• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fandom 𝑮𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒊 𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔



ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀ ᴏғ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʀᴇᴇs
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello all! Before we get to the point, I will be adding some rules here before you decide to sign up (for my own purposes^^;)
• Time moves on by posts. Every new page, the time changes from MORNING/EVENING/NIGHT. CLASSES will be included for only a certain period of time (e.g. if it's a math class, require posts to continue the story would be like 3 posts minimum by anyone for them to allow to move on with their day)
• There will always be an [!]E v e n t [!] going on each day. You can choose whether or not to attend it.
• Seasons change every 10 days in the roleplay due to time phases.
• A [YEAR] will not count due to the seasons changing for roleplay purposes.
• Respect others how you want to be respected
Please follow your character's storyline/guide! You may change it if you'd like, just let me know if you decide to with your partner.
• Any problems, questions, or anything, feel free to message me.

Spirited away
"Once you've met someone, you never really forget them."
Boy remembers the girl during his childhood years but she doesn't. When he was little
he was injured as a dolphin, and the girl came and took care of him by being by his side and giving her handkerchief to him. Boy can transform into a dolphin/human whenever he wants to. He always observes her from afar and protects her.

Howl's moving castle
"A heart's a heavy burden."
Girl is cursed under a spell ever since she was small to wear a hideous mask. [She's unable to take off the mask; permanently stuck on her] Bullied, ridiculed, and outcasted, there was no way to undo this curse. That is... until she meets the boy who somehow takes off her mask to reveal her stunning beauty. The boy was rumored to be a creature and has magic that devours people's heart so everyone was scared of him.

Castle in the sky

"No matter how many weapons you have, no matter how great your technology might be, the world cannot live without love"
A girl who is a wealthy heiress living in a [castle in the sky] and hides her identity by switching up her name after getting hit by a car. The family who hits her gets out of the car, and the Boy saves her. She lies that she has amnesia because she is trying to get away from her strict parents, residing with boy and his family. The only thing she has in possession with her is the pendant she always wore, which was the identity of her wealthy family.

Kiki's Delivery Service
"We need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it's not easy"
A young girl who lives in the countryside goes to live in the city, unaware of the big huge differences in the place. She wants to become independent, living in her own little apartment owned by her aunt. She helps out her aunt as much as she can to make up for the rent and hospitality she gives her. Here, she constantly encounters the boy who seems to bump into her all the time(who happens to live in the same apartment). As things begin to get harder for her, she misses home and begins to doubt her life of living independently and having to really grow up.

The Secret World of Arrietty
"From the moment I saw you, I wanted to protect you."
A short girl and a tall sick boy. Tall boy's family is wealthy and short girl's family is poor. The more he interacts with her, the more threat the girl gets because of her family background. Since the gal goes around his place dropping off the newspaper and picks up their bottle of milk to sell for the family, he is always expecting her every day in the morning before they go to school, making sure to put the milk jars in the front. As time goes on, the girl figures out what he's doing and stops picking up the jars of milk to sell, telling him to leave her alone. They later get intertwined and the boy wishes to get better to live (from delaying his operation to make him better) because of her determined personality.





Picture (Please make it a decent picture so I can use for the front of the RP! ^^ Also animated pictures only. Realistic/semi animated is fine too)
Age (14-18)
Race (Only applies for specific characters if it is other than human)
Role (Which role are you going for?)
Relation with your soulmate (Any history with the other character? What happened? Do they remember or not? You may discuss this with the other roleplayer)

Accepted Roles
Spirited away
"Once you've met someone, you never really forget them."

Boy Taken by Sign
Girl is still open

𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: In this pair, the Boy can turn into a dolphin/human whenever he wants, but it does use his powers. He has the ability to use magic (specifically MINOR water abilities). The female in this pair has no memory of him whatsoever. She only remembers that she lost her favorite handkerchief (which was obviously given to the boy). The boy cannot remember because he is cursed and doesn't know why (and will be explained in his biography somewhere =u=). We can choose the idea that the girl cannot swim and was saved by him when she was small, causing her to be afraid of large bodies of water or something including the incident where the boy had been injured. PM me about an idea^^

Howl's moving castle
"A heart's a heavy burden."

Boy is still open
Girl is still open

𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: The Girl has been wearing a hideous mask ever since she was a child because she was cursed. You can choose the reason (jealously of someone, some witch cursed her, etc). The male's rumor comes from the village where he lived because the boy is actually a descendent of Howl, a wizard. This means that yes, the boy is a wizard and will be able to cast spells. Of course you do not want to attract any attention when using magic but he was able to take off of the Girl's mask because of their fate intertwined together (which can be connected with the girl's reason of the curse and his fate with hers). The one who may have cursed the girl could have been the boy's aunt or mother or something else. Make it funnn.

Castle in the sky
"No matter how many weapons you have, no matter how great your technology might be, the world cannot live without love"

Boy is still open
Girl is still open

𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: It is said that someone who lives in the castle in the sky is the wealthiest of the wealthy, but the girl may have ran off due to her own reasons which you may make up (maybe due to marriage, controlling parents, etc). The boy is not too poor, but not too rich either, but the family may take her in because of guilt/they were nice/etc. You choose!

Kiki's Delivery Service
"We need to find our own inspiration. Sometimes it's not easy"

Boy is still open
Girl is still open

𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: You can choose whether or not you would like to have the Girl be a witch. You can also alternate the storyline in this between the boy and the girl. Don't worry about this, as the roleplay starts, many problems/issues needed to be solved will be added/helped for this pair.

The Secret World of Arrietty
"From the moment I saw you, I wanted to protect you."

Boy is still open
Girl is still open

𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: The boy is sickly, but he will be saved eventually as the roleplay starts or goes on. Just take notes on the storyline provided above and yes, you may alternate the story if you'd like ^^
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full name

Yuhara Kenji








Spirited Away;; Dophin-san




Yuhara is a spinner dolphin, at the current size of about 10 feet long. He is a distinctive baby-blue colored dolphin, rare for the cases seen around the ocean since these are commonly known as the guardians of the sea. He can be granted to become human for a couple of days, but it is essential for him to go back to a body of water so that he doesn't lose control of his magic.

Yuhara's human form is five feet, ten inches all [5'10in] [117.8cm]. He has leather-light brown short hair with chestnut-colored eyes. His eye color is the same as his dolphin form, but seeing the eyes of a dolphin is pretty hard since you would have to get very close to him to see his eye color.




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a small quote
can come here.


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theme song

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info here
coded by natasha.
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Picture: e74d49b11e24ca82f0f52953aab0cdf5.jpgmask.jpg
Name: Airi Hoshino
Age 17

Personality: After a childhood of constant bullying and name calling, Airi has curated a demeanor of solitude and passiveness that push her into the background of most situations. It's hard for her to not be noticed, so she figured if she keeps to herself and only speaks when necessary, it limits the amount of attention and focus brought onto her. This pushed her away from involvement with people her age, hindering her with the inability to relate to the problems that most normal teens face or offer understanding and compassion for problems not specific to her own. For as long as she's lived, she has seen the world divided into two parts, on one side is her, the other, everyone else. Airi is tough, developing a thick skin after having to overcome the ridiculing jeers from her classmates on a regular basis. She has an occasional streak of temper in her however, when the jeers begin to get too much and the bullying a little too invasive, Airi does not hesitate to command her space and defend herself. This mean streak scares her, since her classmates constantly call her a demon incarnate and evil. When her temper flares up, she wonders if they are right.

Likes: Solitary hobbies such as reading, art, writing. Her main passion lies in gardening, as unlike people and animals, plants do not grimace or show fear at the sight of her mask.

Dislikes: Attention, large gatherings, big friend groups

Biography: Airi doesn't remember why she was cursed. She doesn't even remember her life before the mask. All she knows is that from the moment the curse was placed upon her, it had defined her life and dominated any and all aspects of her personality. Who she was didn't matter, as to everyone who involved themselves with her, she immediately became the girl with the oni mask. Even her own family began to treat her differently, as her mother knew of her beauty and was heartbroken at seeing her young daughter plagued with such a hideous curse. Although they tried to hide it, Airi could always see the pain and disgust in her family's eyes whenever they looked upon her.

Her social and school life were not much improvements from her life at home, having to constantly mitigate the various reactions of disgust and fear that arose from any who crossed her path, even a mere stranger on the street whom she would never see again. Thus, Airi spent the majority of her childhood building up her thick skin and growing used to the solitary, closed off life she began to lead.

She was grateful when her parents allowed her to move out away to an apartment in a nearby city in order to attend a school called Ghibli Academy. Finally she could get away from her old classmates and the memories of their abuse, away from her parents who never looked at her the same. Airi finds the academy much more tolerable than her earlier schools, because the students there are–different. Sure, she still gets stares, but so many of them have their own weird quirks and problems as well. Airi spends most of her days attending class and occasionally working at her part time job at an old herbalist's garden shop, helping tend to his plants. She likes spending time with the old man, he is the only one who doesn't look at her differently.

Relation with your soulmate: TBD

Other: Airi was cursed by a woman who fostered unrequited love for her father. The woman was jealous of Airi's mother's beauty and the couple's happiness upon having delivered a beautiful child. The idea of seeing the face of the man she loved mixed with another repulsed the woman to no end, so she cursed the child to wear a mask to prevent her face from ever being seen again.
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"You'd think they'd never seen a girl and a cat on a broom before"

Name: Mickey “Mimi” Arnold

Age: 16

Race: Human

At heart, this little witch is a free spirit. Mimi’s motto is of going with the flow and, quite literally in her case, following wherever the wind may take her. Stability is the last thing on her agenda as Mimi is all about searching for new things no matter the distance as she gets quite easily bored adhering to the status quo. One might even call her childish as she can get fussy when stuck doing the same thing for an extended period of time. May the lord have mercy if she even gets slightly bored because Mimi will certainly do anything within her power to get rid of it no matter the cost. She especially tends to cling onto others to either a.) beg them to do something with her or b.) get a rise out of them for the pure sake of it. She’s able to interact with others quite easily due to her rather extroverted nature. Mimi can easily worm her way into a conversation without feeling any sort of awkwardness or anxiety even if those partaking in it don’t quite appreciate her presence. This certainly doesn’t bother her as Mimi has a lot of difficulty at reading the room. She’s blunt and will often blurt something out without thinking of the consequences. Thankfully she rarely has any ill will in her words so if notified any rude comment she made, Mimi will typically apologize and harbor no ill will.

Another one of Mimi’s enjoyments in life is of independence. She might be a tad clingy socially, but in all other areas the witch will rarely rely on others. This combined with a competitive spirit, makes it pretty troubling for the girl to throw the towel in and either give up or ask for help. When stuck with something that requires reliance on people, Mickey tends to let it snowball instead of actually fixing the problem through depending on someone. This isn’t due to any sort of arrogance, rather Mimi hates having to burden others with her problems when she (in her opinion) can handle it just fine.

Shiny rocks
New experiences
Flying on her broomstick
Clothing with pockets

Staying in her comfort zone
Any sort of math
Being dependent on others

Mimi was born and spent the majority of her life out on a farm in the countryside where the nearest neighbors were about a two hour drive away from her home. She didn’t really have a whole lot of friends, only sharing a close bond with her parents, the cattle, and her rather large cat Féefée. Féefée could be considered as Mimi’s best friend. Sure the feline was much more snooty than she’d ought to be but the cat always knew the juiciest gossip and was happy to spill it to the girl. The two outs quickly become as close as sisters. Even if they did fight on occasion, the two were always there for each other no matter what.

Mimi’s youth mostly consisted of doing hard labor on the farm and learning all there was to becoming a witch. Being sick of the slow and quaint farm life, she saw witchcraft as her ticket out of there and the gateway to a life of freedom. So she put her heart and soul into learning magic, hoping to know everything there is to it until she would become of age to finally fly out on her own. Luckily for her, Mimi had a mother and a grandmother who happened to both be skilled witches so she got double the teachers any other witch would have gotten. The only problem was with all of the categories of magic out there she didn’t have the slightest clue of what to focus on. Her mother focused her magic on potion making while her grandmother was much more of a fan of palm reading. Mimi however, eventually did find the winning subject, flying. She loved nothing more in the world than hopping onto her broom and soaring up into the sky where she had nothing holding her down. So when the time came for the girl to fly from her nest, Mimi flew from home and out into the great world with her cat in tow.

It took her quite a while to find someplace to land as there were so many places and sights to see. Eventually though she found the winning place, a bustling city that didn’t appear to have any other magic users around. She even heard that her aunt lived there and was willing to take the witch-in-training in. So Mimi went to stay with her relative. From then onward Mimi has spent her time working the odd jobs and helping her aunt, hoping to properly earn her stay in the woman’s apartment. She unfortunately hasn’t had the time to make a lot of friends but once the girl finds the chance, Mimi hopes to meet new people and even have a girlfriend or boyfriend if the chance comes. Who knows, maybe her special someone is just around the corner waiting to be asked out?

Relation with your soulmate: TBA

This is her cat Féefée. She enjoys fancy cat food and trashy T.V. Drama. Don’t get on her bad side unless you want some cat poo in your shoe.

Images were made using:
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  • One Summers Day
    Joe Hisaishi (DKT Remix)

    Name: Natsumi Kurokawa
    Nickname(s): Natsu, Na-chan
    Age: 16
    Race: Human
    Role: Spirited Away
    Artist: ふーみ (Teen)
    Faceclaim: Hana Shirosaki (Child)

黑川 夏海

coded by weldherwings.

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