Ghost Hardware




All OOC Goes Here, Please.

|Make sure to keep Human:Ghost ratio balanced.|

|Post 8+ Sentences, per response. NO One Liners|

|Check Overview for Complete Info.|

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Hey there! I'm pretty interested in the story you have boiling here to be honest, would like to apply myself. Although I had a question with the application list under the history part; if we post history about the reintegration, does that mean the RP takes place a little bit afterword? Or is the whole "post reintegration" something you add as you RP...
Same question, also could a human be selected because they are related to a ghost? Like siblings, cousins, twins. Someone who didn't know what was going on, but knows that their family member was alive as a human?
I feel like it would be a crime for me NOT to join this RP, so my CS will be up whenever I'm able to do it.

Okay, so basically here are the answers to your questions:

1. This role-play takes place a bit after the re-integration, a month or so. So, in the portion of the history you would describe how life went on for your character beforehand, and then the effects and impact of the selection to the re-integration. @Kai Ghoul

2. Family members will not be selected because of the whole secrecy thing, once your body is transferred to the inorganic body there is a contract signed to keep everything that has happened secret and to deny any communication to family members and or friends. Basically, you sign your life away to the company that creates the body for good. It's a small price to pay versus, death.

3. Let me remind you all that the humans forming a part in the re-integration are not aware of anything that is happening around them, because the Ghost Hardware was never actually supposed to have continued testing on human subjects. They think this is just some random part of city government to provide unity within the inhabitants of Imperial City aka Chicago.

4. Also, keep in mind that their bodies are synthetic inorganic material. So skin is made of a patented sort of textile that feels and looks real, also smoking and drinking do not affect their health. All fluids are produced by high tech wiring, machines, and tubes that mimic the human organs and vessels.

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Now they just need to download a software that allows for the symptoms of intoxication or the sensations of drugs. Interested as well if this is still open.
Irubus said:
Now they just need to download a software that allows for the symptoms of intoxication or the sensations of drugs. Interested as well if this is still open.
Go ahead dear!
I am as well, I'm just going through a rough time at school trying to finish out the semester and such v.v'

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