to alert the Higher Authority. If instructed to do so, they will then take the prisoner through a doorway in the back of the building. This doorway opens into darkness and nobody knows what happens to the ghost who are taken there.


Ghost Town Daily is the town’s newspaper. It is run by the Higher Authority and JD Hofferman. However, many of the stories and articles are written by ghosts staffed by the Higher Authority. They write in a small office, which hours are from 6am to 4pm. Any letters to JD are taken to this building and set inside a mailbox for him. JD then answers these letters in the next day’s edition of the paper. Despite working with him and for him, none of the ghost employees of the paper have seen him.


The Ghost Town bank is staffed by one ghost. Its hours are 8am to 5pm every day, except Sunday during which the bank is closed. Ghosts are allowed to take out loans, but they must have a good reason to do so. Ghosts coming from Section 1 rarely receive loans unless the Higher Authority allows it.


The Hazelnut Café & Bookstore is mainly a café that also sells books. It has a warm and homey atmosphere, with several tables, couches, and chairs set up for people to enjoy their drinks while reading books. The book selection is not as widely ranged as at the library, however new releases are often at the Hazelnut first. It is also the best place to buy undamaged books. The café sells a variety of coffees and teas, made and served by baristas. The café also sells scones, muffins, cupcakes, and other bakery items.


The Haunted Graveyard is the only restaurant and bar in town. It serves various grill items (burgers, sandwiches, steaks, shrimp, chicken, etc.), as well as alcohol. Alcohol is available to minors only if they are accompanied by someone over 21, and they are allowed only one glass.


The Thrifty Pawn Shoppe is a pawn shop near the edge of town. It is owned by a ghost named Garrett Cole and his young assistant Thomas. However, you’d be lucky to receive good service there from Cole. The place is mainly for selling items that cannot be returned to the Walmart, and purchasing items at a very discounted price. One can get loans from here, however there are severe consequences if they are not paid back in time.


Ghost Town’s church is mainly just for looks for the benefit of the living. If anyone would go inside, a pastor provided by the Higher Authority will greet him or her and talk/give advice if needed. However, once the person leaves, the pastor disappears. The church is normally empty, but if one walks by on Sunday morning, he or she may hear singing coming from inside.

Be active

We cannot have a role-player who is not active in the group. If you are going to be gone for a few days, you must let me know or else we will have to re-open your character. *One week of inactivity without letting me know will result in having a warning message sent out, or worse, your character re-opened. Inactivity notices will be reinforced. Even if we know your OOC, do not expect to come back thinking your roles are still there for you. You may reapply for your old characters if you’d like. You cannot neglect a character in favour of another character. If you need to put a character on hiatus, that’s fine. Just let me know

No godmodding

This RP does not tolerate godmodding of any kind, no exceptions. This includes characters knowing private conversations that may have happened, and unrealistic fights. Please remember that in a fight nobody walks away unscathed.

Use proper grammar and spelling.

Typing lyke dis lol is not acceptable.

♥ No OOC drama, none whatsoever.

We have zero tolerance for it. If I hear rumors or anything about any type of OOC drama, I will have a chat with the people involved and hopefully you will be able to keep

your characters. Create IC drama, and most importantly, be friendly to one another. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

{{ I'll be a very happy bunny if you join this! }}


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