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Realistic or Modern Ghost Recon - Athena Character Sheets

The Boneless

~ Razor Tail ~
Roleplay Type(s)
This is the character sheet we'll use for Ghost Recon - Athena, feel free to use any fancy bbcode's if you like but it's not mandatory! =)

[first and last]
Callsign: [used during operations]
Gender: [can be seen in roles]
Age: [28-42]
Date of Birth: [roleplay starts on the 11th of May, 2025]
Nationality: [nato country]
Place of Birth: [any]
Languages: [additional languages they are fluent in]
Role: [the one reserved]

Height: [ft or cm]
Weight: [lbs or kgs]
Description: [distinguishing marks, typical attire when not in uniform and so on]

Personality: [one paragraph]
Virtues: [five]
Vices: [three]
Likes: [five]
Dislikes: [three]
Fears: [two]
Hobbies: [two]

History: [three paragraphs]

Primary: [preferred primary weapon]
Secondary: [preferred secondary weapon]
Other: [specific equipment to your role]

[any notable sayings or mantras they live by]

Elena Vulpe
Callsign: Vix
Gender: Female
Age: 28 years old
Date of Birth: March 5th, 1997
Nationality: Romanian
Place of Birth: Romania
Languages: English, Romanian, Italian, Bulgarian, French, Greek
Role: Marksman

5’ 6 ft
Weight: 130 lbs
Description: She has a fair, borderline pale complexion that seemingly never tans and just burns when underneath the sun for too long. Her figure isn’t bulky but rather lean. When you initially look at her, she looks as pure as an angel. Her face is round, you can see it in her cheeks alone. The expression on her face looks of grace and elegance.

She has natural black medium-length hair that ends just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes are dark brown eyes and have a hooded shape to them. And although her skin looks seemingly unscathed, she does have callouses on her hands.

When not in uniform, Elena will typically wear light-colored clothing. She’ll wear any range of clothing from dresses to jumpsuits, she just prefers them to be somewhat breezy in the hotter months and thicker in the colder months.

Only one word could be used to describe Elena Vulpe. Calm. Even in times of crisis, she doesn’t panic. She thinks of how to go about it. Which is great, when handling any weapon the key is always to be calm. She learned that the hard way.

To people who don’t know her, she seems intimidating. She may not have an RBF but her reputation precedes her, known for being one of the best marksmen in Ghost. She doesn’t seem to be very talkative to new people, only deeming to say what’s necessary.

However, once you get past her cold exterior, you get to know someone who is incredibly loyal and hardworking. She cracks more jokes and smiles the most time spent together. Some could akin her to being a younger sister of sorts and isn’t afraid of saying sarcastic remarks and having no fear of speaking her mind. Her work is her life, so she really thinks of the squadron she’s on as a family.
Virtues: Calm, Loyal, Courageous, Hardworking, Confident
Vices: Mercilessness, Soft-Spoken, Major Workaholic
Likes: Food, Weapons, Missions, Music, Playing Darts
Dislikes: Missing, Attention, Being late
Fears: Missing a target that leads to a failed mission, losing her squad
Hobbies: Cooking, Dancing

Elena was born and raised in Brașov, Transylvania, Romania. Her biological family was a mystery to her since at the age of 3, she was dropped off at the doorstep of an orphanage. So that’s the only life she’s ever known. Growing up there was rather brutal, the orphanage where they left her wasn’t the fancy state-funded one. No, they left her in some dingy, run-down, privately-owned orphanage on the bad side of town. The kids stuck in there with her were brutal, playing horrid pranks on each other. In that place, it was survival of the fittest. You were “taken care of” in theory. They sent you to school, fed you, and provided you with necessities like a few articles of clothing. But, Elena learned quickly that you couldn’t trust anyone. If you miraculously found a friend, they’d turn around and dump a bucket of toilet water on your head or stab you with a thumbtack they stole from one of their teachers at school. The nuns that ran the place weren’t any help either. They usually just dismissed you if you complained and were told to go to the chapel and pray for the Lord’s protection. What good does that do for any of them? None.

So she lived her life there in that horrid place for 18 years. The day after her 18th birthday, they kicked her out. She was 18. She was no longer a minor and, therefore no longer their problem. With only a backpack full of belongings, she was stuck on the street of Brașov with nowhere to go. Instead of being homeless on the street, Elena decided to enter the army. She learned how to survive in that orphanage, she knew she could learn how to survive anywhere else. And once she was in, she excelled, particularly in long-ranged weaponry. She was bestowed honors and rose through the ranks incredibly quickly. It became a joke on the base that they should never play darts against her, because she beat everyone on base constantly. It soon received her reputation of having an eagle’s eye. She never missed.

With Elena producing constant results, the Romanian government took notice of her. The government had recently been informed of “Ghost Recon”, a new unit NATO was putting together. Every country was welcome to send in their best-performing agents to undergo rigorous training. So they invited Elena into their headquarters, informed her of their decision, and she was sent off to Greece. Once she started her training, it was a whole new environment. A new world to learn to survive in. The training was ramped up to about a thousand. Every day she felt like digging her own grave and laying in there, that was how gruesome the training felt. But she kept at it, she had to represent her country well, she had to represent herself well. In the end, after a few weeks of getting used to everything, Elena was back and functioning at her best self again. She was producing results again. She learned so many new things that elevated her as both a marksman and a soldier. All that was left to do was receive her squad and her first mission.

Accuracy International L115A3 (Sniper)
Secondary: Beretta M9 (Pistol)
Other: Tactical Blade

“One man can change the world with a bullet in the right place.”
Faceclaim: Meltem Akçöl


Ruprecht Braun
Callsign: Echo
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Date of Birth: April 8, 1991
Nationality: Germany
Place of Birth: Bavaria, Germany
Languages: English, German, Arabic, Spanish, Russian
Role: Technology Specialist

194 cm
Weight: 91 kg
Description: The man has jet black hair, usually well kept and not too short, and green eyes. Ruprecht wears a silver chain with a golden cross at all times, along with two silver rings (one on his right index finger and one on his left middle finger). He has a small scar on the left side of his face, right up near the temple, and he has another one that is a much larger gash running down his left shoulder blade. Ruprecht has no tattoos and wears no other jewelry. When not in his combat gear, he tends to favor either a Hugo Boss black suit with no tie, or a casual black t-shirt with dark jeans and an open white jacket.

Ruprecht likes to keep to himself, generally staying away from groups of people and mostly staying quiet during conversations. He has a strong sense of who he can and cannot trust, and will make sure to always keep tabs on the people he cares about, even from afar. Analysis is one of his strong suits, and one he takes advantage of whenever he can. Ruprecht likes to take stock of the situation before even inserting himself, planning ahead how he will act and make his move when it best suits him. Most people make an effort to approach Ruprecht, thinking that they will find someone different if they get close to him, but he really is the same with everyone. He isn't rude towards people, or avoids them, but he genuinely doesn't see a point in saying anything that doesn't need to be said. Even then, he will express his friendship and closeness to the people who have gained his trust, one way or another. He is not quick to anger, and tends to blow most things off, but he never forgets an offense, no matter how small. Ruprecht doesn't always believe in revenge, but he also doesn't tend to believe in forgiveness.

Virtues: Loyalty, Ambitious, Dedicated, Confident, Analytical
Vices: Reserved, Callousness, Greed
Likes: Eating, Sleeping, Computers, Training, Smoking
Dislikes: Loud places, Drugs, Being wrong
Fears: Failure, Losing his parents
Hobbies: Hacking, Grilling

Ruprecht was born in a small farm somewhere in the farmlands of Bavaria, Germany. His mom and dad were always kind and caring to him, and instilled in him all the values they could. Most of his early life was spent commuting back and forth to the nearest city for school and working the farm with his dad. It was grueling and difficult, but Ruprecht loved every second of it. Farm work made him strong and rough and taught him how to be a responsible man. When he turned 12, Ruprecht was gifted his first computer with an old Windows 95 operating system. At the time, however, it was the latest and greatest, and it gave way to the birth of Ruprecht's love for technology. Instead of studying for his exams, Ruprecht spent most of his time on his computer, learning all sorts of things like coding. That farm boy found his true calling in the virtual world, far from the rugged and difficult fields. He quickly took to it and excelled at working with technology. Such was his talent that he dropped out of school and started working as a freelance hacker for hire. He would work the fields with his dad in the mornings and spend the afternoons breaking into and taking down websites and company pages for hundreds of euros. It was during this time that Ruprecht learned English and Russian, as those were the languages spoken by most of his clients.

When Ruprecht turned 17, his father fell ill and could no longer work the farm, which led Ruprecht to seek out more and more dangerous work that paid better so he could take care of his family. Towards the end of the Great Recession, in 2009, he was hired to steal information from Deutsche Bank by a group of extremists looking to take down the big banks. Despite being successful, Ruprecht was careless and left an electronic trail that led the police straight to him. He was arrested and threatened with upwards of 10 years in prison for what he did. A man by the name of Luther, however, found out about Ruprecht's case and decided to pull him out of prison. In return, Ruprecht was to enlist in the Bundeswehr and assist the army with cybersecurity. Ruprecht struggled with a lot of the finer aspects of military training such as handling firearms and teamwork, but his lack of finesse was compensated by his immense strength due to working on a farm his whole life. Months later, just before turning 19, Ruprecht became a fully-fledged member of the German army. Once in the army, he quickly displayed exceptional skills and an incredible mind. It didn't take long for him to climb the ranks and became a major, participating in various operations in the Balkans, where he built entire systems to allow for reduced casualties. With his family taken care of by the government, Ruprecht was allowed to fully immerse himself in his new life.

When Ruprecht turned 25, Luther recommended him to the Kommando Spezialkräfte, which is the German special forces. They quickly recognized his talents and abilities and he became part of the special forces, quickly integrating himself. Ruprecht spent years in the Middle East, disabling and taking over various terrorist organization's digital systems and using his prowess to allow his comrades to destroy them from within. Many of those operations are well-known, but most of them are completely unknown. It was during this time that Ruprecht learned Arabic in order to more easily imitate the enemy's messages and he got so good at it that he could control correspondence between terrorist groups and they had no way of knowing. These activities earned him the callsign "Echo." After this, Ruprecht was tasked with aiding with NATO's efforts to reinforce cybersecurity and digital systems in Colombia, where he learned Spanish. Upon returning to Germany after a series of resounding successes, the government sent him to Greece for "reassignment." All he was told was that he'd be attempting to join a new squad focused entirely on being invisible, which was something Ruprecht knew all about. Ghost Recon pushed Ruprecht to his limits and far past them, breaking everything he knew about traditional training and military tactics. The process was grueling and intense, but he relished the challenge and fought to prove his worth until he was finally in. Now, in this new chapter of his life, Ruprecht must remain at his best at all times because failure is not an option.

Secondary: Glock 17 4th Generation
- Undercover CIA Stinger II Blade
- Modified Panasonic Toughbook 40
- RF-7850S SPR Radio
- Wired and wireless headphones
- Six USBs
- Dual Band Decoy frequency jammer
- Three burner phones
- Cable with multiple different ports

"Become your enemy to defeat your enemy."

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